Upbeat, happy, marching Chinese song 蓝天白云 Lan tian bai yun Blue sky white cloud: lyrics, pinyin and English translation

庄学忠 – 蓝天白云

鑽石金曲 – 藍天白雲 KTV

Lán tiān bái yún
Blue sky white cloud

lán lán de tiān báibái de yún,
Blue, blue sky; white white clouds.
蓝(blue)蓝(blue)的(connecting particle)天(sky)白(white)白(white)的(connecting particle)云(cloud),

lántiān báiyún hǎo shíguāng,
Blue sky, white clouds, good time.
蓝(blue)天(sky)白(white)云(cloud)好(good)时光(period of time)

dàjiā shǒu lāshǒu zǒuxiàng dà zìrán,
Everyone, hand in hand, walk toward the natural world.

lā lā lā lā lā lā lā lā la,
La la la la la la la la la

lā lā lā lā.
La la la la

Kàn nà shān míng shuǐ xiù jǐng rú huà,
Look at that mountain bright, water graceful, and scenery is like a drawing.
看(look)那(that)山(mountain)明(clear)水(water)秀(graceful)景(scenery)如(is like)画(picture/drawing),

tīng nà niǎo jiào chóng míng hǎo yuèzhāng,
Listen to that bird chirping, insect sounding (which is like) good music movements.
听(listen)那(that)鸟(bird)叫(cry)虫(insect/worm)鸣(making sound)好(good)乐(music)章(chapter),

xī yīkǒu xīnxiān kōngqì,
Breathe in a mouthful of fresh air.
吸(breathe in)一(one)口(mouth)新鲜(fresh)空气(air),

gē yī qū xióngzhuàng jī’áng,
Sing a majestic and impassioned song.

wǒmen xīnqíng duō yúkuài,
Our mood is so happy.

wǒmen xīnxiōng duō kāilǎng.
Our breadth of mind is so optimistic and cheerful.

Repeat as needed.

Translate by Shu

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Chinese children’s song 拔萝卜 Ba luobo Pull carrots: lyrics, pinyin, English translation

Bá luóbo gēcí
Pull carrots lyrics

拔萝卜、拔萝卜。 嗨吆嗨吆,拔萝卜,嗨吆嗨吆,拔不动,
Bá luóbo, bá luóbo hāi yāo hāi yāo, bá luóbo,
Pull carrots, pull carrots, heyyo heyyo, pull carrots, heyyo heyyo, not able to pull it out.
拔(pull)萝卜(carrot)、拔(pull)萝卜(carrot)。 嗨吆(exclamation)嗨吆(exclamation),拔(pull)萝卜(carrot),嗨吆(exclamation)嗨吆(exclamation),拔(pull)不(not)动(move),

lǎotàipó, kuài kuài lái, kuài lái bāng wǒmen bá luóbo bá luóbo,
Old lady, quickly come, quickly help us pull carrots.
老(old)太婆(old lady),快快(quickly)来(come),快(quickly)来(come)帮(help)我们(us)拔(pull)萝卜(carrots)。

拔萝卜、拔萝卜。 嗨吆嗨吆,拔萝卜,嗨吆嗨吆,拔不动,
Bá luóbo, bá luóbo hāi yāo hāi yāo, bá luóbo,
Pull carrots, pull carrots, heyyo heyyo, pull carrots, heyyo heyyo, not able to pull it out.

xiǎo gūniáng, kuài kuài lái, kuài lái bāng wǒmen bá luóbo.
Little young lady, quickly come, quickly help us pull carrots.
小(little)姑娘(young lady)

拔萝卜、拔萝卜。 嗨吆嗨吆,拔萝卜,嗨吆嗨吆,拔不动,
Bá luóbo, bá luóbo hāi yāo hāi yāo, bá luóbo,
Pull carrots, pull carrots, heyyo heyyo, pull carrots, heyyo heyyo, not able to pull it out.

xiǎo huáng gǒu, kuài kuài lái, kuài lái bāng wǒmen bá luóbo
Little yellow dog, quickly come, quickly help us pull carrots.

拔萝卜、拔萝卜。 嗨吆嗨吆,拔萝卜,嗨吆嗨吆,拔不动,
Bá luóbo, bá luóbo hāi yāo hāi yāo, bá luóbo,
Pull carrots, pull carrots, heyyo heyyo, pull carrots, heyyo heyyo, not able to pull it out.

xiǎohuā māo, kuài kuài lái, kuài lái bāng wǒmen bá luóbo.
Little calico cat, quickly come, quickly come help us pull carrots out.
小(little)花(multi colored)猫(cat)

Translated by Shu

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