Chinese children’s song 捉泥鳅 Zhuo niqiu Catch loaches: 歌词 lyrics, 拼音 pinyin, 英文翻译 English translation



捉泥鳅 儿歌

四千金 – 捉泥鳅 (HD)

Zhuō níqiū
Catch loaches

Bāo měi shèng

池塘里水满了 雨也停了
chítáng lǐ shuǐ mǎnle yǔ yě tíngle
The water in the pond is full, and the rain also has stopped.
池塘(pond)里(within)水(water)满(full)了(past tense particle) 雨(rain)也(also)停(stop)了(past tense particle)

tiánbiān de xīní lǐ dàochù shì níqiū
Within the watery mud at the edge of the filed, everywhere is loaches.
田(field)边(edge)的(connecting particle)稀(loosen/watery)泥(mud)里(within)到处(everywhere)是(is)泥鳅(loach)

天天我等着你 等着你捉泥鳅
tiāntiān wǒ děngzhe nǐ děngzhe nǐ zhuō níqiū
Everyday I am waiting for you, waiting for you to catch loaches.
天天(everyday)我(I)等(wait)着(V+ing)你(you) 等(wait)着(v+ing)你(you)捉(catch)泥鳅(loach)

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅
dà gēgē hǎobù hǎo zánmen qù zhuō níqiū
Big brother, is it good or not let’s us go catch loaches.
大(big)哥哥(brother)好(good)不(not)好(good) 咱们(we/us)去(to)捉(catch)泥鳅(loach)

xiǎo niú dí gēgē dàizhe tā zhuō níqiū
Little cow’s brother brought him to catch loaches.
小(small)牛(cow)的(connecting particle)哥哥(brother)带(bring)着(v+ing)他(he)捉(catch)泥鳅(loach)

大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅
dà gēgē hǎobù hǎo zánmen qù zhuō níqiū
Big brother, is it good or not let’s us go catch loaches.
大(big)哥哥(brother)好(good)不(not)好(good) 咱们(we/us)去(to)捉(catch)泥鳅(loach)

Translated by Shu

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2016 Spring semester Dialogue 2 (C2/3) 学校和爱好 Xuexiao he aihao School and hobby

1 你爱上学吗?
2 有时候,我爱上学,有时候,我不爱上学。你呢?
1 我跟你一样,有时候,我爱上学,有时候,我不爱上学。你上高中吗?
2 是,我上高中,你呢?
1 我上大学。你最喜欢上哪一节课?
2 我最喜欢上画画课,画画课很好玩。我也喜欢上中文课,因为,我喜欢写中文字。你呢?
2 我最爱上数学课了,我的数学老师,上课的时候常常说笑话。所以,我上数学课,上得很快乐。
2 你有什么爱好?
1 我天天跑步,打篮球。冬天的时候,我喜欢滑雪。有时候,也跳舞。你呢?
2 我天天带我的狗出去散步。除了散步以外,我还喜欢打网球,游泳,和跑步。
1 啊,很好,你也喜欢跑步,要不要和我比赛跑步?
2 不行,我的脚受伤了。我的医生说,我要多休息,少动来动去。这样我的脚才会快快好。
1 好吧,那就下次吧。
Xuéxiào hé àihào
1 nǐ ài shàngxué ma?
2 Yǒu shíhòu, wǒ ài shàngxué, yǒu shíhòu, wǒ bù ài shàngxué. Nǐ ne?
1 Wǒ gēn nǐ yīyàng, yǒu shíhòu, wǒ ài shàngxué, yǒu shíhòu, wǒ bù ài shàngxué. Nǐ shàng gāozhōng ma?
2 Shì, wǒ shàng gāozhōng, nǐ ne?
1 Wǒ shàng dàxué. Nǐ zuì xǐhuān shàng nǎ yī jié kè?
2 Wǒ zuì xǐhuān shàng huà huà kè, huà huà kè hěn hǎowán. Wǒ yě xǐhuān shàng zhōngwén kè, yīnwèi, wǒ xǐhuān xiě zhōngwén zì. Nǐ ne?
2 Wǒ zuì ài shàng shùxué kèle, wǒ de shùxué lǎoshī, shàngkè de shíhòu chángcháng shuō xiàohuà. Suǒyǐ, wǒ shàng shùxué kè, shàng dé hěn kuàilè.
2 Nǐ yǒu shé me àihào?
1 Wǒ tiāntiān pǎobù, dǎ lánqiú. Dōngtiān de shíhòu, wǒ xǐhuān huáxuě. Yǒu shíhòu, yě tiàowǔ. Nǐ ne?
2 Wǒ tiāntiān dài wǒ de gǒu chūqù sànbù. Chúle sànbù yǐwài, wǒ hái xǐhuān dǎ wǎngqiú, yóuyǒng, hé pǎobù.
1 A, hěn hǎo, nǐ yě xǐhuān pǎobù, yào bùyào hé wǒ bǐsài pǎobù?
2 Bùxíng, wǒ de jiǎo shòushāngle. Wǒ de yīshēng shuō, wǒ yào duō xiūxí, shǎo dòng lái dòng qù. Zhèyàng wǒ de jiǎo cái huì kuài kuài hǎo.
1 Hǎo ba, nà jiù xià cì ba.

School and hobbies
1 you love going to school?
2 Sometimes I love going to school, and sometimes, I do not love going to school. How about you?
1 The same as you, sometimes, I love going to school, and sometimes, I do not love going to school. Do you in high school?
2 yes, I attend high school, How about you?
1 I am in college. Which is your favorite class?
2 My favorite class is painting class, painting class is very fun. I also like the Chinese class, because I like to write Chinese characters. How about you?
2 I love attending math class, my math teacher, often tell jokes during class time. So I attend math class happily.
2 What are your hobbies?
1 Every day I run, play basketball. In the winter, I like skiing. Sometimes, also dance. How about you?
2 Every day I take my dog out for a walk. In addition to walking, I also like to play tennis, swimming, and running.
1 ah, very well, you like to run, do you want to have a run race with me ?
2 No, my feet got wounded. My doctor said that I should get more rest, less moving around. This way my feet will get well soon.
1 Well, then next time.

1 你(you)爱(love)上(attend)学(school)吗(question marker)?
2 有(have)时候(times),我(I)爱(love)上(attend)学(school),有(have)时候(times),我(I)不(not)爱(love)上(attend)学(school)。你(you)呢(question marker for open-ended questions)?
1 我(I)跟(and)你(you)一样(same),有(have)时候(times),我(I)爱(love)上(attend)学(school),有(have)时候(times),我(I)不(not)爱(love)上(attend)学(school)。你(you)上(attend)高中(high school)吗(question marker for yes or no questions)?
2 是(yes),我(I)上(attend)高中(high school),你(you)呢(question marker for open-ended questions)?
1 我(I)上(attend)大学(university)。你(you)最(the most)喜欢(like)上(attend)哪(which)一(one)节(measure word for class)课(class/lesson)?
2 我(I)最(the most)喜欢(like)上(attend)画画(drawing)课(class),画画(drawing)课(class)很(very)好玩(fun)。我(I)也(also)喜欢(like)上(attend)中文(Chinese)课(class),因为(because),我(I)喜欢(like)写(write)中文(Chinese)字(character)。你(you)呢(question marker)?
2 我(I)最(the most)爱(love)上(attend)数学(mathematics)课(class)了(particle),我的(my)数学(mathematics)老师(teacher),上(attend)课(class)的(connecting particle)时候(times)常常(often)说(speak/say)笑话(joke)。所以(so),我(I)上(attend)数学(mathematics)课(class),上(attend)得(particle after verb and before the complement which describe the verb)很(very)快乐(happy)。
2 你(you)有(have)什么(what)爱好(hobbies)?
1 我(I)天天(everyday)跑步(run),打(play)篮球(basketball)。冬天(winter)的(connecting particle)时候(time),我(I)喜欢(like)滑雪(skiing)。有(have)时候(time),也(also)跳舞(dance)。你(you)呢(question marker)?
2 我(I)天天(everyday)带(bring)我的(my)狗(dog)出去(go out)散步(take a walk)。除了(besides)散步(take a walk)以外(beyond),我(I)还(also)喜欢(like)打(play)网球(tennis),游泳(swimming),和(and)跑步(running)。
1 啊(ah),很(very)好(good),你(you)也(also)喜欢(like)跑步(running),要(want)不(not)要(want)和(and)我(I)比赛(race/compete)跑步(running)?
2 不行(can’t),我的(my)脚(leg)受伤(wounded)了(particle for sentence final)。我的(my)医生(doctor)说(say),我(I)要(want)多(more)休息(rest),少(less)动(move)来(here)动(move)去(there)。这样(this way)我的(my)脚(leg)才(then)会(will)快快(quickly)好(well)。
1 好(good)吧(particle shows suggestions),那(then)就(then)下(next)次(time)吧(particle shows suggestions)。

New characters
huà huà kè
Drawing class. Ke -class
shùxué kè
Math class
dǎ lánqiú
Play basketball. Da- play/hit
Take a walk
Got wounded
duō xiūxí
Rest more
xià cì
Next time

1 有时候,— 有时候,— or 有的时候---,有的时候,--- sometimes—, sometimes
Yǒu shíhòu, wǒ ài tīng yīnyuè, yǒu shíhòu, wǒ ài tiàowǔ.
Sometimes I love listening to music, sometimes, I love to dance.

Yǒu shíhòu, wǒ zǒulù qù xuéxiào, yǒu shíhòu, wǒ zuò xiàochē qù xuéxiào.
Sometimes I walk to school, and sometimes I take the bus to school.

2 除了---以外,我还 Besides, I also
chúle shàng zhōngwén yǐwài, wǒ hái shàng yīngwén.
In addition to attending Chinese class, I also attend English class.

Chúle chī chǎomiàn yǐwài, wǒ hái chī shuǐjiǎo.
In addition to eating noodles, I also eat dumplings.

3 要不要和我 want not want with me
nǐ yào bùyào hé wǒ yīqǐ qù túshū guǎn?
Do you want to go with me to the library?
Nǐ yào bùyào hé wǒ yīqǐ qù shūdiàn mǎishū?
Do you want to go with me to the bookstore to buy books?

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