Tag Archives: Chinese

Free audio Mandarin Chinese basic Lesson 1 What is your favorite color? Chinese text, pinyin, English translation. Use interrogative pronoun 什么 shén me to form question sentences.Learn to say color names, sing color song.

Free audio Mandarin Chinese basic Lesson 1 What is your favorite color? Dear readers: The lesson consists 1. audio Chinese text dialogue, 2. Chinese text with pinyin, 3. Chinese text with pinyin and English annotation, 4. Chinese text with English … Continue reading

Posted in Basic Chinese, Chinese lesson, One Chinese sentence a day | Tagged , | 4 Comments

坚持到底 Jian chi dao di Persist to the end 阿杜 A Du / A Do: Chinese lyrics, pinyin, English translation. How to say ” We must persevere; we can’t give up halfway.” Mandarin phrases, proverbs, idioms. Rascal Flatts-I Won’t Let Go Lyrics

A-Do: Persevere 阿杜 堅持到底 [All the way] [audio:http://www.chinesetolearn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/listen-to84.mp3|titles=listen to] Mandarin Chinese, how to say ” We must persevere – we can’t give up halfway.” 我们一定要坚持到底,不能半途而废。 Wǒ men yīdìng yào jiānchí dào dǐ , bùnéng bàn tú ér fèi. Wǒ men … Continue reading

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