Coca-Cola 2014 World Cup Chinese commercial song 五月天 wu yue tian Mayday 由我们主宰 you wo men zhu zai The world is ours:lyrics, pinyin and English translation. Also Mayday 五月天 English song – Do you ever shine

Mayday五月天 [由我們主宰 The World Is Ours] MV官方完整版 – 2014世界盃足球賽 可口可樂主題曲 Coca-Cola 2014 FIFA World Cup Theme

wǔyuè tiān

yóu wǒmen zhǔzǎi
The world is ours
We dominate

由(by-introduces passive verb)我们(we/us)主宰(to dominate / to rule )

2014世界杯足球赛 可口可乐 主题曲 Coca-Cola commercial theme song for 2014 World Cup

Light up the world, light up the world ..

期待一场球赛 期待一次恋爱
qīdài yì cháng qiúsài  qīdài yícì liànài
Look forward to a ball game; look forward to a romance.

期待(to look forward to)一(one)场(measure word for game)球(ball)赛(competition) 期待(to look forward to)一(one)次(measure word for time of action)恋爱(romantic love)

人生总在期待 输赢也都会精采
rénshēng zǒng zài qīdài  shūyíng yě dūhuì jīng cǎi
In life, (people) always look forward to (something). No matter winning or losing, (the game) will all be interesting and exiting.

人生(life -one’s time on earth )总(always)在(at)期待(to look forward to) 输(lose)赢(win)也(also)都(all)会(will be)精采(interesting and exciting)

热泪盈眶的痛快 想喊那就呐喊
rèlèiyíngkuàng de tòngkuài  xiǎng hǎn nà jiù nàhǎn
The gratification of brimming hot tears in eyes, (if you) want to shout it out then just shout it out.

热泪盈眶(eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom) / extremely moved )的(connecting particle)痛快(gratification) 想(think)喊(shout out)那就(in that case, then)呐喊(shout)

排山倒海的期待 七十亿颗心狂欢
páishāndǎohǎi de qīdài  qīshí yì kē xīn kuánghuān
The gigantic expectation, seven billion hearts’ wild merriment.

排山倒海(lit. to topple the mountains and overturn the seas (idiom); earth-shattering)的(connecting particle)期待(expectation) 七十(seventy)亿(100 million )颗(classifier for small spheres)心(heart)狂欢(merriment)

由我们主宰 OH~~
yóu wǒmen zhǔzǎi  OH~~
We dominate it. (It is dominated by us.)

由(it is for…to/by/let)我们(us)主宰(dominate/rule)

世界能多大 OH~~
shìjiè néng duōdà  OH~~
The world can be how big?

世界(world)能(can be)多大(how big)

由我 由我 由我 由我们主宰
yóu wǒ  yóu wǒ  yóu wǒ  yóu wǒmen zhǔzǎi
By me, by me, by me, it is dominated by us.

由(by/let)我(me) 由(by/let)我(me) 由(by/let)我(me) 由(by/let)我(me)们(suffix for plural pronoun form)主宰(dominate)

Music ..

Lights up the world Lights up the world

Lights up the world Lights up the world

心跳痛快起来 天地逆转起来
xīntiào tòngkuài qǐlai  tiāndì nìzhuǎn qǐlai
Hearts start to happily beat; heaven and earth start to reverse.

心(heart)跳(beat/jump)痛快(happy)起来(start to) 天(heaven)地(earth)逆转( to reverse )起来(start to)

烦恼飞踢起来 飞踢到大气层外
fánnǎo fēi tī qǐlai  fēi tī dào dàqìcéng wài
Troubles start to be flyingly kicked up, flyingly kicked up to the beyond of atmosphere.

烦恼(worries)飞(fly)踢(kick)起来(start to) 飞(fly)踢(kick)到(to)大气层(atmosphere)外(beyond)

扭转过去和现在 谁说你不能爱
niǔzhuǎn guòqu hé xiànzài  shéi shuō nǐ bù néng ài
To turn around past and present. Who says you are not able to love?

扭转(to turn around an undesirable situation)过去(past)和(and)现在(present) 谁(who)说(say)你(you)不(not)能(able to)爱(love)

贯彻快乐的未来 是谁能主宰
guànchè kuàilè de wèilái  shì shéi néng zhǔzǎi
Implement happy future. Who can dominate?

贯彻(implement)快乐(happy)的(connecting particle)未来(future) 是(is)谁(who)能(can)主宰(dominate)

由我们主宰 OH~~
yóu wǒmen zhǔzǎi  OH~~
We dominate it.

由(it is for…to/by/let)我们(us)主宰(dominate/rule)

世界能多大 OH~~
shìjiè néng duōdà  OH~~
The world can be how big?

世界(world)能(can be)多大(how big)

由我 由我 由我 由我们主宰
yóu wǒ  yóu wǒ  yóu wǒ  yóu wǒmen zhǔzǎi
By me, by me, by me, it is dominated by us.

由(by/let)我(me) 由(by/let)我(me) 由(by/let)我(me) 由(by/let)我(me)们(suffix for plural pronoun form)主宰(dominate)

世界一起Everybody 你的风景由你决定
shìjiè yìqǐ Everybody nǐ de fēngjǐng yóu nǐ juédìng
The world together, everybody, your scenery will be decided by you.

世界(world)一起(together)Everybody 你的(your)风景(scenery)由(by)你(you)决定(decide)

shìjiè yìqǐ Everybody
The world together, everybody.


Lights up the world Lights up the world

Lights up the world Lights up the world

Music ..

由我们主宰 OH~~
yóu wǒmen zhǔzǎi  OH~~
We dominate it.

由(it is for…to/by/let)我们(us)主宰(dominate/rule)

世界能多大 OH~~
shìjiè néng duōdà  OH~~
The world can be how big?

世界(world)能(can be)多大(how big)

由我 由我 由我 由我们主宰
yóu wǒ  yóu wǒ  yóu wǒ  yóu wǒmen zhǔzǎi
Let me, let me, let me, let us dominate.

由(by/let)我(me) 由(by/let)我(me) 由(by/let)我(me) 由(by/let)我(me)们(suffix for plural pronoun form)主宰(dominate)

Translated by Shu

Mayday 五月天 English song – Do you ever shine with 歌詞 Lyrics

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