Category Archives: Chinese poems

Three Hundred Tang poems 登鹳雀楼 Deng guan que lou Ascend Stork Tower 王之涣 Wang Zhi huan:lyrics, pinyin, English translation, annotation, poem analysis and Youtube video of Stork Tower, and Miley Cyrus – The Climb – Official Music Video (HQ)

登鹳雀楼 登鹳雀楼 登鹳雀楼 song que 登鹳雀楼 Dēng guàn què lóu 登(ascend)鹳雀(stork)楼(Tower) Ascend Stork Tower 王之涣 Wáng zhī huàn / Wang Tsu-huan (688-742) was a famous Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty. He is well known for his highly popular 登鸛雀樓 … Continue reading

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A Qing dynasty Chinese poem 明日歌 Ming ri ge Tomorrow’s Song / Song of Tomorrow: lyrics, pinyin, English translation, analysis and 明日天涯 Ming ri tian ya song

明日歌 明日歌 míngrì gē Tomorrow’s song Song of Tomorrow 钱鹤滩 Qián Hètān or 文嘉 Wén Jiā 明日复明日, míngrì fù míngrì , Tomorrow, again, (another) tomorrow, 明日(tomorrow)复(again)明日(tomorrow), 明日何其多! míngrì hé qí duō ! Tomorrows are such many! 明日(tomorrow)何其(how/such)多(many)! 我生待明日, wǒ shēng … Continue reading

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