五月天 Wu Yue Tian Mayday 如果我们不曾相遇 Ru guo wo men bu ceng xiang yu What if We Had Never Met: lyric, pinyin, English translation

Mayday五月天 [ 如果我們不曾相遇What If We Had Never Met ] Official Music Video

Mayday五月天 [ 如果我們不曾相遇What If We Had Never Met ]

Mayday 2016 new song


Ruguo women buceng xiangyu
What if We Had Never Met

歌词,拼音,英文翻译 gēcí, pīnyīn, yīngwén fānyì lyrics, Pinyin, English translation

Ruguo women buceng xiangyu
What if we had never met
如果(if)我们(we)不曾(not have)相遇(meet)

wǒ huì shì zài nǎlǐ
Where then would I be?

rúguǒ wǒmen cóng bùcéng xiāngshí
What if we had never known each other
如果(if)我们(we)从不(never)曾(once)相识(know each other)

bù cúnzài zhèshǒu gēqǔ
This song would never exist.
不(not)存在(exist)这(this)首(measure word for songs)歌曲(songs)

每秒都活著 每秒都死去
每秒都活着 每秒都死去
měi miǎo dōu huózhe měi miǎo dōu sǐqù
Every second (we) are living; every second (we) are dying
每(every)秒(second)都(all)活(live)着(v+ing) 每(every)秒(second)都(all)死去(die)

měi miǎo dōu wènzhe zìjǐ
Every second (I) ask myself

誰不曾找尋 誰不曾懷疑
谁不曾找寻 谁不曾怀疑
shuí bùcéng zhǎoxún shuí bùcéng huáiyí
Who has never sought? Who has never doubted?
谁(who)不曾(never)找寻(seek) 谁(who)不曾(never)怀疑(doubt)

mángmáng rénshēng bēn xiàng hé de
In this vast and obscure life, where do we run to?
茫茫(vast and obscure)人生(life)奔(run)向(to)何地(where)?

那一天 那一刻 那個場景
那一天 那一刻 那个场景
Nà yītiān nà yīkè nàgè chǎngjǐng
That day, that moment, that scene
那(that)一(one)天(day) 那(that)一(one)刻(moment) 那(that)个(measure word)场景(scene)

nǐ chū xiànzài wǒ shēngmìng
You came into my life

從此後 從人生 重新定義
从此后 从人生 重新定义
cóng cǐhòu cóng rénshēng chóngxīn dìngyì
From that moment on, my life was redefined.
从(from)此(this)后(after) 从(from)人生(life) 重新(again)定义(define)

cóng wǒ gùshì lǐ sūxǐng
Becoming awake in my story
从(from)我(my)故事(story)里(within)苏醒(to awaken)

Music …

rúguǒ wǒmen cóng bùcéng xiāngshí
What if we had never known each other
如果(if)我们(we)从不(never)曾(once)相识(know each other)

nǐ yòu huì zài nǎlǐ
Where then would you be?

如果我們從不曾相識 人間又如何運行?
如果我们从不曾相识 人间又如何运行?
nà yītiān nà yīkè nàgè chǎngjǐng
What if we had never known each other, how would the human world go on?
如果(if)我们(we)从不(never)曾(once)相识(know each other) 人间(human world)又(also/then)如何(how)运行(function/move on)?

曬傷的脫皮 意外的雪景
晒伤的脱皮 意外的雪景
shài shāng de tuōpí yìwài de xuějǐng
Sunburnt peeling of skin, unexpected snow scenes
晒伤(sunburn)的(connecting particle)脱皮(peeling of skin) 意外的(unexpected)雪(snow)景(scene)

yǔ nǐ xiāngyī de sìjì
The seasons we stayed by each other’s side
与(with)你(you)相依(to be interdependent)的(connecting particle)四(four)季(season)

蒼狗又白雲 身旁有了你
苍狗又白云 身旁有了你
cāng gǒu yòu báiyún shēn páng yǒule nǐ
The human worlds are so changeable, just like the white clouds got changed forms constantly. I have you by my side.
苍(blue)狗(dog)又(also)白(white)云(cloud) 身(body)旁(side)有(have)了(past tense particle)你(you)

cōngcōng lúnhuí yòu yǒu hé jù
There is nothing to fear, even the hasty reincarnation

那一天 那一刻 那個場景
那一天 那一刻 那个场景
nà yītiān nà yīkè nàgè chǎngjǐng
That day, that moment, that scene
那(that)一(one)天(day) 那(that)一(one)刻(moment) 那(that)个(measure word)场景(scene)

nǐ chū xiànzài wǒ shēngmìng
You came into my life

每一分 每一秒 每個表情
每一分 每一秒 每个表情
měi yī fēn měi yī miǎo měi gè biǎoqíng
Every minute, every second, every facial expression
每(every)一(one)分(minute) 每(every)一(one)秒(second) 每(every)个(measure word)表情(facial expression)

gùshì dōu chōngmǎn jīngqí
Stories all are full of amazements
故事(story)都(all)充满(full of)惊奇(wonder/surprise)

偶然與巧合 舞動了蝶翼
偶然与巧合 舞动了蝶翼
ǒurán yǔ qiǎohé wǔdòngle dié yì
Incidence and coincidence flapped the butterflies’ wings
偶然(incidence)与(and)巧合(coincidence) 舞动(move)了(past tense particle)蝶(butterfly)翼(wings)

shuí de xīntóu fēng qǐ
Whose mind has wind blowing?
谁的(whose)心(heart/mind)头(suffix)风(wind)起(blow up)

前仆而後繼 萬千人追尋
前仆而后继 万千人追寻
qián pū ér hòujì wàn qiān rén zhuīxún
Front person fell, later person continues. Ten thousand people pursue
前(front)仆(fall)而(then)后(later)继(continue) 万(ten thousand)千(thousand)人(people)追寻(pursue)

huāngmò wéiyī pútí
The only enlightment in the deserted desert.
荒(deserted)漠(desert)唯一(only)菩提(bodhi (Sanskrit) / enlightenment (Buddhism))

是擦身相遇 或擦肩而去
是擦身相遇 或擦肩而去
shì cā shēn xiāngyù huò cā jiān ér qù
Will it be hastely meeting or passing by?
是(is)擦(brush)身(body)相遇(meet) 或(or)擦(brush)肩(shoulder)而(then)去(left)

mìngyùn yóurú xiǎn qí
Destiny is like treacherous chess piece
命运(destiny)犹如(just like)险(treacherous)棋(chess piece)

無數時間線 無盡可能性
无数时间线 无尽可能性
wúshù shíjiān xiàn wújìn kěnéng xìng
Countless lines of time with endless possibilities
无数(countless)时间(time)线(line) 无尽(endless)可能性(possibilities)

zhōngyú jiāozhī xiàng nǐ
At the end will mutually) weave toward you

那一天 那一刻 那個場景
那一天 那一刻 那个场景
nà yītiān nà yīkè nàgè chǎng jǐng
That day, that moment, that scene
那(that)一(one)天(day) 那(that)一(one)刻(moment) 那(that)个(measure word)场景(scene)

nǐ chū xiànzài wǒ shēngmìng
You came into my life

未知的 未來裡 未定機率
未知的 未来里 未定机率
wèizhī de wèilái lǐ wèidìng jīlǜ
Within the unknown future, the possibility is now undecided
未知(unknown)的(connecting particle) 未来future)里(within) 未定(undecided)机率(possibility)

rán’ér cǐkè yǒngyǒu nǐ
However, at this moment, I have you

某一天 某一刻 某次呼吸
某一天 某一刻 某次呼吸
mǒu yītiān mǒu yīkè mǒu cì hūxī
Someday, at a certain moment, in a certain breath
某(certain)一(one)天(day) 某(certain)一(one)刻(moment) 某(certain)次(times of action)呼吸(breath)

wǒmen zhōng jiāng zài fēnlí
We finally will again separate

而我的 自傳裡 曾經有你
而我的 自传里 曾经有你
ér wǒ de zìzhuàn lǐ céngjīng yǒu nǐ
However, in my autobiography, I once had you
而(however)我的(my) 自传(biography)里(within) 曾经(once)有(have)你(you)

méiyǒu yíhàn de shījù
There will be no lines of regret
没有(not have)遗憾的(regretful)诗(poem)句(sentence)

shījù lǐ chōngmǎn gǎnjī
In the poetic lines, will be full of gratitude.
诗句(poem sentence)里(within)充满(full of)感激(gratitude)

Ruguo women buceng xiangyu
What if we had never met
如果(if)我们(we)不曾(not have)相遇(meet)

wǒ huì shì zài nǎlǐ
Where then would I be?

rúguǒ wǒmen cóng bùcéng xiāngshí
What if we had never known each other
如果(if)我们(we)从不(never)曾(once)相识(know each other)

bù cúnzài zhèshǒu gēqǔ
This song would never exist.
不(not)存在(exist)这(this)首(measure word for songs)歌曲(songs)

Translated by Shu

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A-Lin 天若有情 Tian ruo you qing If heaven has love, theme song of The Princess Wei Young: lyrics, pinyin and English translation

A-lin助阵《锦绣未央》曝片头曲MV 唐嫣罗晋演绎【天若有情】(唐嫣|罗晋|吴建豪)

Huáng Lìlíng

tiān ruò yǒuqíng
If heaven has love

diànshìjù jǐnxiù wèiyāng zhǔtí qū
Theme song of TV drama series The Princess Wei Young

風揚起時繁花落盡 誰執筆為你繪丹青
fēng yáng qǐ shí fánhuā luò jǐn shuí zhíbǐ wèi nǐ huì dānqīng
At the time when wind blows up, all flowers will completely fall. Who will be holding pen and drawing the painting for you?
風(wind)揚起(blow up)時(the time)繁(numerous)花(flowers)落(fall)盡(all) 誰(who)執(hold)筆(pen)為(for)你(you)繪(draw)丹青(painting)

月下獨影淚濕青衣 流水不付一世深情
yuè xià dú yǐng lèi shī qīngyī liúshuǐ bú fù yīshì shēnqíng
The lonely shadow under the moon, cyan clothes got wetted by tears. The flowing water is not able to pay the deep feelings of one life time.
月(moon)下(under)獨(alone)影(shadow)淚(tear)濕(wet)青(blue)衣(clothes) 流(flowing)水(water)不付(not able to pay)一(one)世(life)深(deep)情(feeling)

隻身回望太匆匆 此生多少情與仇 只願與你長相守
zhīshēn huí wàng tài cōngcōng cǐshēng duōshǎo qíng yǔ chóu zhǐ yuàn yǔ nǐ zhǎng xiàng shǒu
Alone, I turned and glanced at the hurried past. This life, how many love and enmity? I only hope to be with you for a long long time.
隻(alone)身(body)回(return)望(look at)太(too)匆匆(hurried) 此(this)生(life)多少(how many)情(love)與(and)仇(enmity) 只(only)願(would like/hope)與(with)你(you)長(long)相守(stay with each other)

無邊絲雨細如愁 朝來寒雨幾回眸 你在哪一方停留
wúbiān sī yǔ xì rú chóu cháo lái hán yǔ jǐ huímóu nǐ zài nǎ yīfāng tíngliú
The boundless silky rains are as slim as sorrow.How many times I turned and glanced at the cold rains of the coming dawn. Where are you staying at?
無(without)邊(boundary)絲(silky)雨(rains)細(tiny)如(like)愁(misery) 朝(morning)來(come)寒(cold)雨(rain)幾(how many time)回(turn)眸(glance) 你(you)在(at)哪(which)一(one)方(direction)停留(stay)

天若有情亦無情 愛到最後要分離
tiān ruò yǒuqíng yì wúqíng’ài dào zuìhòu yào fēnlí
Heaven is like having love, however it is also ruthless. Loving to the end is to separate.
天(heven)若(is like)有(have)情(love)亦(also)無(no)情(love) 愛(love)到(to)最後(the end)要(have to)分離(separate)

你輪迴的印記 落在我眉宇
nǐ lúnhuí de yìnjì luò zài wǒ méiyǔ
Your imprint of reincarnation fell on my forehead.
你(you)輪迴(reincarnation)的(connecting particle)印記(imprint) 落(fall)在(at)我(my)眉宇(forehead)

zhídào yǒu yītiān bùnéng hūxī
Till the one day that I can no longer breathe.

Music ..

月下獨影淚濕青衣 流水不付一世深情
yuè xià dú yǐng lèi shī qīngyī liúshuǐ bú fù yīshì shēnqíng
The lonely shadow under the moon, cyan clothes got wetted by tears. The flowing water is not able to pay the deep feelings of one life time.
月(moon)下(under)獨(alone)影(shadow)淚(tear)濕(wet)青(blue)衣(clothes) 流(flowing)水(water)不付(not able to pay)一(one)世(life)深(deep)情(feeling)

隻身回望太匆匆 此生多少情與仇 只願與你長相守
zhīshēn huí wàng tài cōngcōng cǐshēng duōshǎo qíng yǔ chóu zhǐ yuàn yǔ nǐ zhǎng xiàng shǒu
Alone, I turned and glanced at the too hurried past. This life, how many love and enmity? I only hope to be with you for a long long time.
隻(alone)身(body)回(return)望(look at)太(too)匆匆(hurried) 此(this)生(life)多少(how many)情(love)與(and)仇(enmity) 只(only)願(would like/hope)與(with)你(you)長(long)相守(stay with each other)

無邊絲雨細如愁 朝來寒雨幾回眸 你在哪一方停留
wúbiān sī yǔ xì rú chóu cháo lái hán yǔ jǐ huímóu nǐ zài nǎ yīfāng tíngliú
The boundless silky rains are as slim as sorrow.How many times I turned and glanced at the cold rains of the coming dawn. Where are you staying at?
無(without)邊(boundary)絲(silky)雨(rains)細(tiny)如(like)愁(misery) 朝(morning)來(come)寒(cold)雨(rain)幾(how many time)回(turn)眸(glance) 你(you)在(at)哪(which)一(one)方(direction)停留(stay)

天若有情亦無情 愛到最後要分離
tiān ruò yǒuqíng yì wúqíng’ài dào zuìhòu yào fēnlí
Heaven is like having love, however it is also ruthless. Loving to the end is to separate.
天(heven)若(is like)有(have)情(love)亦(also)無(no)情(love) 愛(love)到(to)最後(the end)要(have to)分離(separate)

你輪迴的印記 落在我眉宇
nǐ lúnhuí de yìnjì luò zài wǒ méiyǔ
Your imprint of reincarnation fell on my forehead.
你(you)輪迴(reincarnation)的(connecting particle)印記(imprint) 落(fall)在(at)我(my)眉宇(forehead)

zhídào yǒu yītiān bùnéng hūxī
Till the one day that I can no longer breathe.

天若有情亦無情 萬丈紅塵我等你
Tiān ruò yǒuqíng yì wúqíng wànzhàng hóngchén wǒ děng nǐ
Heaven is like having mercy, however it is also ruthless. In the ten thousand feet red dust mundane, I am waiting for you.
天(heaven)若(if like)有(Have)情(love)亦(also)無(no)情(love) 萬(ten thousand)丈(measure of length, ten Chinese feet (3.3 m))紅(red)塵(dust)我(I)等(wait)你(you)

用你的牽掛 染盡我白髮
yòng nǐ de qiānguà rǎn jǐn wǒ bái fà
Using the concerns and worries I have for you to dye all my hair white.
用(use)你的(your)牽掛(concerns and worries) 染(dye)盡(all)我(my)白(white)髮(hair)

zhǐchǐtiānyá nǐ zhōng wèi yuǎnlí
So close, yet worlds apart. You, however, in the end, are not far from me.
咫尺天涯(So close, yet worlds apart)你(you)終(finally)未(did not)遠離(to be far from)

天若有情亦無情 愛到最後要分離
tiān ruò yǒuqíng yì wúqíng’ài dào zuìhòu yào fēnlí
Heaven is like having love, however it is also ruthless. Loving to the end is to separate.
天(heven)若(is like)有(have)情(love)亦(also)無(no)情(love) 愛(love)到(to)最後(the end)要(have to)分離(separate)

你輪迴的印記 落在我眉宇
nǐ lúnhuí de yìnjì luò zài wǒ méiyǔ
Your imprint of reincarnation fell on my forehead.
你(you)輪迴(reincarnation)的(connecting particle)印記(imprint) 落(fall)在(at)我(my)眉宇(forehead)

zhídào yǒu yītiān bùnéng hūxī
Till the one day that I can no longer breathe.

天若有情亦無情 萬丈紅塵我等你
Tiān ruò yǒuqíng yì wúqíng wànzhàng hóngchén wǒ děng nǐ
Heaven is like having mercy, however it is also ruthless. In the ten thousand feet red dust mundane, I am waiting for you.
天(heaven)若(if like)有(Have)情(love)亦(also)無(no)情(love) 萬(ten thousand)丈(measure of length, ten Chinese feet (3.3 m))紅(red)塵(dust)我(I)等(wait)你(you)

用你的牽掛 染盡我白髮
yòng nǐ de qiānguà rǎn jǐn wǒ bái fà
Using the concerns and worries I have for you to dye all my hair white.
用(use)你的(your)牽掛(concerns and worries) 染(dye)盡(all)我(my)白(white)髮(hair)

zhǐchǐtiānyá nǐ zhōng wèi yuǎnlí
So close, yet worlds apart. You, however, in the end, are not far from me.
咫尺天涯(So close, yet worlds apart)你(you)終(finally)未(did not)遠離(to be far from)

Translated by Shu

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