Learn Chinese phrases, sentence – learn Mandarin – how to say “This teacher caught his student cheating on the midterm” in Chinese: 这个老师抓到他的学生在期中考作弊 。Zhe4 ge5 lao3 shi1 zhua1 dao4 ta1 de5 xue2 sheng1 zai4 qi2 zhong1 kao3 zuo4 bi4. Zhe4 (这 this) ge5 (个 a measure word for person) lao3 shi1 (老师 teacher) zhua1 dao4 (抓 zhua1 means capture, 到 dao4 means got the target. 抓到 zhua1 dao4 mean captured and got the target, the opposite of zhua1 dao4 is 抓不到 zhua1 bu2 dao4, tried to capture, but could not capture it) ta1 de5 (他的 his) xue2 sheng1 (学生student) zai4 (在 a preposition word, on) qi2 zhong1 kao3 (考 kao3 means test or exam, 期中考 qi2 zhong1 kao3 mean midterm) zuo4 bi4 (作弊 cheating).
There are a few kinds of tests in a student’s life: quiz (xiao3 kao3, 小考), monthly test (yue4 kao3, 月考), midterm (qi2 zhong1 kao3, 期中考), final (qi2 mo4 kao3 期末考)and graduation exam (bi4 ye4 kao3 毕业考).
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