Mandarin Chinese children’s song 鱼儿鱼儿水中游 Yu er yu er shui zhong you Fish, fish, swim in the water: lyrics, pinyin, English translation


儿歌歌曲动画 鱼儿鱼儿水中游
Mandarin children’s song

Yu er yu er shui zhong you
Fish, fish, swim in the water

yú ér yú ér shuǐ zhōngyóu
Fish, fish, swim in the water.
鱼(fish)儿(suffix, no meaning)鱼(fish)儿(suffix, no meaning)水(water)中(within)游(swim)

yóu lái yóu qù lè yōuyōu
Swim to and fro happily and leisurely.

游(swim)来(to here)游(swim)去(to there)乐(happily)悠悠(leisurely)

juàn le wò shuǐcǎo
When the fish are tired, they lie down on the water plants.

倦(get tired)了(past tense marker)卧(lie down)水(water)草(grass)

è le mì xiǎo chóng
When the fish are tired, they look for little worm.

饿(became hungry)了(past tense marker)觅(look for)小(little)虫(worm)

lè yōuyōu lè yōuyōu
Happily and leisurely; happily and leisurely.

乐(Happily )悠悠(leisurely)乐(Happily )悠悠(leisurely)

shuǐjīng shìjiè rèn zìyóu
Crystal world allows them be free.


Translated by Shu

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无言的结局 Wu yan de jie ju Wordless ending 罗时丰Luo Shi feng 林淑容Lin Shu rong:lyrics, pinyin and English translation

羅時豐 林淑容 無言的結局


wúyán de jiéjú

Wordless ending

曾经是对你说过这是个无言的结局 随着那岁月淡淡而去
céngjīng shì duì nǐ shuō guò zhè shì gè wúyán de jiéjú  suízhe nà suìyuè dàndàn ér qù
Once I told you that this would be a silent ending and would fade away with those years.

曾经(once)是(is)对(toward)你(you)说(say)过(particle show past experience)这(this)是(is)个(measure word for ending)无言(speechless/silent)的(connecting particle)结局(ending) 随(accompany)着(aspect particle indicating action in progress)那(that)岁(year)月(month)淡淡(faintly)而(and so)去(go)

我曾经说过如果有一天我将会离开你 脸上不会有泪滴
wǒ céngjīng shuō guò rúguǒ yǒu yì tiān wǒ jiānghuì líkāi nǐ  liǎn shàng búhuì yǒu lèi dī
I once said that if one day I have to to leave you. On my face, there is not going to have tears.

我(I)曾经(once)说(say)过(experienced action marker)如果(if)有(have)一(one)天(day)我(I)将(will)会(will)离开(leave)你(you) 脸(face)上(top)不(not)会(will)有(have)泪滴(tears)

但我要如何如何能停止再次想你 我怎么能够怎么能够埋葬一切回忆
dàn wǒ yào rúhé rúhé néng tíngzhǐ zàicì xiǎng nǐ  wǒ zěnme nénggòu zěnme nénggòu máizàng yíqiè huíyì
However, how can I be able to stop thinking of you again? How can I be able to bury all the memories?

但(however/yet)我(I)要(have to)如何(how)如何(how)能(able to)停止(stop)再(again)次(measure word for time of action)想(miss/think)你(you) 我(I)怎么(how)能够(able to)怎么(how)能够(able to)埋葬(bury)一切(all)回忆(memories)

啊~让我再看看妳 让我再说爱妳 别将妳背影离去
a ~ràng wǒ zài kànkan nǐ  ràng wǒ zàishuō ài nǐ  bié jiāng nǐ bèiyǐng líqù
Ah, let me see you again, let me say I love you again. Don’t let your back leave ( my eyes).

啊(ah)~让(let)我(me)再(again)看看(see)妳(you) 让(let)我(me)再(again)说(say)爱(love)妳(you) 别(don’t)将(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把)妳(your)背影(view of the back)离去(leave/go away)

分手时候说分手 请不要说难忘记 就让那回忆淡淡的随风去
fēnshǒu shíhou shuō fēnshǒu  qǐng bú yàoshuō nánwàng jì  jiù ràng nà huíyì dàndàn de suífēng qù
Breaking up time, (you should) say breaking up. Please don’t say it is hard to forget, just let that memory faintly go with wind.

分手(breakup)时候(time)说(say)分手(breakup) 请(please)不要(don’t)说(say)难(hard to)忘记(forget) 就(just)让(let)那(that)回忆(memory)淡淡的(faintly)随(with)风(wind)去(go)

也许我会忘记 也许会更想妳 也许已没有也许
yěxǔ wǒ huì wàngjì  yěxǔ huì gēng xiǎng nǐ  yěxǔ yǐ méi yǒu yěxǔ
Perhaps, I will forget. Perhaps, I will miss you even more. Or perhaps, there is already no perhaps.

也许(perhaps)我(I)会(will)忘记(forget) 也许(perhaps)会(will)更(even more)想(miss)妳(you) 也许(perhaps)已(already)没(not)有(have)也许(perhaps)

Music ..

曾经是对你说过这是个无言的结局 随着那岁月淡淡而去
céngjīng shì duì nǐ shuō guò zhè shì gè wúyán de jiéjú  suízhe nà suìyuè dàndàn ér qù
Once I told you that this would be a silent ending and would fade away with those years.

曾经(once)是(is)对(toward)你(you)说(say)过(particle show past experience)这(this)是(is)个(measure word for ending)无言(speechless/silent)的(connecting particle)结局(ending) 随(accompany)着(aspect particle indicating action in progress)那(that)岁(year)月(month)淡淡(faintly)而(and so)去(go)

我曾经说过如果有一天我将会离开你 脸上不会有泪滴
wǒ céngjīng shuō guò rúguǒ yǒu yì tiān wǒ jiānghuì líkāi nǐ  liǎn shàng búhuì yǒu lèi dī
I once said that if one day I have to to leave you. On my face, there is not going to have tears.

我(I)曾经(once)说(say)过(experienced action marker)如果(if)有(have)一(one)天(day)我(I)将(will)会(will)离开(leave)你(you) 脸(face)上(top)不(not)会(will)有(have)泪滴(tears)

但我要如何如何能停止再次想你 我怎么能够怎么能够埋葬一切回忆
dàn wǒ yào rúhé rúhé néng tíngzhǐ zàicì xiǎng nǐ  wǒ zěnme nénggòu zěnme nénggòu máizàng yíqiè huíyì
However, how can I be able to stop thinking of you again? How can I be able to bury all the memories?

但(however/yet)我(I)要(have to)如何(how)如何(how)能(able to)停止(stop)再(again)次(measure word for time of action)想(miss/think)你(you) 我(I)怎么(how)能够(able to)怎么(how)能够(able to)埋葬(bury)一切(all)回忆(memories)

啊~让我再看看妳 让我再说爱妳 别将妳背影离去
a ~ràng wǒ zài kànkan nǐ  ràng wǒ zàishuō ài nǐ  bié jiāng nǐ bèiyǐng líqù
Ah, let me see you again, let me say I love you again. Don’t let your back leave ( my eyes).

啊(ah)~让(let)我(me)再(again)看看(see)妳(you) 让(let)我(me)再(again)说(say)爱(love)妳(you) 别(don’t)将(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把)妳(your)背影(view of the back)离去(leave/go away)

分手时候说分手 请不要说难忘记 就让那回忆淡淡的随风去
fēnshǒu shíhou shuō fēnshǒu  qǐng bú yàoshuō nánwàng jì  jiù ràng nà huíyì dàndàn de suífēng qù
Breaking up time, (you should) say breaking up. Please don’t say it is hard to forget, just let that memory faintly go with wind.

分手(breakup)时候(time)说(say)分手(breakup) 请(please)不要(don’t)说(say)难(hard to)忘记(forget) 就(just)让(let)那(that)回忆(memory)淡淡的(faintly)随(with)风(wind)去(go)

也许我会忘记 也许会更想妳 也许已没有也许
yěxǔ wǒ huì wàngjì  yěxǔ huì gēng xiǎng nǐ  yěxǔ yǐ méi yǒu yěxǔ
Perhaps, I will forget. Perhaps, I will miss you even more. Or perhaps, there is already no perhaps.

也许(perhaps)我(I)会(will)忘记(forget) 也许(perhaps)会(will)更(even more)想(miss)妳(you) 也许(perhaps)已(already)没(not)有(have)也许(perhaps)

分手时候说分手 请不要说难忘记 就让那回忆淡淡的随风去
fēnshǒu shíhou shuō fēnshǒu  qǐng bú yàoshuō nánwàng jì  jiù ràng nà huíyì dàndàn de suífēng qù
Breaking up time, (you should) say breaking up. Please don’t say it is hard to forget, just let that memory faintly go with wind.

分手(breakup)时候(time)说(say)分手(breakup) 请(please)不要(don’t)说(say)难(hard to)忘记(forget) 就(just)让(let)那(that)回忆(memory)淡淡的(faintly)随(with)风(wind)去(go)

也许我会忘记 也许会更想妳 也许已没有也许
yěxǔ wǒ huì wàngjì  yěxǔ huì gēng xiǎng nǐ  yěxǔ yǐ méi yǒu yěxǔ
Perhaps, I will forget. Perhaps, I will miss you even more. Or perhaps, there is already no perhaps.

也许(perhaps)我(I)会(will)忘记(forget) 也许(perhaps)会(will)更(even more)想(miss)妳(you) 也许(perhaps)已(already)没(not)有(have)也许(perhaps)

Translated by Shu

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