陳淑樺 Sarah Chen【問 Questions about love】Official Music Video
Chén shū huà
Sarah Chen
Questions about love
谁让你心动, 谁让你心痛, 谁会让你偶尔想要拥他在怀中
shéi ràng nǐ xīndòng shéi ràng nǐ xīntòng shéi huì ràng nǐ ǒuěr xiǎngyào yōng tā zài huái zhōng
Who move your heart, who let you heartache, and who will occasionally let you want to embrace him/her in your heart?
谁(who)让(let)你(you)心(heart)动(move), 谁(who)让(let)你(you)心(heart)痛(verb, pain), 谁(who)会(will)让(let)你(you)偶尔(occasionally)想要(would like to)拥(embrace)他(he/she)在(at/in)怀(heart/bosom)中(within)
谁又在乎你的梦, 谁说你的心思他会懂, 谁为你感动
shéi yòu zàihu nǐ de mèng shéi shuō nǐ de xīnsi tā huì dǒng shéi wèi nǐ gǎndòng
Who also care about your dream, who say your mind she/he understands, and who were moved by you?
如果女人总是等到夜深,无悔付出青春, 他就会对你真
rúguǒ nǚrén zǒngshì děngdào yè shēn wúhuǐ fùchū qīngchūn tā jiù huì duì nǐ zhēn
If the woman always waits till deep night, unregretfully invests her youth, then she will be true to you.
shìfǒu nǚrén yǒngyuǎn bú yào duō wèn tā zuì hǎo yǒngyuǎn tiānzhēn wèi tā suǒ ài de rén
Is it that women better never ask much, she better forever be naive for the one she loves?
是否(whether or not)女人(women)永远(forever)不要(don’t)多(much)(ask),她(she)最好(best/has better)永远(forever)天真(naive)为(for)她(she)所(particle introducing a relative clause or passive)爱(love)的(connecting particle)人(person)
谁让你心动, 谁让你心痛, 谁会让你偶尔想要拥他在怀中
shéi ràng nǐ xīndòng shéi ràng nǐ xīntòng shéi huì ràng nǐ ǒuěr xiǎngyào yōng tā zài huái zhōng
Who move your heart, who let you heartache, and who will occasionally let you want to embrace him/her?
谁(who)让(let)你(you)心(heart)动(move), 谁(who)让(let)你(you)心(heart)痛(verb, pain), 谁(who)会(will)让(let)你(you)偶尔(occasionally)想要(would like to)拥(embrace)他(he/she)在(at/in)怀(heart/bosom)中(within)
谁又在乎你的梦, 谁说你的心思他会懂, 谁为你感动
shéi yòu zàihu nǐ de mèng shéi shuō nǐ de xīnsi tā huì dǒng shéi wèi nǐ gǎndòng
Who also care about your dream, who say your mind she/he understands, and who were moved by you?
只是女人容易一往情深,总是为情所困, 终于越陷越深
zhǐshì nǚrén róngyì yìwǎngqíngshēn zǒngshì wèi qíng suǒ kùn zhōngyú yuèxiànyuèshēn
Just that women are easily to be deeply devoted, always to be trapped by love, and finally to fall deeper and deeper.
只是(just)女人(women)容易(easily)一往情深(to devote deeply),总是(always)为(by)情(feeling/love)所(particle introducing a relative clause or passive)困(trap), 终于(finally)越陷越深(fall deeper and deeper)
可是, 女人爱是她的灵魂, 她可以奉献一生, 为她所爱的人
kěshì nǚrén ài shì tā de línghún tā kěyǐ fèngxiàn yìshēng wèi tā suǒ ài de rén
However, for women, love is her soul. She can devote all her life just for the one she loves.
可是(but / however / (used for emphasis) indeed), 女人(women)爱(love)是(is)她的(her)灵魂(soul), 她(she)可以(can)奉献(devote)一(one)生(life), 为(for)她(she)所(particle introducing a relative clause or passive)爱(love)的(connecting particle)人(person)
music ..
只是女人容易一往情深,总是为情所困, 终于越陷越深
zhǐshì nǚrén róngyì yìwǎngqíngshēn zǒngshì wèi qíng suǒ kùn zhōngyú yuèxiànyuèshēn
Just that women are easily to be deeply devoted, always to be trapped by love, and finally to fall deeper and deeper.
只是(just)女人(women)容易(easily)一往情深(to devote deeply),总是(always)为(by)情(feeling/love)所(particle introducing a relative clause or passive)困(trap), 终于(finally)越陷越深(fall deeper and deeper)
可是, 女人爱是她的灵魂, 她可以奉献一生, 为她所爱的人
kěshì nǚrén ài shì tā de línghún tā kěyǐ fèngxiàn yìshēng wèi tā suǒ ài de rén
However, for women, love is her soul. She can devote all her life just for the one she loves.
可是(but / however / (used for emphasis) indeed), 女人(women)爱(love)是(is)她的(her)灵魂(soul), 她(she)可以(can)奉献(devote)一(one)生(life), 为(for)她(she)所(particle introducing a relative clause or passive)爱(love)的(connecting particle)人(person)
可是, 女人爱是她的灵魂, 她可以奉献一生, 为她所爱的人
kěshì nǚrén ài shì tā de línghún tā kěyǐ fèngxiàn yìshēng wèi tā suǒ ài de rén
However, for women, love is her soul. She can devote all her life just for the one she loves.
可是(but / however / (used for emphasis) indeed), 女人(women)爱(love)是(is)她的(her)灵魂(soul), 她(she)可以(can)奉献(devote)一(one)生(life), 为(for)她(she)所(particle introducing a relative clause or passive)爱(love)的(connecting particle)人(person)