Learn Mandarin sentence – How to say ” The most newsworthy items are usually placed on the front page of the newspaper” in Chinese: 最有新闻价值的项目通常摆在报纸的头版。Phrases: newspaper stand, newsletter, news conference, and subscribe newspaper. Taiwan news about Tiger Woods’ car accident and Michael Jackson Breaking News song

Learn Mandarin sentence – How to say ” The most newsworthy items are usually placed on the front page of the newspaper” in Chinese: 最有新闻价值的项目通常摆在报纸的头版。Zui4 you3 xin1 wen2 jia4 zhi2 de5 xiang4 mu4 tong1 chang2 bai3 zai4 bao4 zhi3 de5 tou2 ban3. Zui4 (最 adverb, most) you3 (有 verb, have) xin1 wen2 (新闻 noun, news; here functions as adjective) jia4 zhi2 (价值 noun, value) de5 (的 connecting particle, to connect attribute and the noun) xiang4 mu4 (项目 noun, item) tong1 chang2 (通常 adverb, usually) bai3 (摆 verb, place or put) zai4 (在preposition word, at or on) bao4 zhi3 (报纸 noun, newspaper) de5 (的 connecting particle) tou2 (头 adjective, front or beginning) ban3 (版 noun, usually means version; here refers to section of newspaper).

What do you wish to see on the front page of newspaper? I would love to see that the newspaper put my website link on the front page, so that a lot of people can learn Chinese with us, in a fun and effective way:) But, I know it is just a daydream (白日梦 bai2 ri4 meng4). How about you? What you would love to see on the 头版 (tou2 ban3, front page) of 报纸 (bao4 zhi3, newspaper)? No matter what you love to see, let’s hope what we read in newspaper will have more good (好 hao3) 新闻 (xin2 wen2, news) than badness (坏 huai4) 新闻 (xin1 wen2, news).

Let’s learn some phrases about bao4 zhi3 (报纸 newspaper) or za2 zhi4 (杂志 magazines):

The stand or store where newspapers and magazines are sold, we call it 书报摊shu1 bao4 tan1.
The headline of newspaper we call it 头条新闻 tou2 tiao2 xin1 wen2.
The newsletter you receive from certain websites or organization about some brief report of something new we call it jian3 xun4 简讯.
For the news conference, it is 记者招待会 ji4 zhe3 zhao1 dai4 hui4.
When you want to subscribe magazines or newspaper, we say 订购杂志 ding4 gou4 za2 zhi4 or 订购报纸 ding4 gou4 bao4 zhi3.

We can find a variety of news in newspaper. Sometimes it is very serious, like Obama signs stimulus bill or Packers wins Superbowl 2011. Sometimes it is pretty ridiculous, such as:

Federal agents raid gun shop, find weapons (wu3 qi4 武器).
Army vehicle disappears (消失不见 xiao1 shi1 bu2 jian4): An Australia army vehicle worth $74.000 has gone missing after being painted with camouflage.
Alton attorney accidentally (意外地 yi4 wai4 de5) sues himself.

What kind of newspaper articles you usually read? If you are a sports fan, then you must enjoy 运动版 (yun4 dong4 ban3 sports section) a lot; if you love celebrity gossip, then you might read 愉乐新闻版 (yu2 le4 xin1 wen2 ban3 entertainment news section); and if you are very attentive to your personal health, you might like 健康版 (jian4 kan1 ban3 health section). It is sad that there is no 唱歌版 (chang4 ge2 ban3 singing song section) in newspapers!

Let’s watch a Taiwan news about Tiger Woods’ car accident. Don’t worry too much; this is not an oral test on your Chinese listening comprehension. It has English subtitles. What a big relief?

Readers, even news is a very boring topic; to my surprise, there is still an interesting song for you!

Michael Jackson – Breaking News

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