Mayday五月天 [ 勇敢Braveness ] Official Music Video
超犀利趴6 LIVE SESSION – 王識賢 x 五月天 [ 勇敢 ] LIVE版 – 三立「甘味人生」主題曲
This brand-new Chinese song is a beautiful Taiwanese song, what a surprise.
gān jiǎng zhè shì shīqù xīwàng de shídài
Could it be that this is the era of losing hope?
甘(could it be)讲(say)这(this)是(is)失去(lose)希望(hope)的(connecting particle)时代(age/era/ epoch)
gān jiǎng zhè shì shīqù qídài de suǒzài
Could it be that this is the place of losing expectation?
甘(Could it be)讲(say)这(this)是(is)失去(lose)期待(expectation)的(connecting particle)所在(place)
甘讲咱一世人只有忍耐 只有愤慨 只有无奈
gān jiǎng zán yī shìrén zhǐyǒu rěnnài zhǐyǒu fènkǎi zhǐyǒu wúnài
Could it be that the life only has tolerance, only has resentment, and only has hopelessness?
甘(Could it be)讲(say)咱(we)一(one)世人(life)只(only)有(have)忍耐(tolerance) 只(only)有(have)愤慨(resentment) 只(only)有(have)无奈(hopelessness)
只有目屎无人知 吞落腹肚内
zhǐyǒu mù shǐ wú rénzhī tūn luò fù dù nèi
Only has tears which no body knows and can only be swallowed into the stomach.
只(only)有(have)目屎(tear)无(no)人(people)知(know) 吞落(swallow)腹肚(stomach)内(inside)
kàn dào xīnyuàn màn man biàn chéng bù gānyuàn
To see what we hoped for gradually turned into unwillingness.
cái zhī qídài wèi dāng jìng jìng de děngdài
Then know that expectations should not be waited quietly.
才(then)知(know)期待(expectation)未当(should not be)静静的(quietly)等待(waiting)
不管咱是天才或是奴才 只有拼着 所有气力
bùguǎn zán shì tiāncái huò shì núcái zhǐyǒu pīnzhe suǒyǒu qìlì
No matter we are geniuses or slaves, only go all out and use all the strength
不管(no matter)咱(we)是(are)天才(genius)或是(or)奴才(slave) 只有(only)拼着(risk all) 所有(all)气力(strength)
挑战无情的世间 一天一冬 一世人到永远
tiǎozhàn wúqíng de shìjiān yītiān yī dōng yī shìrén dào yǒngyuǎn
To challenge this cruel human world one day, one winter, all the life till forever.
挑战(challenge)无情的(ruthless)世(human)间(world) 一(one)天(day)一(one)冬(winter) 一(one)世人(life)到(till)永远(forever)
One time after one time.
不知影 谁在安排 命运好歹 一人拢一款
bùzhī yǐng shuí zài ānpái mìngyùn hǎodǎi yīrén lǒng yī kuǎn
I don’t know who is arranging fortunate or unfortunate life, each person has his/her own different destiny.
不(not)知影(know) 谁(who)在(V+ing)安排(arrange) 命运(fate/destiny)好(good)歹(bad) 一(one)人(person)拢(all)一(one)款(kind)
有时阵 想要放弃 想要怨叹 想要流目屎
yǒushí zhèn xiǎng yào fàngqì xiǎng yào yuàn tàn xiǎng yào liú mù shǐ
Sometimes, I thought about giving up, thought about complaining, and thought of shedding tears.
有(have)时阵(time) 想要(thought of)放弃(giving up) 想要(thought of)怨(complaining)叹(sighing) 想要(thought of)流(flowing)目屎(tears)
等一天 黑暗过去 苦尽甘来 人生滋味才了解
děng yītiān hēi’àn guòqù kǔjìngānlái rénshēng zīwèi cái liǎojiě
Waiting for one day, the darkness passes, bitterness finishes and sweetness comes, then will really know that is the taste of life.
等(wait)一(one)天(day) 黑暗(darkness)过去(pass) 苦(bitterness)尽(end)甘(sweet)来(come) 人生(life)滋味(taste)才(then)了解(understand)
为的彼个将来 要自己 勇敢再勇敢
wèi de bǐ gè jiānglái yào zìjǐ yǒnggǎn zài yǒnggǎn
For that future, I want myself to be brave, again brave.
为的(for)彼(that)个(measure word)将来(future) 要(want)自己(oneself) 勇敢(brave)再(again)勇敢(brave)
Music ..
ruò yǒu yītiān ruò wǒ xiāoshī zài shìjiān
If one day I disappear in the human world.
若(if)有(there is)一(one)天(day)若(if)我(I)消失(disappear)在(in)世间(human world)
ruò yǒu wǒ de gùshì gěi shéi rén shúshí
If my story would be well known by someone,
若(if)有(there is)我的(my)故事(story)给(to)谁人(which person)熟识(well know)
不管阮是成功或是失败 我的名字 号做勇敢
bùguǎn ruǎn shì chénggōng huò shì shībài wǒ de míngzì hao zuò yǒnggǎn
No matter my life is a success or a fiasco. My name is called braveness.
不管(no matter)阮(me)是(is)成功(success)或是(or)失败(failure) 我的(my)名字(name) 号做(is called)勇敢(brave)
唱作美丽的歌曲 一字一句 一世人到永远
chàng zuò měilì de gēqǔ yī zì yījù yī shìrén dào yǒngyuǎn
It will be sung as a beautiful song. One word, one sentence and one whole life till eternity.
唱作(was sung)美丽的(beautiful)歌曲(song) 一(one)字(word)一(one)句(sentence) 一(one)世人(whole life)到(till)永远(eternity)
One time after one time.
不知影 谁在安排 命运好歹 一人拢一款
bùzhī yǐng shuí zài ānpái mìngyùn hǎodǎi yīrén lǒng yī kuǎn
I don’t know who is arranging fortunate or unfortunate life, each person has his/her own different destiny.
不(not)知影(know) 谁(who)在(V+ing)安排(arrange) 命运(fate/destiny)好(good)歹(bad) 一(one)人(person)拢(all)一(one)款(kind)
有时阵 想要放弃 想要怨叹 想要流目屎
yǒushí zhèn xiǎng yào fàngqì xiǎng yào yuàn tàn xiǎng yào liú mù shǐ
Sometimes, I thought about giving up, thought about complaining, and thought of shedding tears.
有(have)时阵(time) 想要(thought of)放弃(giving up) 想要(thought of)怨(complaining)叹(sighing) 想要(thought of)流(flowing)目屎(tears)
等一天 黑暗过去 苦尽甘来 人生滋味才了解
děng yītiān hēi’àn guòqù kǔjìngānlái rénshēng zīwèi cái liǎojiě
Waiting for one day, the darkness passes, bitterness finishes and sweetness comes, then will really know that is the taste of life.
等(wait)一(one)天(day) 黑暗(darkness)过去(pass) 苦(bitterness)尽(end)甘(sweet)来(come) 人生(life)滋味(taste)才(then)了解(understand)
为的彼个将来 要自己 勇敢再勇敢
wèi de bǐ gè jiānglái yào zìjǐ yǒnggǎn zài yǒnggǎn
For that future, I want myself to be brave, again brave.
为的(for)彼(that)个(measure word)将来(future) 要(want)自己(oneself) 勇敢(brave)再(again)勇敢(brave)
风无情 雨无情 命运也无情
fēng wúqíng yǔ wúqíng mìngyùn yě wúqíng
Wind is heartless, rain is heartless, and destiny is also heartless.
风(wind)无(no)情(feeling) 雨(rain)无(no)情(feeling) 命运(fate)也(also)无(no)情(feeling)
若有胆 若有心 风雨算什么
ruò yǒu dǎn ruò yǒuxīn fēngyǔ suàn shénme
If there is courage, if there is heart, wind and rain won’t mean anything.
若(if)有(there is)胆(courage) 若(if)有(there is)心(heart) 风(wind)雨(rain)算什么(means what?)
飘浪一生 就要盘过 最高的海浪
piāo làng yīshēng jiù yào pánguò zuìgāo dì hǎilàng
The drifting life is going to climb over the highest wave.
飘浪(drifting)一(one)生(life) 就要(is going to)盘过(climb over) 最高(the highest)的(connecting particle)海(sea)浪(wave)
不知影 谁在安排 命运好歹 一人拢一款
bùzhī yǐng shuí zài ānpái mìngyùn hǎodǎi yīrén lǒng yī kuǎn
I don’t know who is arranging fortunate or unfortunate life, each person has his/her own different destiny.
不(not)知影(know) 谁(who)在(V+ing)安排(arrange) 命运(fate/destiny)好(good)歹(bad) 一(one)人(person)拢(all)一(one)款(kind)
有时阵 想要放弃 想要怨叹 想要流目屎
yǒushí zhèn xiǎng yào fàngqì xiǎng yào yuàn tàn xiǎng yào liú mù shǐ
Sometimes, I thought about giving up, thought about complaining, and thought of shedding tears.
有(have)时阵(time) 想要(thought of)放弃(giving up) 想要(thought of)怨(complaining)叹(sighing) 想要(thought of)流(flowing)目屎(tears)
等一天 黑暗过去 苦尽甘来 人生滋味才了解
děng yītiān hēi’àn guòqù kǔjìngānlái rénshēng zīwèi cái liǎojiě
Waiting for one day, the darkness passes, bitterness finishes and sweetness comes, then will really know that is the taste of life.
等(wait)一(one)天(day) 黑暗(darkness)过去(pass) 苦(bitterness)尽(end)甘(sweet)来(come) 人生(life)滋味(taste)才(then)了解(understand)
为的彼个将来 要自己 勇敢再勇敢
wèi de bǐ gè jiānglái yào zìjǐ yǒnggǎn zài yǒnggǎn
For that future, I want myself to be brave, again brave.
为的(for)彼(that)个(measure word)将来(future) 要(want)自己(oneself) 勇敢(brave)再(again)勇敢(brave)
Translated by Shu