时间都去哪儿了 Shijian dou qu nar le Where has the time gone? lyrics, pinyin, English translation


张碧晨 时间都去哪儿了’ 那英险听哭

姚贝娜 《时间都去哪儿了》

Shíjiān dōu qù nǎr le
Where has the time gone?

mén qián lǎo shù zhǎng xīnyá
In front of the door, the old tree is growing new shoots.

yuàn lǐ kūmù yòu kāihuā
Inside the yard, the dried wood is again blooming.

bàn shēngcúnle hǎoduō huà
During this half of (my) lifetime, (I) have been storing so many words.
半(half)生(life)存(store/keep)了(past tense marker)好多(so many)话(words)

cáng jìnle mǎn tóu bái fà
Stored them into the head that is full of white hair.
藏(hide)进(enter)了(past tense marker)满(full)头(head)白(white)发(hair)

jìyì zhōng de xiǎojiǎo yā
Within the memory, the little feet
记忆(memory)中(within)的(connecting particle)小(little)脚(foot)丫(suffix, no meaning)

ròu dū dū de xiǎo zuǐba
The chubby little mouth
肉(flesh)嘟嘟(pouting)的(connecting particle)小(little)嘴巴(mouth)

Yyīshēng bǎ ài jiāo gěi tā
All my life, I have been giving love to her.
一(one)生(life)把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)爱(love)交(give)给(to)他(him)

zhǐ wèi nà yīshēng bà mā
Just for that one sound of “mom dad”

shíjiān dōu qù nǎr le
Time all has gone to where?
时间(time)都(all)去(go to)哪儿(where)了(past tense marker)

hái méi hǎohāo gǎnshòu niánqīng jiù lǎole
Still have not thoroughly experienced youth, and now I am old already.
还(still)没(not)好好(well)感受(experience)年轻(youth)就(and then)老(old)了(past tense marker)

shēng ér yǎngnǚ yībèizi
Raising sons and daughters for a lifetime

mǎn nǎozi dōu shì háizi kūle xiàole
All my mind has been all about children crying or laughing.
满(full)脑子(brain)都(all)是(is)孩子(child)哭(dry)了(past tense marker)笑(laugh)了(past tense marker)

shíjiān dōu qù nǎr le
Time all has gone to where?
时间(time)都(all)去(go to)哪儿(where)了(past tense marker)

hái méi hǎohǎo kàn kàn nǐ yǎnjīng jiù huāle
I still haven’t thoroughly looked at you, and then my eyes are losing focus.
还(still)没(not)好好(well)看看(look/watch)你(you)眼睛(eye)就(then)花(not clear)了(past tense marker)

cháimǐyóuyán bànbèizi
Busying with firewood, rice, oil and salt for half my lifetime.
柴(firewood)米(rice)油(oil)盐(salt)半(half)辈子(like time)

zhuǎnyǎn jiù zhǐ shèng xià mǎn liǎn de zhòuwénle
In the blink of an eye, the only thing left are wrinkles growing on all of the face.
转(turn)眼(eye)就(just)只(only)剩下(left)满(full)脸(face)的(connecting particle)皱纹(wrinkle)了(past tense marker)

Translated by Shu

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Celebrate Year of Monkey Chinese children’s song 三轮车跑得快 Sanlunche pao de kuai Tricycle runs fast: lyrics, pinyin, English translation

Happy Chinese New Year 2016. The Year of the Monkey – begins on February 8th and lasts until Jan 27th, 2017.


经典儿歌童谣:小猴子 (又名三轮车跑得快) 祝大家猴年快乐!

Sānlúnchē pǎo de kuài
Tricycle runs fast

Sānlúnchē pǎo de kuài
Tricycle runs fast.
三轮车(tricycle)跑(run)得(structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc)快(fast)

shàngmiàn zuò gè lǎo tàitài
On the tricycle, an old lady is sitting.
上面(on top of)坐(sit)个(measure word)老(old)太太(lady/woman)

要五毛 给一块
yào wǔ máo gěi yī kuài
Ask for fifty cents, (yet) is given one dollar.
要(ask)五(five)毛(one mao equal to 10 cents) 给(give)一(one)块(dollar)

nǐ shuō qíguài bù qíguài
You say, is it strange or not?

小猴子吱吱叫 肚子饿了不能跳
xiǎo hóuzi zhī zhī jiào dùzi è liǎo bù néng tiào
Little monkey chattered. The stomach is hungry, and so he was not able to jump.
小(little)猴子(monkey)吱吱(onom. to chatter/to gibber)叫(shout) 肚子(stomach)饿(hungry)了(past tense marker)不能(not able to)跳(jump)

给香蕉 还不要
gěi xiāngjiāo hái bùyào
Giving him the banana, (yet) he is refusing it.
给(give)香蕉(banana) 还(yet)不(not)要(want)

nǐ shuō hǎoxiào bù hǎoxiào
You say, is it funny or not?

Translated by Shu

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