这不是爱情 Zhe bu shi ai qing This is not love 韦礼安 Wei Li An, William Wei: lyrics, pinyin and English translation


Zhè bùshì àiqíng
This is not love

Wéi Lǐ’ān
William Wei

不是暧昧 和心跳 巧克力 和情调
bùshì àimèi hé xīntiào qiǎokèlì hé qíngdiào
(It’s) not ambiguity, (and) heartbeat, chocolate and sentiment.
不(not)是(is)暧昧(ambiguity) 和(and)心跳(heartbeat) 巧克力(chocolate) 和(and)情调(sentiment)

织围巾 送蛋糕 会脸红 心偷笑
zhī wéijīn sòng dàngāo huì liǎnhóng xīn tōu xiào
Weaving scarves, sending cakes, blushing, secretly smiling in heart.
织(weave)围巾(scarf) 送(give)蛋糕(cake) 会(will)脸(face)红(red) 心(heart)偷(secretly)笑(smile)

女孩这不是爱情 他只是烦恼
nǚhái zhè bùshì àiqíng tā zhǐshì fánnǎo
Girls, this is not love. He is just a trouble.
女孩(girl)这(this)不(not)是(is)爱情(love) 他(he)只(only)是(is)烦恼(trouble)

等待她的笑 付出不求回报
děngdài tā de xiào fùchū bù qiú huíbào
Waiting for her smiles, devotion without expecting repay
等待(wait)她的(her)笑(smile) 付出(devote)不(not)求(ask)回报(repay)

她随传 你随到 献殷勤 对她好
tā suí chuán nǐ suí dào xiànyīnqín duì tā hǎo
Whenever she summons you, you come right away. Being particularly attentive to her, treating her nicely.
她(she)随(any time)传(summon) 你(you)随(right away)到(arrive) 献殷勤(Being particularly attentive to) 对(to)她(her)好(nice)

男孩这不是爱情 是你愚蠢的征兆
nánhái zhè bùshì àiqíng shì nǐ yúchǔn de zhēngzhào
Boys, this is not love. It is the sign of your stupidity.
男孩(boy)这(this)不(not)是(is)爱情(love) 是(is)你(you)愚蠢(stupidity)的(connecting particle)征兆(omen/sign)

yīnwèi àiqíng bùshì xiānhuā shuǐguǒ nà zhǒng dōngxī zhǐshìhé bài shén fú
For love is not fresh flower (or) fruits. That kind of things only are suitable for worshipping Gods and Buddhas.
因为(because)爱情(love)不是(is not)鲜(fresh)花(flower)水果(fruit)那(that)种(kind)东西(things)只(only)适合(suitable)拜(worship)神(god)佛(buddha)

rèn nǐ shāoxiāng kētóu àiqíng yě bù huì qīngyì kāihuā jiē guǒ
No matter how you burn incense and bow down (kowtow), love won’t easily bloom and come to fruition.
任(no matter)你(you)烧(burn)香(incense)磕头(bow down)爱情(love)也(also)不会(won’t)轻易(easily)开花(bloom)结果(bear fruit)

àiqíng zhǐshì qiú shàngdì bǎoyòu zìjǐ bù huì hòuhuǐ zhème zuò
Love is just ask God to bless oneself that one won’t regret doing this way;
爱情(love)只(only)是(is)求(ask)上帝(god)保佑(bless)自己(self)不会(won’t)后悔(regret)这么(this way)做(do)

天崩地裂后 甘愿重头来过
tiānbēngdìliè hòu gānyuàn zhòngtóu láiguò
After earth shattering, one would be willing to start all over again.
天(sky)崩(collapse)地(earth)裂(break)后(after) 甘愿(willing)重头(from start)来(come)过(pastiche shows past experience)

冷战和争吵 会嫉妒 发牢骚
lěngzhàn hé zhēngchǎo huì jídù fā láosāo
Cold wars and quarrels, being jealous, complaining
冷(cold)战(war)和(and)争吵(quarrel) 会(will)嫉妒(be jealous)发牢骚(to whine / to be grouchy

你无礼 她取闹 疲倦了 受不了
nǐ wú lǐ tā qǔnào píjuànle shòu bùliǎo
You being rude, she making troubles. Getting tired and not able to endure it anymore.
你(you)无(without)礼(manner) 她(she)取闹(make trouble) 疲倦(tired)了(past tense marker) 受不了(not able to endure)

客官这就是爱情 一杯Latte糖抽掉
kè guān zhè jiùshì àiqíng yībēi Latte táng chōu diào
Customer, this is love. It is like a cup of latte without sugar.
客官(polite appellation for a guest at a hotel etc)这(this)就是(exactly is)爱情(love) 一(one)杯(cup)Latte糖(sugar)抽掉(take away)

yīnwèi àiqíng bùshì xiānhuā shuǐguǒ nà zhǒng dōngxī zhǐshìhé bài shén fú
For love is not fresh flower (or) fruits. That kind of things only are suitable for worshipping Gods and Buddhas.
因为(because)爱情(love)不是(is not)鲜(fresh)花(flower)水果(fruit)那(that)种(kind)东西(things)只(only)适合(suitable)拜(worship)神(god)佛(buddha)

rèn nǐ shāoxiāng kētóu àiqíng yě bù huì qīngyì kāihuā jiē guǒ
Even you burn incense and bow down (kowtow), love won’t easily bloom and come to fruition.
任(no matter)你(you)烧(burn)香(incense)磕头(bow down)爱情(love)也(also)不会(won’t)轻易(easily)开花(bloom)结果(bear fruit)

àiqíng zhǐshì qiú shàngdì bǎoyòu zìjǐ bù huì hòuhuǐ zhème zuò
Love is just ask God to bless oneself that one won’t regret doing this way;
爱情(love)只(only)是(is)求(ask)上帝(god)保佑(bless)自己(self)不会(won’t)后悔(regret)这么(this way)做(do)

天崩地裂后 甘愿重头来过
tiānbēngdìliè hòu gānyuàn zhòngtóu láiguò
After earth shattering, one would be willing to start all over again.
天(sky)崩(collapse)地(earth)裂(break)后(after) 甘愿(willing)重头(from start)来(come)过(pastiche shows past experience)

yīnwèi àiqíng bùshì xiānhuā shuǐguǒ nà zhǒng dōngxī zhǐshìhé bài shén fú
For love is not fresh flower (or) fruits. That kind of things only are suitable for worshipping Gods and Buddhas.
因为(because)爱情(love)不是(is not)鲜(fresh)花(flower)水果(fruit)那(that)种(kind)东西(things)只(only)适合(suitable)拜(worship)神(god)佛(buddha)

rèn nǐ shāoxiāng kētóu àiqíng yě bù huì qīngyì kāihuā jiē guǒ
Even you burn incense and bow down (kowtow), love won’t easily bloom and come to fruition.
任(no matter)你(you)烧(burn)香(incense)磕头(bow down)爱情(love)也(also)不会(won’t)轻易(easily)开花(bloom)结果(bear fruit)

àiqíng zhǐshì qiú shàngdì bǎoyòu zìjǐ bù huì hòuhuǐ zhème zuò
Love is just ask God to bless oneself that one won’t regret doing this way;
爱情(love)只(only)是(is)求(ask)上帝(god)保佑(bless)自己(self)不会(won’t)后悔(regret)这么(this way)做(do)

天崩地裂后 甘愿重头来过
tiānbēngdìliè hòu gānyuàn zhòngtóu láiguò
After earth shattering, one would be willing to start all over again.
天(sky)崩(collapse)地(earth)裂(break)后(after) 甘愿(willing)重头(from start)来(come)过(pastiche shows past experience)

àiqíng zhǐshì qiú shàngdì bǎoyòu zìjǐ bù huì hòuhuǐ zhème zuò
Love is just ask God to bless oneself that one won’t regret doing this way;
爱情(love)只(only)是(is)求(ask)上帝(god)保佑(bless)自己(self)不会(won’t)后悔(regret)这么(this way)做(do)

浪漫不是爱情 爱情是浪漫的后果
làngmàn bùshì àiqíng àiqíng shì làngmàn de hòuguǒ
Being romantic is not love. Love is the consequence of being romantic.
浪漫(being romantic)不是(is not)爱情(love) 爱情(love)是(is)浪漫being romantic)的(connecting particle)后果(consequence)

Translated by Shu

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2016 Spring semester Dialogue 1(C2/3)看电影 Kan dianying Watching movies


A 你喜欢不喜欢看电影?
A 我也常常去电影院看电影。我喜欢看悲剧,我常常一边看,一边哭。
B 我最喜欢看的电影是星际大战。
A 你喜欢看卡通片吗?
B 我也喜欢看迪士尼的卡通片,像美人鱼,睡美人,白雪公主和木兰。
A 你看过最精彩的恐怖片是什么?
B 我不看恐怖片,最近我喜欢看科幻片。我觉得最精彩的科幻片是星际大战。
A 星际大战太精彩,太刺激了。很酷,很棒。我想你一定也喜欢。


Kàn diànyǐng

A Nǐ xǐhuān bù xǐhuān kàn diànyǐng?
B Wǒ hěn xǐhuān kàn diànyǐng.
Wǒ měi gè zhōumò dōu qù kàn diànyǐng.
Wǒ ài kàn wǔdǎ piàn hé xǐjù piàn.
Wǒ hěn bù xǐhuān kàn àiqíng piàn, nǐ ne?
A Wǒ yě chángcháng qù diànyǐngyuàn kàn diànyǐng. Wǒ xǐhuān kàn bēijù, wǒ chángcháng yībiān kàn, yībiān kū.
Wǒ zuì xǐhuān kàn de diànyǐng shì biānfú xiá. Nǐ ne?
B Wǒ zuì xǐhuān kàn de diànyǐng shì xīngjì dàzhàn.
A Nǐ xǐhuān kàn kǎtōng piàn ma?
Wǒ xǐhuān kàn dàlì shuǐshǒu.
B wǒ yě xǐhuān kàn díshìní de kǎtōng piàn, xiàng měirényú, shuì měirén, báixuě gōngzhǔ hé mùlán.
A Nǐ kànguò zuì jīngcǎi de kǒngbù piàn shì shénme?
B Wǒ bù kàn kǒngbù piàn, zuìjìn wǒ xǐhuān kàn kēhuàn piàn. Wǒ juédé zuì jīngcǎi de kēhuàn piān shì xīngjì dàzhàn.
A Xīngjì dàzhàn tài jīngcǎi, tài cìjī le, hěn kù, hěn bàng. Wǒ xiǎng nǐ yídìng yě xǐhuān.

English translation:

watch movie
A Did you like watching movies?
B I like watching movies very much.
I go to watch movies every weekend.
I like martial arts films and comedy.
I do not like to see romance films, How about you?
A I also often go to the cinema. I like to watch the tragedy, I often while watching, crying.
My favorite movie is Batman. How about you?
B My favorite movie is Star Wars.
A Do you like to watch cartoons?
  I like watching Popeye.
B I also like to watch Disney cartoons, like the mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Mulan.
A What you’ve seen is the most exciting horror film?
B I do not watch horror movies, I like to watch science fiction lately. I think the most exciting sci-fi film is Star Wars.
A Star Wars is such exciting, such stimulating. Cool, great. I think you must love (it) too.


A 你(you)喜欢(like)不(not)喜欢(like)看(watch)电影(movie)?
B我(I)很(very much)喜欢(like)看(watch)电影(movie)。
我(I)每(every)个(measure word)周末(weekend)都(all)去(go to)看(watch)电影(movie)。
我(I)爱(love)看(watch)武打(Kung fu/martial art)片(film)和(and)喜剧(comedy)片(film)。
我(I)很(very)不(not)喜欢(like)看(watch)爱情(romance/love)片(film),你(you)呢(question marker for open-ended questions)?
A 我(I)也(also)常常(often)去(go to)电影(movie)院(theater)看(watch)电影(movie)。我(I)喜欢(like)看(watch)悲剧(tragedy),我(I)常常(often)一边(at the same time/while)看(watch),一边(at the same time/while)哭(cry)。
我(I)最(the most)喜欢(like)看(watch)的(connecting particle)电影(movie)是(is)蝙蝠(Bat)侠(hero)。你(you)呢(question marker for open-ended questions)?
B 我(I)最(the most)喜欢(like)看(watch)的(connecting particle)电影(movie)是(is)星际(星(star), interstellar / interplanetary)大(big)战(war)。
A 你(you)喜欢(like)看(watch)卡通(cartoon)片(film)吗(question marker)?
B 我(I)也(also)喜欢(like)看(see)迪士尼(Disney)的(connecting particle)卡通(cartoon)片(film),像(like)美(pretty)人(person)鱼(fish),睡(sleep)美(pretty)人(person),白(white)雪(snow)公主(princess)和(and)木兰(Mulan)。
A 你(you)看(watch/see)过(particle shows past experience)最(the most)精彩(interesting)的(connecting particle)恐怖(horror)片(film)是(is)什么(what)?
B 我(I)不(not)看(watch)恐怖(horror)片(film),最近(recently)我(I)喜欢(like)看(watch)科幻(science/imagination)片(film)。我(I)觉得(feel)最(the most)精彩的(excitingP科幻(Sci-fi)片(film)是(is)星际大战(star war)。
A 星际大战(star war)太(too)精彩(exciting),太(too)刺激(stimulating)了(particle shows exaggeration。很(very)酷(cool),很(very)棒(excellent)。我(I)想(think)你(you)一定(definitely)也(also)喜欢(like)。

New characters for the dialogue:
1 电影

2 精彩
exciting and interesting

3 常常

4 科幻片
kēhuàn piān
sci-fi movie

5 喜剧片
xǐjù piàn

6 恐怖片
kǒngbù piàn
horror film

7 周末

8 武打片
wǔdǎ piàn
martial art film

9 卡通片
kǎtōng piàn
cartoon film

10 电影院
movie theater


1 一定 definitely

Tā yīdìng huì huílái.
He definitely will be back.

Wǒ yīdìng qù nǐ jiā chīfàn.
I definitely will go to your house for the meal.


At the same time V+ing, at the same time V+ing
Tā yībiān chīfàn, yībiān kànshū.
He was eating, while reading.
He at the same time eating, at the same time reading books.

Wǒ de dàjiě, yībiān kàn diànshì, yībiān chī shǔ tiáo.
My eldest sister while watching TV, while eating fries.

3 最 +V or 最+adjective

Wǒ zuì ài wǒ de chǒngwù le.
I love my pet the most.

Zuì kě’ài de huā shì mòlìhuā.
The loveliest flower is jasmine.

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