Beautiful old Chinese song 秋诗篇篇 Qiu shi pian pian Poems of autumn 刘家昌 Liu Jia Chang: lyrics, pinyin, English translation



秋詩篇篇 費玉清

Qiū shī piān piān
Poems of autumn
秋(autumn)诗(poem)篇(classifier for written items)篇(classifier for written items)

Liú jiā chāng

Fèi Yù Qīng

深秋枫又红 秋去留残梦
shēnqiū fēng yòu hóng qiū qùliú cán mèng
Deep autumn’s maple leaves reddened again. Autumn has gone and only remnant dreams remain.

深(deep)秋(autumn)枫(maple tree)又(again)红(become red) 秋(autumn)去(go)留(leave)残(incomplete/ broken)梦(dream)

我心付诸于流水 恰似落叶飘零
wǒ xīn fùzhū yú liúshuǐ qiàsì luòyè piāolíng
My heart was put to running water, just like falling leaves are drifting away.

我(my)心(heart)付诸(put to)于(on)流(floating)水(water) 恰(just)似(like)落(falling)叶(leaves)飘零(drifting away)

转眼之间 白雪遮晴空 寒风袭严冬
zhuǎnyǎn zhījiān báixuě zhē qíng kōng hán fēng xí yándōng
In the blink of an eye, white snow has covered up the sunny sky and cold wind is attacking the bitter winter.

转眼(in the blink of an eye)之间(between) 白(white)雪(snow)遮(cover up)晴(sunny)空(sky) 寒(cold)风(wind)袭(attack)严(severe)冬(winter)

莫待樱花树盛开春来 也踏雪寻芳踪
mò dāi yīnghuā shù shèngkāi chūn lái yě tàxuě xún fāng zōng
Don’t wait for the blooming of oriental cherry trees as well as walking in the snow to look for the fragrant traces.

莫(don’t)待(wait)樱花(oriental cherry/sakura)树(tree)盛开(fully bloom)春(spring)来(come) 也(also)踏(step on)雪(snow)寻(look for)芳(fragrant)踪(traces/ footprints)

Music ..

深秋枫又红 秋去留残梦
shēnqiū fēng yòu hóng qiū qùliú cán mèng
Deep autumn’s maple leaves reddened again. Autumn has gone and only remnant dreams remain.

深(deep)秋(autumn)枫(maple tree)又(again)红(become red) 秋(autumn)去(go)留(leave)残(incomplete/ broken)梦(dream)

我心付诸于流水 恰似落叶飘零
wǒ xīn fùzhū yú liúshuǐ qiàsì luòyè piāolíng
My heart was put to running water, just like falling leaves are drifting away.

我(my)心(heart)付诸(put to)于(on)流(floating)水(water) 恰(just)似(like)落(falling)叶(leaves)飘零(drifting away)

转眼之间 白雪遮晴空 寒风袭严冬
zhuǎnyǎn zhījiān báixuě zhē qíng kōng hán fēng xí yándōng
In the blink of an eye, white snow has covered up the sunny sky and cold wind is attacking the bitter winter.

转眼(in the blink of an eye)之间(between) 白(white)雪(snow)遮(cover up)晴(sunny)空(sky) 寒(cold)风(wind)袭(attack)严(severe)冬(winter)

莫待樱花树盛开春来 也踏雪寻芳踪
mò dāi yīnghuā shù shèngkāi chūn lái yě tàxuě xún fāng zōng
Don’t wait for the blooming of oriental cherry trees as well as walking in the snow to look for the fragrant traces.

莫(don’t)待(wait)樱花(oriental cherry/sakura)树(tree)盛开(fully bloom)春(spring)来(come) 也(also)踏(step on)雪(snow)寻(look for)芳(fragrant)踪(traces/ footprints)

Music ..

转眼之间 白雪遮晴空 寒风袭严冬
zhuǎnyǎn zhījiān báixuě zhē qíng kōng hán fēng xí yándōng
In the blink of an eye, white snow has covered up the sunny sky and cold wind is attacking the bitter winter.

转眼(in the blink of an eye)之间(between) 白(white)雪(snow)遮(cover up)晴(sunny)空(sky) 寒(cold)风(wind)袭(attack)严(severe)冬(winter)

莫待樱花树盛开春来 也踏雪寻芳踪
mò dāi yīnghuā shù shèngkāi chūn lái yě tàxuě xún fāng zōng
Don’t wait for the blooming of oriental cherry trees as well as walking in the snow to look for the fragrant traces.

莫(don’t)待(wait)樱花(oriental cherry/sakura)树(tree)盛开(fully bloom)春(spring)来(come) 也(also)踏(step on)雪(snow)寻(look for)芳(fragrant)踪(traces/ footprints)

Translated by Shu

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