How to say “Sharing is a good thing” in Chinese: 分享是一件好事fen1 xiang4 shi4 yi2 jian4 hao3 shi4

How to say “Sharing is a good thing” in Chinese: 分享是一件好事fen1 xiang4 shi4 yi2 jian4 hao3 shi4. Fen1 分mean divide, xiang4 享means share, fen1 xiang3 together mean share, shi4 是means is, yi2 一means one, jian4 件is a measure word for matter here, shi4 事means matter. The opposite of hao3 shi4 is huai4 shi4 坏事 bad thing. For example, cheating is a bad thing in Chinese we would say: 欺骗是一件坏事 qi1 pian4 shi4 yi2 jian4 huai4 shi4.

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