梁文音 Liang Wen yin Rachel Liang 一百万种亲吻 Yi bai wan zhong qin wen One million kinds of kisses: lyrics, pinyin and English translation. Also funny romance drama Material queen EP 1

梁文音 “一百萬種親吻” 官方高畫質MV

Taiwan drama 拜金女王 Episode 01

Material queen ending theme song 拜金女王片尾曲 Bàijīn nǚwáng piànwěi qū
Liáng Wén yīn
Rachel Liang

Yì bǎiwàn zhǒng qīnwěn
One million kinds of kisses

qīngchūn fènbùgùshēn chéngshú lǐxìng píngfēn zhǎngdà hòurén yíshī dānchún
When we were young, we dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety. When we got matured, we grade things rationally. After people grew up, we lost simpleness.

青春(youth)奋不顾身(idiom: dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety)成熟(mature)理性(rationality)评分(grade/score)长大(grow up)后(after)人(people)遗失(lost)单纯(simpleness)

zhuīxún nǐ ér qǐchéng fèngxiàn měilì rénshēng wéi nǐwǒ bùjué dé xīshēng
In searching of you, then I started the journey of devoting beautiful life. For you, I don’t think it is a sacrifice.

追寻(in seek of/search)你(you)而(then)启(start)程(journey)奉献(devote)美丽(beautiful)人生(life)为(for)你(you)我(I)不(not)觉得(feel)牺牲(sacrifice)

初恋伤痕 多深 我就多认真
chūliàn shānghén duō shēn wǒ jiù duō rènzhēn
How deep the scar of the first love is (means) how much serious I was.

初(first)恋(love)伤(wound)痕(scar) 多(how)深(deep) 我(I)就(then)多(how)认真(serious)

yǒnggǎn ài yě néng yǒnggǎn hèn yǒnggǎn chéngrèn shì wǒ rěnbuzhù chénlún
I had the courage to love, also had the courage to hate, as well as the courage to admit that I could not help but sink.

勇敢(be brave)爱(to love)也(also)能(able)勇敢(brave)恨(hate)勇敢(brave)承认(admit)是(is)我(I)忍不住(could not help but)沉沦(sink/fall)

是你让爱情 再一次 重​​获新生
shì nǐ ràng àiqíng zàiyīcì chóng ​​huò xīnshēng
It is you let love once again obtain new life.

是(is)你(you)让(let)爱情(love) 再(again)一(one)次 (time)重(again)​​获(get)新(new)生(life)

一百万种亲吻 比不上你一吻
yì bǎiwàn zhǒng qīnwěn bǐbùshàng nǐ yì wěn
One million kinds of kisses can’t compare with your one kiss.

一百万(one million)种(kind/sort)亲吻(kiss) 比不上(can’t compare with)你(you)一(one)吻(kiss)

味道是诚恳 是责任 是种永恒
wèidao shì chéngkěn shì zérèn shì zhǒng yǒnghéng
The taste is sincerity, is responsibility, is a kind of eternity.

味道(taste)是(is)诚恳(sincerity) 是(is)责任(responsibility) 是(is)种(a kind of)永恒(eternity)

一百万种亲吻 比不上你虔诚
yì bǎiwàn zhǒng qīnwěn bǐbùshàng nǐ qiánchéng
One million kinds of kisses can’t compare with your piousness.

一百万(one million)种(kind/sort)亲吻(kiss) 比不上(can’t compare with)你(you)虔诚(sincerity/piousness)

是真爱钥匙 开启了 最幸福的我们
shì zhēnài yàoshi kāiqǐ le zuì xìngfú de wǒmen
It is the key of true love opened the happiest us.

是(is)真(true)爱(love)钥匙(key) 开启(open)了(past tense marker) 最(the most)幸福(happy)的(connecting particle)我们(we/us)

music ..

qīngchūn fènbùgùshēn chéngshú lǐxìng píngfēn zhǎngdà hòurén yíshī dānchún
When we were young, we dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety. When we got matured, we grade things rationally. After people grew up, we lost simpleness.

青春(youth)奋不顾身(idiom: dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety)成熟(mature)理性(rationality)评分(grade/score)长大(grow up)后(after)人(people)遗失(lost)单纯(simpleness)

zhuīxún nǐ ér qǐchéng fèngxiàn měilì rénshēng wéi nǐwǒ bùjué dé xīshēng
In searching of you, then I started the journey of devoting beautiful life. For you, I don’t think it is a sacrifice.

追寻(in seek of/search)你(you)而(then)启(start)程(journey)奉献(devote)美丽(beautiful)人生(life)为(for)你(you)我(I)不(not)觉得(feel)牺牲(sacrifice)

初恋伤痕 多深 我就多认真
chūliàn shānghén duō shēn wǒ jiù duō rènzhēn
How deep the scar of the first love is (means) how much serious I was.

初(first)恋(love)伤(wound)痕(scar) 多(how)深(deep) 我(I)就(then)多(how)认真(serious)

yǒnggǎn ài yě néng yǒnggǎn hèn yǒnggǎn chéngrèn shì wǒ rěnbuzhù chénlún
I had the courage to love, also had the courage to hate, as well as the courage to admit that I could not help but sink.

勇敢(be brave)爱(to love)也(also)能(able)勇敢(brave)恨(hate)勇敢(brave)承认(admit)是(is)我(I)忍不住(could not help but)沉沦(sink/fall)

是你让爱情 再一次 重​​获新生
shì nǐ ràng àiqíng zàiyīcì chóng ​​huò xīnshēng
It is you let love once again obtain new life.

是(is)你(you)让(let)爱情(love) 再(again)一(one)次 (time)重(again)​​获(get)新(new)生(life)

一百万种亲吻 比不上你一吻
yì bǎiwàn zhǒng qīnwěn bǐbùshàng nǐ yì wěn
One million kinds of kisses can’t compare with your one kiss.

一百万(one million)种(kind/sort)亲吻(kiss) 比不上(can’t compare with)你(you)一(one)吻(kiss)

味道是诚恳 是责任 是种永恒
wèidao shì chéngkěn shì zérèn shì zhǒng yǒnghéng
The taste is sincerity, is responsibility, is a kind of eternity.

味道(taste)是(is)诚恳(sincerity) 是(is)责任(responsibility) 是(is)种(a kind of)永恒(eternity)

一百万种亲吻 比不上你虔诚
yì bǎiwàn zhǒng qīnwěn bǐbùshàng nǐ qiánchéng
One million kinds of kisses can’t compare with your piousness.

一百万(one million)种(kind/sort)亲吻(kiss) 比不上(can’t compare with)你(you)虔诚(sincerity/piousness)

是真爱钥匙 开启了 最幸福的我们
shì zhēnài yàoshi kāiqǐ le zuì xìngfú de wǒmen
It is the key of true love opened the happiest us.

是(is)真(true)爱(love)钥匙(key) 开启(open)了(past tense marker) 最(the most)幸福(happy)的(connecting particle)我们(we/us)

music ..

一百万种亲吻 唯有你的一吻
yì bǎiwàn zhǒng qīnwěn wéiyǒu nǐ de yì wěn
(Among)one million kinds of kisses, only your one kiss.

一百万(one million)种(kind/sort)亲吻(kiss) 唯有(only)你的(your)一(one)吻(kiss)

安抚我心疼 我失温 让我安稳
ānfǔ wǒ xīnténg wǒ shī wēn ràng wǒ ānwěn
comforts my heartaches, my hypothermia, and let me become stable and calm.

安抚(comfort)我(my)心(heart)疼(pain/aches) 我(my)失(lost)温(temperature) 让(let)我(me)安(safe)稳(stable)

一百万种亲吻 来自你的灵魂
yì bǎiwàn zhǒng qīnwěn láizì nǐ de línghún
One million kinds of kisses, came from your soul.

一百万(one million)种(kind/sort)亲吻(kiss) 来自(come from)你的(your)灵魂(soul)

所以我执着 我认真 我爱着你
suǒyǐ wǒ zhízhuó wǒ rènzhēn wǒ ài zhāo nǐ
Therefore, I am persistent, I am serious, and I am loving you.

所以(therefore)我(I)执着(persistent) 我(I)认真(serious) 我(I)爱(love)着(particle shows action is occurring)你(you)

所以我执着 我认真 我爱得比谁深
suǒyǐ wǒ zhízhuó wǒ rènzhēn wǒ ài dé bǐ shéi shēn
Therefore I am persistent, I am serious, and I love deeply than anyone else.

所以(therefore)我(I)执着(persistent) 我(I)认真(serious) 我(I)爱(love)得(particle after verb)比(compare with)谁(who)深(deep)

Translated by Shu

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Jay Chou 周杰伦 Zhou Jielun new popular Chinese song with rap 手写的从前 Shou xie de cong qian Handwritten past: lyrics, pinyin, English translation

Jay Chou 周杰倫【手寫的從前 Handwritten Past】-Official Music Video
Shǒuxiě de cóngqián
Handwritten past

Zhōu Jiélún
Jay Chou

这风铃 跟心动很接近
zhè fēng líng gēn xīndòng hěn jiējìn
This wind chime and palpitation of the heart are very close to each other.

这(this)风(wind)铃(bell) 跟(and)心(heart)动(movement)很(very)接近(be close to)

这封信 还在怀念旅行
zhè fēng xìn hái zài huáiniàn lǚxíng
This letter is still reminiscing the journey (of us).

这(this)封(measure word for letter)信(letter) 还(still)在(indicating an action in progress)怀念(to think of/ reminisce)旅行(journey)

路过的爱情 都太年轻
lùguò de àiqíng dōu tài niánqīng
Those passing by loves, all are too young.

路过(to pass by)的(connecting particle)爱情(love) 都(all)太(too)年轻(young)

你是我 想要再回去的风景
nǐ shì wǒ xiǎngyào zài huíqu de fēngjǐng
You are the scenery that I would like to go back to again.

你(you)是(are)我(I) 想要(would like)再(again)回去(go back)的(connecting particle)风景(scenery)

这别离 被瓶装成秘密
zhè biélí bèi píngzhuāng chéng mìmì
This separation was bottle up to become a secret.

这(this)别离(separation) 被(indicates passive-voice clauses= V+ed)瓶装(bottled)成(become)秘密(secret)

这雏菊 美得像诗句
zhè chújú měi dé xiàng shījù
This daisy is as beautiful as lines of verses.

这(this)雏菊(daisy) 美(beautiful)得(structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc)像(is like)诗(poem)句(sentences)

而我在风中 等你的消息
ér wǒ zài fēng zhōng děng nǐ de xiāoxi
Yet, I am waiting in the wind for your news —

而(yet)我(I)在(in)风(wind)中(within) 等(wait for)你的(your)消息(news/info)

等月光落雪地 等枫红染秋季 等相遇
děng yuèguāng là xuě de děng fēng hóng rǎn qiūjì děng xiāngyù
Wait for the moonlight to descend on the snowy ground, wait for maple trees to flame autumn, and to wait for us to meet again.

等(wait)月(moon)光(light)落(fall on/descend)雪(snow)地(ground) 等(wait for)枫(maple)红(red)染(dye)秋(fall)季(season) 等(wait for)相遇(meet each other)

wǒ chóngwēn wǔhòu de yángguāng
I again frequent the afternoon sunshine.

我(I)重温(to learn sth over again)午后(afternoon)的(connecting particle)阳光(sunshine)

jiāng jítā xié 揹zài jiān shàng
Slantingly carrying guitar on my shoulder.

将(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把) )吉他(guitar)斜(slantingly)揹(to carry on the back or shoulder)在(on)肩上(shoulder)

gēn duō niánqián yíyàng
It is the same as many years ago.

跟(as (compared to))多(many)年(years)前(before)一样(the same)

我们轻轻的唱 去任何地方
wǒmen qīngqīng de chàng qù rènhé dìfang
We softly sang when we went to anywhere.

我们(we)轻轻的(softly/lightly)唱(sing) 去(to)任何(any)地方(place)

我看着你的脸 轻刷著和弦
wǒ kàn zhāo nǐ de liǎn qīng shuā zhù héxián
I was looking at your face, and lightly brushing the chords.

我(I)看(look)着(particle shows action occurring)你的(your)脸(face) 轻(lightly)刷(brush)著(particle shows action occurring)和弦(chords)

情人节卡片 手写的永远
qíngrénjié kǎpiàn shǒuxiě de yǒngyuǎn
The Valentine’s cards, the handwritten forever and ever ..

情人节(Valentine’s day)卡片(cards) 手写(handwritten)的(connecting particle)永远(forever)

还记得 广场公园一起表演
hái jìde guǎngchǎng gōngyuán yìqǐ biǎoyǎn
Still remember that we together performed in the park’s plaza.

还(still)记得(remember) 广场(plaza/square)公园(park)一起(together)表演(perform)

校园旁糖果店 记忆里在微甜
xiàoyuán páng tángguǒ diàn jìyì lǐ zài wēi tián
The candy shop by the side of campus, the memories beome slightly sweetened.

校园(campus)旁(by the side of)糖果(candy)店(shop) 记忆(memory)里(within)在(particle shows action occurring)微(slightly)甜(sweet)

我看着你的脸 轻刷著和弦
wǒ kàn zhāo nǐ de liǎn qīng shuā zhù héxián
I was looking at your face, and lightly brushing the chords.

我(I)看(look)着(particle shows action occurring)你的(your)脸(face) 轻(lightly)刷(brush)著(particle shows action occurring)和弦(chords)

初恋是 整遍手写的从前
chūliàn shì zhěng biàn shǒuxiě de cóngqián
First love is a complete piece of the handwritten past.

初(first)恋(love)是(is) 整(whole)遍(measure word for actions)手写(handwritten)的(connecting particle)从前(before/past)

还记得 那年秋天说了再见
hái jìde nà nián qiūtiān shuō le zàijiàn
Still remember, that year’s autumn we said goodbyes to each other.

还(still)记得(remember) 那(that)年(year)秋天(autumn)说(say)了(past tense marker)再见(goodbye)

当恋情已走远 我将你深埋在心里面
dāng liànqíng yǐ zǒu yuǎn wǒ jiāng nǐ shēn mái zài xīnli miàn
When romantic love had gone away, I buried you deeply in my heart.

当(when)恋情(romantic love)已(already)走(go)远(away) 我(I)将(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把)你(you)深(deeply)埋(bury)在(in)心(heart)里面(within)

music ..

wǒ wǒ wǒ e 我我我 I I I ..
Xià kè le 下课了 class dismissed..

微风需要竹林 溪流需要蜻蜓
wēifēng xūyào zhúlín xīliú xūyào qīngtíng
Breezes need bamboo forests, streams need dragonflies.

微风(breeze)需要(need)竹(bamboo)林(forest) 溪流(stream)需要(need)蜻蜓(dragonfly)

乡愁般的离开 需要片片浮萍
xiāngchóu bān de líkāi xūyào piān piān fúpíng
The homesickness sort separation needs duckweed patches.

乡愁(homesickness)般(sort)的(connecting particle)离开(separation) 需要(need)片片(patches)浮萍(duckweed)

记得那年的雨季 回忆里特安静
jìde nà nián de yǔjì huíyì lǐ tè ānjìng
I still remember that year’s rainy season – it was especially quite in the memory.

记得(remember)那(that)年(year)的(connecting particle)雨(rainy)季(season) 回忆(memory)里(within)特(especially)安静(quiet)

哭过后的决定 是否还能进行
kū guòhòu de juédìng shìfǒu hái néng jìnxíng
The decision was made after crying, whether or not it could still proceed?

哭(cry)过(past tense marker shows past experiences) 后(after)的(connecting particle)决定(decision) 是否(whether or not)还(still)能(able to)进行(proceed)

我傻傻等待 傻傻等春暖花开
wǒ shǎ shǎ děngdài shǎ shǎ děng chūn nuǎn huā kāi
I foolishly wait, foolishly wait for spring to turn warm and flowers to bloom.

我(I)傻傻(foolish)等待(wait) 傻傻(foolish)等(wait)春(spring)暖( warm)花(flower)开(bloom)

等终等于等明等白 等爱情回来
děng zhōng děngyú děng míng děng bái děng àiqíng huílai
Wait till the end, wait to be sure, wait for love to come back.

等(wait)终(end)等(wait)于(finally)等(wait)明(clear)等(wait)白(clear) 等(wait)爱情(love)回来(return)

青春属于表白 阳光属于窗台
qīngchūn shǔyú biǎobái yángguāng shǔyú chuāngtái
Youth belongs to self confession, sunshine belongs to window sill.

青春(youth)属于(belong to)表白(self confession) 阳光(sunshine)属于(belongs to)窗台(window sill)

而我想我属于 一个拥有你的未来
ér wǒ xiǎng wǒ shǔyú yí gè yōngyǒu nǐ de wèilái
And I think I belongs to the future that has you.

而(and)我(I)想(think)我(I)属于(belong) 一(one)个(measure word)拥有(possess)你(you)的(connecting particle)未来(future)

纸上的彩虹 用素描画的钟
zhǐ shàng de cǎihóng yòng sùmiáo huà de zhōng
The rainbow on the paper, the clock drew by sketches.

纸(paper)上(upon)的(connecting particle)彩虹(rainbow) 用(use)素描(sketches)画(draw)的(connecting particle)钟(clock)

我还在修改 回忆之中你的笑容
wǒ hái zài xiūgǎi huíyì zhīzhōng nǐ de xiàoróng
I am still amending your smiling appearance in my memories.

我(I)还(still)在(V+ing)修改(amend/alter/modify) 回忆(memory)之中(within)你的(your)笑(smiling)容(appearance)

该怎么去形容 为思念酝酿的痛
gāi zěnme qù xíngróng wéi sīniàn yùnniàng de tòng
How to describe the pain that was brewed by the longing?

该(should)怎么去(how to)形容(describe) 为(because)思念(longing/missing)酝酿(brew)的(connecting particle)痛(pain)

夜空霓虹 都是我不要的繁荣
yèkōng níhóng dōu shì wǒ bú yào de fánróng
The neon lights in the night sky, all are not the prosperity that I look for.

夜(night)空(sky)霓虹(neon) 都(all)是(are)我(I)不(not)要(want)的(connecting particle)繁荣(prosperity)

或许去趟沙滩 或许去看看夕阳
huòxǔ qù tāng shātān huòxǔ qù kànkan xīyáng
Perhaps make a trip to the sand beach, perhaps go to see the sunset?

或许(perhaps)去(go to)趟(measure word for times of action)沙(sand)滩(beach) 或许(perhaps)去(go to)看看(see)夕阳(sunset)

huòxǔ rènhé yí gè kěyǐ xiǎng xīnshì de dìfang
Perhaps any place that I can think about those things on my mind?

或许(perhaps)任何(any)一(one)个(measure word)可以(able to)想(think)心(heart)事(thing)的(connecting particle)地方(place)

情绪在咖啡馆 被调成一篇文章
qíngxù zài kāfēiguǎn bèi diào chéng yì piān wénzhāng
The emotions in coffee shop were concocted and become an article.

情绪(emotions)在(in)咖啡馆(cafe) 被(V+ing)调(concoct)成(become)一(one)篇(measure word for essay/article)文章(article)

彻底爱上 你如诗一般透明的泪光
chèdǐ àishàng nǐ rú shī yìbān tòumíng de lèiguāng
Completely fell in love with your tears gleams which were as crystal clear as poems.

彻底(compeletly)爱上(fell in love) 你(you)如(like)诗(poem)一般(the same as)透明(clear/transparent)的(connecting particle)泪(tear)光(light)

我看着你的脸 轻刷著和弦
wǒ kàn zhāo nǐ de liǎn qīng shuā zhù héxián
I was looking at your face, and lightly brushing the chords.

我(I)看(look)着(particle shows action occurring)你的(your)脸(face) 轻(lightly)刷(brush)著(particle shows action occurring)和弦(chords)

情人节卡片 手写的永远
qíngrénjié kǎpiàn shǒuxiě de yǒngyuǎn
The Valentine’s cards, the handwritten forever and ever ..

情人节(Valentine’s day)卡片(cards) 手写(handwritten)的(connecting particle)永远(forever)

还记得 广场公园一起表演
hái jìde guǎngchǎng gōngyuán yìqǐ biǎoyǎn
Still remember that we together performed in the park’s plaza.

还(still)记得(remember) 广场(plaza/square)公园(park)一起(together)表演(perform)

校园旁糖果店 记忆里在微甜
xiàoyuán páng tángguǒ diàn jìyì lǐ zài wēi tián
The candy shop by the side of campus, the memories become slightly sweetened.

校园(campus)旁(by the side of)糖果(candy)店(shop) 记忆(memory)里(within)在(particle shows action occurring)微(slightly)甜(sweet)

我看着你的脸 轻刷著和弦
wǒ kàn zhāo nǐ de liǎn qīng shuā zhù héxián
I was looking at your face, and lightly brushing the chords.

我(I)看(look)着(particle shows action occurring)你的(your)脸(face) 轻(lightly)刷(brush)著(particle shows action occurring)和弦(chords)

初恋是 整遍手写的从前
chūliàn shì zhěng biàn shǒuxiě de cóngqián
First love is a complete piece of the handwritten past.

初(first)恋(love)是(is) 整(whole)遍(measure word for actions)手写(handwritten)的(connecting particle)从前(before/past)

还记得 那年秋天说了再见
hái jìde nà nián qiūtiān shuō le zàijiàn
Still remember, that year’s autumn we said goodbyes to each other.

还(still)记得(remember) 那(that)年(year)秋天(autumn)说(say)了(past tense marker)再见(goodbye)

当恋情已走远 我将你深埋在心里面
dāng liànqíng yǐ zǒu yuǎn wǒ jiāng nǐ shēn mái zài xīnli miàn
When romantic love had gone away, I buried you deeply in my heart.

当(when)恋情(romantic love)已(already)走(go)远(away) 我(I)将(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把)你(you)深(deeply)埋(bury)在(in)心(heart)里面(within)

wǒ chóngwēn wǔhòu de yángguāng
I again frequent the afternoon sunshine.

我(I)重温(to learn sth over again)午后(afternoon)的(connecting particle)阳光(sunshine)

jiāng jítā xié 揹zài jiān shàng
Slantingly carrying guitar on my shoulder.

将((introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把) )吉他(guitar)斜(slantingly)揹(to carry on the back or shoulder)在(on)肩上(shoulder)

gēn duō niánqián yíyàng
It is the same as many years ago.

跟(as (compared to))多(many)年(years)前(before)一样(the same)

我们轻轻的唱 去任何地方
wǒmen qīngqīng de chàng qù rènhé dìfang
We softly sang when we went to anywhere.

我们(we)轻轻的(softly/lightly)唱(sing) 去(to)任何(any)地方(place)

我看着你的脸 轻刷著和弦
wǒ kàn zhāo nǐ de liǎn qīng shuā zhù héxián
I was looking at your face, and lightly brushing the chords.

我(I)看(look)着(particle shows action occurring)你的(your)脸(face) 轻(lightly)刷(brush)著(particle shows action occurring)和弦(chords)

情人节卡片 手写的永远
qíngrénjié kǎpiàn shǒuxiě de yǒngyuǎn
The Valentine’s cards, the handwritten forever and ever ..

情人节(Valentine’s day)卡片(cards) 手写(handwritten)的(connecting particle)永远(forever)

还记得 广场公园一起表演
hái jìde guǎngchǎng gōngyuán yìqǐ biǎoyǎn
Still remember that we together performed in the park’s plaza.

还(still)记得(remember) 广场(plaza/square)公园(park)一起(together)表演(perform)

校园旁糖果店 记忆里在微甜
xiàoyuán páng tángguǒ diàn jìyì lǐ zài wēi tián
The candy shop by the side of campus, the memories beome slightly sweetened.

校园(campus)旁(by the side of)糖果(candy)店(shop) 记忆(memory)里(within)在(particle shows action occurring)微(slightly)甜(sweet)

我看着你的脸 轻刷著和弦
wǒ kàn zhāo nǐ de liǎn qīng shuā zhù héxián
I was looking at your face, and lightly brushing the chords.

我(I)看(look)着(particle shows action occurring)你的(your)脸(face) 轻(lightly)刷(brush)著(particle shows action occurring)和弦(chords)

初恋是 整遍手写的从前
chūliàn shì zhěng biàn shǒuxiě de cóngqián
First love is a complete piece of the handwritten past.

初(first)恋(love)是(is) 整(whole)遍(measure word for actions)手写(handwritten)的(connecting particle)从前(before/past)

还记得 那年秋天说了再见
hái jìde nà nián qiūtiān shuō le zàijiàn
Still remember, that year’s autumn we said goodbyes to each other.

还(still)记得(remember) 那(that)年(year)秋天(autumn)说(say)了(past tense marker)再见(goodbye)

当恋情已走远 我将你深埋在心里面
dāng liànqíng yǐ zǒu yuǎn wǒ jiāng nǐ shēn mái zài xīnli miàn
When romantic love had gone away, I buried you deeply in my heart.

当(when)恋情(romantic love)已(already)走(go)远(away) 我(I)将(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把)你(you)深(deeply)埋(bury)在(in)心(heart)里面(within)

Translated by Shu

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