JJ Lin new song 林俊杰 Lin Junjie JJ Lin 可惜没如果 Ke xi mei ru guo If only / Unfortunately, there are no ifs: lyrics, pinyin and English translation

林俊傑 JJ Lin – 可惜沒如果 If Only (華納 Official 高畫質 HD 官方劇情版 MV)

2015跨年 林俊傑 可惜沒如果

JJ林俊傑自彈自唱新歌「可惜沒如果」 20141224 林俊傑《新地球》發片記者會

Lín jùnjié
JJ Lin

kěxī méi rúguǒ
If only
Unfortunately, there are no ifs

假如把犯得起的错 能错的都错过
jiǎrú bǎ fàn dé qǐ de cuò néng cuò de dōu cuòguò
If I wronged on all that I could have wronged and missed on all I could have missed,

假如(if)把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object )犯(commit)得(structural particle: used after a verb)起(able to + V)的(connecting particle)错(wrong) 能(able to)错(miss)的(connecting particle)都(all)错过(miss)

yīnggāi hái láidejí qù huǐguò
then I should still have time to repent.

应该(should)还(still)来得及(in time)去(to)悔过(repent)

jiǎrú méi bǎ yíqiè shuōpò
If I did not speak out all the truth,

假如(if)没(not)把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)一切(everything)说破(speak out)

那一场小风波 将一笑带过
nà yì cháng xiǎo fēngbō jiāng yí xiào dài guò
That small storm should have gone over with a smile.

那(that)一(one)场(measure word)小(little)风波(disturbance/crisis) 将(will/shall)一(one)笑(smile)带过(to go over)

在感情面前 讲什么自我
zài gǎnqíng miànqián jiǎng shénme zìwǒ
In front of feelings(love), who can still be selfish? (who can only talk about self?)

在(in/preposition)感情(feeling)面(face)前(front) 讲(talk)什么(what)自我(self)

要得过且过 才好过
yàodé guò qiě guò cái hǎoguò
Should be satisfied just to get through, then would be easy to live the life.

要(have to)得过且过(satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through / without high ambitions, but getting by) 才(then)好(easily)过(to have an easy time)

quándōu guài wǒ
Blame all on me —


不该沉默时沉默 该勇敢时软弱
bùgāi chénmò shí chénmò gāi yǒnggǎn shí ruǎnruò
the times I should not have been silent, but I kept silent; the times I should have been courageous, but I was weak.

不(not)该(should)沉默(silent)时(time)沉默(silent) 该(should)勇敢(courageous)时(time)软弱(weak/soft)

如果不是我 误会自己洒脱 让我们难过
rúguǒ bú shì wǒ wùhuì zìjǐ sǎtuō ràng wǒmen nánguò
If I did not mistakenly thought myself was free and at ease, I would not have made us this sad.

如果(if)不(not)是(is)我(me) 误会(mistakenly think/misundertand)自己(myself)洒脱(free and at ease) 让(let)我们(us)难过(to feel sad)

可当初的你 和现在的我 假如重来过
kě dāngchū de nǐ hé xiànzài de wǒ jiǎrú chóng lái guò
However, that time’s you and the me of the present, if we do it all over again.

可(yet)当初(that time)的(connecting particle)你(you) 和(and)现在(present)的(connecting particle)我(me) 假如(if)重来过(start all over)

tǎngruò nàtiān
If that day


把该说的话好好说 该体谅的不执著
bǎ gāi shuō dehuà hǎohǎo shuō gāi tǐliàng de bù zhí zhù
Should have nicely talked things out, should have been considerate and not have gotten attached.

把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)该(should)说(say)的(connecting particle)话(spoken words)好好(nicely)说(speak/talk) 该(should)体谅(to empathize / to show understanding) 的(connecting particle)不(not)执著(attached)

如果那天我 不受情绪挑拨 你会怎么做
rúguǒ nàtiān wǒ bú shòu qíngxù tiǎobō nǐ huì zěnme zuò
If that day, I did not instigated by moodiness, what you would have done?

如果(if)那(that)天(day)我(I) 不(not)受(to bear/ to suffer)情绪(moodiness)挑拨(to incite disharmony / to instigate) 你(you)会(will)怎么(how to)做(do)

那么多如果 可能如果我
nàme duō rúguǒ kěnéng rúguǒ wǒ
So many ifs, possibly if I ….

那么(that such)多(many)如果(if) 可能(possibly)如果(if)我(I)

可惜没如果 只剩下结果
kěxī méi rúguǒ zhǐ shèngxià jiēguǒ
What a pity, there is no ifs, only results remain.

可惜(it is a pity / what a pity / unfortunately)没(no)如果(if) 只(only)剩下(remain/left over)结果(results)


如果早点了解 那率性的你
rúguǒ zǎodiǎn liǎojiě nà shuì xìng de nǐ
If I could have understood you earlier, the you that acted that spontaneously.

如果(if)早(early)点(a bit)了解(understand) 那(that)率性(do things without much consideration)的(connecting particle)你(you)

或者晚一点 遇上成熟的我
huòzhě wǎn yìdiǎn yù shàng chéngshú de wǒ
Or a little bit later, you would have met the mature me.

或者(or)晚(late)一(one)点(bit) 遇上(meet)成熟(mature)的(connecting particle)我(me)


quándōu guài wǒ
Blame all on me —


不该沉默时沉默 该勇敢时软弱
bùgāi chénmò shí chénmò gāi yǒnggǎn shí ruǎnruò
the times I should not have been silent, but I kept silent; the times I should have been courageous, but I was weak.

不(not)该(should)沉默(silent)时(time)沉默(silent) 该(should)勇敢(courageous)时(time)软弱(weak/soft)

如果不是我 误会自己洒脱 让我们难过
rúguǒ bú shì wǒ wùhuì zìjǐ sǎtuō ràng wǒmen nánguò
If I did not mistakenly thought myself was free and at ease, I would not have made us this sad.

如果(if)不(not)是(is)我(me) 误会(mistakenly think/misundertand)自己(myself)洒脱(free and at ease) 让(let)我们(us)难过(to feel sad)

可当初的你 和现在的我 假如重来过
kě dāngchū de nǐ hé xiànzài de wǒ jiǎrú chóng lái guò
However, that time’s you and the me of the present, if we could do it all over again.

可(yet)当初(that time)的(connecting particle)你(you) 和(and)现在(present)的(connecting particle)我(me) 假如(if)重来过(start all over)

tǎngruò nàtiān
If that day


把该说的话好好说 该体谅的不执著
bǎ gāi shuō dehuà hǎohǎo shuō gāi tǐliàng de bù zhí zhù
Should have nicely talked things out, should have been considerate and not have gotten attached.

把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)该(should)说(say)的(connecting particle)话(spoken words)好好(nicely)说(speak/talk) 该(should)体谅(to empathize / to show understanding) 的(connecting particle)不(not)执著(attached)

如果那天我 不受情绪挑拨 你会怎么做
rúguǒ nàtiān wǒ bú shòu qíngxù tiǎobō nǐ huì zěnme zuò
If that day, I was not provoked by emotions, how you might have done?
If that day, I did not instigated by moodiness, what you would have done?

如果(if)那(that)天(day)我(I) 不(not)受(to bear/ to suffer)情绪(moodiness)挑拨(to incite disharmony / to instigate) 你(you)会(will)怎么(how to)做(do)

那么多如果 可能如果我
nàme duō rúguǒ kěnéng rúguǒ wǒ
So many ifs, possibly if I ….

那么(that such)多(many)如果(if) 可能(possibly)如果(if)我(I)

可惜没如果 没有你和我
kěxī méi rúguǒ méi yǒu nǐ hé wǒ
What a pity there are no ifs, and there is no you and me.

可惜(what a pity)没(there is no)如果(if) 没(not)有(have)你(you)和(and)我(me)

music ..

dōu guài wǒ
Blame all on me.


不该沉默时沉默 该勇敢时软弱
bùgāi chénmò shí chénmò gāi yǒnggǎn shí ruǎnruò
the times I should not have been silent, but I kept silent; the times I should have been courageous, but I was weak.

不(not)该(should)沉默(silent)时(time)沉默(silent) 该(should)勇敢(courageous)时(time)软弱(weak/soft)

如果不是我 误会自己洒脱 让我们难过
rúguǒ bú shì wǒ wùhuì zìjǐ sǎtuō ràng wǒmen nánguò
If I did not mistakenly thought myself was free and at ease, I would not have made us this sad.

如果(if)不(not)是(is)我(me) 误会(mistakenly think/misundertand)自己(myself)洒脱(free and at ease) 让(let)我们(us)难过(to feel sad)

可当初的你 和现在的我 假如重来过
kě dāngchū de nǐ hé xiànzài de wǒ jiǎrú chóng lái guò
However, that time’s you and the me of the present, if we do it all over again.

可(yet)当初(that time)的(connecting particle)你(you) 和(and)现在(present)的(connecting particle)我(me) 假如(if)重来过(start all over)

tǎngruò nàtiān
If that day


把该说的话好好说 该体谅的不执著
bǎ gāi shuō dehuà hǎohǎo shuō gāi tǐliàng de bù zhí zhù
Should have nicely talked things out, should have been considerate and not have gotten attached.

把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)该(should)说(say)的(connecting particle)话(spoken words)好好(nicely)说(speak/talk) 该(should)体谅(to empathize / to show understanding) 的(connecting particle)不(not)执著(attached)

如果那天我 不受情绪挑拨 你会怎么做
rúguǒ nàtiān wǒ bú shòu qíngxù tiǎobō nǐ huì zěnme zuò
If that day, I was not provoked by emotions, how you might have done?
If that day, I did not instigated by moodiness, what you would have done?

如果(if)那(that)天(day)我(I) 不(not)受(to bear/ to suffer)情绪(moodiness)挑拨(to incite disharmony / to instigate) 你(you)会(will)怎么(how to)做(do)

那么多如果 可能如果我
nàme duō rúguǒ kěnéng rúguǒ wǒ
So many ifs, possibly if I ….

那么(that such)多(many)如果(if) 可能(possibly)如果(if)我(I)

可惜没如果 只剩下结果
kěxī méi rúguǒ zhǐ shèngxià jiēguǒ
What a pity, there is no ifs, only results remain.

可惜(it is a pity / what a pity / unfortunately)没(no)如果(if) 只(only)剩下(remain/left over)结果(results)

Translated by Shu

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2015 top Mandarin song 王力宏 Wang Lihong Wang Leehom 就是现在 Jiushi xianzai Now is the time: lyrics, pinyin, English translation. Imagine Dragons – It’s Time (Lyrics)

王力宏 Wang Leehom《就是現在》”Now Is the Time” Official MV

Wang Leehom

Jiùshì xiànzài
Now is the time

bú yào tuō ní yòu dài shuǐ bú yào lǎnduò yòu làngfèi
Don’t wade in mud and water (do things slow and sloppily), don’t be lazy as well as wasteful.

不要(don’t)拖泥(drag mud)又(also)带(bring)水(water)不要(don’t)懒惰(lazy)又(also)浪费(waste)

zhè jiùshì wǒ de niándài
This is my era.

这(this)就是(is)我的(my)年代(era/a decade of a century)

xīngqiú pái chéng yì tiáo xiàn xiànzài gāi chènrèdǎtiě
Plants have aligned in a line. Now should strike the iron while it is hot.

星球(plants)排成(arrange and become)一(one)条(measure word for line)线(line)现在(now)该(should)趁(take advantage of)热(heat)打(hit/strike)铁(iron)

wǒ de mèng bú shì wèilái jiùshì xiànzài
My dreams are not the future, (but) is now.

我的(my)梦(dream)不(not)是(is)未来(future)就是(is/emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)现在(now)

wǒ de mèng bú shì wèilái jiùshì xiànzài
My dreams are not the future, (but) is now.

我的(my)梦(dream)不(not)是(is)未来(future)就是(is/emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)现在(now)

qiānxǐnián de qiánxī wǒ zài lùyīn shì kūqì
The eve of millennium, I was crying in the studio.

千禧年(millennium)的(connecting particle)前夕(eve)我(I)在(preposition word)录音室(studio that is used for recording)哭泣(cry)

lěijī de qiánlì dōu shì suìyuè liú de hénjì
Accumulated potentials all are the vestiges preserved by years and months.

累积的(accumulated)潜力(potential)都(all)是(are)岁月(time/years and months)留(leave/preserve)的(connecting particle)痕迹(trace/vestige)

nǎlǐ yǒu lóng wǒ jiù wǎng nǎlǐ nǔlì diǎnjīng
Wherever there are dragons, then I will go there to paint their eyes.

哪里(where)有(has)龙(dragon)我(I)就(then)往(go)哪里(there)努力(try hard)点睛(to dot in the eye/ the crucial point that brings the subject to life)

dàn wǒ de mèngxiǎng jiù xiàng tán bùchéng de liànqíng
However, my dreams are like the romance that were unable to ignite.

但(but)我的(my)梦想(dreams)就(is)像(like)谈不成(unable to ignite)的(connecting particle)恋情(romance)

xiàng mōbuzháo de xīngxing jiù xiàng luó xiǎo hǔ hé zǐ yí
They are like the stars that can’t be touched like Luo Xiaohu and Ziyi.

像(like)摸不着(not able to touch)的(connecting particle)星星(stars)就(is)像(like)罗小虎(a character in Crouching tiger and hidden dragon)和(and)子怡(Zhang Ziyi, a famous Chinese actress who played a role in Crouching tiger and hidden dragon)

línményījiǎo kàojìn dàn zuìhòu zhǐ gǎnshòu dǎjī
Tried to score, got close, but in the end just felt defeat.

临门一脚(try to score/ get near the net and try to kick the ball into it)靠近(lean to)但(but)最后(the end)只(only)感受(feel)打击(defeat/setback)

shēngmìng shì zìyóu bójī
Life is a free fight.


jǐcì diēdǎo jiù jǐcì pá qǐ
How many times you fall is how many times you need to stand up.

几次(how many times)跌倒(fall)就(then)几次(how many times)爬起(climb up)

zhè shì yì cháng pàiduì
This is a party.

这(this)是(is)一(a)场(measure word for party)派对(party)

zhè shì yì cháng gémìng
This is a revolution.

这(this)是(is)一(one)场(measure word for revolution)革命(revolution)


xiànzài míngbai yùnqi shì shénme dìngyì
Now I understand what is the definition of luck —


xiànzài dàngjī huì yùdào suǒyǒu zhǔnbèi
Now, when opportunity meets with all the preparation.


This is our time.

jiànzhèng quánshìjiè dōu biàn le
(We) witnessed all the world has changed.

见证(witness)全(all)世界(world)都(all)变(change)了(past tense particle)


bú yào tuō ní yòu dài shuǐ bú yào lǎnduò yòu làngfèi
Don’t wade in mud and water (do things slow and sloppily), don’t be lazy as well as wasteful.

不要(don’t)拖泥(drag mud)又(also)带(bring)水(water)不要(don’t)懒惰(lazy)又(also)浪费(waste)

zhè jiùshì wǒ de niándài
This is my era.

这(this)就是(is)我的(my)年代(era/a decade of a century)

Wooo ..

xīngqiú pái chéng yì tiáo xiàn xiànzài gāi chènrèdǎtiě
Plants have aligned in a line. Now should strike the iron while it is hot.

星球(plants)排成(arrange and become)一(one)条(measure word for line)线(line)现在(now)该(should)趁(take advantage of)热(heat)打(hit/strike)铁(iron)

wǒ de mèng bú shì wèilái jiùshì xiànzài
My dreams are not the future, (but) is now.

我的(my)梦(dream)不(not)是(is)未来(future)就是(is/emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)现在(now)

wǒ de mèng bú shì wèilái jiùshì xiànzài
My dreams are not the future, (but) is now.

我的(my)梦(dream)不(not)是(is)未来(future)就是(is/emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)现在(now)

wǒ yǐ shǔbùqīng yǒu duōshǎo de yǎnlèi
I am already not able to count how many tears (I shed).

我(I)已(already)数(count)不清(not clear)有(have)多少(how many)的(connecting particle)眼泪(tears)

wǒ yě shǔbùqīng yǒu jǐcì de diēdǎo
I am already not able to count how many times I fell.

我(I)也(also)数不清(not able to count)有(have)几次(how many times)的(connecting particle)跌倒(fall)

měicì de shībài hé měicì de dǎjī
Every defeat and every setback.

每(every)次(time)的(connecting particle)失败(failure)和(and)每(every)次(time)的(connecting particle)打击(setback/knock down)

yǐqián yǐwéi dōu shì zìjǐ búgòu hǎo
Before, I thought it was I was not good enough.

以前(before)以为(think)都(all)是(is)自己(self)不够好(not good enough)

dàn hūrán zhè yí kè kàn quánshìjiè dōu biàn le
However, suddenly, at this moment, I am seeing all the world has changed.

但(but)忽然(suddenly)这(this)一(one)刻(moment)看(see)全(all)世界(world)都(all)变(change)了(past tense marker)

wǒ bù míxìn dàn wǒ xiāngxìn bú shì qiǎohé
I am not superstitious, but I believe that this is not a coincidence.


zhè bú shì qiǎohé shā bùliǎo wǒ de dōu shì xuéxí
This is not a coincidence. What could not kill me, all (became what I) learned.

这(this)不是(is not)巧合(coincidence)杀不了(not able to kill)我(me)的(connecting particle)都(all)是(is)学习(learning)

xiànzài zhōngyú míngbai yùnqi shì shénme dìngyì
Now I finally understand what is the definition of luck.


不需要等待,this is my time
bù xūyào děngdài
No need to wait, this is my time.


zhōngyú jiùshì xiànzài
At last, the time is now.


bú yào tuō ní yòu dài shuǐ bú yào lǎnduò yòu làngfèi
Don’t wade in mud and water (do things slow and sloppily), don’t be lazy as well as wasteful.

不要(don’t)拖泥(drag mud)又(also)带(bring)水(water)不要(don’t)懒惰(lazy)又(also)浪费(waste)

zhè jiùshì wǒ de niándài
This is my era.

这(this)就是(is)我的(my)年代(era/a decade of a century)


xīngqiú pái chéng yì tiáo xiàn xiànzài gāi chènrèdǎtiě
Plants have aligned in a line. Now should strike the iron while it is hot.

星球(plants)排成(arrange and become)一(one)条(measure word for line)线(line)现在(now)该(should)趁(take advantage of)热(heat)打(hit/strike)铁(iron)

wǒ de mèng bú shì wèilái jiùshì xiànzài
My dreams are not the future, (but) is now.

我的(my)梦(dream)不(not)是(is)未来(future)就是(is/emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)现在(now)

lìshǐ jiù zhèyàng chóngfù dào le yǐnbàodiǎn chéngdù
History, just like this, keeps repeating itself, and reaches the tipping point.

历史(history)就(just)这样(this way)重复(repeating)到(arrive/reach)了(past tense marker)引爆(ignite)点(point)程度(degree)

xuézhě men dōu zài guānzhù
Scholars all are concerning and watching.

学者(scholar)们(suffix of plural)都(all)在(V+ing)关注(concern and watch)

dǎoyǎn men dōu zài rollingdǐpiàn
Directors all are rolling their films.

导演(director)们(suffix for plural)都(all)在(V+ing)rolling底片(film)

来 跟着我的脚步
lái gēnzhe wǒ de jiǎobù
Come, following my footsteps.

来(come) 跟着(following)我的(my)脚步(footsteps)

yìqǐ kèfú dìxīnyǐnlì
Together, overcome gravity.


bú yào huáiyí nàge shì wǒ
Don’t doubt. That one is me —


piāo zài tiānkōng de xīngxing
The star floating in the sky.

飘(float)在(in)天空(sky)的(connecting particle)星星(star)


bú yào tuō ní yòu dài shuǐ bú yào lǎnduò yòu làngfèi
Don’t wade in mud and water (do things slow and sloppily), don’t be lazy as well as wasteful.

不要(don’t)拖泥(drag mud)又(also)带(bring)水(water)不要(don’t)懒惰(lazy)又(also)浪费(waste)

zhè jiùshì wǒ de niándài
This is my era.

这(this)就是(is)我的(my)年代(era/a decade of a century)


xīngqiú pái chéng yì tiáo xiàn xiànzài gāi chènrèdǎtiě
Plants have aligned in a line. Now should strike the iron while it is hot.

星球(plants)排成(arrange and become)一(one)条(measure word for line)线(line)现在(now)该(should)趁(take advantage of)热(heat)打(hit/strike)铁(iron)

wǒ de mèng bú shì wèilái jiùshì xiànzài
My dreams are not the future, (but) is now.

我的(my)梦(dream)不(not)是(is)未来(future)就是(is/emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)现在(now)


wǒ de mèng bú shì wèilái jiùshì xiànzài
My dreams are not the future, (but) is now.

我的(my)梦(dream)不(not)是(is)未来(future)就是(is/emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)现在(now)

Translated by Shu

Imagine Dragons – It’s Time (Lyrics)

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