周杰倫 Jay Chou【聽見下雨的聲音 Rhythm of the Rain】Official MV
方文山電影同名主題曲【聽見下雨的聲音】完整MV 演唱:魏如昀 / 詞:方文山 / 曲:周杰倫
Tīngjiàn xià yǔ de shēngyīn
Hearing the sound of falling rain
Rhythm of the rain
Jay Chou
Wèi Rúyún
Queen Wei
Lyric (zuòcí) 作词 : Vincent Fang (Fāng wénshān) 方文山
Composer (zuòqǔ) 作曲 : Jay Chou (Zhōujiélún) 周杰伦
竹篱上 停留著 蜻蜓
zhú lí shàng tíngliúzhe qīngtíng
On the bamboo fence dragonflies lingering
竹(bamboo)篱(fence)上(on top of)停留(linger)著(particle shows action occurring)蜻蜓(dragonflies)
玻璃瓶裡插满 小小 森林
bōlí píng lǐ chā mǎn xiǎo xiǎo sēnlín
In the glass bottle, packed with a tiny forest.
玻璃(glass)瓶(vase/bottle)裡(within)插(put in)满(full of)小小(little)森林(forest)
青春 嫩绿的很 鲜明
qīngchūn nènlǜ de hěn xiānmíng
Youth (is like the) tender green, very bright.
青春(youth)嫩(tender)绿(green)的(particle after adjective)很(very)鲜明(bright)
百叶窗 折射的 光影
bǎiyèchuāng zhéshè de guāng yǐng
Shades of light refraction through blinds.
百叶窗(shutter/blind)折射(reflect/refraction)的(connecting particle)光(light)影(shadow)
像有著心事的 一张 表情
xiàng yǒuzhe xīnshì de yī zhāng biǎoqíng
Is like a facial expression with a load on one’s mind.
像(is like)有(have)著(V+ing)心事(a load on one’s mind)的(connecting particle)一(one)张(measure word)表情(facial expression)
而你 低头拆信 想知道关于我的事情
ér nǐ dītóu chāi xìn xiǎng zhīdào guānyú wǒ de shìqíng
Yet you, lowered your head opening the letter, would like to know things about me.
而(yet)你(you) 低(lower)头(head)拆(tear open)信(letter)想(would like to)知道(know)关于(regarding)我的(my)事情(things/matter/news)
青苔入镜 簷下风铃 摇晃曾经
qīngtái rù jìng yán xià fēnglíng yáohuàng céngjīng
Moss comes into the lens. The wind chimes under the eaves were swaying in the past.
青苔(moss)入(enter)镜(lens)簷(eaves)下(under)风铃(wind chimes)摇晃(to shake/sway)曾经(once before)
回忆是 一行行无从 剪接的风景 爱始终年轻
huíyì shì yī háng háng wúcóng jiǎnjiē de fēngjǐng ài shǐzhōng niánqīng
Memories are like the scenery with a scene after a scene, unable to be edited. Love is forever young.
回忆(memory)是(is) 一(one)行行(repeated measure word)无从(not able to)剪接(edit)的(connecting particle)风景(scenery)爱(love)始终(always)年轻(young)
而我听见 下雨的声音
ér wǒ tīngjiàn xià yǔ de shēngyīn
Yet I heard, the sound of falling rains.
而(yet)我(I)听见(heard) 下(falling)雨(rains)的(connecting particle)声音(sound)
想起你用唇语 说爱情
xiǎngqǐ nǐ yòng chún yǔ shuō àiqíng
I thought of your using lips language to say love.
想起(thinking of)你(you)用(use)唇(lips)语(language)说(say)爱情(love)
幸福也可以 很安静
xìngfú yě kěyǐ hěn ānjìng
Happiness could also be very quite.
幸福(happiness)也(also)可以(able to)很(very)安静(quiet)
我付出一直 很小心
wǒ fùchū yīzhí hěn xiǎoxīn
All that I’ve devoted (to us) has always been careful.
终于听见 下雨的声音
zhōngyú tīngjiàn xià yǔ de shēngyīn
Finally I heard, the sound of falling rains.
终于(finally)听见(heard)下(falling)雨(rains)的(connecting particle)声音(sound)
于是我的世界 被吵醒
yúshì wǒ de shìjiè bèi chǎo xǐng
Therefore, my world was awaken by the sound.
就怕情绪红 了眼睛
jiù pà qíngxù hóng le yǎnjīng
I just fear the emotions I am feeling will redden my eyes.
就(just)怕(fear)情绪(emotions)红(v, redden) 了(past tense particle)眼睛(eyes)
不捨的泪在 彼此的 脸上透明
bù shě de lèi zài bǐcǐ de liǎn shàng tòumíng
The tears of being not able to bear become transparent on each other’s face.
不捨(not able to bear/ not able to give up)的(connecting particle)泪(tears)在(on)彼此(each other)的(connecting particle)脸上(on the face)透明(transparent)
Music ..
爱在过境 缘份不停 谁在担心
ài zài guòjìng yuán fèn bù tíng shuí zài dānxīn
Love is passing and the past affinity doesn’t stop. Who is worrying?
爱(love)在(v+ing)过境(pass to another territory)缘份(affinity)不(not)停(stop)谁(who)在(v+ing)担心(worry)
窗台上 滴落的雨滴 轻敲著伤心 凄美而动听
chuāngtái shàng dī luò de yǔdī qīng qiāozhe shāngxīn qīměi ér dòngtīng
On the windowsills, the falling rain drops are lightly knocking my sadness. Its rhythm is poignant, yet pleasant to the ears.
窗台(windowsills)上(on top of)滴落(dropping)的(connecting particle)雨滴(rain drops)轻(lightly)敲(knock)著(v+ing)伤心(sadness)凄美(poignant)而(yet)动听(pleasant to hear)
而我听见 下雨的声音
ér wǒ tīngjiàn xià yǔ de shēngyīn
Yet I heard, the sound of falling rains.
而(yet)我(I)听见(heard) 下(falling)雨(rains)的(connecting particle)声音(sound)
想起你用唇语 说爱情
xiǎngqǐ nǐ yòng chún yǔ shuō àiqíng
I thought of your using lips language to say love.
想起(thinking of)你(you)用(use)唇(lips)语(language)说(say)爱情(love)
热恋的时刻 最任性
Rèliàn de shíkè zuì rènxìng
The time of falling head over heels is the most stubborn.
热恋(to fall head over heels in love )的(connecting particle)时刻(moment)最(the most)任性(stubborn)
不顾一切的 给约定
bùgù yīqiè de gěi yuēdìng
Giving (impulsive) promise regardless of anything.
不顾一切(regardless of anything)的(connecting particle)给(give)约定(promise)
终于听见 下雨的声音
zhōngyú tīngjiàn xià yǔ de shēngyīn
Finally I heard, the sound of falling rains.
终于(finally)听见(heard)下(falling)雨(rains)的(connecting particle)声音(sound)
于是我的世界 被吵醒
yúshì wǒ de shìjiè bèi chǎo xǐng
Therefore, my world was awaken by the sound.
发现你始终 很靠近
fāxiàn nǐ shǐzhōng hěn kàojìn
I realized that you are always very close to me.
发现(discover)你(you)始终(always/from start to the end)很(very)靠近(close to)
默默地陪在 我身边 态度坚定
mòmò dì péi zài wǒ shēnbiān tàidù jiāndìng
Silently accompany me by my side with an attitude of perseverance.
默默(silently)地(particle after verb or adverb)陪(accompany)在(at)我(my)身边(side)态度(attitude)坚定(firm/perseverance)
Translated by Shu