Make sure to listen to all three versions — An everlasting famous song 我是一只小小鸟 Wo shi yi zhi xiaoxiao niǎo I am a little little bird: lyrics, pinyin, English translation



小臭臭 我是一只小小鸟(超清)
Zhào Chuán
Dīng Dāng

Wǒ shì yì zhǐ xiǎoxiǎo niǎo
I am a little little bird

yǒushíhou wǒ juéde zìjǐ xiàng yì zhǐ xiǎoxiǎo niǎo
Sometimes, I feel myself is like a little little bird.

有(have)时候(sometimes)我(I)觉得(feel)自己(oneself)像(is like)一(one)只(measure word)小(small)小(small)鸟(bird)

想要飞 却怎么样也飞不高
xiǎngyào fēi què zěnmeyàng yě fēi bù gāo
I would like to fly, but no matter what just was not be able to fly high.

想要(would like)飞(to fly) 却(yet)怎么样(how come/no matter what)也(also)飞(fly)不(not)高(high)

yěxǔ yǒu yì tiān wǒ qī shàng le zhī tóu què chéngwéi lièrén de mùbiāo
Perhaps, there would be one day I perches on the branches, yet to become a target of hunters.

也许(perhaps)有(have)一(one)天(day)我(I)栖(perch)上(upon)了(past tense marker)枝头(branches)却(yet)成为(become)猎人(hunter)的(connecting particle)目标(target)

wǒ fēi shàng le qīngtiān cái fāxiàn zìjǐ cóngcǐ wúyīwúkào
I flew up to the blue sky, then discovered that from this moment on I have nothing to rely on.

我(I)飞(fly)上(up)了(past tense particle)青(blue)天(sky)才(then)发现(discover)自己(self)从此(from this moment on)无(no)依(cling to)无(no)靠(rely upon)

měicì dào le yèshēnrénjìng de shíhou wǒ zǒngshì shuì bùzháo
Every time, when the time deep night come and people are quiet, I always am not able to sleep.

每(every)次(time)到(arrive)了(past tense particle)夜(night)深(deep)人(people)静(quiet)的(connecting particle)时候(time)我(I)总是(always)睡不着(not able to sleep)

wǒ huáiyí shì -bu- shì zhǐ yǒu wǒ de míngtiān méi yǒu biànde gēng hǎo
I suspect that whether or not only my tomorrow did not become better.

我(I)怀疑(suspect)是(is)不(not)是(is)只(only)有(have)我的(my)明天(tomorrow)没有(did not)变得(became)更好(better)

wèilái huì zěnyàng jiūjìng yǒu shéi huì zhīdào
What outcome future will lead to, exactly who will know?

未来(future)会(will)怎样(how come)究竟(exactly)有(have)谁(who)会(will)知道(know)

xìngfú shìfǒu zhǐshì yìzhǒng chuánshuō wǒ yǒngyuǎn dōu zhǎobudào
Whether or not happiness is only a kind of legend that I will forever not able to find it.

幸福(happiness)是否(whether or not)只(only)是(is)一(one)种(kind)传说(legend)我(I)永远(forever)都(all)找不到(Not able to find it)

wǒ shì yì zhǐ xiǎoxiǎo xiǎoxiǎo niǎo
I am a little little bird.

我(I)是(am)一(one)只(measure word)小(small)小(small)小(small)小(small)鸟(bird)

想要飞呀飞 却飞也飞不高
xiǎngyào fēi ya fēi què fēi yě fēi bù gāo
I would like to fly, ah, fly, yet I flew and flew, but still were not able to fly high.

想要(would like)飞(fly)呀(particle-expressing surprise or doubt)飞(fly) 却(et)飞(fly)也(yet)飞(fly)不(not)高(high)

wǒ xún xúnmì mì xún xúnmì mì yí gè wēnnuǎn de huáibào
I look for, seek, and search for a warm bosom.

我(I)寻寻(search)觅觅(seek)寻寻(search)觅觅(seek)一(one)个(measure word)温暖的(warm)怀抱(bosom)

zhèyàng de yāoqiú suàn -bu- suàn tài gāo
Will this kind of request be regarded as too high?

这样(this kind)的(connecting particle)要求(request)算(regard)不(not)算(regard)太(too)高(high)

wǒ shì yì zhǐ xiǎoxiǎo xiǎoxiǎo niǎo
I am a little little bird.

我(I)是(am)一(one)只(measure word)小(small)小(small)小(small)小(small)鸟(bird)

想要飞呀飞 却飞也飞不高
xiǎngyào fēi ya fēi què fēi yě fēi bù gāo
I would like to fly, ah, fly, yet I flew and flew, but still were not able to fly high.

想要(would like)飞(fly)呀(particle-expressing surprise or doubt)飞(fly) 却(et)飞(fly)也(yet)飞(fly)不(not)高(high)

wǒ xún xúnmì mì xún xúnmì mì yí gè wēnnuǎn de huáibào
I look for, seek, and search for a warm bosom.

我(I)寻寻(search)觅觅(seek)寻寻(search)觅觅(seek)一(one)个(measure word)温暖的(warm)怀抱(bosom)

zhèyàng de yāoqiú suàn -bu- suàn tài gāo
Will this kind of request be regarded as too high?

这样(this kind)的(connecting particle)要求(request)算(regard)不(not)算(regard)太(too)高(high)

Music …

所有知道我的名字的人啊 你们好不好
suǒyǒu zhīdào wǒ de míngzi de rén a nǐmen hǎo -bu- hǎo
All the people who know my name, ah, how are you?

所有(all)知道(know)我的(my)名字(name)的(connecting particle)人(people)啊(ah) 你(you)们(suffix shows prural)好不好(good or not good)

世界是如此的小 我们注定无处可逃
shìjiè shì rúcǐ de xiǎo wǒmen zhùdìng wúchù kě táo
This word is such small, we are destined nowhere to run to.

世界(world)是(is)如此(such)的(connecting particle)小(small) 我们(we)注定(destine)无(no)处(place)可(able to)逃(flee to)

dāng wǒ cháng jǐn rénqíng lěngnuǎn dāng nǐ juédìng wèile nǐ de lǐxiǎng ránshāo
When I tasted all the coldness and hotness of human feelings when you decided that you were going to ignite for your dream.


shēnghuó de yālì yú shēngmìng de zūnyán nǎyīge zhòngyào
The pressure of daily living and the dignity of life, which one is more important?

生活(living)的(connecting particle)压力(pressure)与(and)生命(life)的(connecting particle)尊严(dignity)哪(which)一(one)个(measure word)重要(important)

wǒ shì yì zhǐ xiǎoxiǎo xiǎoxiǎo diǎo
I am a little little bird.

我(I)是(am)一(one)只(measure word)小(small)小(small)小(small)小(small)鸟(bird)

想要飞呀飞 却飞也飞不高
xiǎngyào fēi ya fēi què fēi yě fēi bù gāo
I would like to fly, ah, fly, yet I flew and flew, but still were not able to fly high.

想要(would like)飞(fly)呀(particle-expressing surprise or doubt)飞(fly) 却(et)飞(fly)也(yet)飞(fly)不(not)高(high)

wǒ xún xúnmì mì xún xúnmì mì yí gè wēnnuǎn de huáibào
I look for, seek, and search for a warm bosom.

我(I)寻寻(search)觅觅(seek)寻寻(search)觅觅(seek)一(one)个(measure word)温暖的(warm)怀抱(bosom)

zhèyàng de yāoqiú suàn -bu- suàn tài gāo
Will this kind of request be regarded as too high?

这样(this kind)的(connecting particle)要求(request)算(regard)不(not)算(regard)太(too)高(high)

wǒ shì yì zhǐ xiǎoxiǎo xiǎoxiǎo diǎo
I am a little little bird.

我(I)是(am)一(one)只(measure word)小(small)小(small)小(small)小(small)鸟(bird)

想要飞呀飞 却飞也飞不高
xiǎngyào fēi ya fēi què fēi yě fēi bù gāo
I would like to fly, ah, fly, yet I flew and flew, but still were not able to fly high.

想要(would like)飞(fly)呀(particle-expressing surprise or doubt)飞(fly) 却(et)飞(fly)也(yet)飞(fly)不(not)高(high)

wǒ xún xúnmì mì xún xúnmì mì yí gè wēnnuǎn de huáibào
I look for, seek, and search for a warm bosom.

我(I)寻寻(search)觅觅(seek)寻寻(search)觅觅(seek)一(one)个(measure word)温暖的(warm)怀抱(bosom)

zhèyàng de yāoqiú suàn -bu- suàn tài gāo
Will this kind of request be regarded as too high?

这样(this kind)的(connecting particle)要求(request)算(regard)不(not)算(regard)太(too)高(high)

wǒ shì yì zhǐ xiǎoxiǎo xiǎoxiǎo diǎo
I am a little little bird.

我(I)是(am)一(one)只(measure word)小(small)小(small)小(small)小(small)鸟(bird)

想要飞呀飞 却飞也飞不高
xiǎngyào fēi ya fēi què fēi yě fēi bù gāo
I would like to fly, ah, fly, yet I flew and flew, but still were not able to fly high.

想要(would like)飞(fly)呀(particle-expressing surprise or doubt)飞(fly) 却(et)飞(fly)也(yet)飞(fly)不(not)高(high)

wǒ xún xúnmì mì xún xúnmì mì yí gè wēnnuǎn de huáibào
I look for, seek, and search for a warm bosom.

我(I)寻寻(search)觅觅(seek)寻寻(search)觅觅(seek)一(one)个(measure word)温暖的(warm)怀抱(bosom)

zhèyàng de yāoqiú suàn -bu- suàn tài gāo
Will this kind of request be regarded as too high?

这样(this kind)的(connecting particle)要求(request)算(regard)不(not)算(regard)太(too)高(high)

Translated by Shu

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刘家昌 Liu Jia Chang 我家在那里 Wo jia zai nali My home is there: lyrics, pinyin, English translation


Liú Jiā chāng

wǒ jiā zài nàli
My home is there

南风又轻轻吹起 吹动着青草地
nán fēng yòu qīngqīng chuī qǐ  chuī dòng zhāo qīngcǎo de
Southern wind again gently blows up, blowing and moving the green grass land.

南(south)风(wind)又(again)轻轻(gently)吹(blow)起(up) 吹(blow)动(move)着(particle shows action is occurring)青(green)草(grass)地(land)

草浪缓缓推来推去 景色真美丽
cǎo làng huǎnhuǎn tuīláituīqù  jǐngsè zhēn měilì
The waves of grass slowly push to and fro, the scenery is really beautiful.

草(grass)浪(waves)缓缓(slowly)推(push)来(to here)推(push)去(to there) 景色(scenery)真(really)美丽(beautiful)

夕阳也照着大地 绿草披上金衣
xīyáng yě zhào zhāo dàdì  lǜcǎo pī shàng jīn yī
The setting sun is also shining on the grand land; green grass is draped with golden clothes.

夕阳(setting sun)也(also)照(shine on)着(particle shows action is occurring)大(grand)地(land) 绿(green)草(grass)披(drape)上(on)金(golden)衣(clothes)

草浪夕阳连成一片 真叫人着迷
cǎo làng xīyáng lián chéng yípiàn  zhēn jiào rén zháomí
The waves of grass and the setting sun connected as one, this really captivates people’s mind.

草(grass)浪(waves)夕阳(the setting sun)连(connect)成(become)一(one)片(piece) 真(really)叫(make)人(people)着迷(fascinated)

每当我经过这里 忘掉一切忧虑
měidāng wǒ jīngguò zhèlǐ  wàngdiào yíqiè yōulǜ
Whenever I walk by here. I forget all the worries.

每(every time)当(when)我(I)经过(walk by)这里(here) 忘掉(forget)一切(every/all)忧虑(worries)

还有一条青青小溪 伴着青草地
hái yǒu yì tiáo qīng qīng xiǎoxī  bàn zhāo qīngcǎo de
There also is a green blue little stream accompanying the green grass land.

还(also)有(have)一(one)条(measure word for stream)青青(the color of blue/green) 小(little)溪(stream) 伴(accompany)着(particle shows action is occurring)青(green)草(grass)地(land)

顺着小溪看下去 木屋站在那里
shùnzhe xiǎoxī kàn xiàqù  mù wū zhàn zài nàli
Follow the little stream and look on, there is a wooden house standing over there.

顺(follow)着(particle, shows action is occurring)小(little)溪(stream)看(look)下去(on) 木(wood)屋(house)站(stand)在(at)那里(there)

那是我温暖的家 我住在那里
nà shì wǒ wēnnuǎn de jiā  wǒ zhù zài nàli
That is my warm house, and I live at there.

那(that)是(is)我(my)温暖的(warm)家(home) 我(I)住(live)在(at/in)那里(there)

Music ..

Translated by Shu

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