Classic Chinese audio article 謝 天 Xie Tian 陈之藩 Chen Zhifan Chinese text, pinyin, English translation. How to say a wise and humorous saying ” The people that I have to express gratitude to are so many, so I thank heaven ” in Mandarin Chinese. Bryan Adams – HEAVEN

Maybe you have heard of this funny saying / joke before :
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(The people that I have to express gratitude to are so many, so I thank heaven; the bad habits that I need to correct are too many, so, (I will correct them) some other day.)

要 [have to, yāo] 感谢 [to thank, gǎn xiè] 的 [connecting particle to connect the attributive and the noun it modifies, de] 人 [people, rén] 太多 [too many, tài duō] 了 [modal particle intensifying preceding clause, le] ,就 [then,jiù] 谢 [to thank, xiè] 天 [heaven, tiān] 吧 [modal particle indicating suggestion, bā] ;要 [have to, yāo] 改 [to correct, gǎi] 的 [particle, de] 坏 [bad, huài] 习惯 [habit, xí guàn] 太多 [too many, tài duō] 了 [particle to show emotion, le] ,就 [then, jiù] 改 [to change, gǎi] 天 [day, tiān] 吧[particle to show suggestion, bā] 。(The people that I have to express gratitude to are so many, so I thank heaven; the bad habits that I need to correct are too many, so, I will correct them some other day.)

The phrase 謝 天 (thank heaven) comes from 陈之藩 Chen Zhifan’s article. It is a highly acclaimed meaningful writing which is well known in Chinese spoken world.

謝 天
Xie Tian
Thank Heaven

written by

Chen Zhifan

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Text with pinyin:

謝[xiè] 天[tiān]

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常[cháng] 到[dào] 外[wài] 國[guó] 朋友[péng you] 家[jiā] 吃[chī] 飯[fàn] 。當[dāng] 蠟燭[là zhú] 燃[rán] 起[qǐ] ,菜[cài] 餚[yáo] 布[bù] 好[hǎo] ,客[kè] 主[zhǔ] 就[jiù] 位[wèi] ,總是[zǒng shì] 主人[zhǔ rén] 家[jiā] 的[de] 小[xiǎo] 男孩[nán hái] 或[huò] 小[xiǎo] 女孩[nǚ hái] 舉起[jǔ qǐ] 小[xiǎo] 手[shǒu] ,低[dī] 頭[tóu] 感[gǎn] 謝[xiè] 上[shàng] 天[tiān] 的[de] 賜[cì] 予[yú] ,並[bìng] 歡迎[huān yíng] 客人[kè ren] 的[de] 到[dào] 來[lái] 。

我[wǒ] 剛[gāng] 一[yī] 到[dào] 美[měi] 時[shí] ,常[cháng] 鬧[nào] 得[dé] 尷尬[gān gà] 。因[yīn] 為[wéi] 在[zài] 國內[guó nèi] 養成[yǎng chéng] 的[de] 習慣[xí guàn] ,還[hái] 沒有[méi yǒu] 坐好[zuò hǎo] ,就[jiù] 開動[kāi dòng] 了[le] 。

以[yǐ] 後[hòu] 凡[fán] 到[dào] 朋友[péng you] 家[jiā] 吃[chī] 飯[fàn] 時[shí] ,總是[zǒng shì] 先[xiān] 囑咐[zhǔ fù] 自己[zì jǐ] ,今天[jīn tiān] 不要[bú yào] 忘[wàng] 了[le] ,可[kě] 別[bié] 太[tài] 快[kuài] 開動[kāi dòng] 啊[ā] !幾年來[jǐ nián lái] ,我[wǒ] 已[yǐ] 變得[biàn de] 很[hěn] 習慣[xí guàn] 了[le] 。但[dàn] 我[wǒ] 一直[yì zhí] 認為[rèn wéi] 只是[zhǐ shì] 一[yī] 種[zhǒng] 不同[bù tóng] 的[de] 風俗[fēng sú] 儀式[yí shì] ,在[zài] 我[wǒ] 這[zhè] 方面[fāng miàn] 看[kàn] 來[lái] ,忘[wàng] 或[huò] 不[bù] 忘[wàng] ,也[yě] 沒有[méi yǒu] 太[tài] 大[dà] 的[de] 關係[guān xi] 。

前年[qián nián] 有[yǒu] 一次[yī cì] ,我[wǒ] 又[yòu] 是[shì] 到[dào] 一[yī] 家[jiā] 去[qù] 吃[chī] 飯[fàn] 。而[ér] 這次[zhè cì] 卻[què] 是[shì] 由[yóu] 主人[zhǔ rén] 家[jiā] 的[de] 祖母[zǔ mǔ] 謝[xiè] 飯[fàn] 。她[tā] 雪白[xuě bái] 的[de] 頭髮[tóu fa] ,顫抖[chàn dǒu] 的[de] 聲音[shēng yīn] ,在[zài] 搖[yáo] 曳[yè] 的[de] 燭[zhú] 光[guāng] 下[xià] ,使[shǐ] 我[wǒ] 想[xiǎng] 起[qǐ] 兒[ér] 時[shí] 的[de] 祖母[zǔ mǔ] 。那[nǎ] 天[tiān] 晚上[wǎn shang] ,我[wǒ] 忽然[hū rán] 覺得[jué de] 我[wǒ] 平[píng] 靜[jìng] 如[rú] 水[shuǐ] 的[de] 情感[qíng gǎn] 翻[fān] 起[qǐ] 滔[tāo] 天[tiān] 巨[jù] 浪[làng] 來[lái] 。

在[zài] 小[xiǎo] 時候[shí hou] ,每[měi] 當[dāng] 冬[dōng] 夜[yè] ,我[wǒ] 們[men] 一[yī] 大家[dà jiā] 人[rén] 圍[wéi] 域[yù] 個[gè] 大[dà] 圓[yuán] 桌[zhuō] 吃[chī] 飯[fàn] 。我[wǒ] 總是[zǒng shì] 坐[zuò] 在[zài] 祖母[zǔ mǔ] 身[shēn] 旁[páng] ,祖母[zǔ mǔ] 總是[zǒng shì] 摸[mō] 著我的[wǒ de] 頭[tóu] 說[shuì] ;「老[lǎo] 天[tiān] 爺[yé] 賞[shǎng] 我[wǒ] 們[men] 家[jiā] 飽[bǎo] 飯[fàn] 吃[chī] ,記住[jì zhu] ,飯碗[fàn wǎn] 裏[lǐ] 一[yī] 粒[lì] 米[mǐ] 都[dōu] 不[bù] 許[xǔ] 剩[shèng] ,要是[yào shì] 糟蹋[zāo tà] 糧食[liáng shi] ,老[lǎo] 天[tiān] 爺[yé] 就[jiù] 不[bù] 給[gěi] 咱[zá] 們[men] 飯[fàn] 了[le] 。」

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剛[gāng] 上[shàng] 小[xiǎo] 學[xué] 的[de] 我[wǒ] ,正[zhēng] 念[niàn] 打倒[dǎ dǎo] 偶像[ǒu xiàng] ,破除[pò chú] 迷信[mí xìn] ,我的[wǒ de] 學校[xué xiào] 就是[jiù shì] 從前[cóng qián] 的[de] 關帝[dì] 廟[miào] ,我的[wǒ de] 書桌[shū zhuō] 就是[jiù shì] 供[gōng] 桌[zhuō] 。我[wǒ] 曾[céng] 給[gěi] 周[zhōu] 倉[cāng] 畫[huà] 上[shàng] 眼[yǎn] 鏡[jìng] ,給[gěi] 關平[píng] 戴[dài] 上[shàng] 鬍子[hú zi] ,祖母[zǔ mǔ] 的[de] 話[huà] ,老[lǎo] 天[tiān] 爺[yé] 也[yě] 者[zhě] ,我[wǒ] 覺得[jué de] 是[shì] 既[jì] 多[duō] 餘[yú] ,又[yòu] 落[là] 伍[wǔ] 的[de] 。

不[bù] 過[guò] ,我[wǒ] 卻[què] 很[hěn] 尊敬[zūn jìng] 我的[wǒ de] 祖父[zǔ fù] 母[mǔ] ,因[yīn] 為[wéi] 這[zhè] 飯[fàn] 確實[què shí] 是[shì] 他[tā] 們[men] 掙[zhēng] 的[de] ,這[zhè] 家[jiā] 確實[què shí] 是[shì] 他[tā] 們[men] 立[lì] 的[de] 。

我[wǒ] 感[gǎn] 謝[xiè] 面前[miàn qián] 的[de] 祖父[zǔ fù] 母[mǔ] ,不必[bù bì] 感[gǎn] 謝[xiè] 渺茫[miǎo máng] 的[de] 老[lǎo] 天[tiān] 爺[yé] 。

這種[zhè zhǒng] 想法[xiǎng fǎ] 並[bìng] 未[wèi] 因[yīn] 年[nián] 紀[jì] 長大[zhǎng dà] 而[ér] 有[yǒu] 任何[rèn hé] 改[gǎi] 變[biàn] 。多少[duō shao] 年[nián] ,就[jiù] 在[zài] 這種[zhè zhǒng] 哲[zhé] 學[xué] 中[zhōng] 過去[guò qu] 了[le] 。

我[wǒ] 在[zài] 這個[zhè gè] 外[wài] 國家[guó jiā] 庭[tíng] 晚[wǎn] 飯[fàn] 後[hòu] ,由[yóu] 於[yū] 這位[zhè wèi] 外[wài] 國[guó] 老[lǎo] 太太[tài tai] ,我[wǒ] 想[xiǎng] 起[qǐ] 我的[wǒ de] 兒[ér] 時[shí] ;由[yóu] 於[yū] 我的[wǒ de] 兒[ér] 時[shí] ,我[wǒ] 想[xiǎng] 起[qǐ] 一串[yī chuàn] 很[hěn] 奇怪[qí guài] 的[de] 現象[xiàn xiàng] 。

祖父[zǔ fù] 每年[měi nián] 在[zài] 「風[fēng] 裏[lǐ] 雨[yǔ] 裏[lǐ] 的[de] 咬[yǎo] 牙[yá] 」,祖母[zǔ mǔ] 每年[měi nián] 在[zài] 「茶[chá] 裏[lǐ] 飯[fàn] 裏[lǐ] 的[de] 自[zì] 苦[kǔ] 」,他[tā] 們[men] 明明[míng míng] 知道[zhī dao] 要[yāo] 滴下[dī xià] 眉毛[méi mao] 上[shàng] 的[de] 汗[hàn] 珠[zhū] ,才能[cái néng] 撿[jiǎn] 起[qǐ] 田中[zhōng] 的[de] 麥[mài] 穗[suì] ,而[ér] 為什麼[wèi shén me] 要[yāo] 謝[xiè] 天[tiān] ?我[wǒ] 明明[míng míng] 是[shì] 個[gè] 小孩[xiǎo hái] 子[zǐ] ,混[hún] 吃[chī] 混[hún] 玩[wán] ,而[ér] 我[wǒ] 為什麼[wèi shén me] 卻[què] 不[bù] 感[gǎn] 謝[xiè] 老[lǎo] 天[tiān] 爺[yé] ?

這種[zhè zhǒng] 奇怪[qí guài] 的[de] 心理[xīn lǐ] 狀態[zhuàng tài] ,一直[yì zhí] 是[shì] 我[wǒ] 心中[xīn zhōng] 的[de] 一[yī] 個[gè] 謎[mí] 。

一直[yì zhí] 到[dào] 前年[qián nián] ,我[wǒ] 在[zài] 普[pǔ] 林[lín] 斯[sī] 頓[dùn] ,瀏覽[liú lǎn] 愛因斯坦[ài yīn sī tǎn] 的[de] 《我[wǒ] 所[suǒ] 看[kàn] 見[jiàn] 的[de] 世界[shì jiè] 》,得到[dé dào] 了[le] 新[xīn] 的[de] 領[lǐng] 悟[wù] 。

這[zhè] 是[shì] 一[yī] 本[běn] 非[fēi] 科[kē] 學[xué] 性[xìng] 的[de] 文[wén] 集[jí] ,專[zhuān] 載[zǎi] 些[xiē] 愛因斯坦[ài yīn sī tǎn] 在[zài] 紀念[jì niàn] 會[huì] 上[shàng] 啦[lā] 、在[zài] 歡迎[huān yíng] 會[huì] 上[shàng] 啦[lā] 、在[zài] 朋友[péng you] 的[de] 葬[zàng] 禮[lǐ] 中[zhōng] ,他[tā] 所[suǒ] 發表[fā biǎo] 的[de] 談話[tán huà] 。

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我[wǒ] 在[zài] 讀[dú] 這[zhè] 本[běn] 書[shū] 時[shí] 忽然[hū rán] 發現[fā xiàn] 愛因斯坦[ài yīn sī tǎn] 想[xiǎng] 盡[jìn] 量[liáng] 給[gěi] 聽眾[tīng zhòng] 一[yī] 個[gè] 印象[yìn xiàng] :即[jí] 他[tā] 的[de] 貢獻[gòng xiàn] 不是[bú shì] 源[yuán] 於[yū] 甲[jiǎ] ,就是[jiù shì] 由[yóu] 於[yū] 乙[yǐ] ,而[ér] 與[yǔ] 愛因斯坦[ài yīn sī tǎn] 本人[běn rén] 不[bù] 太[tài] 相[xiāng] 干[gān] 似的[sì de] 。

就[jiù] 連[lián] 那[nǎ] 篇[piān] 亙[gèn] 古[gǔ] 以[yǐ] 來[lái] 嶄新[zhǎn xīn] 獨[dú] 創[chuāng] 的[de] 狹[xiá] 義[yì] 相[xiāng] 對[duì] 論[lún] ,並[bìng] 無[wú] 參考[cān kǎo] 可[kě] 引[yǐn] ,卻[què] 在[zài] 最[zuì] 後天[hòu tiān] 外[wài] 飛[fēi] 來[lái] 一[yī] 筆[bǐ] ,「感[gǎn] 謝[xiè] 同事[tóng shì] 朋友[péng you] 貝[bèi] 索[suǒ] 的[de] 時[shí] 相[xiāng] 討論[tǎo lùn] 。」

其他[qí tā] 的[de] 文章[wén zhāng] ,比如[bǐ rú] 奮鬥[fèn dòu] 苦[kǔ] 思[sī] 了[le] 十[shí] 幾年[jǐ nián] 的[de] 廣義[guǎng yì] 相[xiāng] 對[duì] 論[lún] ,數學[shù xué] 部分[bù fen] 推[tuī] 給[gěi] 了[le] 昔年[xī nián] 好[hǎo] 友[yǒu] 的[de] 合作[hé zuò] ;這種[zhè zhǒng] 謙[qiān] 抑[yì] ,這種[zhè zhǒng] 不[bù] 居[jū] 功[gōng] ,科[kē] 學[xué] 史[shǐ] 中[zhōng] 是[shì] 少[shǎo] 見[jiàn] 的[de] 。

我[wǒ] 就[jiù] 想[xiǎng] ,如此[rú cǐ] 大功[dà gōng] 而[ér] 竟[jìng] 不[bù] 居[jū] ,為什麼[wèi shén me] ?像[xiàng] 愛因斯坦[ài yīn sī tǎn] 之[zhī] 於[yū] 相[xiāng] 對[duì] 論[lún] ,像[xiàng] 我[wǒ] 祖母[zǔ mǔ] 之[zhī] 於[yū] 我[wǒ] 家[jiā] 。

幾年來[jǐ nián lái] 自己[zì jǐ] 的[de] 奔波[bēn bō] ,作[zuò] 了[le] 一些[yī xiē] 研究[yán jiū] ,寫[xiě] 了[le] 幾[jī] 篇[piān] 學術[xué shù] 文章[wén zhāng] ,真正[zhēn zhèng] 做[zuò] 了[le] 一些[yī xiē] 小[xiǎo] 貢獻[gòng xiàn] 以[yǐ] 後[hòu] ,才[cái] 有[yǒu] 了[le] 一[yī] 種[zhǒng] 新[xīn] 的[de] 覺悟[jué wù] :即[jí] 是[shì] 無論[wú lùn] 什[shén] 麼[mó] 事[shì] ,得[dé] 之[zhī] 於[yū] 人[rén] 者[zhě] 太多[tài duō] ,出[chū] 之[zhī] 於[yū] 己[jǐ] 者[zhě] 太少[tài shǎo] 。

因[yīn] 為[wéi] 需要[xū yào] 感[gǎn] 謝[xiè] 的[de] 人[rén] 太多[tài duō] 了[le] ,就[jiù] 感[gǎn] 謝[xiè] 天[tiān] 罷[bà] 。無論[wú lùn] 什[shén] 麼[mó] 事[shì] ,不是[bú shì] 需要[xū yào] 先[xiān] 人[rén] 的[de] 遺[yí] 愛[ài] 與[yǔ] 遺產[yí chǎn] ,即[jí] 是[shì] 需要[xū yào] 眾人[zhòng rén] 的[de] 支持[zhī chí] 與[yǔ] 合作[hé zuò] ,還[hái] 要[yāo] 等候[děng hòu] 機會[jī huì] 的[de] 到[dào] 來[lái] 。越[yuè] 是[shì] 真正[zhēn zhèng] 做[zuò] 過[guò] 一[yī] 點[diǎn] 事[shì] ,越[yuè] 是[shì] 感[gǎn] 覺[jiào] 自己[zì jǐ] 的[de] 貢獻[gòng xiàn] 之[zhī] 渺小[miǎo xiǎo] 。

於[yū] 是[shì] ,創業[chuàng yè] 的[de] 人[rén] ,都[dōu] 會[huì] 自然而然[zì rán ér rán] 的[de] 想到[xiǎng dào] 上[shàng] 天[tiān] ,而[ér] 敗[bài] 家[jiā] 的[de] 人[rén] 卻[què] 無[wú] 時[shí] 不[bù] 想到[xiǎng dào] 自己[zì jǐ] 。

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介[jiè] 之[zhī] 推[tuī] 不[bù] 言[yán] 祿[lù] ,祿[lù] 亦[yì] 弗[fú] 及[jí] 。這[zhè] 是[shì] 我[wǒ] 們[men] 中[zhōng] 國[guó] 的[de] 一[yī] 個[gè] 最[zuì] 完美[wán měi] 的[de] 人格[rén gé] 所[suǒ] 構成[gòu chéng] 的[de] 一[yī] 個[gè] 最[zuì] 完美[wán měi] 的[de] 故事[gù shì] 。介[jiè] 之[zhī] 推[tuī] 為什麼[wèi shén me] 不[bù] 言[yán] 祿[lù] ,因[yīn] 為[wéi] 他[tā] 覺得[jué de] 貪[tān] 天[tiān] 之[zhī] 功[gōng] 以[yǐ] 為[wéi] 己[jǐ] 力[lì] ,是[shì] 君子[jūn zi] 所[suǒ] 不屑[bù xiè] 為[wéi] ,也[yě] 是[shì] 君子[jūn zi] 所[suǒ] 不[bù] 應[yīng] 為[wéi] 的[de] 。

愛因斯坦[ài yīn sī tǎn] 剛[gāng] 到[dào] 普[pǔ] 林[lín] 斯[sī] 頓時[dùn shí] ,主任[zhǔ rèn] 與[yǔ] 他[tā] 商量[shāng liàng] 報酬[bào chóu] 問題[wèn tí] ,他[tā] 說[shuì] 五[wǔ] 千[qiān] 。主任[zhǔ rèn] 說[shuì] :「給[gěi] 你[nǐ] 五[wǔ] 千[qiān] ,如何[rú hé] 給[gěi] 一[yī] 個[gè] 大[dà] 學[xué] 畢業生[bì yè shēng] 呢[ne] ?還是[hái shì] 算[suàn] 一[yī] 萬[wàn] 五[wǔ] 千[qiān] 元[yuán] 罷[bà] !」這[zhè] 不是[bú shì] 外[wài] 國[guó] 的[de] 介[jiè] 之[zhī] 推[tuī] 嗎[ma] ?

為什麼[wèi shén me] 介[jiè] 之[zhī] 推[tuī] 與[yǔ] 愛因斯坦[ài yīn sī tǎn] 專[zhuān] 幹[gàn] 這類[zhè lèi] 傻[shǎ] 事[shì] ?立[lì] 過[guò] 大功[dà gōng] ,而[ér] 不[bù] 居[jū] 功[gōng] 若[ruò] 此[cǐ] 。他[tā] 們[men] 知道[zhī dao] 作[zuò] 事[shì] 與[yǔ] 立[lì] 功[gōng] ,得[dé] 之[zhī] 於[yū] 眾人[zhòng rén] 合作[hé zuò] 者[zhě] 多[duō] ,得[dé] 之[zhī] 於[yū] 自己[zì jǐ] 逞[chěng] 能[néng] 者[zhě] 少[shǎo] 。於[yū] 是[shì] 很[hěn] 自然[zì rán] 的[de] 產生[chǎn shēng] 一[yī] 種[zhǒng] 感[gǎn] 謝[xiè] 眾人[zhòng rén] 、感[gǎn] 謝[xiè] 上[shàng] 天[tiān] 的[de] 感[gǎn] 覺[jiào] 。

我[wǒ] 們[men] 回[huí] 頭[tóu] 想一想[xiǎng yī xiǎng] ,五[wǔ] 六十[liù shí] 年[nián] 來[lái] 的[de] 中[zhōng] 國[guó] 比[bǐ] 我[wǒ] 七[qī] 八[bā] 歲[suì] 時[shí] 的[de] 思想[sī xiǎng] 能[néng] 強[qiáng] 幾何[jǐ hé] !史家[shǐ jiā] 如果[rú guǒ] 寫[xiě] 這[zhè] 五[wǔ] 六十[liù shí] 年[nián] 來[lái] 的[de] 我[wǒ] 國[guó] 歷史[lì shǐ] 時[shí] ,一定[yī dìng] 命名[mìng míng] 為[wéi] 狂妄[kuáng wàng] 而[ér] 幼稚[yòu zhì] ,無法[wú fǎ] 與[yǔ] 無[wú] 天[tiān] 的[de] 時代[shí dài] 。

無論[wú lùn] 哪[nǎ] 一行[yì xíng] 、哪[nǎ] 一[yī] 界[jiè] ,多[duō] 是[shì] 自[zì] 吹[chuī] 自[zì] 擂[léi] ,自[zì] 欺[qī] 自[zì] 騙[piàn] 。日子[rì zi] 長[cháng] 了[le] ,連[lián] 自己[zì jǐ] 也[yě] 信[xìn] 以[yǐ] 為[wéi] 真[zhēn] 了[le] ,而[ér] 大[dà] 禍[huò] 至[zhì] 矣[yǐ] 。

因[yīn] 為[wéi] 沒有[méi yǒu] 做[zuò] 任何[rèn hé] 真正[zhēn zhèng] 的[de] 事[shì] ,沒有[méi yǒu] 建[jiàn] 任何[rèn hé] 真正[zhēn zhèng] 的[de] 功[gōng] ,自然而然[zì rán ér rán] 不[bù] 會[huì] 有[yǒu] 謝[xiè] 天[tiān] 的[de] 感[gǎn] 覺[jiào] 。

哲[zhé] 學家[xué jiā] 們[men] 知道[zhī dao] 這個[zhè gè] 症[zhēng] 候[hòu] 最[zuì] 為[wéi] 可怕[kě pà] ,所以[suǒ yǐ] 造[zào] 出[chū] 許多[xǔ duō] 知[zhī] 好[hǎo] 知[zhī] 歹[dǎi] 的[de] 人物[rén wù] 與[yǔ] 故事[gù shì] 來[lái] 。

有[yǒu] 一[yī] 個人[gè rén] 問[wèn] 一[yī] 位[wèi] 文[wén] 學家[xué jiā] ,我[wǒ] 記得[jì de] 是[shì] 雨[yǔ] 果[guǒ] 罷[bà] ,「如果[rú guǒ] 世界上[shì jiè shàng] 的[de] 書[shū] 全[quán] 需要[xū yào] 燒[shāo] 掉[diào] ,而[ér] 只[zhī] 許[xǔ] 留[liú] 一[yī] 本[běn] ,應[yīng] 留[liú] 什[shén] 麼[mó] ?」雨[yǔ] 果[guǒ] 毫不[háo bú] 猶豫[yóu yù] 的[de] 說[shuì] :「只[zhī] 留[liú] 〈約伯記[yuē bó jì] 〉。」約[yāo] 伯[bó] 是[shì] 《聖經[shèng jīng] 》裏[lǐ] 面[miàn] 的[de] 介[jiè] 之[zhī] 推[tuī] ,富[fù] 亦[yì] 謝[xiè] 天[tiān] ,貧[pín] 亦[yì] 謝[xiè] 天[tiān] ,病[bìng] 亦[yì] 謝[xiè] 天[tiān] ,苦[kǔ] 亦[yì] 謝[xiè] 天[tiān] 。

我[wǒ] 們[men] 的[de] 思想[sī xiǎng] 界[jiè] 尚[shàng] 在[zài] 混沌[hùn dùn] 幼稚[yòu zhì] 時期[shí qī] ,需要[xū yào] 約[yāo] 伯[bó] 的[de] 精神[jīng shén] ,需要[xū yào] 介[jiè] 之[zhī] 推[tuī] 的[de] 覺悟[jué wù] 。這個[zhè gè] 覺悟[jué wù] 即[jí] 是[shì] :一[yī] 粥[zhōu] 一[yī] 飯[fàn] ,半[bàn] 絲[sī] 半[bàn] 縷[lǚ] ,都是[dōu shì] 多少[duō shao] 年[nián] 、多少[duō shao] 人[rén] 的[de] 血汗[xuè hàn] 結晶[jié jīng] 。感[gǎn] 謝[xiè] 之[zhī] 情[qíng] ,無[wú] 由[yóu] 表[biǎo] 達[dá] ,還是[hái shì] 謝[xiè] 天[tiān] 罷[bà] 。

一[yī] 九[jiǔ] 六[liù] 一[yī] 年[nián] 除夕[chú xī] 於[yū] 曼[màn] 城[chéng]

本文[běn wén] 摘[zhāi] 錄[lù] 自[zì] 《在[zài] 春[chūn] 風[fēng] 裏[lǐ] 》

Chinese text with English translation:
謝 天
Thank Heaven

I often went to foreign friends’ house for to eat meals. When the candle was lit, vegetable and meat dishes were placed, guests and hosts sat at the right places, it was always the host family’s little boy or little girl raised his or her little hands, bowed the head to thank heaven’s giving, and welcomed the arrival of the guests.

At the time when I just arrived the United States, I often caused awkward embarrassment. For the habit I acquired in my country — started eating without sitting well first.

Afterwards, whenever I went to friends’ house for a meal, I always first reminded myself: today, do not forget, do not start eating too fast! Over the past few years, I have become very accustomed to this new habit. However, I always think it is just a different custom and ceremony, and for my opinion, forgot or did not forget, there is no much significance.

Once upon a time, in the year before last, again I went to a friend’s to eat a meal. This time it was the host family’s grandmother saying thanks for the meal. Her snow white hair, trembling voice, in the flickering candlelight, all of those reminded me of the grandmother of my childhood. That night, I suddenly felt that my smooth quiet water like emotion got turned into heaven high gigantic waves.

In childhood, whenever winter nights, all of us, a big family, sat and ate around a large round table. I always sat beside my grandmother. My grandmother always touched my head and said: “Heaven rewards our family enough rice meal so that we can eat till full ; remember, even one grain rice will not be allowed to remain in the rice bowl. If we waste foodstuff, heaven will not give us any meal to eat.”

At that time, I just entered elementary school, and was studying about overthrowing idols, breaking, getting rid of superstition. My school was the former temple, and my desk was the altar. I painted a pair of eyeglasses on Zhou Cang, painted a mustache on Guan Ping. Grandmother’s words about heaven this, heaven that; I thought those were both redundant and outdated.

(note: Zhou Cang is a character in Luo Guanzhong’s 罗贯中 historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Guan Ping (died 219) was the oldest son of the military general Guan Yu 關羽. He served under the warlord Liu Bei 刘备 during the late Han Dynasty period of Chinese history.)

However, I greatly respected my grandparents, because this rice meal indeed was earned by them, and the house indeed was established by them too.

I was grateful to the grandparents who were in front of my face, I did not have to give thanks to vague and distant heaven.

This kind of thinking hasn’t been changed a bit as my ages got older. Many years have passed in this kind of philosophy.

After the dinner at this foreign country family, due to this foreign old lady, I recalled my childhood; because of my childhood, I remembered a bunch of very strange phenomenon.

Every year grandfather ” bites the teeth in wind and rains,” every year grandmother ” self painstakingly works in tea and meal. ” They obviously know that they have to drizzle down the sweat from their eyebrows in order to pick up ears of wheat grains, and why they want to thank Heaven? I, obviously a child, thoughtlessly ate and thoughtlessly played, yet why did not I thank heaven?

This strange state of mind, has always been a mystery in my mind.

Until the year before, when I was at Princeton, I browsed Einstein’s “The world I Saw,” then I acquired new understanding.

This is a non-scientific anthology. It specially records Einstein’s talks and speeches which he made in commemorative meetings, at welcome receptions, and at friends’ funerals.

In reading this book, I suddenly discovered that Einstein would like to try his best to give the audience an impression: that is if his contribution did not come from person A, then must from person B, and it seems it is nothing to do with Einstein himself.

It even includes that special relativity which is a brand new creativity throughout the time, and there is no reference that can be cited. However, at the end of article, he added one remark from outer sky and said : ” Thank to the constant discussion with my colleague, friend, Besso.
(note: Michele Angelo Besso (25 May 1873 Riesbach – 15 March 1955 Geneva) was a Swiss/Italian engineer of Jewish Italian descent. He was a close friend of Albert Einstein during his years at the Federal Polytechnic Institute in Zurich.)

Other articles, such as general relativity which he struggled and thought hardly for ten more years, for the mathematics part of it, he pushed the achievement to the co operation with one of his old day’s friend; this humble, did not claim credit, is rare to see in the history of science.

Then I thought, such a great contribution, however, why he did not claim the achievement to himself? The way Einstein is to the theory of relativity is like my grandmother to my family.

During these several years of drifting, I did some research, and wrote several scholarly articles. After I really did some small contribution, then I had a new realization — that is, no matter what kind of thing, what we got from other people are too many, while what came out of ourselves are too few.

Since there are too many people that we feel grateful to, let’s thank heaven then. No matter what matter, either we need our ancestors’ bequeathed love and heritage or we need everyone’s support and cooperation, and we also have to wait for the arrival of the opportunity. When we really have done a bit of something, the more we feel the insignificance of our own contribution.

Thus, those who established a business naturally think of heaven, while those who dissipated their family fortune, think of themselves all the times.

Jie Zhitui did not ask for any recompense, and it so happened that none came to him. This is the most perfect story which is made of the most perfect personality. Why Jie Zhitui did not ask for any recompense? For he felt greedily took heaven’s contribution as one’s contribution is what gentlemen disdain, and it also should not have done by gentlemen.

(note: Jie Zhitui (7th century BC), legendary selfless subject of Duke Wen of Jin 晋文公. )


When Einstein arrived at Princeton, the director discussed compensation issues with him, Einstein said, five thousand dollars. The director, said: ” If I gave you five thousand dollars, then how should I give to an university graduate? I think I might as well give you fifteen thousand dollars.” Isn’t Einstein a foreign Jie Zhitui?

Why Jie Zhitui and Einstein particularly did such foolish things? They established great merit, yet they did not claim credit for themselves. They know to do whatever things and establish accomplishment, what we got from the cooperation of everyone is a lot, but what we got from showing off one’s ability is little. Thus, it is naturally to develop a sense of feeling grateful to everyone and heaven.

Let’s turn around and think a bit: The China of these fifty or sixty years is how much strong when it is compared with my thinking when I was seven or eight year old? If historians write these fifty or sixty years of history of our country, it definitely will be named — arrogant and childish, the era of without rule and heaven.

Regardless of which profession, which boundary, if there are a lot of blowing one’s own trumpet, and self deceiving and self cheating, when days are getting longer, even themselves will also believe those as truth, and then huge disasters will arrive.

For they did not do any real things, not to build any real achievement, naturally they won’t have the sense of feeling grateful to Heaven.

Philosophers know this symptom is the most terrible, and so they created a lot of characters who know goodness or knows badness and stories.

A man asked a man of letters; I remember it was Hugo : “If all the book in the world all need to be burned, and only one will be allowed to stay; what should stay?” Without hesitation Huge said: ” only remain.” Job is the Jie Zhitui in the Bible; Job thanked heaven when he was rich, when he was poor, when he was sick and when he was in the hardship.

Our intellectual is still in chaos and naive period. We need Job’s spirit, Jie Zhitui’s realization. This realization is: a bowl of porridge, one bowl of cooked rice rice porridge, and half silk strand, all of these are the blood and sweat crystallization of how many years and how many people. Lacking a way to express the gratitude, let’s thank heaven.

1961 New Year’s Eve at Manchester City

This article excerpt from “In the spring wind”

Translated by Shu

Background info about Chen Zhifan:

Chen Zhifan 陈之藩 is a famous Chinese writer whose essays include Thank Heaven and The Rootless Orchards. He died in Hong Kong at the age of 87.

Even though Chen came from a scientific background, his writing style is both concise and full of emotion, also with rationality and sensitivity. He had an intellectual’s passion about the fate of his country. Three of his essays — Thank Heaven, The Rootless Orchards and Philosopher Emperor — are used as textbook material in China and Taiwan.

For more info about his background, see

Other info about this article.

快乐天堂 Happy Heaven
for the pinyin, lyrics, and English translation of this song

Bryan Adams – HEAVEN (w/ Lyrics)

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2 Responses to Classic Chinese audio article 謝 天 Xie Tian 陈之藩 Chen Zhifan Chinese text, pinyin, English translation. How to say a wise and humorous saying ” The people that I have to express gratitude to are so many, so I thank heaven ” in Mandarin Chinese. Bryan Adams – HEAVEN

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