小酒窝 xiao jiu wo Small Dimples 林俊杰 JJ Lin lyrics, pinyin, English translation

我还在寻找 一个依靠 和一个拥抱
Wǒ hái zài xúnzhǎo yīgè yīkào hé yīgè yǒngbào   
I am still searching for support and an embrace
我(I)还在(still)寻找(search) 一(one)个(measure word)依靠(support, reliance) 和(and)一(one)个(measure word)拥抱(hug/embrace)

谁替我祈祷 替我烦恼 为我生气为我闹
shuí tì wǒ qídǎo tì wǒ fánnǎo wèi wǒ shēngqì wèi wǒ nào
Who prays for me, worries for me; gets angry for me, fusses for me
谁(who)替我(for me)祈祷(pray) 替我(for me)烦恼(worry) 为我(for me)生气(angry)为我(for me)闹(to vent)

幸福开始有预兆 缘份让我们慢慢紧靠
xìngfú kāishǐ yǒu yùzhào yuán fèn ràng wǒmen màn man jǐn kào
Happiness starts to foreshadow; fate makes us slowly get closer
幸福(happiness)开始(start)有(have)预兆(foreboding signs) 缘份(fate)让(let)我们(us)慢慢(slowly)紧(closely)靠(lean against)

然后孤单被吞没了 无聊变得有话聊 有变化了
ránhòu gūdān bèi tūn mò liǎo wúliáo biàn dé yǒu huà liáo yǒu biànhuàle
Then, loneliness was swallowed; boredom changed to having things to talk about; there are changes
然后(then)孤单(loneliness)被(was v+ed)吞没(engulf)了(past tense particle) 无聊(boredom)变得(become)有(have)话(words)聊(to talk) 有(have)变化(changes)了(past tense particle)

小酒窝 长睫毛 是你最美的记号
xiǎo jiǔwō cháng jiémáo shì nǐ zuìměi de jìhào  
Small dimples, long eyelashes, are your most beautiful signs 
小(small)酒窝(dimples) 长(long)睫毛(eyelashes) 是(is)你(you)最(the most)美(pretty)的(connecting particle)记号(signs/marks)

我每天睡不着 想念你的微笑
wǒ měitiān shuì bùzháo xiǎngniàn nǐ de wéixiào
Everyday I am not able to fall into sleep, miss your smiles
我(I)每天(everyday)睡不着(not able to fall into sleep) 想念(miss)你的(your)微笑(smiles)

你不知道 你对我多么重要
nǐ bù zhīdào nǐ duì wǒ duōme zhòngyào
You don't know, how important you are to me
你(your)不(not)知道(know) 你(you)对(to)我(me)多么(so/how)重要(important)

yǒule nǐ shēngmìng wánzhěng de gānghǎo
Having you, life is perfectly complete
有(have)了(past tense particle)你(you)生命(life)完整(complete)的(connecting particle)刚好(just fine)

小酒窝 长睫毛 迷人的无可救药
xiǎo jiǔwō cháng jiémáo mírén de wú kě jiù yào  
Small dimples, long eyelashes,hopelessly charming 
小(small)酒窝(dimples) 长(long)睫毛(eyelashes) 迷人的(enchanting)无可救药 (hopelessly/not able to cure or treat)

我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
wǒ fàng mànle bùdiào gǎnjué xiàng shì hē zuìle
I slow down my pace, feel like I am getting drunk
我(I)放(put)慢(slow)了(past tense particle)步调(Pace) 感觉(feel)像是(like)喝(drink)醉(drunk)了(past tense particle)

终于找到 心有灵犀的美好
zhōngyú zhǎodào xīnyǒulíngxī dì měihǎo
Finally found the beauty of heart telepathy 
终于(finally)找到(found) 心(heart)有(has)灵犀(telepathy)的(connecting particle)美好(goodness)

yībèizi nuǎn nuǎn de hǎo
The warm goodness of a lifetime
一辈子(one lifetime)暖暖的(warm)好(goodness)

wǒ yǒngyuǎn ài nǐ dào lǎo 
I love you forever till old age


幸福开始有预兆 缘份让我们慢慢紧靠
xìngfú kāishǐ yǒu yùzhào yuán fèn ràng wǒmen màn man jǐn kào
Happiness starts to foreshadow; fate makes us slowly get closer
幸福(happiness)开始(start)有(have)预兆(foreboding signs) 缘份(fate)让(let)我们(us)慢慢(slowly)紧(closely)靠(lean against)

然后孤单被吞没了 无聊变得有话聊 有变化了
ránhòu gūdān bèi tūn mò liǎo wúliáo biàn dé yǒu huà liáo yǒu biànhuàle
Then, loneliness was swallowed; boredom changed to having things to talk about; there are changes
然后(then)孤单(loneliness)被(was v+ed)吞没(engulf)了(past tense particle) 无聊(boredom)变得(become)有(have)话(words)聊(to talk) 有(have)变化(changes)了(past tense particle)

小酒窝 长睫毛 是你最美的记号
xiǎo jiǔwō cháng jiémáo shì nǐ zuìměi de jìhào  
Small dimples, long eyelashes, are your most beautiful signs 
小(small)酒窝(dimples) 长(long)睫毛(eyelashes) 是(is)你(you)最(the most)美(pretty)的(connecting particle)记号(signs/marks)

我每天睡不着 想念你的微笑
wǒ měitiān shuì bùzháo xiǎngniàn nǐ de wéixiào
Everyday I am not able to fall into sleep, miss your smiles
我(I)每天(everyday)睡不着(not able to fall into sleep) 想念(miss)你的(your)微笑(smiles)

你不知道 你对我多么重要
nǐ bù zhīdào nǐ duì wǒ duōme zhòngyào
You don't know, how important you are to me
你(your)不(not)知道(know) 你(you)对(to)我(me)多么(so/how)重要(important)

yǒule nǐ shēngmìng wánzhěng de gānghǎo
Having you, life is perfectly complete
有(have)了(past tense particle)你(you)生命(life)完整(complete)的(connecting particle)刚好(just fine)

小酒窝 长睫毛 迷人的无可救药
xiǎo jiǔwō cháng jiémáo mírén de wú kě jiù yào  
Small dimples, long eyelashes,hopelessly charming 
小(small)酒窝(dimples) 长(long)睫毛(eyelashes) 迷人的(enchanting)无可救药 (hopelessly/not able to cure or treat)

我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
wǒ fàng mànle bùdiào gǎnjué xiàng shì hē zuìle
I slow down my pace, feel like I am getting drunk
我(I)放(put)慢(slow)了(past tense particle)步调(Pace) 感觉(feel)像是(like)喝(drink)醉(drunk)了(past tense particle)

终于找到 心有灵犀的美好
zhōngyú zhǎodào xīnyǒulíngxī dì měihǎo
Finally found the beauty of heart telepathy 
终于(finally)找到(found) 心(heart)有(has)灵犀(telepathy)的(connecting particle)美好(goodness)

yībèizi nuǎn nuǎn de hǎo
The warm goodness of a lifetime
一辈子(one lifetime)暖暖的(warm)好(goodness)

wǒ yǒngyuǎn ài nǐ dào lǎo 
I love you forever till old age


小酒窝 长睫毛 迷人的无可救药
xiǎo jiǔwō cháng jiémáo mírén de wú kě jiù yào  
Small dimples, long eyelashes,hopelessly charming 
小(small)酒窝(dimples) 长(long)睫毛(eyelashes) 迷人的(enchanting)无可救药 (hopelessly/not able to cure or treat)

我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
wǒ fàng mànle bùdiào gǎnjué xiàng shì hē zuìle
I slow down my pace, feel like I am getting drunk
我(I)放(put)慢(slow)了(past tense particle)步调(Pace) 感觉(feel)像是(like)喝(drink)醉(drunk)了(past tense particle)

终于找到 心有灵犀的美好
zhōngyú zhǎodào xīnyǒulíngxī dì měihǎo
Finally found the beauty of heart telepathy 
终于(finally)找到(found) 心(heart)有(has)灵犀(telepathy)的(connecting particle)美好(goodness)

yībèizi nuǎn nuǎn de hǎo
The warm goodness of a lifetime
一辈子(one lifetime)暖暖的(warm)好(goodness)

wǒ yǒngyuǎn ài nǐ dào lǎo 
I love you forever till old age

Translated by Shu

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