Sān cùn tiāntáng
Three-inch heaven
步步惊心 片尾曲
Bùbù jīngxīn piān wěi qū
Ending theme song of Started by Each Step / Scarlet Heart
Yán Yìdān
tíng zài zhèlǐ bù gǎn zǒu xiàqù ràng bēishāng wúfǎ shàngyǎn
(I) stop at here, dare not to keep walking on, (and) to let sorrowfulness not able to surge.
停(stop)在(at)这里(here)不(not)敢(dare)走(walk)下去(to go on)让(let)悲伤(sorrowfulness)无法(unable)上演(to perform/ to put on stage)
xiàyīyè nǐ qīnshǒu xiě shàng de líbié yóubùde wǒ jùjué
On next page the departure you wrote down with your own hand is beyond my control.
下(next)一(one)页(page)你(you)亲手(with one’s own hands)写上(write upon)的(connecting particle)离别(departure)由不得( to be beyond control of )我(I)拒绝(refuse)
zhè tiáo lù wǒmen zǒu dé tài cōngmáng yōngbào zhāo bìngbù zhēnshí de yùwàng
This road we walked too hurriedly and embraced the desire that was not really realistic.
这(this)条(measure word for road)路(road)我们(we)走(walk)得(particle after verb and before the verb’s complement)太(too)匆忙(hurry)拥抱(embrace)着(particle shows action is occurring)并不(not at all)真实(real/true)的(connecting particle)欲望(desire)
láibují děng bù qǐ huítóu xīnshǎng mùlán xiāng zhē búzhù shāng
We did not have time to wait for turning our head to admire lily magnolia’s fragrance or to cover up the wound.
来不及(there was not enough time to)等不起(not able to wait)回头(turn one’s head)欣赏(to appreciate/ to admire)木兰香(lily magnolia)遮不住(not able to cover up)伤(wound)
búzài kàn tiānshàng tàiyang tòuguò yúncai de guāng
(I) stop seeing the light of sun penetrating from clouds in the sky.
不再(not anymore)看(see)天上(heaven/sky)太阳(sun)透过(penetrate)云彩(cloud)的(connecting particle)光(lights)
búzài zhǎo yuēdìng le de tiāntáng
I stop looking for the promised heaven.
不再(not anymore)找(look for)约定(promise)了(past tense marker)的(connecting particle)天堂(heaven)
búzài tàn nǐ shuō guò de rénjiān shìshì wúcháng
I stop sighing for the impermanence of mundane things.
不再(not anymore)叹(sigh)你(you)说(say)过(particle shows past experiences)的(connecting particle)人间(human world)世事(mundane things/ affairs of life) 无(no)常(consistence)
jiè búdào de sān cùn rìguāng
The three-inch sunlight that I am not able to borrow.
借不到(not able to borrow/ tried to borrow, but failed)的(connecting particle)三(three)寸(inch)日光(sunlight)
tíng zài zhèlǐ bù gǎn zǒu xiàqù ràng bēishāng wúfǎ shàngyǎn
(I) stop at here, dare not to keep walking on, (and) to let sorrowfulness not able to surge.
停(stop)在(at)这里(here)不(not)敢(dare)走(walk)下去(to go on)让(let)悲伤(sorrowfulness)无法(unable)上演(to perform/ to put on stage)
xiàyīyè nǐ qīnshǒu xiě shàng de líbié yóubùde wǒ jùjué
On next page the departure you wrote down with your own hand is beyond my control.
下(next)一(one)页(page)你(you)亲手(with one’s own hands)写上(write upon)的(connecting particle)离别(departure)由不得( to be beyond control of )我(I)拒绝(refuse)
zhè tiáo lù wǒmen zǒu dé tài cōngmáng yōngbào zhāo bìngbù zhēnshí de yùwàng
This road we walked too hurriedly and embraced the desire that was not really realistic.
这(this)条(measure word for road)路(road)我们(we)走(walk)得(particle after verb and before the verb’s complement)太(too)匆忙(hurry)拥抱(embrace)着(particle shows action is occurring)并不(not at all)真实(real/true)的(connecting particle)欲望(desire)
láibují děng bù qǐ huítóu xīnshǎng mùlán xiāng zhē búzhù shāng
We did not have time to wait for turning our head to admire lily magnolia’s fragrance or to cover up the wound.
来不及(there was not enough time to)等不起(not able to wait)回头(turn one’s head)欣赏(to appreciate/ to admire)木兰香(lily magnolia)遮不住(not able to cover up)伤(wound)
búzài kàn tiānshàng tàiyang tòuguò yúncai de guāng
(I) stop seeing the light of sun penetrating from clouds in the sky.
不再(not anymore)看(see)天上(heaven/sky)太阳(sun)透过(penetrate)云彩(cloud)的(connecting particle)光(lights)
búzài zhǎo yuēdìng le de tiāntáng
I stop looking for the promised heaven.
不再(not anymore)找(look for)约定(promise)了(past tense marker)的(connecting particle)天堂(heaven)
búzài tàn nǐ shuō guò de rénjiān shìshì wúcháng
I stop sighing for the impermanence of mundane things.
不再(not anymore)叹(sigh)你(you)说(say)过(particle shows past experiences)的(connecting particle)人间(human world)世事(mundane things/ affairs of life) 无(no)常(consistence)
jiè búdào de sān cùn rìguāng
The three-inch sunlight that I am not able to borrow.
借不到(not able to borrow/ tried to borrow, but failed)的(connecting particle)三(three)寸(inch)日光(sunlight)
búzài kàn tiānshàng tàiyang tòuguò yúncai de guāng
(I) stop seeing the light of sun penetrating from clouds in the sky.
不再(not anymore)看(see)天上(heaven/sky)太阳(sun)透过(penetrate)云彩(cloud)的(connecting particle)光(lights)
búzài zhǎo yuēdìng le de tiāntáng
I stop looking for the promised heaven.
不再(not anymore)找(look for)约定(promise)了(past tense marker)的(connecting particle)天堂(heaven)
búzài tàn nǐ shuō guò de rénjiān shìshì wúcháng
I stop sighing for the impermanence of mundane things.
不再(not anymore)叹(sigh)你(you)说(say)过(particle shows past experiences)的(connecting particle)人间(human world)世事(mundane things/ affairs of life) 无(no)常(consistence)
jiè búdào de sān cùn rìguāng
The three-inch sunlight that I am not able to borrow.
借不到(not able to borrow/ tried to borrow, but failed)的(connecting particle)三(three)寸(inch)日光(sunlight)
nàtiān táng shì wǒ ài guò nǐ de dìfang
That heaven is the place where I loved you.
那(that)天堂(heaven)是(is)我(I)爱(love)过(particle shows past experienc)你(you)的(connecting particle)地方(place)
Translate and annotated by Shu
寸cun is east Asian’s traditional measurement unit. Its length is not the same as inch’s.
Three-inch sunlight means very short-lived perfect love.
The information and allusion (典故 diǎngù) about Three-inch sunlight,
据传说终年云雾缭绕的玉龙雪山,即使在最晴朗的日子,阳光也无法穿透云层,传说在秋分那天,日月交合,同辉同映,神灵会在那天 ,将人世间最完美的爱情阳光,赐予人间.如果那天云开雾散,神奇的阳光就会铺满整个山谷. 每个被阳光抚摸到的人,都会获得最美,最圣洁的爱情.但是善妒的山神,在那一天从不开放胸怀.那一天总是会有云,有雾,有雨.所以人世间很难有完美的爱情. ”
Continue the reading, check 三吋日光到底是什么意思啊·为什么经常都看见“三寸”这个词
步步驚心 第1集 Episode 1
2 Responses to Ending theme song of popular Chinese TV drama 三寸天堂 San cun tian tang Three-inch Heaven 严艺丹 Yan Yidan: lyrics, pinyin, English translation, what is 三寸天堂 and 步步惊心 episode 1