2016 dialogue 4 Seeing doctor 看医生 kàn yīshēng

1 啊,我肚子疼死了!
2 为什么你肚子疼死了?
1 因为我吃坏肚子了。
1 我吃了起司蛋糕。
1 我去看医生了。
1 要,我要吃药,不用打针。
2 饭前吃还是饭后吃?

1 A, wǒ dùzi téng sǐle!
2 Wèishéme nǐ dùzi téng sǐle?
1 Yīnwèi wǒ chī huài dùzile.
2 Nǐ chīle shénme?
1 Wǒ chīle qǐ sī dàngāo.
2 Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu qù kànbìng?
1 Wǒ qù kàn yīshēngle.
2 Yīshēng shuō shénme?
1 Yīshēng shuō qǐ sī dàngāo bù xīnxiān, ràng wǒ dùzi bú shūfú.
2 Nǐ yào chī yào ma?
1 Yào, wǒ yào chī yào, bùyòng dǎzhēn.
2 Nǐ yītiān yào chī jǐ cì yào?
1 Wǒ yītiān yào chī sāncì yào.
2 Fàn qián chī háishì fàn hòu chī?
1 Fàn hòu chī.
2 Nǐ yào duō xiūxí, xīwàng nǐ kuài kuài hǎo. Duō bǎozhòng.
1 Xièxiè nǐ. Wǒ huì bǎ yào chī wán.

1 啊,我肚子疼死了!
1 A, wǒ dùzi téng sǐle!
2 为什么你肚子疼死了?
2 Wèishéme nǐ dùzi téng sǐle?
1 因为我吃坏肚子了。
1 Yīnwèi wǒ chī huài dùzile.
2 Nǐ chīle shénme?
1 我吃了起司蛋糕。
1 Wǒ chīle qǐ sī dàngāo.
2 Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu qù kànbìng?
1 我去看医生了。
1 Wǒ qù kàn yīshēngle.
2 Yīshēng shuō shénme?
1 Yīshēng shuō qǐ sī dàngāo bù xīnxiān, ràng wǒ dùzi bú shūfú.
2 Nǐ yào chī yào ma?
1 要,我要吃药,不用打针。
1 Yào, wǒ yào chī yào, bùyòng dǎzhēn.
2 Nǐ yītiān yào chī jǐ cì yào?
1 Wǒ yītiān yào chī sāncì yào.
2 饭前吃还是饭后吃?
2 Fàn qián chī háishì fàn hòu chī?
1 Fàn hòu chī.
2 Nǐ yào duō xiūxí, xīwàng nǐ kuài kuài hǎo. Duō bǎozhòng.
1 Xièxiè nǐ. Wǒ huì bǎ yào chī wán.

1 啊,我肚子疼死了!
1 ah, my stomach is painful to death!

2 为什么你肚子疼死了?
2 Why your stomach is painful to death?

1 因为我吃坏肚子了。
1 because I ate (something) bad (to) (my) stomach.

2 What did you eat?

1 我吃了起司蛋糕。
1 I ate cheesecake.

2 Did you go to see the illness?

1 我去看医生了。
1 I went to see a doctor.

2 What did the doctor say?

2 The doctor said the cheesecake was not fresh,let me stomach (feel) uncomfortable.

2 Do you have to eat medicine?

1 要,我要吃药,不用打针。
1 Have to, I have to take medicine. don’t need to get a shot.

You have to take medicine how many times a day?

1 I have to take medicine three times a day.

2 饭前吃还是饭后吃?
2 Before the meal or after the meal?

1 Take it after the meal.

1 You have to rest more. Hope you will be getting well soon. Take more care.

1 Thank you. I will finish eating the medicine.


1 duō xiūxí
Rest more

2 duō bǎozhòng
Take care more

3 qǐ sī dàngāo
Cheese cake

4 bù xīnxiān
Not fresh

5 bú shūfú.
Not comfortable

6 Chī huài dùzi
Eat something bad for stomach

7 chī yào
Eat medicine
8 dǎzhēn
Get an injection

9 kànbìng
See illness/see doctor

10 kàn yīshēng
See doctor


1 Times of actions
number + 次/遍
Jīntiān wǒ dǎ diànhuà dǎle sāncì.
I made phone call 3 times today.

Wǒ qù zhōngguó wǔ biànle.
I have been to China 5 times.

2把 structure – particle marking the following noun as a direct object

我把书看完了。 = 我看完书了。
Wǒ bǎ shū kàn wánliǎo. = Wǒ kàn wán shūle.
I finished reading books.

我把你的功课做好了。= 我做好你的功课了。
Wǒ bǎ nǐ de gōngkè zuò hǎole.= Wǒ zuò hǎo nǐ de gōngkèle.
I finished doing your homework.

3 死 to show exaggeration or extreme degree
Wǒ de tóutòng sǐle.
My head is painful to death.
My head is hurting a lot.

Nà jiàn yīfú guì sǐle.
That clothes is so expensive.

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2016 Dialogue 3 TV 电视节目 和歌星 shows and singers

1 你平常喜欢做什么?
2 我平常喜欢看电视.
1我最喜欢看电视了。我常常看连续剧,新闻,综艺节目,談話節目 (脱口秀)和卡通片。你呢?
2 我也看连续剧,连续剧里面的男主角很帅,很迷人,女主角很漂亮,有气质。为什么你喜欢看新闻节目?
1 新闻节目可以让我知道地方大事,国家大事和世界大事。有些新闻让人伤心,有些新闻让人心情愉快。你看综艺节目吗?
2 综艺节目里面有唱歌,跳舞,如果是我喜欢的歌星,我会喜欢看,如果不是我喜欢的歌星,我就不喜欢看。
2我不太喜欢中文歌,我喜欢英文歌,我最喜欢的歌星是 Walk the Moon 的 Nicholas Petricca. 他唱的那一首Shut Up and Dance好听。
1啊,对不起,我对 Nicholas Petricca的歌没有兴趣,我不喜欢哪一首 Shut Up and Dance。那一首歌太无聊了!
2每个人喜欢的都不一样,很正常,没关系。对了,One Direction 要到我们这儿开演唱会,你要去听吗?
2听说一张票卖200 块钱,我买不起,真羡慕你能去听他们的演唱会。

1 Nǐ píngcháng xǐhuān zuò shénme?
2 Wǒ píngcháng xǐhuān kàn diànshì.
1 Wǒ zuì xǐhuān kàn diànshìle. Wǒ chángcháng kàn liánxùjù, xīnwén, zōngyì jiémù, tánhuà jiémù (tuōkǒu xiù) hé kǎtōng piàn. Nǐ ne?
2 Wǒ yě kàn liánxùjù, liánxùjù lǐmiàn de nán zhǔjiǎo hěn shuài, hěn mírén, nǚ zhǔjiǎo hěn piàoliang, yǒu qìzhí. Wèishéme nǐ xǐhuān kàn xīnwén jiémù?
1 Xīnwén jiémù kěyǐ ràng wǒ zhīdào dìfāng dàshì, guójiā dàshì hé shìjiè dàshì. Yǒuxiē xīnwén ràng rén shāngxīn, yǒuxiē xīnwén ràng rén xīnqíng yúkuài. Nǐ kàn zōngyì jiémù ma?
2 Zōngyì jiémù lǐmiàn yǒu chànggē, tiàowǔ, rúguǒ shì wǒ xǐhuān de gēxīng, wǒ huì xǐhuān kàn, rúguǒ bùshì wǒ xǐhuān de gēxīng, wǒ jiù bù xǐhuān kàn.
1 Wǒ zuì xǐhuān de gēxīng shì línjùnjié, nǐ ne?
2 Wǒ bù tài xǐhuān zhōngwén gē, wǒ xǐhuān yīngwén gē, wǒ zuì xǐhuān de gēxīng shì Walk the Moon de Nicholas Petricca. Tā chàng dì nà yī shǒu Shut Up and Dance hǎotīng.
1 A, duìbùqǐ, wǒ duì Nicholas Petricca de gē méiyǒu xìngqù, wǒ bù xǐhuān nǎ yī shǒu Shut Up and Dance. Nà yī shǒu gē tài wúliáole!
2 Měi gèrén xǐhuān de dōu bù yīyàng, hěn zhèngcháng, méiguānxì. Duìle,One Direction yào dào wǒmen zhè’er kāi yǎnchàng huì, nǐ yào qù tīng ma?
1 Zhēn de ma? Bù qù tīng duìbùqǐ wǒ zìjǐ, wǒ juéduì huì mǎi tāmen yǎnchàng huì de piào, hé wǒ de nǚ péngyǒu yīqǐ qù.
2 Tīng shuō yī zhāng piào mài 200 kuài qián, wǒ mǎi bù qǐ, zhēn xiànmù nǐ néng qù tīng tāmen de yǎnchàng huì.

dialogue with pinyin and explanation

1 你平常喜欢做什么?
1 Nǐ píngcháng xǐhuān zuò shénme?
You usually like doing what?

2 我平常喜欢看电视.
2 Wǒ píngcháng xǐhuān kàn diànshì.
I usually like watching TV.

1我最喜欢看电视了。我常常看连续剧,新闻,综艺节目,談話節目 (脱口秀)和卡通片。你呢?
1 Wǒ zuì xǐhuān kàn diànshìle. Wǒ chángcháng kàn liánxùjù, xīnwén, zōngyì jiémù, tánhuà jiémù (tuōkǒu xiù) hé kǎtōng piàn. Nǐ ne?
I like watching TV the most. I usually watch drama series, news, variety show, talk show (talk show) and cartoon. You?
我(I)最(the most)喜欢(like)看(watch)电视(TV)了((modal particle intensifying preceding clause)。我(I)常常(usually)看(see)连续剧(drama series),新闻(news),综艺节目(variety show),談話節目(talk show) (脱口秀 talk show)和(and)卡通(cartoon)。你(you)呢(question particle for open-ended questions)?

2 我也看连续剧,连续剧里面的男主角很帅,很迷人,女主角很漂亮,有气质。为什么你喜欢看新闻节目?
2 Wǒ yě kàn liánxùjù, liánxùjù lǐmiàn de nán zhǔjiǎo hěn shuài, hěn mírén, nǚ zhǔjiǎo hěn piàoliang, yǒu qìzhí. Wèishéme nǐ xǐhuān kàn xīnwén jiémù?
I also watch drama series. In drama series, male leading actors are very handsome, very charming, and female leading actresses are very pretty, have nice temperament. Why do you like watching news?
我(I)也(also)看(watch)连续剧(drama series),连续剧(drama series)里面(within)的(connecting particle)男(male)主角(leading role)很(very)帅(handsome),很(very)迷人(charming),女(female)主角(leading role)很(very)漂亮(pretty),有(have)气质(temperament/manner)。为什么(why)你(you)喜欢(like)看(see)新闻(news)节目(program)?

2 我也看连续剧,连续剧里面的男主角很帅,很迷人,女主角很漂亮,有气质。为什么你喜欢看新闻节目?
2 Wǒ yě kàn liánxùjù, liánxùjù lǐmiàn de nán zhǔjiǎo hěn shuài, hěn mírén, nǚ zhǔjiǎo hěn piàoliang, yǒu qìzhí. Wèishéme nǐ xǐhuān kàn xīnwén jiémù?
I also watch drama series. In drama series, the leading actors are very handsome, very charming; leading actresses are very beautiful, with great temperament. Why do you like watching News program?
我(I)也(also)看(watch)连续剧(drama series),连续剧(drama series)里面(within)的(connecting particle)男(male)主角(leading role)很(very)帅(handsome),很(very)迷人(charming),女(female)主角(leading role)很(very)漂亮(pretty),有(have)气质( temperament; disposition)。为什么(why)你(you)喜欢(like)看(watch)新闻(news)节目(program)?

1 新闻节目可以让我知道地方大事,国家大事和世界大事。有些新闻让人伤心,有些新闻让人心情愉快。你看综艺节目吗?
News program is able to let me know local big affairs, national affairs, and world events. Some news make people sad, some make people feel good. Do you see variety shows?
1 Xīnwén jiémù kěyǐ ràng wǒ zhīdào dìfāng dàshì, guójiā dàshì hé shìjiè dàshì. Yǒuxiē xīnwén ràng rén shāngxīn, yǒuxiē xīnwén ràng rén xīnqíng yúkuài. Nǐ kàn zōngyì jiémù ma?
1 新闻(news)节目(program)可以(able to)让(let)我(me)知道(know)地方(local)大(big)事(event),国家(nation)大(big)事(event)和(and)世界(world)大(big)事(event)。有些(some)新闻(news)让(let)人(people)伤心(sad),有些(some)新闻(news)让(let)人(people)心情(mood)愉快(happy)。你(you)看(watch)综艺节目(variety show)吗(question particle for yes and no questions)?

2 综艺节目里面有唱歌,跳舞,如果是我喜欢的歌星,我会喜欢看,如果不是我喜欢的歌星,我就不喜欢看。
Within variety shows, there are singing, dancing. If those are the singers I like, then I would like to watch, if not the singers that I like, then I don’t like to watch.
2 Zōngyì jiémù lǐmiàn yǒu chànggē, tiàowǔ, rúguǒ shì wǒ xǐhuān de gēxīng, wǒ huì xǐhuān kàn, rúguǒ bùshì wǒ xǐhuān de gēxīng, wǒ jiù bù xǐhuān kàn.
2 综艺节目(variety show)里面(within)有(have)唱(sing)歌(song)
,跳舞(dance),如果(if)是(is)我(I)喜欢(like)的(connecting particle)歌星(singer),我(I)会(will)喜欢(like)看(watch),如果(if)不(is)是(not)我(I)喜欢(like)的(connecting particle)歌星(singer),我(I)就(then)不(not)喜欢(like)看(see)。

The singer I like the most is JJ Lin, and you?
1 Wǒ zuì xǐhuān de gēxīng shì línjùnjié, nǐ ne?
1我(I)最(the most)喜欢(like)的(connecting particle)歌星(singer)是(is)林俊杰(JJ Lin),你(you)呢(questions particle for open-ended questions)?

2我不太喜欢中文歌,我喜欢英文歌,我最喜欢的歌星是Walk the Moon 的 Nicholas Petricca. 他唱的那一首Shut Up and Dance 好听。
I don’t like Chinese songs much, I like English songs. My favorite singer is Walk the Moon’s Petricca. His Shut Up and Dance song is pleasant to hear.
2 Wǒ bù tài xǐhuān zhōngwén gē, wǒ xǐhuān yīngwén gē, wǒ zuì xǐhuān de gēxīng shì Walk the Moon de Nicholas Petricca. Tā chàng dì nà yī shǒu Shut Up and Dance hǎotīng.
2我(I)不(not)太(quite)喜欢(like)中文(Chinese)歌(song),我(I)喜欢(like)英文(English)歌(song),我(I)最(the most)喜欢(like)的(connecting particle)歌星(singer)是(is)Walk the Moon 的 Nicholas Petricca. 他(he)唱(sing)的(connecting particle)那(that)一(one)首(song)Shut Up and Dance 好听(good to the ears)。

1啊,对不起,我对Nicholas Petricca的歌没有兴趣,我不喜欢哪一首 Shut Up and Dance。那一首歌太无聊了!
1 A, duìbùqǐ, wǒ duì Ustin Bieber de gē méiyǒu xìngqù, wǒ bù xǐhuān nǎ yī shǒu Sorry. Nà yī shǒu gē tài wúliáole!
Ah, sorry, I am not interested in Nicholas Petricca’s song. I don’t like that Shut Up and Dance. That song is too boring.
1啊(interjection of surprise / Ah! / Oh!),对不起(sorry),我(I)对(towards)Justin Bieber的(connecting particle)歌(song)没有(not have)兴趣(interest),我(I)不(not)喜欢(like)那(that)一(one)首(measure word for song) Sorry。那(that)一(one)首(measure word for song)歌(song)太(too)无聊(boring)了(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)!

2每个人喜欢的都不一样,很正常,没关系。对了,One Direction 要到我们这儿开演唱会,你要去听吗?
Everyone likes different things; it is very normal and it doesn’t matter. By the way, One Direction is coming here to have a concert. Do you want to go listening?
2 Měi gèrén xǐhuān de dōu bù yīyàng, hěn zhèngcháng, méiguānxì. Duìle,One Direction yào dào wǒmen zhè’er kāi yǎnchàng huì, nǐ yào qù tīng ma?
2每(every)个(measure word for person)人(people)喜欢(like)的(connecting particle)都(all)不(not)一样(same),很(very)正常(normal),没关系(it’s OK)。对了(Correct! / Oh, that’s right),One Direction 要(want/going to)到(come to)我们(us/we)这儿(here)开(perform)演唱会(concert),你(you)要(want)去(to)听(listen)吗(questions marker for yes and no question)?

1 Zhēn de ma? Bù qù tīng duìbùqǐ wǒ zìjǐ, wǒ juéduì huì mǎi tāmen yǎnchàng huì de piào, hé wǒ de nǚ péngyǒu yīqǐ qù.
Really? (If) not going, I would feel sorry for myself. I absolutely will buy their concert’ ticket, and go with my girl friend.
1真的(true)吗(question marker for yes and no questions)?不(not)去(go)听(listen)对不起(be sorry for)我(I)自己(self),我(I)绝对(absolutely)会(will)买(buy)他们(their)演唱会(concert)的(connecting particle)票(ticket),和(and)我的(my)女朋友(girl friend)一起(together)去(go)。

2听说一张票卖200 块钱,我买不起,真羡慕你能去听他们的演唱会。
I heard that one ticket (will be) sold for 200 dollars. I am not able for afford. I really envy that you are able to listen to their concert.
2 Tīng shuō yī zhāng piào mài 200 kuài qián, wǒ mǎi bù qǐ, zhēn xiànmù nǐ néng qù tīng tāmen de yǎnchàng huì.
2听说(heard that)一(one)张(measure word for ticket)票(ticket)卖(sell for)200 块(measure word for money)钱(money),我(I)买不起(not able to afford),真(really)羡慕(envy)你(you)能(able to)去(go)听(listen)他们的(their)演唱会(concert)

Drama series
连续(serialized) 剧drama

男歌星Nán gēxīng male singer
女歌星nǚ gēxīng female singer







yǎnchàng huì

10 听说
tīng shuō

1 Subject 对 object 有Noun
Subject toward object have noun
Tā duì wǔdǎ piàn yǒu xìngqù.
He has interests in martial art films.
Tā duì bēijù piàn méiyǒu xìngqù.
He has no interests in tragedy films.
Wǒ de mèimei duì dòngwù yǒu hǎogǎn.
My sister have a favorable impression on animals.

2 让 ràng (let) person feel
Tīng yīnyuè ràng wǒ kuàilè.
Listening to music let me happy.
Tā zuò zhè jiàn shì ràng wǒ bù gāoxìng
His doing this thing made me not happy.

3 如果 rúguǒ …, 就jiù (if …., then)

Rúguǒ shì wǒ xǐhuān de gēxīng, wǒ jiù xǐhuān kàn.
If it is my favorite singer, then I would like to watch.
Rúguǒ bùshì wǒ xǐhuān de gēxīng, wǒ jiù bù xǐhuān kàn.
If it is not my favorite singer, then I would not like to watch.

Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng tiàowǔ, jiù qù tiàowǔ ba.
If you would like dancing, then go dancing!

WALK THE MOON – Shut Up and Dance

Posted in Advanced Chinese lesson, Chinese lesson, English song | Tagged , | 1 Comment