2016 new album 周杰倫 Jay Chou Zhou Jielun 床邊故事 Chuang Bian Gu Shi Bedtime Stories : lyrics, pinyin, English translation

周杰倫 Jay Chou【床邊故事 Bedtime Stories】Official MV 完整版

Jay Chou
Zhōu Jiélún

Chuáng Biān Gù Shì
Bedtime Stories

Lyrics: Vincent Fang
Composition: Jay Chou

從前從前有隻貓頭鷹 牠站在屋頂
Cóng qián cóng qián yǒu zhī māo tóu yīng tā zhàn zài wū dǐng
Once upon a time, there was an owl. It stood on the rooftop.
從前(once upon a time)從前(once upon a time)有(have)隻(measure word)貓頭鷹(owl) 牠(it)站(stand)在(on)屋(house)頂(top)

屋頂後面一片森林 森林很安靜
Wū dǐng hòu mian yī piàn sēn lín sēn lín hěn ān jìng
Behind the rooftop, there was a forest. The forest was very quiet.
屋(house)頂(top)後面(behind)一(one)片(measure word for tract of land)森林(forest) 森林(forest)很(very)安靜(quiet)

安靜的鋼琴在大廳 閣樓裡 仔細聽
Ān jìng de gāng qín zài dà tīng gé lóu lǐ zǐ xì tīng
The quiet piano was in the lounge, in the attic. Carefully listen.
安靜的(quiet)鋼琴(piano)在(in)大廳(hall / lounge) 閣樓(attic)裡(within) 仔細(carefully)聽(listen)

仔細聽 叮叮叮 什麼聲音
Zǐ xì tīng dīng dīng dīng shén me shēng yīn
Carefully listen. Ding ding ding. What’s the sound?
仔細(carefully)聽(listen) 叮叮叮( (onom.) tinkling or jingling sound) 什麼(what)聲音(sound)

乖乖睡 不要怕 聽我說
Guāi guāi shuì bù yào pà tīng wǒ shuō
Be good and go to sleep. Don’t be afraid. Listen to me.
乖乖(obedient, well-behaved)睡(sleep) 不要(don’t have to)怕(fear) 聽(listen to)我(I)說(say)

乖乖睡 醒來就 吃蘋果
Guāi guāi shuì xǐng lái jiù chī píng guǒ
Be good and go to sleep. When you wake up, eat an apple.
乖乖(obedient, well-behaved)睡(sleep) 醒來(to waken)就(then) 吃(eat)蘋果(apple)

不睡覺的時候 有傳說
Bù shuì jiào de shí hou yǒu chuán shuō
During the times when you don’t go to sleep, there is that legend
不(not)睡覺(sleep) 的(connecting particle)時候(time) 有(have)傳說(legend/folklore)

會有人 咬你的 小指頭
Huì yǒu rén yǎo nǐ de xiǎo zhǐ tou
Someone will bite your little fingers.
會(will)有(have)人(person) 咬(bite)你的(your) 小(little)指頭(finger)

這故事 繼續翻頁 再翻頁
Zhè gù shi jì xù fān yè zài fān yè
This story continues turning the pages, again turning the pages.
這(this)故事(story) 繼續(continue)翻頁(turn page) 再(again)翻(turn)頁(page)

你繼續 不想睡 我卻想睡
Nǐ jì xù bù xiǎng shuì wǒ què xiǎng shuì
You still did not want to sleep, but I would like to sleep.
你(you)繼續(continue) 不(not)想(would like)睡(sleep) 我(I)卻(yet)想(want)睡(sleep)

然後我準備 去打開衣櫃
Rán hòu wǒ zhǔn bèi qù dǎ kāi yī guì
And then I prepared to open the wardrobe.
然後(then)我(I)準備(prepare) 去(to)打開(open)衣櫃(wardrobe)

去看看 躲著誰 去看看 躲著誰
Qù kàn kàn duǒ zhe shéi qù kàn kàn duǒ zhe shéi
Go to see who’s hiding there, to see who’s hiding there.
去(go to)看看(see) 躲(hide)著(v+ing)誰(who) 去(go to)看看(see) 躲(hide)著(v+ing)誰(who)

紙上的 城堡卡片 發光的 立體呈現
Zhǐ shàng de chéng bǎo kǎ piàn fā guāng de lì tǐ chéng xiàn
On the paper, the castle card three dimensional glitteringly renders.
紙上(paper)的(connecting particle) 城堡(castle)卡片(card) 發光的(glitteringly) 立體(three dimensional)呈現(render)

奇幻的 床邊故事 動聽的 令人稱羨
Qí huàn de chuáng biān gù shi dòng tīng de lìng rén chēng xiàn
Magical bedtime story is so touching to listen to. The stories make people admire and envy.
奇幻的(magical) 床(bed)邊(side)故事(story) 動聽(pleasant to listen to)的(particle) 令(make)人(people)稱羨(admire and envy)

場景瞬間變化 我接著又施展魔法
Chǎng jǐng shùn jiān biàn huà wǒ jiē zhe yòu shī zhǎn mó fǎ
The scene changes in a flash, and then I again perform magic.
場景(scene)瞬間(moment)變化(change) 我(I)接著(and then)又(again)施展(show/perform)魔法(magic)

活過來說話 準備開始吧
Huó guò lái shuō huà zhǔn bèi kāi shǐ ba
Came to revive and say. Prepare to begin.
活過來(come to revive)說話(say) 準備(prepare)開始(start)吧(particle shows suggestions)

等天黑 一起倒數後關上燈
Děng tiān hēi yī qǐ dào shǔ hòu guān shàng dēng
Wait for the sky to be darkened, and then together count down to turn off the light.
等(wait)天(sky)黑(black) 一起(together)倒數(count down)後(then)關上(turn off)燈(light)

三二一 入夢境 的繽紛
Sān èr yī rù mèng jìng de bīn fēn
Three, two, one. Enter the wonder of dreamland.
三(3)二(2)一(1) 入(enter)夢境(dreamland) 的(connecting particle)繽紛(rich and diverse)

Wǒ men bìng fēi zhèng cháng rén
We’re not ordinary people.

遊戲怎麼會 照劇本 Oh
Yóu xì zěn me huì zhào jù běn oh
There is no way that we would play the game according to the script? Oh.
遊戲(play game)怎麼(how could)會(will) 照(according to)劇本(scripts) Oh

天黑 一起來關上燈
Tiān hēi yī qǐ lái guān shàng dēng
Sky became black. Let’s together turn off the lights.
天(sky)黑(black) 一起(together)來(come to)關上(turn off)燈(light)

三二一 進自由的靈魂
Sān èr yī jìn zì yóu de líng hún
Three, two, one. Enter free spirits.
三(3)二(2)一(1) 進(enter)自由的(free)靈魂(soul/spirit)

Oh oh oh oh oh~come on~

再回童年 敲敲門
Zài huí tóng nián qiāo qiāo mén
Return to childhood. Knock on the door.
再(again)回(return)童年(childhood) 敲敲(knock)門(door)

Music …

tick tock ..

oh ..

Dī dā dī dā tū rán kāi shǐ bǎi dòng
Tick tock tick tock, it(the clock) suddenly starts to sway).
滴噠滴噠(Tick tock tick tock)突然(suddenly)開始(start)擺動(sway/swing)

牆上老掛鐘古董油畫 出現詭異的笑容
Qiáng shàng lǎo guà zhōng gǔ dǒng yóu huà chū xiàn guǐ yì de xiào róng
On the wall, a weird smiling face appears on the antique oil painting of the old clock.
牆上(on the wall)老(old)掛鐘(wall clock)古董(antique)油畫(oil painting) 出現(appear)詭異的(weird)笑容(smiling face)

Hǎo de wū pó huài diào de píng guǒ
A good witch’s rotten apples.

yuàn wàng yào gēn shéi shuō
Should talk to whom about the wish?
願望(wish)要(have to)跟(with)誰(who)說(say)

旋轉的 音樂盒 我豎起 耳朵聽
Xuán zhuǎn de yīn yuè hé wǒ shù qǐ ěr duo tīng
I prick up my ears to listen to the whirling music box.
旋轉的(whirling) 音樂(music)盒(box) 我(I)豎起(prick up) 耳朵(ear)聽(listen)

這不會 是一場 夢
Zhè bù huì shì yī chǎng mèng
Will this be a dream?
這(this)不會 是(will be)一(one)場 (measure word)夢(dream)

Music …

Oh 夢~ 一下子瞬間跳躍
Oh mèng yī xià zi shùn jiān tiào yuè
Oh dream~ all of a sudden, jumps and leaps.
Oh 夢(dream)~ 一下子(suddenly)瞬間(in the blink of eye)跳(jump)躍(leap)

Wǒ fān yuè xià gè shì jiè
I flip pages to the next world.
我(I)翻閱(flip pages)下個(next)世界(world)

Mǎn mǎn dōu shì hú dié
It’s full of butterflies.

森林滿滿蝴蝶 窗外紛飛著雪
Sēn lín mǎn mǎn hú dié chuāng wài fēn fēi zhe xuě
The forest is full of butterflies. Outside the window, snow is swirling in the air.
森林(forest)滿滿(full of)蝴蝶(butterflies) 窗(window)外(outside)紛飛(to swirl in the air)著(v+ing)雪(snow)

Yī jiào xǐng lái páng biān tǎng zhe shì shéi
When you wake up, who’s lying down next to you?
一(one)覺(sleep)醒(waken)來(come to)旁邊(to the side)躺(lie down)著(v+ing)是(is)誰(who)

這故事 繼續翻頁 再翻頁
Zhè gù shi jì xù fān yè zài fān yè
This story continues turning the pages, again turning the pages.
這(this)故事(story) 繼續(continue)翻頁(turn page) 再(again)翻(turn)頁(page)

你繼續 不想睡 我卻想睡
Nǐ jì xù bù xiǎng shuì wǒ què xiǎng shuì
You still did not want to sleep, but I would like to sleep.
你(you)繼續(continue) 不(not)想(would like)睡(sleep) 我(I)卻(yet)想(want)睡(sleep)

然後我準備 去打開衣櫃
Rán hòu wǒ zhǔn bèi qù dǎ kāi yī guì
And then I prepared to open the wardrobe.
然後(then)我(I)準備(prepare) 去(to)打開(open)衣櫃(wardrobe)

去看看 躲著誰 去看看 躲著誰
Qù kàn kàn duǒ zhe shéi qù kàn kàn duǒ zhe shéi
Go to see who’s hiding there, to see who’s hiding there.
去(go to)看看(see) 躲(hide)著(v+ing)誰(who) 去(go to)看看(see) 躲(hide)著(v+ing)誰(who)

紙上的 城堡卡片 發光的 立體呈現
Zhǐ shàng de chéng bǎo kǎ piàn fā guāng de lì tǐ chéng xiàn
On the paper, the castle card three dimensional glitteringly renders.
紙上(paper)的(connecting particle) 城堡(castle)卡片(card) 發光的(glitteringly) 立體(three dimensional)呈現(render)

奇幻的 床邊故事 動聽的 令人稱羨
Qí huàn de chuáng biān gù shi dòng tīng de lìng rén chēng xiàn
Magical bedtime story is so touching to listen to. The stories make people admire and envy.
奇幻的(magical) 床(bed)邊(side)故事(story) 動聽(pleasant to listen to)的(particle) 令(make)人(people)稱羨(admire and envy)

場景瞬間變化 我接著又施展魔法
Chǎng jǐng shùn jiān biàn huà wǒ jiē zhe yòu shī zhǎn mó fǎ
The scene changes in a flash, and then I again perform magic.
場景(scene)瞬間(moment)變化(change) 我(I)接著(and then)又(again)施展(show/perform)魔法(magic)

活過來說話 準備開始吧
Huó guò lái shuō huà zhǔn bèi kāi shǐ ba
Came to revive and say. Prepare to begin.
活過來(come to revive)說話(say) 準備(prepare)開始(start)吧(particle shows suggestions)

等天黑 一起倒數後關上燈
Děng tiān hēi yī qǐ dào shǔ hòu guān shàng dēng
Wait for the sky to be darkened, and then together count down to turn off the light.
等(wait)天(sky)黑(black) 一起(together)倒數(count down)後(then)關上(turn off)燈(light)

三二一 入夢境 的繽紛
Sān èr yī rù mèng jìng de bīn fēn
Three, two, one. Enter the wonder of dreamland.
三(3)二(2)一(1) 入(enter)夢境(dreamland) 的(connecting particle)繽紛(rich and diverse)

Wǒ men bìng fēi zhèng cháng rén
We’re not ordinary people.

遊戲怎麼會 照劇本 Oh
Yóu xì zěn me huì zhào jù běn oh
There is no way that we would play the game according to the script? Oh.
遊戲(play game)怎麼(how could)會(will) 照(according to)劇本(scripts) Oh

天黑 一起來關上燈
Tiān hēi yī qǐ lái guān shàng dēng
Sky became black. Let’s together turn off the lights.
天(sky)黑(black) 一起(together)來(come to)關上(turn off)燈(light)

三二一 進自由的靈魂
Sān èr yī jìn zì yóu de líng hún
Three, two, one. Enter free spirits.
三(3)二(2)一(1) 進(enter)自由的(free)靈魂(soul/spirit)

Oh oh oh oh oh~come on~

再回童年 敲敲門
Zài huí tóng nián qiāo qiāo mén
Return to childhood. Knock on the door.
再(again)回(return)童年(childhood) 敲敲(knock)門(door)

乖乖睡 不要怕 聽我說
Guāi guāi shuì bù yào pà tīng wǒ shuō
Be good and go to sleep. Don’t be afraid. Listen to me.
乖乖(obedient, well-behaved)睡(sleep) 不要(don’t have to)怕(fear) 聽(listen to)我(I)說(say)

乖乖睡 醒來就 吃蘋果
Guāi guāi shuì xǐng lái jiù chī píng guǒ
Be good and go to sleep. When you wake up, eat an apple.
乖乖(obedient, well-behaved)睡(sleep) 醒來(to waken)就(then) 吃(eat)蘋果(apple)

不睡覺 的時候 有傳說
Bù shuì jiào de shí hou yǒu chuán shuō
During the times when you don’t go to sleep, there is that legend
不(not)睡覺(sleep) 的(connecting particle)時候(time) 有(have)傳說(legend/folklore)

會有人 咬你的 小指頭
Huì yǒu rén yǎo nǐ de xiǎo zhǐ tou
Someone will bite your little fingers.
會(will)有(have)人(person) 咬(bite)你的(your) 小(little)指頭(finger)

等天黑 一起倒數後關上燈
Děng tiān hēi yī qǐ dào shǔ hòu guān shàng dēng
Wait for the sky to be darkened, and then together count down to turn off the light.
等(wait)天(sky)黑(black) 一起(together)倒數(count down)後(then)關上(turn off)燈(light)

三二一 入夢境 的繽紛
Sān èr yī rù mèng jìng de bīn fēn
Three, two, one. Enter the wonder of dreamland.
三(3)二(2)一(1) 入(enter)夢境(dreamland) 的(connecting particle)繽紛(rich and diverse)

Wǒ men bìng fēi zhèng cháng rén
We’re not ordinary people.

遊戲怎麼會 照劇本 Oh
Yóu xì zěn me huì zhào jù běn oh
There is no way that we would play the game according to the script? Oh.
遊戲(play game)怎麼(how could)會(will) 照(according to)劇本(scripts) Oh

天黑 一起來關上燈
Tiān hēi yī qǐ lái guān shàng dēng
Sky became black. Let’s together turn off the lights.
天(sky)黑(black) 一起(together)來(come to)關上(turn off)燈(light)

三二一 進自由的靈魂
Sān èr yī jìn zì yóu de líng hún
Three, two, one. Enter free spirits.
三(3)二(2)一(1) 進(enter)自由的(free)靈魂(soul/spirit)

Oh oh oh oh oh~come on~

再回童年 敲敲門
Zài huí tóng nián qiāo qiāo mén
Return to childhood. Knock on the door.
再(again)回(return)童年(childhood) 敲敲(knock)門(door)

Music ..

再回童年 敲敲門
Zài huí tóng nián qiāo qiāo mén
Return to childhood. Knock on the door.
再(again)回(return)童年(childhood) 敲敲(knock)門(door)

Music ..

再回童年 敲敲門
Zài huí tóng nián qiāo qiāo mén
Return to childhood. Knock on the door.
再(again)回(return)童年(childhood) 敲敲(knock)門(door)

Translated by Shu

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我知道你都知道 wo zhi dao ni quan dou zhi dao I know you know it all 薛之謙 Xue Zhiqian: lyrics, pinyin and English translation

I translated this song due to a reader’s request.

我知道你都知道, 胜女的代价 MV

wǒ zhīdào nǐ quándōu zhīdào
I know you know it all

Xuē Zhīqiān
Jacky Xue

Jiējiǎo yǒurén zhùfú
In the street corner, there are people giving blessings.
街(street)角(corner)有(have)人(people)祝福(give blessings to someone)

xiàng kǒu yǒurén kū
In the alley, there are people crying.

shì bùshì gǎnqíng jiù gāi yǒu gè shèng fù
Is or is not that if there are feelings, then they should have a victory or defeat?
是(is)不(not)是(is)感情(feelings)就(then)该(should)有(have)个(measure word)胜(victory)负(defeat)

nǐ yòng nóng zhuāng lái bǎohù
You use heavy makeup to protect.

xiǎng kāikǒu què rěn zhù
I would like to speak but refrained.
想(would like to)开(open)口(mouth)却(yet)忍住(refrain)

我已没了退路 你却认输
wǒ yǐ méiliǎo tuìlù nǐ què rènshū
I had no retreat route, yet you conceded.
我(I)已(already)没了(lost)退(retreat)路(road) 你(you)却(yet)认(admit)输(losing)

我知道 你全都知道
wǒ zhīdào nǐ quándōu zhīdào
I know that you all know.
我(I)知道(know) 你(you)全(the whole)都(all)知道(know)

保持沉默 你不想太计较
bǎochí chénmò nǐ bùxiǎng tài jìjiào
Maintain silence, you don’t want to bicker much.
保持(keep)沉默(silent) 你(you)不(not)想(would like)太(too)计较(bicker/haggle)

你看着我 就一个微笑
nǐ kànzhe wǒ jiù yīgè wéixiào
You were looking at me, just one smile.
你(you)看(look)着(V+ing)我(me) 就(just)一(one)个(measure word)微笑(smile)

ràng jièkǒu biàn chéng jiān’áo
Let excuses become torments.

但我知道 都是我不好
dàn wǒ zhīdào dōu shì wǒ bù hǎo
But I know, it has been all my faults.
但(but)我(I)知道(know) 都(all)是(is)我(I)不(not)好(good)

你越不计较 越显得我渺小
nǐ yuè bù jìjiào yuè xiǎndé wǒ miǎoxiǎo
The more you don’t argue, the more it shows my tininess.
你(you)越(the more)不(not)计较(argue/bicker/haggle) 越(the more)显(show)得(particle after verb)我(I)渺小(tiny)

你轻轻地 拉着我衣角
nǐ qīng qīng dì lāzhe wǒ yī jiǎo
You were lightly pulling the edge of my clothes.
你(you)轻轻(light)地(particle after adverb and before verb) 拉(pull)着(v+ing)我(mY)衣(clothes)角(corner)

能让我还不至于 无可救药
néng ràng wǒ hái bù zhìyú wú kě jiù yào
Was able to let me not to go as far as to beyond redemption.
能(able to)让(let)我(me)还(still)不(not)至于(go as far as to) 无可救药(hopeless/beyond redemption)

Jiējiǎo yǒurén zhùfú
In the street corner, there are people giving blessings.
街(street)角(corner)有(have)人(people)祝福(give blessings to someone)

xiàng kǒu yǒurén kū
In the alley, there are people crying.

shì bùshì gǎnqíng jiù gāi yǒu gè shèng fù
Is or is not that if there are feelings, then they should have a victory or defeat?
是(is)不(not)是(is)感情(feelings)就(then)该(should)有(have)个(measure word)胜(victory)负(defeat)

nǐ yòng nóng zhuāng lái bǎohù
You use heavy makeup to protect.

xiǎng kāikǒu què rěn zhù
I would like to speak but refrained.
想(would like to)开(open)口(mouth)却(yet)忍住(refrain)

我已没了退路 你却认输
wǒ yǐ méiliǎo tuìlù nǐ què rènshū
I had no retreat route, yet you conceded.
我(I)已(already)没了(lost)退(retreat)路(road) 你(you)却(yet)认(admit)输(losing)

我知道 你全都知道
wǒ zhīdào nǐ quándōu zhīdào
I know that you all know.
我(I)知道(know) 你(you)全(the whole)都(all)知道(know)

保持沉默 你不想太计较
bǎochí chénmò nǐ bùxiǎng tài jìjiào
Maintain silence, you don’t want to bicker much.
保持(keep)沉默(silent) 你(you)不(not)想(would like)太(too)计较(bicker/haggle)

你看着我 就一个微笑
nǐ kànzhe wǒ jiù yīgè wéixiào
You were looking at me, just one smile.
你(you)看(look)着(V+ing)我(me) 就(just)一(one)个(measure word)微笑(smile)

ràng jièkǒu biàn chéng jiān’áo
Let excuses become torments.

但我知道 都是我不好
dàn wǒ zhīdào dōu shì wǒ bù hǎo
But I know, it has been all my faults.
但(but)我(I)知道(know) 都(all)是(is)我(I)不(not)好(good)

你越不计较 越显得我渺小
nǐ yuè bù jìjiào yuè xiǎndé wǒ miǎoxiǎo
The more you don’t argue, the more it shows my tininess.
你(you)越(the more)不(not)计较(argue/bicker/haggle) 越(the more)显(show)得(particle after verb)我(I)渺小(tiny)

你轻轻地 拉着我衣角
nǐ qīng qīng dì lāzhe wǒ yī jiǎo
You were lightly pulling the edge of my clothes.
你(you)轻轻(light)地(particle after adverb and before verb) 拉(pull)着(v+ing)我(mY)衣(clothes)角(corner)

能让我还不至于 无可救药
néng ràng wǒ hái bù zhìyú wú kě jiù yào
Was able to let me not to go as far as to beyond redemption.
能(able to)让(let)我(me)还(still)不(not)至于(go as far as to) 无可救药(hopeless/beyond redemption)

music ..

我知道 你全都知道
wǒ zhīdào nǐ quándōu zhīdào
I know that you know it all.
我(I)知道(know) 你(you)全(the whole)都(all)知道(know)

保持沉默 你不想太计较
bǎochí chénmò nǐ bùxiǎng tài jìjiào
Maintain silence, you don’t want to bicker much.
保持(keep)沉默(silent) 你(you)不(not)想(would like)太(too)计较(bicker/haggle)

你看着我 就一个微笑
nǐ kànzhe wǒ jiù yīgè wéixiào
You were looking at me, just one smile.
你(you)看(look)着(V+ing)我(me) 就(just)一(one)个(measure word)微笑(smile)

ràng jièkǒu biàn chéng jiān’áo
Let excuses become torments.

但我知道 都是我不好
dàn wǒ zhīdào dōu shì wǒ bù hǎo
But I know, it has been all my faults.
但(but)我(I)知道(know) 都(all)是(is)我(I)不(not)好(good)

你越不计较 越显得我渺小
nǐ yuè bù jìjiào yuè xiǎndé wǒ miǎoxiǎo
The more you don’t argue, the more it shows my tininess.
你(you)越(the more)不(not)计较(argue/bicker/haggle) 越(the more)显(show)得(particle after verb)我(I)渺小(tiny)

你轻轻地 拉着我衣角
nǐ qīng qīng dì lāzhe wǒ yī jiǎo
You were lightly pulling the edge of my clothes.
你(you)轻轻(light)地(particle after adverb and before verb) 拉(pull)着(v+ing)我(mY)衣(clothes)角(corner)

能让我还不至于 无可救药
néng ràng wǒ hái bù zhìyú wú kě jiù yào
Was able to let me not to go as far as to beyond redemption.
能(able to)让(let)我(me)还(still)不(not)至于(go as far as to) 无可救药(hopeless/beyond redemption)

Translated by Shu

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