周杰倫Jay Chou X aMEI【不該 Shouldn’t Be】Official MV
Zhōu Jiélún
Jay Chou
Zhāng Huìmèi
Bù Gāi
Shouldn’t Be
Jiǎ zhuāng wǒ men hái zài yī kuài
Pretend that we are still together.
假裝(pretend)我們(we)還(still)在(to be in)一塊(one block/together)
Wǒ zhēn de yǎn bù chū lái
I really can’t act it out.
我(I)真的(really)演(perform/act) 不出來(not able to)
還是不習慣 你不在
Hái shi bù xí guàn nǐ bù zài
Still I’m not used to you are not here.
還(still)是(is)不(not)習慣(used to)你(you) 不(not)在(at here)
這身份 轉變太快
Zhè shēn fèn zhuǎn biàn tài kuài
This identity changed so fast.
畫面裡 不需要旁白
Huà miàn lǐ bù xū yào páng bái
The scene doesn’t need any narration.
畫面(screen/picture)裡(within)不(not)需要(need) 旁白(background narration)
卻誰 都看得出來
Què shéi dōu kàn de chū lái
Yet everyone all can see that.
卻(yet)誰(no matter who)都(all)看(see) 得(particle after verb)出來(get out)
是我 情緒湧了上來
Shì wǒ qíng xù yǒng le shàng lái
It was my emotions bubbling up.
是(is)我(my)情緒(mood/emotion)湧(bubble up)了(past tense particle) 上來(up)
想哭 卻一片空白
Xiǎng kū què yī piàn kòng bái
I felt like to cry, but all it was a blank.
想(would like)哭(cry)卻(yet)一(one)片(classifier for scenario, scene, feeling, atmosphere, sound etc) 空白(blank)
雪地裡相愛 他們說零下
Xuě dì lǐ xiāng ài tā men shuō líng xià
Love under the snowy ground. They said sub zero
雪(snowy)地(ground)裡(within)相愛(love each other) 他們(they)說(say)零下(below zero)
已結晶的誓言 不會壞
Yǐ jié jīng de shì yán bù huì huài
Already crystallized promises won’t become bad.
已(already)結晶(crystalize) 的(connecting particle)誓言(promise) 不會(won’t be)壞(bad)
但愛的狀態 卻不會永遠
Dàn ài de zhuàng tài què bù huì yǒng yuǎn
However, the status of love, yet, won’t be forever.
但(yet)愛(love)的(connecting particle)狀態(condition/status) 卻(yet)不會(won’t be)永遠(forever)
都冰封 而透明的存在
Dōu bīng fēng ér tòu míng de cún zài
It’s all frozen. However, the transparent existence is
都(all)冰(ice)封(enclose) 而(yet)透明(transparent) 的(connecting particle)存在(existence)
輕輕飄落 下來
Qīng qīng piāo luò xià lai
Lightly drifting and falling down.
輕輕(lightly)飄(float) 落(fall)下(down)來(motion direction, refer to come to where the speaker is)
許下的夢 融化的太快
Xǔ xià de mèng róng huà de tài kuài
The promised dream melted too fast.
許下(promise)的(connecting particle)夢(dream) 融化(melt)的(connecting particle)太(too)快(fast)
或許 我們都不該醒來
Huò xǔ wǒ men dōu bù gāi xǐng lái
Perhaps, we shouldn’t have woken up.
或許(perhaps)我們(we)都(all) 不該(should not)醒來(wake up)
你還是 住在我的回憶裡不 出來
Nǐ hái shi zhù zài wǒ de huí yì lǐ bù chū lái
You are still living in my memories and won’t come out.
你(you)還(still)是(are) 住(live)在(in)我的(my) 回憶(memories)裡(within)不(not) 出來(come out)
讓我們 微笑離開
Ràng wǒ men wēi xiào lí kāi
Let’s leave with smiles.
讓(let)我們(we) 微笑(smile)離開(leave)
讓故事 留下來
Ràng gù shi liú xià lai
Let the story stay.
讓(let)故事(story)留(remain) 下來(come down)
放手後 愛依然在
Fàng shǒu hòu ài yī rán zài
After letting go, love still remains.
放(release)手(hand)後(after) 愛(love)依然(still)在(remain)
雪融了 就應該花開
Xuě róng le jiù yīng gāi huā kāi
After snow melting, flowers should be blooming.
雪(snow)融(melt)了(past tense particle) 就(then)應該(should)花(flower)開(bloom)
緣若盡了 就不該再重來
Yuán ruò jìn le jiù bù gāi zài chóng lái
If our past affinity has ended, then it shouldn’t happen once again.
緣(past affinity)若(if)盡(end)了(past tense particle) 就(then)不該(should not)再(again)重來(come again)
你依舊 住在我的回憶裡 不出來
Nǐ yī jiù zhù zài wǒ de huí yì lǐ bù chū lái
You are still living in my memories and won’t come out.
你(you)依舊(still) 住(live)在(within)我的(my) 回憶(memories)裡(within)不(not) 出來(come out)
我離開 將你的手 交給下個 最愛
Wǒ lí kāi jiāng nǐ de shǒu jiāo gěi xià gè zuì ài
I’m leaving and giving your hand to your next best love’s (hand).
我(I)離開(leave) 將(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把))你的(your)手(hand) 交給(give to)下(next)個 (measure word)最(the most)愛(love)
Jiū chán yǔ gù zhí děng dài
Being entangled and stubbornly waiting.
反而是 另一種傷害
Fǎn ér shì lìng yī zhǒng shāng hài
On the contrary, are another kind of hurt.
反而(on the contrary)是(is) 另(another)一(one)種(kind)傷害(wound)
Bǐ cǐ jǐn wò de shǒu sōng kāi qù yōng bào gèng duō wèi lái
Releasing each other’s tightly-gripping hand.
彼此(each other)緊(tightly)握(hold)的(connecting particle)手(hand)鬆開(release)
Qù yōng bào gèng duō wèi lái
To embrace more future.
Music ..
錯過的時間 怎麼買
Cuò guò de shí jiān zěn me mǎi
How do you buy the time that you missed?
錯過(miss)的(connecting particle)時間(time)怎麼(how to)買(buy)
Shéi dōu fù bù chū lái
No one can afford to pay for it.
誰(whoever)都(all)付(pay) 不出來(not able to)
Huò xǔ wǒ men xué huì shì huái
Perhaps, we will learn to release the mind.
或許(perhaps)我們(we)學會( will learn) 釋(release)懷(mind)
讓過去 安靜下來
Ràng guò qu ān jìng xià lai
Let the past quiet down.
讓(let)過去(past)安靜 (quiet)下來(down)
雪地裡相愛 他們說零下
Xuě dì lǐ xiāng ài tā men shuō líng xià
Love under the snowy ground. They said sub zero
雪(snowy)地(ground)裡(within)相愛(love each other) 他們(they)說(say)零下(below zero)
已結晶的誓言 不會壞
Yǐ jié jīng de shì yán bù huì huài
Already crystallized promises won’t become bad.
已(already)結晶(crystalize) 的(connecting particle)誓言(promise) 不會(won’t be)壞(bad)
但愛的狀態 卻不會永遠
Dàn ài de zhuàng tài què bù huì yǒng yuǎn
However, the status of love, yet, won’t be forever.
但(yet)愛(love)的(connecting particle)狀態(condition/status) 卻(yet)不會(won’t be)永遠(forever)
都冰封 而透明 的存在
Dōu bīng fēng ér tòu míng de cún zài
It’s all frozen. However, the transparent existence is
都(all)冰(ice)封(enclose) 而(yet)透明(transparent) 的(connecting particle)存在(existence)
輕輕飄 落下來
Qīng qīng piāo luò xià lai
Lightly drifting and falling down.
輕輕(lightly)飄(float) 落(fall)下(down)來(motion direction, refer to come to where the speaker is)
許下的夢 融化的太快
Xǔ xià de mèng róng huà de tài kuài
The promised dream melted too fast.
許下(promise)的(connecting particle)夢(dream) 融化(melt)的(connecting particle)太(too)快(fast)
Huò xǔ wǒ men dōu bù gāi xǐng lái
Perhaps, we shouldn’t have woken up.
或許(perhaps)我們(we)都(all) 不該(should not)醒來(wake up)
你還是住在我的回憶裡 不出來
Nǐ hái shi zhù zài wǒ de huí yì lǐ bù chū lái
You are still living in my memories and won’t come out.
你(you)還(still)是(are) 住(live)在(in)我的(my) 回憶(memories)裡(within)不(not) 出來(come out)
讓我們 微笑離開
Ràng wǒ men wēi xiào lí kāi
Let’s leave with smiles.
讓(let)我們(we) 微笑(smile)離開(leave)
讓故事 留下來
Ràng gù shi liú xià lai
Let the story stay.
讓(let)故事(story)留(remain) 下來(come down)
Fàng shǒu hòu ài yī rán zài
After letting go, love still remains.
放(release)手(hand)後(after) 愛(love)依然(still)在(remain)
雪融了 就應該花開
Xuě róng le jiù yīng gāi huā kāi
After snow melting, flowers should be blooming.
雪(snow)融(melt)了(past tense particle) 就(then)應該(should)花(flower)開(bloom)
緣若盡了 就不該再重來
Yuán ruò jìn le jiù bù gāi zài chóng lái
If our past affinity has ended, then it shouldn’t happen once more.
緣(past affinity)若(if)盡(end)了(past tense particle) 就(then)不該(should not)再(again)重來(come again)
你依舊 住在我的回憶裡不 出來
Nǐ yī jiù zhù zài wǒ de huí yì lǐ bù chū lái
You are still living in my memories and won’t come out.
你(you)依舊(still) 住(live)在(within)我的(my) 回憶(memories)裡(within)不(not) 出來(come out)
我離開 將你的手 交給下個 最愛
Wǒ lí kāi jiāng nǐ de shǒu jiāo gěi xià gè zuì ài
I’m leaving and giving your hand to your next best love’s (hand).
我(I)離開(leave) 將(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把))你的(your)手(hand) 交給(give to)下(next)個 (measure word)最(the most)愛(love)
Jiū chán yǔ gù zhí děng dài
Being entangled and stubbornly waiting.
反而是 另一種傷害
Fǎn ér shì lìng yī zhǒng shāng hài
On the contrary, are another kind of hurt.
反而(on the contrary)是(is) 另(another)一(one)種(kind)傷害(wound)
Bǐ cǐ jǐn wò de shǒu sōng kāi qù yōng bào gèng duō wèi lái
Releasing each other’s tightly-gripping hand.
彼此(each other)緊(tightly)握(hold)的(connecting particle)手(hand)鬆開(release)
Qù yōng bào gèng duō wèi lái
To embrace more future.
Translated by Shu