Category Archives: Classic Chinese article — reading and listening comprehension

Advanced lesson Mandarin Chinese audio idiom story 守株待兔 shou zhu dai tu Wait For Windfalls, origin, Chinese text, pinyin, English translation, annotation. What is Wu du five vermin in 韓非子 Han Fei Zi, Lady Gaga – You And I, Little Bunny Foo Foo by Phil Magnini

You are going to have a very rich Chinese idiom lesson today. You will not only learn a very common Chinese idiom and its origin, but also some Chinese cultural and historic facts about the five pests or five vermin … Continue reading

Posted in Advanced Chinese lesson, Chinese idiom stories, Chinese lesson, Classic Chinese article -- reading and listening comprehension, English song, One Chinese sentence a day, sentences | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Classic Chinese audio article 謝 天 Xie Tian 陈之藩 Chen Zhifan Chinese text, pinyin, English translation. How to say a wise and humorous saying ” The people that I have to express gratitude to are so many, so I thank heaven ” in Mandarin Chinese. Bryan Adams – HEAVEN

Maybe you have heard of this funny saying / joke before : [audio:|titles=listen to] 要感谢的人太多了,就谢天吧;要改的坏习惯太多了,就改天吧。 (The people that I have to express gratitude to are so many, so I thank heaven; the bad habits that I need to correct are … Continue reading

Posted in Advanced Chinese lesson, Classic Chinese article -- reading and listening comprehension, English song, One Chinese sentence a day | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments