捉泥鳅 儿歌
四千金 – 捉泥鳅 (HD)
Zhuō níqiū
Catch loaches
Bāo měi shèng
池塘里水满了 雨也停了
chítáng lǐ shuǐ mǎnle yǔ yě tíngle
The water in the pond is full, and the rain also has stopped.
池塘(pond)里(within)水(water)满(full)了(past tense particle) 雨(rain)也(also)停(stop)了(past tense particle)
tiánbiān de xīní lǐ dàochù shì níqiū
Within the watery mud at the edge of the filed, everywhere is loaches.
田(field)边(edge)的(connecting particle)稀(loosen/watery)泥(mud)里(within)到处(everywhere)是(is)泥鳅(loach)
天天我等着你 等着你捉泥鳅
tiāntiān wǒ děngzhe nǐ děngzhe nǐ zhuō níqiū
Everyday I am waiting for you, waiting for you to catch loaches.
天天(everyday)我(I)等(wait)着(V+ing)你(you) 等(wait)着(v+ing)你(you)捉(catch)泥鳅(loach)
大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅
dà gēgē hǎobù hǎo zánmen qù zhuō níqiū
Big brother, is it good or not let’s us go catch loaches.
大(big)哥哥(brother)好(good)不(not)好(good) 咱们(we/us)去(to)捉(catch)泥鳅(loach)
xiǎo niú dí gēgē dàizhe tā zhuō níqiū
Little cow’s brother brought him to catch loaches.
小(small)牛(cow)的(connecting particle)哥哥(brother)带(bring)着(v+ing)他(he)捉(catch)泥鳅(loach)
大哥哥好不好 咱们去捉泥鳅
dà gēgē hǎobù hǎo zánmen qù zhuō níqiū
Big brother, is it good or not let’s us go catch loaches.
大(big)哥哥(brother)好(good)不(not)好(good) 咱们(we/us)去(to)捉(catch)泥鳅(loach)
Translated by Shu