Wang Jun Qi 王俊琪 – Wo Duo Xi Huan Ni, Ni Hui Zhi Dao 我多喜欢你,你会知道 How much I love you, you will know OST of Chinese drama A Love So Beautiful 致我们单纯的小美好 Zhi women danchun de xiao meihao pinyin, lyrics and English translation


Wǒ duō xǐhuān nǐ, nǐ huì zhīdào



Wǒ xǐhuān nǐ de yǎnjīng


I like your eyes

你的睫毛 你的冷傲 /你的睫毛你的冷傲
nǐ de jiémáo nǐ de lěng’ào


Your eyelashes; your arrogance

wǒ xǐhuān nǐ de jiǔwō


I like your dimples

你的嘴角 你的微笑/你的嘴角 你的微笑
nǐ de zuǐjiǎo nǐ de wéixiào


Your corner of mouth, your smiles

我喜歡你全世界都知道嘲笑/我喜欢你全世界都知道 嘲笑
wǒ xǐhuān nǐ quán shìjiè dōu zhīdào cháoxiào


(The fact that)I like you, all the world knew and being teased

別鬧我會繼續 請你準備好/别闹我会继续,请你准备好
bié nào wǒ huì jìxù qǐng nǐ zhǔnbèi hǎo


Don’t disturb, I will continue. Please be well-prepared

我喜歡你的襯衫 /我喜欢你的衬衫
wǒ xǐhuān nǐ de chènshān


I like your shirt

你的手指 你的味道/你的手指你的味道
nǐ de shǒuzhǐ nǐ de wèidào

Your finger, your smell


wǒ xiǎng zuò nǐ de mián’ǎo

我(I)想(would like)做(to be)你的(your)棉袄(cotton-padded jacket)

I would like to be your cotton-padded jacket

你的手套 你的心跳/你的手套 你的心跳
nǐ de shǒutào nǐ de xīntiào

Your gloves, your heartbeat

你的(your)手套(gloves) 你的(your)心跳(heartbeat)

我喜歡你全世界都明了, 煎熬/我喜欢你全世界都明了, 煎熬
wǒ xǐhuān nǐ quán shìjiè dōu míngliǎo, jiān’áo

我(I)喜欢(like)你(your)全(whole)世界(world)都(all)明(understand)了(past tense particle), 煎熬(suffer)

I like you, the whole world all understood, suffering

別氣惱我多耐心 請你等著瞧/别气恼我多耐心 请你等着瞧
bié qìnǎo wǒ duō nàixīn qǐng nǐ děngzhe qiáo

Don’t be annoyed. I am so very patient, and you will see.

别(don’t)气恼(be mad)我(me)多(more)耐心(patience) 请(please)你(you)等(wait)着(particle)瞧(see)

喜歡你 在每一刻 每一秒/喜欢你 在每一刻 每一秒
xǐhuān nǐ zài měi yīkè měi yī miǎo

I like you, during every moment, every second

喜欢(like)你(your) 在(in/at/on)每(every)一(one)刻(moment) 每(every)一(one)秒(second)

喜歡你 在每一處 每一角/喜欢你 在每一处 每一角
xǐhuān nǐ zài měi yī chù měi yījiǎo

I like you, at every place, every corner

喜欢(like)你(you) 在(in)每(every)一(one)处(place) 每(every)一(one)角(corner)

喜歡你 已變成習慣 難以戒掉/喜欢你 已变成习惯 难以戒掉
xǐhuān nǐ yǐ biànchéng xíguàn nányǐ jiè diào

Liking you has become a habit and it is hard to quit

喜欢(like)你(you) 已(already)变成(become)习惯(habit) 难以(hard to)戒掉(quit)

我多喜歡你 我不知道/我多喜欢你 我不知道
wǒ duō xǐhuān nǐ wǒ bù zhīdào

How much I like you, I don’t know

我(I)多(how)喜欢(like)你(you) 我(I)不(not)知道(know)

喜歡你 讓下雨天 放晴了/喜欢你 让下雨天 放晴了
xǐhuān nǐ ràng xià yǔtiān fàngqíngle

Liking you let rainy day turn to sunny

喜欢(like)你(you) 让(let)下雨(fall rain)天(day) 放晴(become sunny)了(past tense particle)

喜歡你 讓下雪天 溫暖了/喜欢你让下雪天温暖了

xǐhuān nǐ ràng xià xuě tiān wēnnuǎnle

Liking you let snowy day become warm

喜欢(like) 你(you)让(let)下(fall)雪(snow)天(day)温暖(warm)了(past tense particle)

喜歡你 已變成信 仰難以放掉/喜欢你 已变成信 仰难以放掉
xǐhuān nǐ yǐ biànchéng xìnyǎng nányǐ fàng diào

Liking you has become a belief and it hard to let go

喜欢(like)你(you) 已(already)变成(become)信 仰(belief/religion)难以(hard to)放掉(let it go)

我多喜歡你 你會知道/我多喜欢你 你会知道
wǒ duō xǐhuān nǐ nǐ huì zhīdào

How much I like you, you will know

我(I)多(how)喜欢(like)你(you) 你(you)会(will)知道(know)

Music …..

wǒ xǐhuān nǐ dǎ lánqiú

I like you playing basketball


每個瞬間 都很閃耀/每个瞬间 都很闪耀
měi gè shùnjiān dōu hěn shǎnyào

Every moment is all shining

每(every)个(measure word)瞬间(moment) 都(all)很(very)闪耀(shining)

wǒ xǐhuān nǐ dàn gāngqín

I like you play piano


每個音符 都很美妙/每个音符 都很美妙
měi gè yīnfú dōu hěn měimiào

Every musical note is all wonderful

每(every)个(measure word)音符(music notes) 都(all)很(very)美妙(wonderful)

我喜歡你陪我看書 分心看我/我喜欢你陪我看书 分心看我
wǒ xǐhuān nǐ péi wǒ kànshū fēn xīn kàn wǒ

I like you read book with me; (you) looked at me and got distracted

我(I)喜欢(like)你(you)陪(accompany)我(me)看(read)书 (book)分心(distraction)看(see)我(me)

偷笑翻頁遊戲 我配合你導/偷笑翻页游戏 我配合你导
tōu xiào fān yè yóuxì wǒ pèihé nǐ dǎo

Smirking, flipping pages, playing games, I cooperate and you lead

偷笑(smirk)翻(flip)页(page)游戏(games) 我(I)配合(cooperate)你(you)导(lead)

偶爾心情 感冒發燒 你是甜的藥/偶尔心情 感冒发烧 你是甜的药
ǒu’ěr xīnqíng gǎnmào fāshāo nǐ shì tián di yào

Occasionally I was moody, got a cold, had a fever, and you were the sweet medicine

偶尔(occasionally)心情(mood) 感冒(cold)发烧 (fever)你(you)是(are)甜(sweet)的(connecting particle)药(medicine)

就算down到爆 有你煩惱全消/就算down到爆 有你烦恼全消
jiùsuàn down dào bào yǒu nǐ fánnǎo quán xiāo

Even though I was down to bursting bottom, having you made all my worries disappeared

就算(even though) down到(to)爆(burst) 有(you)你(you)烦恼(worries)全(all)消(disappear)

喜歡你 在每一刻 每一秒/喜欢你 在每一刻 每一秒
xǐhuān nǐ zài měi yīkè měi yī miǎo

I like you, during every moment, every second

喜欢(like)你(your) 在(in/at/on)每(every)一(one)刻(moment) 每(every)一(one)秒(second)

喜歡你 在每一處 每一角/喜欢你 在每一处 每一角
xǐhuān nǐ zài měi yī chù měi yījiǎo

I like you, at every place, every corner

喜欢(like)你(you) 在(in)每(every)一(one)处(place) 每(every)一(one)角(corner)

喜歡你 已變成習慣 難以戒掉/喜欢你 已变成习惯 难以戒掉
xǐhuān nǐ yǐ biànchéng xíguàn nányǐ jiè diào

Liking you has become a habit and it is hard to quit

喜欢(like)你(you) 已(already)变成(become)习惯(habit) 难以(hard to)戒掉(quit)

我多喜歡你 我不知道/我多喜欢你 我不知道
wǒ duō xǐhuān nǐ wǒ bù zhīdào

How much I like you, I don’t know

我(I)多(how)喜欢(like)你(you) 我(I)不(not)知道(know)

喜歡你 讓英文書 有趣了/喜欢你 让英文书 有趣了
xǐhuān nǐ ràng yīngwén shū yǒuqùle

Liking you let English book become interesting

喜欢(like)你(you) 让(let)英文(English)书 (book)有趣(interesting)了(past tense particle)

喜歡你 讓數學題 簡單了/喜欢你 让数学题 简单了
xǐhuān nǐ ràng shùxué tí jiǎndānle

Liking you let mathematics problems become simple

喜欢(like)你(you) 让(let)数学(mathematics)题 (questions)简单(simple)了(past tense particle)

喜歡你 已變成信仰 難以放掉/喜欢你 已变成信仰 难以放掉
xǐhuān nǐ yǐ biàn chéng xìnyǎng nányǐ fàng diào

Liking you has become a belief and it is hard to let go

喜欢(like)你(you) 已(already)变成(become)信仰(belief/religion) 难以(hard to)放掉(let go)

我多喜歡你 你會知道/我多喜欢你 你会知道
wǒ duō xǐhuān nǐ nǐ huì zhīdào

How much I like you; you will know

我(I)多(how)喜欢(like)你(you) 你(you)会(will)知道(know)

我多喜歡你 你會知道/我多喜欢你 你会知道
wǒ duō xǐhuān nǐ nǐ huì zhīdào

How much I like you; you will know

我(I)多(how)喜欢(like)你(you) 你(you)会(will)知道(know)

Translated by Shu

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李治廷 Aarif Rahman Li Zhiting I know you know, theme song for 2019 Chinese TV drama 我的真朋友 Wo de zhen pengyou My true friends

It’s great that there is no need for translation for it is a pure English song:) Enjoy!

The day fate set us to collide
The way you look into my eyes
Never thought love would come
Like all was meant to happen
Where you are will be where I start
You’ve become my only star
Where it’s dark is where you spark
I’d follow wherever you are
Baby I won’t let you feel afraid
I’ll be here with you through night and day
All these memories won’t be erased
My love for you will never fade
Hey I know you know
Our hearts getting close
I’m falling in love little by little
People come and people go
You’re the one I won’t ever let go
Cause I know you know
Our hearts getting close
We can’t deny it’s real
All my life searching
Now I know I found you

Music ***

The moment you whisper in my ears
I hear my heart racing on
Then I know love is here
I see you in my future
Where you are will be where I start
You’ve become my only star
Where it’s dark is where you spark
I’d follow wherever you are
Baby I won’t let you feel afraid
I’ll be here with you through night and day
All these memories won’t be erased
My love for you will never fade
Hey I know you know
Our hearts getting close
I’m falling in love little by little
People come and people go
You’re the one I won’t ever let go
Cause I know you know
Our hearts getting close
We can’t deny it’s real
All my life searching
Now I know I found you

Hey I know you know
Our hearts getting close
I’m falling in love little by little
People come and people go
You’re the one I won’t ever let go
Cause I know you know
Our hearts getting close
We can’t deny it’s real
All my life searching
Now I know I found you

Lyrics by 丁蓓 Ding Bei

Posted in Chinese TV Drama, English song, Famous Chinese singers, Uncategorized | Tagged | Comments Off on 李治廷 Aarif Rahman Li Zhiting I know you know, theme song for 2019 Chinese TV drama 我的真朋友 Wo de zhen pengyou My true friends