势在必行 Shi Zai Bi Xing Absolutely Imperative Andrew Tan 陈势安 Chen Shian ft. 毕书尽 Bi Shujin Bii: lyrics, pinyin, English translation

陳勢安.Bii畢書盡【勢在必行】官方版 MV Eagle Music Official (電視劇「勇士們 」主題曲)

陳勢安 Andrew Tan + 畢書盡 Bii – 勢在必行 (官方版MV)

势在必行 – 歌词
Shi Zai Bi Xing Lyrics
Absolutely necessary / imperative
Andrew Tan
陈势安 Chén Shìān ft. 毕书尽Bì Shūjǐn Bii

Wǒ yǐwéi wǒ yǐjīng lèile
I thought I was already tired.
我(I)以为(think)我(I)已经(already)累(tired)了(sentence final particle)

无法再挥动 没有目标的翅膀
Wúfǎ zài huīdòng méiyǒu mùbiāo dì chìbǎng
Not able to again spread and move that pair of aimless wings.
无法(not able)再(again)挥动(spread and move) 没有(not have)目标(goal/aim)的(connecting particle)翅膀(wings)

Wǒ shìzhe fēiyuè nà shàn chuāng
I tried to fly past that window.
我(I)试(try)着(particle shows action is occurring)飞(fly)越(through)那(that)扇(measure word for window)窗(window)

温度却让身体 再次感到很沮丧
Wēndù què ràng shēntǐ zàicì gǎndào hěn jǔsàng
However, the temperature, let my body feel depressed again.
温度(temperature)却(yet)让(let)身体(body) 再(again)次(time)感到(felt)很(very)沮丧(depressed)

我微笑不是假装 我追是因为渴望
Wǒ wéixiào bùshì jiǎzhuāng wǒ zhuī shì yīnwèi kěwàng
My smile was not pretending. I pursue because of desire.

我(I)微笑(smile)不是(is not)假装(pretend) 我(I)追(chase)是(is)因为(because)渴望(desire)

我奋不顾身奔向 每一道阳光
Wǒ fènbùgùshēn bēn xiàng měi yīdào yángguāng
I dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety toward every beam of sunlight.

我(I)奋不顾身(idiom: dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety )奔向(rush to) 每(every)一(one)道(ray/beam)阳光(sunlight)

我跌倒是种成长 我哭是一种释放
Wǒ diédǎo shì zhǒng chéngzhǎng wǒ kū shì yī zhǒng shìfàng
My falls are a kind’s growth and my crying is a kind of release.

我(I)跌倒(fall)是(is)种(kind)成长(growth) 我(I)哭(cry)是(is)一(a)种(kind)释放(release)

我存在不是假象 我不管 我倔强
Wǒ cúnzài bùshì jiǎxiàng wǒ bùguǎn wǒ juéjiàng
My existence is not a facade. I don’t care that I am stubborn.
我(my)存在(existence)不是(is not)假象(false appearance) 我(I)不(not)管(care) 我(I)倔强(stubborn)

为爱付出疯狂 为梦受一点伤
Wèi ài fùchū fēngkuáng wèi mèng shòu yīdiǎn shāng
For love, I rendered all my craziness. For dreams I suffered some wounds.
为(for)爱(love)付出(give out/ pay)疯狂(craziness) 为(for)梦(dream)受(suffer)一(one)点(bit)伤(wounds)

为保护我的信仰 变得更坚强
Wèi bǎohù wǒ de xìnyǎng biàn de gèng jiānqiáng
To protect my believe and to become stronger.

为(for the sake of)保护(protect)我的(my)信仰(believe) 变得(became)更(more)坚强(strong)

为执着横冲直撞 为你说了点谎
Wèi zhízhuó héngchōngzhízhuàng wèi nǐ shuōle diǎn huǎng
For the sake of persistence I pushed through shoving and bumping. I told you some lies.
为(for)执着(persistence)横冲直撞(bashing sideways and colliding straight on) 为(for)你(you)说了(said)点(a bit)谎(lies)

Bié shuō wǒ yīzhí zhǎo bù dào fāngxiàng
Don’t say that I have been always not able to find the direction.
别(don’t)说(say)我(I)一直(always)找不到(not able to find)方向(direction)

为爱付出疯狂 为梦受一点伤
Wèi ài fùchū fēngkuáng wèi mèng shòu yīdiǎn shāng
For love, I rendered all my craziness. For dreams I suffered some wounds.
为(for)爱(love)付出(give out/ pay)疯狂(craziness) 为(for)梦(dream)受(suffer)一(one)点(bit)伤(wounds)

为保护我的信仰 变得更坚强
Wèi bǎohù wǒ de xìnyǎng biàn de gèng jiānqiáng
To protect my believe and to become stronger.

为(for the sake of)保护(protect)我的(my)信仰(believe) 变得(became)更(more)坚强(strong)

为执着横冲直撞 为你说了点谎
Wèi zhízhuó héngchōngzhízhuàng wèi nǐ shuōle diǎn huǎng
For the sake of persistence I pushed through shoving and bumping. I told you some lies.
为(for)执着(persistence)横冲直撞(bashing sideways and colliding straight on) 为(for)你(you)说了(said)点(a bit)谎(lies)

为别人看我不屑目光 昂首飞翔
Wèi biérén kàn wǒ bùxiè mùguāng ángshǒu fēixiáng
For other people’s eyeing me with total disdain look, I raise my head high and soar.

Music ..

Wǒ yǐwéi wǒ yǐjīng lèile
I thought I was already tired.
我(I)以为(think)我(I)已经(already)累(tired)了(sentence final particle)

无法再挥动 没有目标的翅膀
Wúfǎ zài huīdòng méiyǒu mùbiāo dì chìbǎng
Not able to again spread and move that pair of aimless wings.
无法(not able)再(again)挥动(spread and move) 没有(not have)目标(goal/aim)的(connecting particle)翅膀(wings)

Wǒ shìzhe fēiyuè nà shàn chuāng
I tried to fly past that window.
我(I)试(try)着(particle shows action is occurring)飞(fly)越(through)那(that)扇(measure word for window)窗(window)

温度却让身体 再次感到很沮丧
Wēndù què ràng shēntǐ zàicì gǎndào hěn jǔsàng
However, the temperature, let my body feel depressed again.
温度(temperature)却(yet)让(let)身体(body) 再(again)次(time)感到(felt)很(very)沮丧(depressed)

我微笑不是假装 我追是因为渴望
Wǒ wéixiào bùshì jiǎzhuāng wǒ zhuī shì yīnwèi kěwàng
My smile was not pretending. I pursue because of desire.

我(I)微笑(smile)不是(is not)假装(pretend) 我(I)追(chase)是(is)因为(because)渴望(desire)

我奋不顾身奔向 每一道阳光
Wǒ fènbùgùshēn bēn xiàng měi yīdào yángguāng
I dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety toward every beam of sunlight.

我(I)奋不顾身(idiom: dashed on bravely with no thought of personal safety )奔向(rush to) 每(every)一(one)道(ray/beam)阳光(sunlight)

我跌倒是种成长 我哭是一种释放
Wǒ diédǎo shì zhǒng chéngzhǎng wǒ kū shì yī zhǒng shìfàng
My falls are a kind’s growth and my crying is a kind of release.

我(I)跌倒(fall)是(is)种(kind)成长(growth) 我(I)哭(cry)是(is)一(a)种(kind)释放(release)

我存在不是假象 我不管 我倔强
Wǒ cúnzài bùshì jiǎxiàng wǒ bùguǎn wǒ juéjiàng
My existence is not a facade. I don’t care that I am stubborn.
我(my)存在(existence)不是(is not)假象(false appearance) 我(I)不(not)管(care) 我(I)倔强(stubborn)

为爱付出疯狂 为梦受一点伤
Wèi ài fùchū fēngkuáng wèi mèng shòu yīdiǎn shāng
For love, I rendered all my craziness. For dreams I suffered some wounds.
为(for)爱(love)付出(give out/ pay)疯狂(craziness) 为(for)梦(dream)受(suffer)一(one)点(bit)伤(wounds)

为保护我的信仰 变得更坚强
Wèi bǎohù wǒ de xìnyǎng biàn de gèng jiānqiáng
To protect my believe and to become stronger.

为(for the sake of)保护(protect)我的(my)信仰(believe) 变得(became)更(more)坚强(strong)

为执着横冲直撞 为你说了点谎
Wèi zhízhuó héngchōngzhízhuàng wèi nǐ shuōle diǎn huǎng
For the sake of persistence I pushed through shoving and bumping. I told you some lies.
为(for)执着(persistence)横冲直撞(bashing sideways and colliding straight on) 为(for)你(you)说了(said)点(a bit)谎(lies)

Bié shuō wǒ yīzhí zhǎo bù dào fāngxiàng
Don’t say that I have been always not able to find the direction.
别(don’t)说(say)我(I)一直(always)找不到(not able to find)方向(direction)

为爱付出疯狂 为梦受一点伤
Wèi ài fùchū fēngkuáng wèi mèng shòu yīdiǎn shāng
For love, I rendered all my craziness. For dreams I suffered some wounds.
为(for)爱(love)付出(give out/ pay)疯狂(craziness) 为(for)梦(dream)受(suffer)一(one)点(bit)伤(wounds)

为保护我的信仰 变得更坚强
Wèi bǎohù wǒ de xìnyǎng biàn de gèng jiānqiáng
To protect my believe and to become stronger.

为(for the sake of)保护(protect)我的(my)信仰(believe) 变得(became)更(more)坚强(strong)

为执着横冲直撞 为你说了点谎
Wèi zhízhuó héngchōngzhízhuàng wèi nǐ shuōle diǎn huǎng
For the sake of persistence I pushed through shoving and bumping. I told you some lies.
为(for)执着(persistence)横冲直撞(bashing sideways and colliding straight on) 为(for)你(you)说了(said)点(a bit)谎(lies)

为别人看我不屑目光 昂首飞翔
Wèi biérén kàn wǒ bùxiè mùguāng ángshǒu fēixiáng
For other people’s eyeing me with total disdain look, I raise my head high and soar.

为(for)别人(other people)看(see)我(me)不屑(disdainful)目光(stare) 昂首(raise head high)飞翔(fly)


为爱付出疯狂 为梦受一点伤
Wèi ài fùchū fēngkuáng wèi mèng shòu yīdiǎn shāng
For love, I rendered all my craziness. For dreams I suffered some wounds.
为(for)爱(love)付出(give out/ pay)疯狂(craziness) 为(for)梦(dream)受(suffer)一(one)点(bit)伤(wounds)

为保护我的信仰 变得更坚强
Wèi bǎohù wǒ de xìnyǎng biàn de gèng jiānqiáng
To protect my believe and to become stronger.

为(for the sake of)保护(protect)我的(my)信仰(believe) 变得(became)更(more)坚强(strong)

为执着横冲直撞 为你说了点谎
Wèi zhízhuó héngchōngzhízhuàng wèi nǐ shuōle diǎn huǎng
For the sake of persistence I pushed through shoving and bumping. I told you some lies.
为(for)执着(persistence)横冲直撞(bashing sideways and colliding straight on) 为(for)你(you)说了(said)点(a bit)谎(lies)

Bié shuō wǒ yīzhí zhǎo bù dào fāngxiàng
Don’t say that I have been always not able to find the direction.
别(don’t)说(say)我(I)一直(always)找不到(not able to find)方向(direction)

为爱付出疯狂 为梦受一点伤
Wèi ài fùchū fēngkuáng wèi mèng shòu yīdiǎn shāng
For love, I rendered all my craziness. For dreams I suffered some wounds.
为(for)爱(love)付出(give out/ pay)疯狂(craziness) 为(for)梦(dream)受(suffer)一(one)点(bit)伤(wounds)

为保护我的信仰 变得更坚强
Wèi bǎohù wǒ de xìnyǎng biàn de gèng jiānqiáng
To protect my believe and to become stronger.

为(for the sake of)保护(protect)我的(my)信仰(believe) 变得(became)更(more)坚强(strong)

为执着横冲直撞 为你说了点谎
Wèi zhízhuó héngchōngzhízhuàng wèi nǐ shuōle diǎn huǎng
For the sake of persistence I pushed through shoving and bumping. I told you some lies.
为(for)执着(persistence)横冲直撞(bashing sideways and colliding straight on) 为(for)你(you)说了(said)点(a bit)谎(lies)

为别人看我不屑目光 昂首飞翔
Wèi biérén kàn wǒ bùxiè mùguāng ángshǒu fēixiáng
For other people’s eyeing me with total disdain look, I raise my head high and soar.
为(for)别人(other people)看(see)我(me)不屑(disdainful)目光(stare) 昂首(raise head high)飞翔(fly)

Translated by Shu

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Chinese children’s song 小蜜蜂 Xiao Mi Feng Little bees: lyrics, pinyin and English translation

小蜜蜂 儿歌

Xiǎo Mìfēng
Little bees

wēngwēng wēng, wēngwēng wēng, dàjiā yìqǐ qín zuògōng.
Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, everyone together go to work.


lái cōngcōng, qù cōngcōng, zuògōng xìngwèi nóng.
Come hurriedly, go hurriedly, it is so interesting to do work.


tiān nuǎn huā hǎobù zuògōng, jiānglái nǎlǐ hǎoguò dōng.
If you don’t work when whether is warm and flowers are beautiful, in the future how could you get through winter easily?

天(sky)暖(warm)花(flower)好(good)不(not)做(do)工(work),将来(future)哪里(how could)好(easily)过(pass/get through)冬(winter)。

wēngwēng wēng, wēngwēng wēng, bié xué lǎnduò chóng.
Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, don’t imitate lazy bugs.

Translated by Shu

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