EXO-M_HISTORY_Music Video (Chinese version)
A student of mine suggested this song to me. Hope you will enjoy it.
EXO-M – History
Formed in 2011, Exo (Korean: 엑소; stylized as EXO) is a Chinese-South Korean boy band based in Seoul.
Listen 感觉到没有 我的心脏 停掉了节奏
Listen gǎnjuédào méiyǒu wǒ de xīnzàng tíng diào le jiézòu
Listen, do you feel it? My heart stops its rhythm.
Listen 感觉(feel)到((verb complement denoting completion or result of an action))没有(not) 我的(my)心脏(heart) 停掉(stop)了(past tense marker)节奏(rhythm)
( My heart be breaking)
泪水曾经 愤怒地掉落 大声嘶吼 Ha! 移步向以后
lèishuǐ céngjīng fènnù de diàoluò dàshēng sīhǒu éichi ēi! yí bù xiàng yǐhòu
Tears once furiously fell down (and) loudly roared. Ha! Move the steps toward future.
泪水(tears)曾经(once) 愤怒地(furiously)掉落(fall down) 大(big)声(sound)嘶吼(roar) Ha! 移(move)步(foot step)向(toward)以后(later/future)
(My pain be creeping)
灰的眼 留恋蓝的天 让无谓叫嚣变成泡沫
huī de yǎn liúliàn lán de tiān ràng wúwèi jiàoxiāo biànchéng pàomò
Grey eyes, the blue sky that I linger for, let the nonsense shoutings become bubbles.
灰(grey)的(connecting particle)眼(eye) 留恋(linger and reluctant to leave)蓝的(blue)天(sky) 让(let)无谓(things that have no good reasons)叫嚣(shoutings)变成(become)泡沫(bubbles)
不含畏缩 纯粹的执着
bù hán wèisuō chúncuì de zhízhuó
Not contain cowardly, pure persistence.
不(not)含(contain)畏缩(cowardly) 纯粹的(pure)执着(persistence/stubbornness)
原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我
yuándìtàbù guòduō jiǔ zài zhè xīn de qǐshǐ diǎn zhàn zhe shì wǒ
How long after making no headway. At this new starting point, I am standing.
原地踏步(stepping on the same spot/making no progress)过(pass)多久(how long) 在(at)这(this)新的(new)起始(starting)点(point)站(stand)着(particle shows action is occurring)是(is)我(me)
关卡一一都击破 放弃在我字典没录入过
guānqiǎ yīyī dōu jī pò fàngqì zài wǒ zìdiǎn méi lùrù guo
Hurdles all were broken one by one. Giving up never got recorded in my dictionary.
关卡(checking point/hurdles/obstacles)一一(one by one)都(all)击(attack)破(break) 放弃(giving up)在(in)我(my)字典(dictionary)没(not)录入(enter/record)过(past tense particle shows past experience)
我们一分两头 本是太阳般一体结构
wǒmen yì fēn liǎngtóu běn shì tàiyang bān yìtǐ jiégòu
We got split into two, and we were used to one unit like the sun.
我们(we)一(one unit)分(split)两(two)头(side) 本(originally)是(is)太阳(sun)般( is like)一体(one unit/one body)结构(construction)
Oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由
ōu éichi ōu éichi wǒ jiàngluò zhège shìjiè de lǐyóu
Oh, oh, the reason that I landed on this world.
Oh oh 我(I)降落(land)这(this)个(measure word)世界(world)的(connecting particle)理由(reasons)
I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh
I need you and you want me zài zhè kē lánsè xīngtǐ oh oh
I need you and you want me, at the blue planet, oh oh.
I need you and you want me 在(on)这(this)颗(measure word for round object)蓝色(blue)星体(planet) oh oh
Every every everyday 我创造的 history
Every every everyday wǒ chuàngzào de history
Every every everyday 我(I)创造(create)的(connecting particle) history
[Break it! 破陈旧的规 Move it! 让谎言作废
Break it! pò chénjiù de guī Move it! ràng huǎngyán zuòfèi
Break it! break old-fashioned rule. Move it! Let lies become invalid.
Break it! 破(break)陈旧(old-fashioned)的(connecting particle)规(rule) Move it! 让(let)谎言(lies)作废(become valid)
(No more shaking like that)
倒数 归零后就会 洗净了伤悲 崭新的经纬
dàoshǔ guī líng hòu jiù huì xǐjìng le shāngbēi zhǎnxīn de jīngwěi
Counting backwards, after it returns to zero, then it will cleanse sadness, show up brand-new longitudes and latitudes.
倒数(to count down) 归(return to)零(zero)后(after)就(then)会(will) 洗净(clean)了(past tense marker)伤悲(sadness) 崭新(brand-new)的(connecting particle)经纬(longitude and latitude )
shíjiān hái yǒu kōngjiān chuānyuè yǔ yóuzǒu
Time will still have space to walk through and wander.
时间(time)还(still)有(have)空间(space)穿越(walk through/pass through)与(and)游走(wander)
梦想完美国度的光辉 会让我们 牵起手飞
mèngxiǎng wánměi guódù de guānghuī huì ràng wǒmen qiān qǐ shǒu fēi
Dreaming about the splendidness of perfect kingdom will let us fly hands holding hands.
梦想(dream)完美(perfect)国度(kingdom)的(connecting particle)光辉(splendid) 会(will)让(let)我们(us) 牵(hold)起(up)手(hand)飞(fly)
原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我
yuándìtàbù guòduō jiǔ zài zhè xīn de qǐshǐ diǎn zhàn zhe shì wǒ
How long after making no headway. At this new starting point, I am standing.
原地踏步(stepping on the same spot/making no progress)过(pass)多久(how long) 在(at)这(this)新的(new)起始(starting)点(point)站(stand)着(particle shows action is occurring)是(is)我(me)
关卡一一都击破 放弃在我字典没录入过
guānqiǎ yīyī dōu jī pò fàngqì zài wǒ zìdiǎn méi lùrù guo
Hurdles all were broken one by one. Giving up never got recorded in my dictionary.
关卡(checking point/hurdles/obstacles)一一(one by one)都(all)击(attack)破(break) 放弃(giving up)在(in)我(my)字典(dictionary)没(not)录入(enter/record)过(past tense particle shows past experience)
我们一分两头 本是太阳般一体结构
wǒmen yì fēn liǎngtóu běn shì tàiyang bān yìtǐ jiégòu
We got split into two, and we were used to one unit like the sun.
我们(we)一(one unit)分(split)两(two)头(side) 本(originally)是(is)太阳(sun)般( is like)一体(one unit/one body)结构(construction)
Oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由
ōu éichi ōu éichi wǒ jiàngluò zhège shìjiè de lǐyóu
Oh, oh, the reason that I landed on this world.
Oh oh 我(I)降落(land)这(this)个(measure word)世界(world)的(connecting particle)理由(reasons)
I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh
I need you and you want me zài zhè kē lánsè xīngtǐ oh oh
I need you and you want me, at the blue planet, oh oh.
I need you and you want me 在(on)这(this)颗(measure word for round object)蓝色(blue)星体(planet) oh oh
让时间逆向行走 该是转变的时候
ràng shíjiān nìxiàng xíngzǒu gāi shì zhuǎnbiàn de shíhou
Let time go reverse direction. It is time to change.
让(let)时间(time)逆(reverse)向(direction)行走(walk/go) 该(should)是(is)转变(change)的(connecting particle)时候(time/moment)
Turn it up, turn it up,
dāng nǐ shénme dōu jìwàng gěi yǒngyuǎn
When you place all your hopes on forever.
当(when)你(your)什么(everything)都(all)寄望(place hopes)给(to/on)永远(forever)
suǒyǒu dōu tuīchí dào xiàyīge míngtiān
Everything will be postponed to next tomorrow.
所有(everything)都(all)推迟(postpone)到(to)下(next)一(one)个(measure word)明天(tomorrow)
huòxǔ míngtiān zhīhòu méiyǒu wèilái
Perhaps, after tomorrow, there will be no future.
或许(perhaps)明天(tomorrow)之后(after)没有(not have)未来(future)
liúxià de zhǐ yǒu huǐhèn de huījìn hé chén’āi
What will be left will be ashes and dust of regrets.
留下的(the thing that got left)只(only)有(have)悔恨的(regretful)灰烬(ashes)和(and)尘埃(dust)
zhuāzhù ài de shǒu ài de shǒu ài de shǒu
Grabbing on the hand of love, the hand of love, the hand of love.
抓住(grabbed)爱(love)的(connecting particle)手(hand)爱(love)的(connecting particle)手(hand)爱(love)的(connecting particle)手(hand)
yuè ài yuè wánměi nuǎn rè zhège xīngqiú
The more you love, the more it will get perfect, and it will warm and heat this planet up.
越(the more)爱(love)越(the more)完美(perfect)暖(warm)热(heat)这(this)个(measure word)星球(planet)
bēishāng zài zuǒshǒu
Sadness at left hand.
wò xǐyuè de yòushǒu
Holds joyful right hand.
握(hold)喜悦的(joyful)右手(right hand)
wǒmen fēnxiǎng tóng yíge lǐyóu
We share the same reason.
我们(we)分享(share)同(same)一(one)个(measure word)理由(reason)
Ya! 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间
wài ēi! wǒmen bào jǐn wèi yìtǐ zài dànshēng de shùnjiān
Ya! We held tight to each other at the moment when we were born.
què kāishǐ xíguàn shū lí hé yíge rén de shìjiè
Yet, we started to get used to be alone and one person’s world.
却(yet)开始(start)习惯(got used to)疏离(to become alienated)和(and)一(one)个(measure word)人(person)的(connecting particle)世界(world)
jùlí jiànjiàn jiànjiàn jiān yuèláiyuè yuǎn
The distance between us gradually, gradually and gradually grew farther, farther and farther.
距离(distance)渐(gradually)渐(gradually)渐(gradually)渐(gradually)渐(gradually)越来(the more)越远(faraway)
gélí fēnkāi chéng liǎngbian tàiyang
Separated from each other and became two sides of the splitting sun.
隔离(seperate)分开(depart from each other)成(become)两(two)边(sides)太阳(sun)
bù xūyào fēnjièxiàn
Doesn’t need a dividing line.
One more, two more, three four more
zhè yíshùnjiān yíngjiē jì wàng
In this moment (we) greet hopes.
这(this)一(one)瞬间(blinking moment)迎接(greet)冀望(hopes)
yǐjiǔ mèng 裡wánměi shìjiè
The long ago perfect world in the dream.
已久(for a long time)梦(dream)裡(within)完美(perfect)世界(world)
xīnzàng kāishǐ tiàodòng jí sù tiàodòng
The heart has started to beat extremely rapidly.
Doong doong doong doong doong doong
páihuái guòduō jiǔ
After lingering for how long.
徘徊(linger)过(particle shows past experience)多久(how long)
zài zhè xīn de qǐshǐ diǎn zhàn zhù shì wǒ
It is me standing at this new starting point.
在(at)这(this)新的(new)起始点(starting point)站(stand)著(particle shows action occurring)是(is)我(me)
要打开我们的未来 history
yào dǎkāi wǒmen de wèilái éichi ài áisi tì ōu àr wài
To open our future history.
要(want to)打开(open)我们的(our)未来(future) history
wǒmen yì fēn liǎngtóu
We split into two.
běn shì tàiyang bān yìtǐ jiégòu
Originally, we are the wholeness one structure like the sun.
Oh 同一颗心臟太阳下
ōu éichi tóngyī kē xīnzàng tàiyang xià
Oh, under the same heart’s sun.
Oh 同(same)一(one)颗(measure word for round objects)心臟(heart)太阳(sun)下(under)
wǒmen liánxiàn wúxiàn de yánchángxiàn
We are connecting infinite extended line.
I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体
I need you and you want me zài zhè kē lánsè xīngtǐ oh oh
I need you and you want me, at the blue planet, oh oh.
I need you and you want me 在(on)这(this)颗(measure word for round object)蓝色(blue)星体(planet) oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Every, every, everyday
我创造的 history
wǒ chuàngzào de history.
The history that I created.
我(I)创造(create)的(connecting particle) history
Translated by Shu