符琼音 Fu Qiong Yin Meeia Foo 断翅的蝴蝶 Duan chi de hu die Broken-winged butterfly: lyrics, pinyin and English translation


Fú qióng yīn
Meeia Foo

Duàn chì de húdié
Broken-winged butterfly

tīngbujiàn wǒ xīntiào de shēngyīn dàn yīrán gūdú yǒnggǎn de hūxī
I am not able to hear my own heart beat sound, but nevertheless I am still courageously breathing alone.

听不见(not able to hear)我(I)心(heart)跳(beat/jump)的(connecting particle)声音(sound)但(but)依然(still)孤独(alone)勇敢(courageously)的(should be 地 de, the particle to connect adverb and the verb it modifies)呼吸(breath)

suǒshàng de huíyì shěbude pāoqì dàn yàoshi zǎoyǐ yíwàng zài fēng lǐ
Not bear to discard the locked memory, yet the key was long ago forgotten in the wind.

锁上(lock up)的(connecting particle)回忆(memory)舍不得(not bear to)抛弃(discard)但(yet)钥匙(key)早(long ago)已(already)遗忘(forget)在(in)风(wind)里(wind)

jìrán méiyǒu xuǎnzé de yúdì yòu rúcǐ cánkù ràng wǒmen xiāngyù
Since there was no choices, why it was so cruel to let us meet each other?

既然(since)没有(no)选择(choice)的(connecting particle)余地(spare room)又(why)如此(such)残酷(cruel)让(let)我们(us)相遇(meet each other)

měilì de mèngjìng pòsuì là yī de nǐ kě zēng liúxià yípiàn zài huáilǐ
Beautiful dream scenes broke to pieces, fell and scattered to the ground. Have you ever kept a piece in your heart?

美丽的(beautiful)梦(dream)境(land/scene)破碎(broke to pieces)落(fall)一地(all the places)你(you)可曾(have ever)留下(save/keep)一(one)片(piece)在(in)怀(bosom)里(within)

不敢想明天 不愿想过去
bù gǎn xiǎng míngtiān  búyuàn xiǎng guòqù
Dare not to think of tomorrow. Not willing to miss the past.

不(not)敢(dare)想(think of)明天(tomorrow) 不(not)愿(willing)想(think)过去(the past)

是命运给了我决心 却忘记了勇气
shì mìngyùn gěi le wǒ juéxīn  què wàngjì le yǒngqì
It was fate that gave me the determination, yet I forgot courage.

是(is)命运(fate)给(give)了(past tense marker)我(me)决心(determination) 却(yet)忘记(forget)了(past tense marker)勇气(courage)

爱情变了心 真心变绝情
àiqíng biàn le xīn  zhēnxīn biàn juéqíng
Love changed its heart. True heart became heartless.

爱情(love)变(change)了(past tense marker)心(heart) 真(true)心(heart)变(become)绝情(heartless)

像断了翅膀的蝴蝶 困在冰天雪地
xiàng duàn le chìbǎng de húdié  kùn zài bīngtiānxuědì
It is like a broken-winged butterfly trapped in the world of ice and snow.

像(is like)断(break)了(past tense marker)翅膀(wind)的(connecting particle)蝴蝶(butterfly) 困(trapped)在(at)冰(icy)天(sky)雪(snowy)地(ground)

有谁能再还给我 一个人哭泣的权利
yǒu shéi néng zài hái gěi wǒ  yíge rén kūqì de quánlì
Is there anyone who can again give back to me the privilege of crying alone?

有(have)谁(who)能(able to)再(again)还给(return to)我(me) 一(one)个(measure word)人(person)哭泣(cry)的(connecting particle)权利(privilege)

Music ..

jìrán méiyǒu xuǎnzé de yúdì yòu rúcǐ cánkù ràng wǒmen xiāngyù
Since there was no choices, why it was so cruel to let us meet?

既然(since)没有(no)选择(choice)的(connecting particle)余地(spare room)又(why)如此(such)残酷(cruel)让(let)我们(us)相遇(meet each other)

měilì de mèngjìng pòsuì là yī de nǐ kě zēng liúxià yípiàn zài huáilǐ
Beautiful dream scenes broke to pieces, fell and scattered to the ground. Have you ever kept a piece in your heart?

美丽的(beautiful)梦(dream)境(land/scene)破碎(broke to pieces)落(fall)一地(all the places)你(you)可曾(have ever)留下(save/keep)一(one)片(piece)在(in)怀(bosom)里(within)

不敢想明天 不愿想过去
bù gǎn xiǎng míngtiān  búyuàn xiǎng guòqù
Dare not to think of tomorrow. Not willing to miss the past.

不(not)敢(dare)想(think of)明天(tomorrow) 不(not)愿(willing)想(think)过去(the past)

是命运给了我决心 却忘记了勇气
shì mìngyùn gěi le wǒ juéxīn  què wàngjì le yǒngqì
It was fate that gave me the determination, yet I forgot about courage.

是(is)命运(fate)给(give)了(past tense marker)我(me)决心(determination) 却(yet)忘记(forget)了(past tense marker)勇气(courage)

爱情变了心 真心变绝情
àiqíng biàn le xīn  zhēnxīn biàn juéqíng
Love changed its heart. True heart became heartless.

爱情(love)变(change)了(past tense marker)心(heart) 真(true)心(heart)变(become)绝情(heartless)

像断了翅膀的蝴蝶 困在冰天雪地
xiàng duàn le chìbǎng de húdié  kùn zài bīngtiānxuědì
It is like a broken-winged butterfly trapped in the world of ice and snow.

像(is like)断(break)了(past tense marker)翅膀(wind)的(connecting particle)蝴蝶(butterfly) 困(trapped)在(at)冰(icy)天(sky)雪(snowy)地(ground)

有谁能再还给我 一个人哭泣的权利
yǒu shéi néng zài hái gěi wǒ  yíge rén kūqì de quánlì
Is there anyone who can again give back to me the privilege of crying alone?

有(have)谁(who)能(able to)再(again)还给(return to)我(me) 一(one)个(measure word)人(person)哭泣(cry)的(connecting particle)权利(privilege)

zài duō kǔ wǒ dōu yuàn jiān’áo zài duō lèi wǒ dōu huì cādiào
No matter how much bitterness I will be willing to suffer all of them, no matter how many tears I will wipe them out.

再(even more)多(more)苦(bitterness)我(I)都(all)愿(willing to)煎熬(suffer)再多(even more)泪(tears)我(I)都(all)会(will)擦掉(wipe out)

zhǐ yǒu nǐ huányuàn yì wèi wǒ qídǎo
Only you still are willing to pray for me.


búyuàn xiǎng guòqù
Not willing to miss the past.

不(not)敢(dare)想(think of)明天(tomorrow) 不(not)愿(willing)想(think)过去(the past)

是命运给了我决心 却忘记了勇气
shì mìngyùn gěi le wǒ juéxīn  què wàngjì le yǒngqì
It was fate that gave me the determination, yet I forgot courage.

是(is)命运(fate)给(give)了(past tense marker)我(me)决心(determination) 却(yet)忘记(forget)了(past tense marker)勇气(courage)

爱情变了心 真心变绝情
àiqíng biàn le xīn  zhēnxīn biàn juéqíng
Love changed its heart. True heart became heartless.

爱情(love)变(change)了(past tense marker)心(heart) 真(true)心(heart)变(become)绝情(heartless)

像断了翅膀的蝴蝶 困在冰天雪地
xiàng duàn le chìbǎng de húdié  kùn zài bīngtiānxuědì
It is like a broken-winged butterfly trapped in the world of ice and snow.

像(is like)断(break)了(past tense marker)翅膀(wind)的(connecting particle)蝴蝶(butterfly) 困(trapped)在(at)冰(icy)天(sky)雪(snowy)地(ground)

有谁能再还给我 一个人哭泣的权利
yǒu shéi néng zài hái gěi wǒ  yíge rén kūqì de quánlì
Is there anyone who can again give back to me the privilege of crying alone?

有(have)谁(who)能(able to)再(again)还给(return to)我(me) 一(one)个(measure word)人(person)哭泣(cry)的(connecting particle)权利(privilege)

Translated by Shu

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A-Mei 2015 new song 灵魂尽头 Linghun jintou The end of soul: lyrics, pinyin and English translation

aMEI [靈魂盡頭] Official HD Lyric Video


Línghún jìntóu
The end of soul

Diànyǐng Xiǎoshí dài 4 zhǔtí qū
Theme song of movie -Tiny Times 4

chéngzhǎng zǒng huì yǒu yípiàn yōu’àn xiàng hǎiyáng
Growing up always will have a piece of gloom like oceans.

成长(grow up)总(always)会(will)有(have)一(one)片(piece)幽暗(gloom)像(is like)海洋(ocean)

shéi néng héngyuè shéi yòu zhuìluò méi shēngxiǎng
Who can traverse, and also who can fall without a sound?

谁(who)能(can)横越(to cross)谁(who)又(also)坠落(fall/drop)没(no)声响(sound)

yìzhí rènwéi xīn zhī suǒ wǎng cái shì fāngxiàng
I always thought that the place where the heart wants to go is the direction.

一直(always)认为(think)心(heart)之(possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的)所(place)往(to go)才(then)是(is)方向(direction)

bùtíng shòushāng dàn yě dédào le jiǎngshǎng
Constantly got injured, but also got rewarded.

不(not)停(stop)受伤(injure)但(but)也(also)得到(obtained)了(past tense marker)奖赏(reward)

zuì gūdú de shíhou zuì huáiniàn jiùshí guāng
The loneliest time will miss the old times the most.

最(the most)孤独(alone/solitary)的(connecting particle)时候(time)最(the most)怀念(miss)旧(old)时光(time)

wǒmen yòng xiào yòng lèi gě de xiǎo tiāntáng
With laughters and tears we built up the little heaven.

我们(we)用(use)笑(laughter)用(use)泪(tear)盖(build)的(connecting particle)小(little)天堂(heaven)

suǒyǐ wǒ fāxiàn nǐ kuángyě lǐ de shànliáng
So I discovered the goodness and honesty within the wildness of yours.

所以(so)我(I)发现(discover)妳(your)狂野(wildness)里(within)的(connecting particle)善良(goodness)

nǐ méi hūlüè wǒ juéjiàng xià de tǐliàng
You did not overlook the consideration and understanding under my stubbornness.

妳(you)没(not)忽略(overlook/neglect)我(my)倔强(stubbornness)下(under/below)的(connecting particle)体谅(consideration)

hěn kāixīn nǐ zhōngyú lái le
Very glad that you finally came.

很(very)开心(glad/happy)妳(you/ second person pronoun(refer to a girl))终于(finally)来(came)了(past tense marker)

zài wǒ chàyīdiǎn fàngqì de shíkè
At the moment I almost gave up.

在(preposition)我(I)差一点(almost)放弃(give up)的(connecting particle)时刻(moment)

shíguāng cóng bùtíng liú nǐ què pín huíshǒu
Time never lingers, yet you frequently look back.

时光(time)从不(never)停(stop)留(linger)妳(you)却(yet)频(frequently)回首(to look back)

zhídào línghún jìntóu háishi shǒuhù wǒ
Till the end of soul and you still guard and protect me.


hěn ānwèi nǐ zhōngyú lái le
I felt consoled for you finally came.

很(very)安慰(console)妳(you)终于(finally)来(come)了(past tense marker)

zài wǒ kàn bú dào guāngliàng de shíkè
At the time I saw no light.

在(prepostion)我(I)看不到(not able to see)光亮(light)的(connecting particle)时刻(time/moment)

suìyuè wúfǎ dàizǒu yǒuxīn de chéngnuò
Time was not able to bring away the promise with heart.

岁月(years and months)无法(not able to)带走(bring away)有(have)心(heart)的(connecting particle)承诺(promise)

zhídào línghún jìntóu nǐ hái jǐnbào wǒ
Till the end of soul, you still embrace me tightly.


Music …

xǔduō bùmíng jiū lǐ
There are so many things I don’t know their reasons.

许多(many)不(not)明(understand)究(final/what on earth)理(reason)

wùjiě de cháonòng de yuánliàng tāmen bù dǒng zhēn’ài shì shénme
Those people who misunderstood, those people who teased, forgive them for not knowing what is true love.

误解(misundertadn)的(connecting particle)嘲弄(tease)的(connecting particle)原谅(forgive)他们(they)不(not)懂(understand)真(true)爱(love)是(is)什么(what)

fǎnzhèng rú rén yǐnshuǐ
After all, anyways, just like people drink water (only the person drinks the water will know what the water tastes like).

反正(anyway)如(is like)人(person)饮(drink)水(water)

shēnghuó de fèndòu de zhǐ yǒu nǐ wǒ hé wǒmen zàihu de mèng
Among people who live and people who strive in life, only you and me, and the dreams we care about.

生活(to live)的(connecting particle)奋斗(to strive)的(connecting particle)只有(only)妳(you)我(me)和(and)我们(we)在乎(care about)的(connecting particle)梦(dreams)

hěn kāixīn nǐ zhōngyú lái le
Very glad that you finally came.

很(very)开心(glad/happy)妳(you/ second person pronoun(refer to a girl))终于(finally)来(came)了(past tense marker)

zài wǒ chàyīdiǎn fàngqì de shíkè
At the moment I almost gave up.

在(preposition)我(I)差一点(almost)放弃(give up)的(connecting particle)时刻(moment)

shíguāng cóng bùtíng liú nǐ què pín huíshǒu
Time never lingers, yet you frequently look back.

时光(time)从不(never)停(stop)留(linger)妳(you)却(yet)频(frequently)回首(to look back)

zhídào línghún jìntóu háishi shǒuhù wǒ
Till the end of soul and you still guard and protect me.


hěn ānwèi nǐ zhōngyú lái le
I felt consoled for you finally came.

很(very)安慰(console)妳(you)终于(finally)来(come)了(past tense marker)

zài wǒ kàn bú dào guāngliàng de shíkè
At the time I saw no light.

在(prepostion)我(I)看不到(not able to see)光亮(light)的(connecting particle)时刻(time/moment)

suìyuè wúfǎ dàizǒu yǒuxīn de chéngnuò
Time was not able to bring away the promise with heart.

岁月(years and months)无法(not able to)带走(bring away)有(have)心(heart)的(connecting particle)承诺(promise)

zhídào línghún jìntóu nǐ hái jǐnbào wǒ
Till the end of soul, you still embrace me tightly.


Translated by Shu

Posted in Chinese songs | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on A-Mei 2015 new song 灵魂尽头 Linghun jintou The end of soul: lyrics, pinyin and English translation