For You, F4 歌词, 2018 流星花园 Liuxing Huayuan Meteor Garden TV drama OST, 王鹤棣、官鸿、梁靖康、吴希泽, Dylan Wang, Darren Chen, Liang Jingkang, Caesar Wu,lyrics, pinyin and English translation

新F4 王鶴棣 官鴻 梁靖康 吳希澤 首支合唱單曲『For You』MV- 2018 流星花園 電視劇 主題曲 F4 – FOR YOU (LIVE PERFORMANCE) FOR YOU Meteor Garden 2018 OST lyrics (KARAOKE VERSION)


Wánghèdì, Guān hóng, Liáng jìngkāng, Wúxīzé


Lyrics, pinyin and English transltion

左顾右盼 像个小孩

Zuǒ gù yòu pàn xiàng gè xiǎo hái

Glancing to left and right looks like a little child

左(left)顾(look)右(right)盼(look) 像(like)个(measure word)小(little)孩(children)

此刻心跳你明不明白 没了节拍

Cǐ kè xīn tiào nǐ míng bù míng bai méi le jié pāi

This moment, do you understand or that that my heart lost the rhythm

此(this)刻(moment)心(heart)跳(jump)你(you)明(understand)不(not)明白(understand) 没(not)了(past tense particle)节拍(beats)

你走了过来 太好看

Nǐ zǒu le guò lái tài hǎo kàn

You are coming over, looking so very beautiful

你(you)走(walk)了(past tense particle)过来(come over here) 太(too)好看(good looking)


Lián yī kè dōu wú fǎ cóng nǐ shēn shang yí kāi

Even for one moment, (my eyes) all are not able to move from you

连(even)一(one)刻(moment)都(all)无法(not able to)从(from)你(your)身上(body)移开(leave)


Wéi nǐ wǒ pīn mìng shuǎ shuài

For you, I try with all my might to act cool

为(for)你(you)我(I)拼命(to do one’s utmost / with all one’s might / at all costs / (to work or fight) as if one’s life depends on it)耍帅(play cool/act cool)


Wéi nǐ wǒ bù zài děng dài

For you, I am not waiting anymore


为你抛弃 任何事情

Wéi nǐ pāo qì rèn hé shì qing

For you, I will give up everything else

为(for)你(you)抛弃(give up/dump/abandon) 任何(whatever)事情(things/matter)


Zhǐ qiú nǐ ài

I only ask you to love


For you
For you


Gěi nǐ quán bù wēn róu

Give you all the tenderness


陪着你走 在你左右

Péi zhe nǐ zǒu zài nǐ zuǒ yòu

Walk with you, I’ll be around you

陪(accompany)着(V+ing)你(you)走(walk) 在(at)你(your)左右(left and right/sides)


Bù guǎn rèn hé shí hou huí tóu

No matter when you turn your head

不管(regardless)任何(any/whatever)时候(time)回头(turn round/turn your head)

For you


Gěi nǐ zhěng gè yǔ zhòu

Give you the whole universe

给(give)你(you)整(whole)个(measure word)宇宙(universe)


Zhǐ wéi nǐ fù tāng dǎo huǒ

Only for you, I would go through water and tread on fire

只(only)为(for)你(you)赴汤蹈火(go through water and tread on fire (idiom); not afraid of any difficulty)


Yuàn yǔ nǐ gòng bái tóu

I would like to grow old with you

愿(would like)与(with)你(you)共(together)白(white)头(head)


Xiàng zhe le mó

It looks like I’m spellbound

像(look like)着(to catch)了(past tense particle)魔(devil/magic)

我爱乱猜 脾气也坏

Wǒ ài luàn cāi pí qi yě huài

I love to make random assumptions and I have a bad temper

我(I)爱(love)乱(randomly)猜(guess) 脾气(temper)也(also)坏(bad)


Què yuàn yì wéi nǐ gǎi diào suǒ yǒu de huài xí guàn

Yet, I would like to get rid of all the bad habits for you for you

却(but/yet)愿意(would like to/willing)为(for)你(you)改掉(change)所有(all)的(connecting particle)坏(bad)习惯(habit)


Zuì tè bié de nǚ hái

The most special girl

最(the most)特别(special)的(connecting particle)女孩(girl)


Jiù suàn chǎo jià yě lí bu kāi

Even when we’re quarreling, I am not able to leave you

就算(even if)吵架(to quarrel)也(also)离不开(not able to leave)


Jiù xiàng mìng zhōng zhù dìng wǒ men yào zài yī kuài

It’s like we’re destined to be together

就(just)像(like)命(fate)中(within)注定(destine)我们(we)要(have to)在(at)一块(together)

For you
For you


Duì nǐ háo wú bǎo liú

Toward you, I am completely lacking reservations

对(toward)你(you)毫无(not in the least / to completely lack)保留(reserve)

什么都说 陪你做梦

Shén me dōu shuō péi nǐ zuò mèng

I will tell you everything, I will dream with you

什么(whatever)都(all)说(say) 陪(accompany)你(you)做(doing)梦(dream)


Cóng cǐ nǐ bù zài yǒu jì mò

From this moment on, you won’t have loneliness anymore

从(from)此(now)你(you)不再(not anymore)有(have)寂寞(loneliness)

For you


Nǐ de xīn jiāo gěi wǒ

Give me your heart


oh oh oh ……..

每个片段 只要你在

Měi gè piàn duàn zhǐ yào nǐ zài

In every segment (of time), as long as you’re there

每(each)个(measure word)片段(segment) 只要(only)你(you)在(at there)


Bù huì fàng guò rèn hé xiào róng

I won’t let go of your any smiles

不会(won’t)放过(let it go away)任何(any)笑容(smiling appearance)


Quán jì zài nǎo hǎi

All will be remembered in my mind

全(all)记(remember )在(in)脑海(brain)

被你霸占 所有的爱

Bèi nǐ bà zhàn suǒ yǒu de ài

My love will be all occupied by you

被(by)你(you)霸占(occupy) 所有(all)的(connecting particle)爱(love)


Měi gè hū xī dōu shì wèi le ài nǐ ér cún zài

The reason why every breath exists is to love you

每(every)个(measure word)呼吸(breath)都(all)是(are/is)为(for)了(particle)爱(love)你(you)而(then)存在(exist)

For you
For you


Gěi nǐ quán bù wēn róu

Give you all the tenderness


眼神交错 我就能懂
Yǎn shén jiāo cuò wǒ jiù néng dǒng
When the emotion in our eyes crisscross, then I will understand

眼神(expression or emotion showing in one’s eyes / meaningful glance / wink / eyesight (dialect))交错(to crisscross / to intertwine) 我(I)就(then)能(able to)懂(understand)


Bù xū yào zài duō shuō xiē shén me

There is no need to say anything more

不(not)需要(need)再(again)多说(say more)些(some)什么(whatever)

For you


Zhāi xià zhěng piàn xīng kōng

I’ll take off all the starry sky

摘下(take off/pick off)整(whole)片(measure word)星(starry)空(sky)

Oh oh oh …………………

Translated by Shu

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