田馥甄 Hebe Tian Fuzhen 小幸运 Xiao Xing Yun A Little Happiness, theme song, OST of 2015 movie Our Times: lyrics, pinyin, and English translation

【我的少女時代 Our Times】Movie Theme Song – 田馥甄 Hebe Tien《小幸運 A Little Happiness》Official MV

田馥甄 Hebe – 小幸運 (歌詞版)
Tián Fùzhēn
Tien Fu-Chen

Xiǎo Xìngyùn
A Little Happiness
Simple Happiness

电影 我的少女时代 主题曲
diànyǐng wǒ de shàonǚ shídài zhǔtí qū
Theme song of 2015 movie < Our Times >

我听见雨滴 落在青青草地
wǒ tīngjiàn yǔdī là zài qīng qīngcǎo de
I was hearing the rains dripping, falling on the green green grass field.

我(I)听见(heard)雨(rain)滴(dip) 落(fall)在(on)青青(green)草(grass)地(field)

我听见远方 下课钟声响起
wǒ tīngjiàn yuǎnfāng xiàkè zhōng shēngxiǎng qǐ
I was hearing far away, the bell ringing sound of class dismiss.

我(I)听见(heard)远(far away)方(place) 下课(class dismiss)钟(bell)声(sound)响(ring)起(up)

可是我没有听见你的声音 认真呼唤我姓名
kěshì wǒ méiyǒu tīngjiàn nǐ de shēngyīn rènzhēn hūhuàn wǒ xìngmíng
However, I did not hear your voice, earnestly calling out my names.

可是(however)我(I)没有(not)听见(hear)你的(your)声音(voice) 认真(seriously)呼唤(call out)我(my)姓名(names)

爱上你的时候 还不懂感情
àishàng nǐ de shíhou hái bù dǒng gǎnqíng
The time I fell in love with you. I still did not understand what is deep affection.

爱上(fell in love)你(you)的(connecting particle)时候(time) 还(still)不(not)懂(understand)感情(feeling/love)

离别了 才觉得刻骨铭心
líbié le cái juéde kègǔmíngxīn
After we parted from each other, I then felt the unforgettable feelings I have for you.

离别(part from sb)了(past tense particle) 才(then)觉得(feel)刻骨铭心(lit. carved in bones and engraved in the heart (idiom))

为什么没有发现 遇见了你 是生命最好的事情
wèishénme méiyǒu fāxiàn yùjiàn le nǐ shì shēngmìng zuì hǎo de shìqing
Why did not I discover that meeting you is the best thing of my life?

为什么(why)没有(not)发现(discover) 遇见(meet)了(past tense marker)你(you) 是(is)生命(life)最好(the best)的(connecting particle)事情(things)

yěxǔ dāngshí
Perhaps, at that time

也许(perhaps)当时(at that time)

忙着微笑和哭泣 忙着追逐天空中的流星
mángzhe wēixiào hé kūqì mángzhe zhuīzhú tiānkōng zhōng de liúxīng
I was busying with smiling and crying, chasing the shooting stars in the sky?

忙(busy)着(particle showing action is occurring)微笑(smile)和(and)哭泣(cry) 忙(busy)着(particle showing action is occurring)追逐(chase)天空(sky)中(within)的(connecting particle)流星(shooting stars)

rén lǐsuǒdāngrán de wàngjì
It is inevitable and natural that people will forget things.

人(person)理所当然(inevitable and right)的(connecting particle)忘记(forget)

是谁风里 雨里 一直默默守护在原地
shì shéi fēng lǐ yǔ lǐ yìzhí mòmò shǒuhù zài yuándì
Who has been there, in the wind, in the rains, always silently guarding at the original place?

是(is)谁(who)风(wind)里(within) 雨(rain)里(within) 一直(always)默默(silently)守护(guard)在(at)原(original)地(place)

原来你是 我最想留住的幸运
yuánlái nǐ shì wǒ zuì xiǎng liúzhù de xìngyùn
As it turns out, it is you who are the fortune/happiness I would like to keep.

原来(as it turns out)你(you)是(are) 我(I)最(the most)想(would like)留住(keep)的(connecting particle)幸运(fortune/happiness)

原来我们 和爱情曾经靠得那么近
yuánlái wǒmen hé àiqíng céngjīng kào de nàme jìn
As it turns out, we once were so close to love.

原来(as it turns out)我们(we) 和(and)爱情(love)曾经(once)靠(lean to)得(particle after verb)那么(that)近(close)

那为我对抗世界的决定 那陪我淋的雨
nà wèi wǒ duìkàng shìjiè de juédìng nà péi wǒ lín de yǔ
That determination to fight the world for me, that rain you got wet with me.

那(that)为(for)我(me)对抗(fight with)世界(world)的(connecting particle)决定(decision/determination) 那(that)陪(accompany)我(me)淋(getting wet)的(connecting particle)雨(rains)

一幕幕都是你 一尘不染的真心
yí mù mù dōu shì nǐ yìchénbùrǎn de zhēnxīn
Every memory in my mind all are your spotless true heart.

一(one)幕(scene)幕(scene)都(all)是(is)你(you) 一(one)尘(dust)不(not)染(stain)的(connecting particle)真(true)心(heart)
一尘不染: untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless and incorruptible / spotless

与你相遇 好幸运
yǔ nǐ xiāngyù hǎo xìngyùn
It is so fortunate to meet you.

与(with)你(you)相遇(meet each other) 好(so)幸运(lucky)

可我也失去 为你泪流满面的权利
kě wǒ yě shīqù wèi nǐ lèiliúmǎnmiàn de quánlì
Yet, I also lost the privilege to shed tears over my face for you.

可(yet)我(I)也(also)失去(lose) 为(for)你(you)泪(tear)流(flow)满(full)面(face)的(connecting particle)权利(privilege)
泪流满面: cheeks streaming with tears (idiom)

但愿在我看不到的天际 你张开了双翼
dànyuàn zài wǒ kàn bú dào de tiānjì nǐ zhāngkāi le shuāng yì
I only wish at the edge of the sky, where I am not able to see, you are spreading both of your wings.

但愿(only wish)在(at)我(I)看不到(not able to see)的(connecting particle)天(sky)际(edge) 你(you)张开(open and spread)了(past tense particle)双(both)翼(wings)

遇见你的注定 她会有多幸运
yùjiàn nǐ de zhùdìng tā huì yǒu duō xìngyùn
Meeting your destined one, she will be so fortunate.

遇见(met)你的(your)注定(destined) 她(she)会(will)有(have)多(how much)幸运(fortunate)

Music ..

qīngchūn shì duàn diēdiezhuàngzhuàng de lǚxíng
Youth is a passage of fumbling, tumbling journey.

青春(youth)是(is)段(segment)跌跌撞撞(tumbling/fumbling)的(connecting particle)旅行(travel/journey)

yōngyǒu zhe hòu zhī hòu jiào de měilì
Possessing the slowly realized beauty.

拥有(own/possess)着(particle shows action is occurring)后知后觉(realize too late)的(connecting particle)美丽(beauty)

来不及感谢 是你给我勇气 让我能做回我自己
láibují gǎnxiè shì nǐ gěi wǒ yǒngqì ràng wǒ néng zuò huí wǒ zìjǐ
I was not able to say thank you to you for the courage which you gave me to let me become myself again.

来不及(not able to do sth)感谢(thank you) 是(is)你(you)给(give)我(me)勇气(courage) 让(let)我(me)能(able to)做(do)回(return to)我(my)自己(self)

yěxǔ dāngshí
Perhaps, at that time

也许(perhaps)当时(at that time)

忙着微笑和哭泣 忙着追逐天空中的流星
mángzhe wēixiào hé kūqì mángzhe zhuīzhú tiānkōng zhōng de liúxīng
I was busying with smiling and crying, chasing the shooting stars in the sky?

忙(busy)着(particle showing action is occurring)微笑(smile)和(and)哭泣(cry) 忙(busy)着(particle showing action is occurring)追逐(chase)天空(sky)中(within)的(connecting particle)流星(shooting stars)

rén lǐsuǒdāngrán de wàngjì
It is inevitable and natural that people will forget things.

人(person)理所当然(inevitable and right)的(connecting particle)忘记(forget)

是谁风里 雨里 一直默默守护在原地
shì shéi fēng lǐ yǔ lǐ yìzhí mòmò shǒuhù zài yuándì
Who has been there, in the wind, in the rains, always silently guarding at the original place?

是(is)谁(who)风(wind)里(within) 雨(rain)里(within) 一直(always)默默(silently)守护(guard)在(at)原(original)地(place)

原来你是 我最想留住的幸运
yuánlái nǐ shì wǒ zuì xiǎng liúzhù de xìngyùn
As it turns out, it is you who are the fortune/happiness I would like to keep.

原来(as it turns out)你(you)是(are) 我(I)最(the most)想(would like)留住(keep)的(connecting particle)幸运(fortune/happiness)

原来我们 和爱情曾经靠得那么近
yuánlái wǒmen hé àiqíng céngjīng kào de nàme jìn
As it turns out, we once were so close to love.

原来(as it turns out)我们(we) 和(and)爱情(love)曾经(once)靠(lean to)得(particle after verb)那么(that)近(close)

那为我对抗世界的决定 那陪我淋的雨
nà wèi wǒ duìkàng shìjiè de juédìng nà péi wǒ lín de yǔ
That determination to fight the world for me, that rain you got wet with me.

那(that)为(for)我(me)对抗(fight with)世界(world)的(connecting particle)决定(decision/determination) 那(that)陪(accompany)我(me)淋(getting wet)的(connecting particle)雨(rains)

一幕幕都是你 一尘不染的真心
yí mù mù dōu shì nǐ yìchénbùrǎn de zhēnxīn
Every memory in my mind all are your spotless true heart.

一(one)幕(scene)幕(scene)都(all)是(is)你(you) 一(one)尘(dust)不(not)染(stain)的(connecting particle)真(true)心(heart)
一尘不染: untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless and incorruptible / spotless

与你相遇 好幸运
yǔ nǐ xiāngyù hǎo xìngyùn
It is so fortunate to meet you.

与(with)你(you)相遇(meet each other) 好(so)幸运(lucky)

可我也失去 为你泪流满面的权利
kě wǒ yě shīqù wèi nǐ lèiliúmǎnmiàn de quánlì
Yet, I also lost the privilege to shed tears over my face for you.

可(yet)我(I)也(also)失去(lose) 为(for)你(you)泪(tear)流(flow)满(full)面(face)的(connecting particle)权利(privilege)
泪流满面: cheeks streaming with tears (idiom)

但愿在我看不到的天际 你张开了双翼
dànyuàn zài wǒ kàn bú dào de tiānjì nǐ zhāngkāi le shuāng yì
I only wish at the edge of the sky, where I am not able to see, you are spreading both of your wings.

但愿(only wish)在(at)我(I)看不到(not able to see)的(connecting particle)天(sky)际(edge) 你(you)张开(open and spread)了(past tense particle)双(both)翼(wings)

遇见你的注定 她会有多幸运
yùjiàn nǐ de zhùdìng tā huì yǒu duō xìngyùn
Meeting your destined one, she will be so fortunate.

遇见(met)你的(your)注定(destined) 她(she)会(will)有(have)多(how much)幸运(fortunate)

Translated by Shu

Posted in Chinese songs | Tagged , , , | 16 Comments

2015 林俊杰 JJ Lin Lin Junjie 你,有没有过 Ni, you meiyou guo Roll on / You, have or not have been through : lyrics, pinyin, English translation

[MV] 林俊傑JJ Lin – 你,有沒有過 Roll On

JJ Lin
lín jùnjié

Nǐ, yǒu méiyǒu guo

Roll on
You, have or not have been through

diànyǐng pò fēng zhǔtí qū
Theme song of movie “To the Fore”

dōu shénme shíhou le
Even at this time,

都(used for emphasis -even)什么(what)时候(time)了(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)

làngcháo tuìxià le
Waves retreated.

浪潮(tide/waves)退下(retreated)了(past tense marker)

nǐ hái zuò zài zhè
You are still sitting here.

你(you)还(still)坐(sit)在(preposition word/at/on)这(here)

děng tiānqì huò xīnqíng
Waiting for weather or mood.


quē yì dōu bù kě
None of them can be absent.

缺(lack of)一(one)都(all)不可(can not)

tuōtuōlālā yǒngqì bújiàn le
procrastinated, and courage disappeared.

拖拖拉拉(拖拖拉拉勇气不见了)勇气(courage)不见(disappear)了(past tense marker)

fēng wǔzhù le ěrduo
Wind enclosed the ears.

风(wind)捂住(enclose/cover up)了(past tense marker)耳朵(ears)

pūtōng pūtōng bù pǔtōng
Plop, plop, not common.


tīng tīng xīntiào shēng
Listen to the sound of heart beating.


yǒu yì tiān shìjiè huì bānbó
There will be one day, the world will be motley.

有(there is)一(one)天(day)世界(world)会(will)斑驳(mottled)

huíyì chéngwéi suǒyǒu
Memory will be all we have.

回忆(memory)成为(became)所有(to possess)

měi duàn gùshì dōu zhíde
Every story all is worthwhile.


fánnǎo liú a liú a liú huì liúchéng chóu
Worries – keeping and keeping them, will become sorrows.

烦恼(worries)留(keep)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)留(keep)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)留(keep)会(will)留成(keep and become)愁(sorrow)

bú bèi kànhǎo de qīngchūn jiàozuò chéngzhǎng
The youth that was not blessed is called growth.

不(not)被(indicates passive-voice clauses) 看好(optimistic (about the outcome))的(connecting particle)青春(youth)叫做(was called)成长(growth)

kǎoyàn duǒ a duǒ a duǒ yě duǒ búguò
Trials- dodging and dodging, ah, still were not able to escape.

考验(trial)躲(dodge)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)躲(dodge)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)躲(dodge)也(also)躲不过(not able to dodge)

wǒ de yǎnlèi liú guo xīnsuì de shíkè
My tears were flowing through those heart broken times.

我的(my)眼泪(tears)流(flow)过(past tense particle shows experience)心(heart)碎(broken)的(connecting particle)时刻(time)

nǐ yǒu méiyǒu guo
You have or not have experienced.


nǐ yǒu méiyǒu guo

You have or not have experienced.


fènbùgùshēn fēi’épūhuǒ
To dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety, just like the moth flies into the flame.

奋不顾身(To dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety)飞蛾扑火(the moth flies into the flame)

dōu shénme shíhou le
Even at this time,

都(used for emphasis – even)什么(what)时候(time)了(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)

yèsè ānjìng le
Night turned quiet.

夜(night)色(scene)安静(quiet down)了(past tense marker)

nǐ hái zuò zài zhè
You are still sitting here.

你(you)还(still)坐(sit)在(preposition word/at/on)这(here)

mèng shì lìng yíge xīngqiú
Dream is another planet.


wǒ dújū zài lǐtou diēdiezhuàngzhuàng
I alone live inside it, staggering along.

我(I)独(alone)居(live)在(within)里(inside)头(particle, no meaning)跌跌撞撞(staggering along)

huáiyí zìjǐ
Doubt myself.


nǐ shēnchū de shuāngshǒu
Your outstretched hands

你(you)伸(stretch)出(out)的(connecting particle)双手(both hands)

ānjìng yōngbào wǒ
Quietly embracing me.


dōu huì guòqù de
All will be over.

都(all)会(will)过去(come to an end)的(used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)

zuì xiōngyǒng de zhémó
The most turbulent torment.

最(the most)汹涌的(turbulent)折磨(torment)

tiānliàng qián zhǎodào le
I found it before the daybreak.

天亮(daybreak)前(before)找到(found)了(past tense marker)

shì xiànzài de nǐ wǒ
Is the you and I of now.

是(is)现在(now)的(connecting particle)你(you)我(I)

fánnǎo liú a liú a liú huì liúchéng chóu
Worries – keeping and keeping them, will become sorrows.

烦恼(worries)留(keep)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)留(keep)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)留(keep)会(will)留成(keep and become)愁(sorrow)

bú bèi kànhǎo de qīngchūn jiàozuò chéngzhǎng
The youth that was not blessed is called growth.

不(not)被(indicates passive-voice clauses) 看好(optimistic (about the outcome))的(connecting particle)青春(youth)叫做(was called)成长(growth)

kǎoyàn duǒ a duǒ a duǒ yě duǒ búguò
Trials- dodging and dodging, ah, still were not able to escape.

考验(trial)躲(dodge)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)躲(dodge)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)躲(dodge)也(also)躲不过(not able to dodge)

wǒ de yǎnlèi liú guo xīnsuì de shíkè
My tears were flowing through those heart broken times.

我的(my)眼泪(tears)流(flow)过(past tense particle shows experience)心(heart)碎(broken)的(connecting particle)时刻(time)

fánnǎo liú a liú a liú huì liúchéng chóu
Worries – keeping and keeping them, will become sorrows.

烦恼(worries)留(keep)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)留(keep)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)留(keep)会(will)留成(keep and become)愁(sorrow)

bú bèi kànhǎo de qīngchūn jiàozuò chéngzhǎng
The youth that was not blessed is called growth.

不(not)被(indicates passive-voice clauses) 看好(optimistic (about the outcome))的(connecting particle)青春(youth)叫做(was called)成长(growth)

kǎoyàn duǒ a duǒ a duǒ yě duǒ búguò
Trials- dodging and dodging, ah, still were not able to escape.

考验(trial)躲(dodge)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)躲(dodge)啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!)躲(dodge)也(also)躲不过(not able to dodge)

wǒ de yǎnlèi liú guo xīnsuì de shíkè
My tears were flowing through those heart broken times.

我的(my)眼泪(tears)流(flow)过(past tense particle shows experience)心(heart)碎(broken)的(connecting particle)时刻(time)

nǐ yǒu méiyǒu guo
You have or not have experienced.

你(you)有(have)没(not)有(have)过(been through)

Translated by Shu

Posted in Chinese songs | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on 2015 林俊杰 JJ Lin Lin Junjie 你,有没有过 Ni, you meiyou guo Roll on / You, have or not have been through : lyrics, pinyin, English translation