How to say ” He will not come today” in Chinese: Ta1 jin1 tian1 bu2 hui4 lai2 他今天不会来

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How to say ” He will not come today” in Chinese: Jin1 tian1 ta1 bu2 hui4 lai2 他今天不会来。Jin1 tian1 (今天 today) ta1 (他 he) bu2 (不 not )hui4 (会 will) lai2 (来 come).他今天不会来。
Hui4 (会 will) is a modal verb that indicates an anticipated event or action. For example, I will go to see the concert. In Chinese, it will be wo3 (我 I) hui4 (会 will) qu4 (去 go) kan4 (看 see) yin1 音yue4 乐hui4 会 (yin1yue4hui4 means concert)。
Bu4 不 is a negative adverb. When bu4 is put before a fourth tone, the bu4 will naturally be changed to bu2; changes from the fourth tone to second tone. Bu2 hui4 means will not.
We mentioned earlier, hui4 can also used as the capability to do things. In that way, hui4 is equal to is able to. For exampe: wo3 hui4 tiao4 wu3
我会跳舞 (I am able to dance), but it can also mean I will dance. We can decide what kind of hui4 it means by understanding the context.

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