Material queen ending theme song 拜金女王片尾曲 Bàijīn nǚwáng piànwěi qū
Liáng Wén yīn
Rachel Liang
Yì bǎiwàn zhǒng qīnwěn
One million kinds of kisses
qīngchūn fènbùgùshēn chéngshú lǐxìng píngfēn zhǎngdà hòurén yíshī dānchún
When we were young, we dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety. When we got matured, we grade things rationally. After people grew up, we lost simpleness.
青春(youth)奋不顾身(idiom: dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety)成熟(mature)理性(rationality)评分(grade/score)长大(grow up)后(after)人(people)遗失(lost)单纯(simpleness)
zhuīxún nǐ ér qǐchéng fèngxiàn měilì rénshēng wéi nǐwǒ bùjué dé xīshēng
In searching of you, then I started the journey of devoting beautiful life. For you, I don’t think it is a sacrifice.
yǒnggǎn ài yě néng yǒnggǎn hèn yǒnggǎn chéngrèn shì wǒ rěnbuzhù chénlún
I had the courage to love, also had the courage to hate, as well as the courage to admit that I could not help but sink.
勇敢(be brave)爱(to love)也(also)能(able)勇敢(brave)恨(hate)勇敢(brave)承认(admit)是(is)我(I)忍不住(could not help but)沉沦(sink/fall)
是你让爱情 再一次 重获新生
shì nǐ ràng àiqíng zàiyīcì chóng huò xīnshēng
It is you let love once again obtain new life.
qīngchūn fènbùgùshēn chéngshú lǐxìng píngfēn zhǎngdà hòurén yíshī dānchún
When we were young, we dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety. When we got matured, we grade things rationally. After people grew up, we lost simpleness.
青春(youth)奋不顾身(idiom: dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety)成熟(mature)理性(rationality)评分(grade/score)长大(grow up)后(after)人(people)遗失(lost)单纯(simpleness)
zhuīxún nǐ ér qǐchéng fèngxiàn měilì rénshēng wéi nǐwǒ bùjué dé xīshēng
In searching of you, then I started the journey of devoting beautiful life. For you, I don’t think it is a sacrifice.
yǒnggǎn ài yě néng yǒnggǎn hèn yǒnggǎn chéngrèn shì wǒ rěnbuzhù chénlún
I had the courage to love, also had the courage to hate, as well as the courage to admit that I could not help but sink.
勇敢(be brave)爱(to love)也(also)能(able)勇敢(brave)恨(hate)勇敢(brave)承认(admit)是(is)我(I)忍不住(could not help but)沉沦(sink/fall)
是你让爱情 再一次 重获新生
shì nǐ ràng àiqíng zàiyīcì chóng huò xīnshēng
It is you let love once again obtain new life.
所以我执着 我认真 我爱着你
suǒyǐ wǒ zhízhuó wǒ rènzhēn wǒ ài zhāo nǐ
Therefore, I am persistent, I am serious, and I am loving you.
所以(therefore)我(I)执着(persistent) 我(I)认真(serious) 我(I)爱(love)着(particle shows action is occurring)你(you)
所以我执着 我认真 我爱得比谁深
suǒyǐ wǒ zhízhuó wǒ rènzhēn wǒ ài dé bǐ shéi shēn
Therefore I am persistent, I am serious, and I love deeply than anyone else.
所以(therefore)我(I)执着(persistent) 我(I)认真(serious) 我(I)爱(love)得(particle after verb)比(compare with)谁(who)深(deep)
Translated by Shu
Posted inChinese songs|Taggednzh, Rachel Liang, score, zhu|Comments Off on 梁文音 Liang Wen yin Rachel Liang 一百万种亲吻 Yi bai wan zhong qin wen One million kinds of kisses: lyrics, pinyin and English translation. Also funny romance drama Material queen EP 1
这雏菊 美得像诗句
zhè chújú měi dé xiàng shījù
This daisy is as beautiful as lines of verses.
这(this)雏菊(daisy) 美(beautiful)得(structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc)像(is like)诗(poem)句(sentences)
而我在风中 等你的消息
ér wǒ zài fēng zhōng děng nǐ de xiāoxi
Yet, I am waiting in the wind for your news —
等月光落雪地 等枫红染秋季 等相遇
děng yuèguāng là xuě de děng fēng hóng rǎn qiūjì děng xiāngyù
Wait for the moonlight to descend on the snowy ground, wait for maple trees to flame autumn, and to wait for us to meet again.
等(wait)月(moon)光(light)落(fall on/descend)雪(snow)地(ground) 等(wait for)枫(maple)红(red)染(dye)秋(fall)季(season) 等(wait for)相遇(meet each other)
wǒ chóngwēn wǔhòu de yángguāng
I again frequent the afternoon sunshine.
我(I)重温(to learn sth over again)午后(afternoon)的(connecting particle)阳光(sunshine)
jiāng jítā xié 揹zài jiān shàng
Slantingly carrying guitar on my shoulder.
将(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把) )吉他(guitar)斜(slantingly)揹(to carry on the back or shoulder)在(on)肩上(shoulder)
gēn duō niánqián yíyàng
It is the same as many years ago.
当恋情已走远 我将你深埋在心里面
dāng liànqíng yǐ zǒu yuǎn wǒ jiāng nǐ shēn mái zài xīnli miàn
When romantic love had gone away, I buried you deeply in my heart.
当(when)恋情(romantic love)已(already)走(go)远(away) 我(I)将(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把)你(you)深(deeply)埋(bury)在(in)心(heart)里面(within)
music ..
wǒ wǒ wǒ e 我我我 I I I ..
Xià kè le 下课了 class dismissed..
微风需要竹林 溪流需要蜻蜓
wēifēng xūyào zhúlín xīliú xūyào qīngtíng
Breezes need bamboo forests, streams need dragonflies.
当恋情已走远 我将你深埋在心里面
dāng liànqíng yǐ zǒu yuǎn wǒ jiāng nǐ shēn mái zài xīnli miàn
When romantic love had gone away, I buried you deeply in my heart.
当(when)恋情(romantic love)已(already)走(go)远(away) 我(I)将(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把)你(you)深(deeply)埋(bury)在(in)心(heart)里面(within)
wǒ chóngwēn wǔhòu de yángguāng
I again frequent the afternoon sunshine.
我(I)重温(to learn sth over again)午后(afternoon)的(connecting particle)阳光(sunshine)
jiāng jítā xié 揹zài jiān shàng
Slantingly carrying guitar on my shoulder.
将((introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把) )吉他(guitar)斜(slantingly)揹(to carry on the back or shoulder)在(on)肩上(shoulder)
gēn duō niánqián yíyàng
It is the same as many years ago.
当恋情已走远 我将你深埋在心里面
dāng liànqíng yǐ zǒu yuǎn wǒ jiāng nǐ shēn mái zài xīnli miàn
When romantic love had gone away, I buried you deeply in my heart.
当(when)恋情(romantic love)已(already)走(go)远(away) 我(I)将(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把)你(you)深(deeply)埋(bury)在(in)心(heart)里面(within)