陈威全 Chen Wei quan 不做坏人很久了 Bu zuo huai ren hen jiu le Haven’t been a bad guy for a long time: lyrics, pinyin, English translation

Chén Wēi quán
Tan Vui Chuan

Bú zuò huàirén hěn jiǔ le
Haven’t been a bad guy for a long time



不知道 有多久 没有看见
bù zhīdào yǒu duōjiǔ méi yǒu kànjiàn
I don’t know it has been how long that I did not see

不(not)知道(know) 有(have)多久(how long) 没有(did not)看见(see)

你对我 崇拜的 赞美的 夸口的幸福表情
nǐ duì wǒ chóngbài de zànměi de kuākǒu de xìngfú biǎoqíng
The worshiping, praising and bragging happy expressions you had for me

你(you)对(toward)我(me) 崇拜的(worshiping) 赞美的(admiring) 夸口的(bragging)幸福(happy)表情(expression)

才发现 你的心
cái fāxiàn nǐ de xīn
Then I realized your heart

才(then)发现(realize) 你的(your)心(heart)

zǎojiù yǐjīng bèi tā duózǒu
Was grabbed away by him.

早(long ago)就(then)已经(already)被(was + V+ed / (indicates passive-voice clauses))他(he)夺走 (snatch away)

我的爱 在这里 如果不要
wǒ de ài zài zhèlǐ rúguǒ bú yào
My love is here, and if you don’t want

我的(my)爱(love) 在(at)这里(here) 如果(if)不要(don’t want)

就请你 快点说 快点说
jiù qǐng nǐ kuàidiǎn shuō kuàidiǎn shuō
Then you please quickly say, quickly say

就(then)请(please)你(you) 快点(to do sth more quickly)说(say) 快点(to do sth more quickly)说(say)

ràng wǒ kěyǐ hěn xià xīn
Let me be able to toughen the heart.

让(let)我(me)可以(able to)狠(fierce)下(down to)心(heart)

铁了心 不伤心
tiělexīn bù shāngxīn
Steelen the heart and not to be sad.

铁(verb phrase, to be unshakable )了(past tense marker)心(heart) 不(not)伤心(to be broken-hearted)

gāncuì de bǎ ài gěi mǒqù
Simply just erase the love.

干脆地(simply)把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)爱(love)给(particle)抹(ease)去(away)

wǒ bú zuò huàirén hěn jiǔ le
I haven’t been a bad guy for a very long time.


yuánliàng wǒ hěnhěn de bǎ nǐ wàngdiào
Forget me fiercely forget about you.

原谅(forgive)我(me)狠狠地(ferociously)把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)你(you)忘掉(forget)

huíyì yǒu duō měihǎo
Memory is that beautiful.


都烧掉 都烧掉 对爱最好
dōu shāodiào dōu shāodiào duì ài zuì hǎo
All were burned, all were burned, and it is the best for love.

都(all)烧掉(burned) 都(all)烧掉(burned) 对(to)爱(love)最(the)好(best)

pà wǒ shěbude yòu bǎ nǐ yōngbào
I am afraid that I am not able to give you up and embrace you again.

怕(afraid)我(I)舍不得(not able to give up)又(again)把 (particle marking the following noun as a direct object) 你(you)拥抱(embrace)

wǒ bú zuò huàirén hěn jiǔ le
I haven’t been a bad guy for a very long time.


yuánliàng wǒ bù néng dāng nǐ de yīkào
Forget me not able to be your reliance.

原谅(forgive)我(me)不能(not able to)当(to be)你的(your)依靠(reliance)

dōu guài nǐ búgòu hǎo
It is your fault that you are not good enough.


太温柔 太体贴 太过重要
tài wēnróu tài tǐtiē tàiguò zhòngyào
Too gentle, too considerate, and too important.

太(too)温柔(gentle) 太(too)体贴(considerate) 太过(too)重要(important)

jiù ràng wǒ yígèrén yíhàn jiù hǎo
Just let me one person regret.

就(then)让(let)我(me)一(one)个(measure word)人(person)遗憾(regret)就(in that case)好(good)

wǒ búzài xūyào nǐ de wěn
I no longer need your kiss.

我(I)不再(not anymore)需要(need)你的(your)吻(kiss)

music ..

决定了 不爱了 不能倒带
juédìng le bú ài le bù néng dàodài
I decided not to love; it is not able to rewind.

决定(decide)了(past tense marker) 不(not)爱(love)了(past tense marker) 不能(not able to)倒带(rewind)

你变了 我变了 爱变了
nǐ biàn le wǒ biàn le ài biàn le
You changed, I changed, and (our) love changed.

你(you)变(change)了(past tense marker) 我(I)变(change)了(past tense marker) 爱(love)变(change)了(past tense marker)

chéngnuò shì zuì shāngrén de
Promise is the most hurtful.

承诺(promise)是(is)最(the most)伤(hurt)人(people)的(connecting particle)

舍不得 就不配
shěbude jiù bú pèi
Not able to give up, then will be unworthy to

舍不得(not able to give up) 就(then)不配(unworthy)

yōngyǒu biàn kuàilè de zīgé
To have the qualification to possess happiness.

拥有(possess)变(become)快乐(happy)的(connecting particle)资格(qualification)

我的爱 在这里 如果不要
wǒ de ài zài zhèlǐ rúguǒ bú yào
My love is here, at here. If you don’t want

我的(my)爱(love) 在(at)这里(this) 如果(if)不要(don’t want)

就请你 快点说 快点说
jiù qǐng nǐ kuàidiǎn shuō kuàidiǎn shuō
Then please you quickly say, quickly say

就(then)请(please)你(you) 快点(to do sth more quickly)说(say) 快点(to do sth more quickly)说(say)

ràng wǒ kěyǐ hěn xià xīn
Let me be able to toughen the heart.

让(let)我(me)可以(able to)狠(fierce)下(down to)心(heart)

铁了心 不伤心
tiělexīn bù shāngxīn
To toughen the heart and not be be sad.

铁(verb phrase, to be unshakable )了(past tense marker)心(heart) 不(not)伤心(to be broken-hearted)

gāncuì de bǎ ài gěi mǒqù
Just simply erase the love.

干脆地(simply)把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)爱(love)给(particle)抹(ease)去(away)

wǒ bú zuò huàirén hěn jiǔ le
I haven’t been a bad guy for a very long time.


yuánliàng wǒ hěnhěn de bǎ nǐ wàngdiào
Forget me fiercely forget about you.

原谅(forgive)我(me)狠狠地(ferociously)把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)你(you)忘掉(forget)

huíyì yǒu duō měihǎo
Memory is that beautiful.


都烧掉 都烧掉 对爱最好
dōu shāodiào dōu shāodiào duì ài zuì hǎo
All were burned, all were burned, and it is the best for love.

都(all)烧掉(burned) 都(all)烧掉(burned) 对(to)爱(love)最(the)好(best)

pà wǒ shěbude yòu bǎ nǐ yōngbào
I am afraid that I am not able to give you up and embrace you again.

怕(afraid)我(I)舍不得(not able to give up)又(again)把 (particle marking the following noun as a direct object) 你(you)拥抱(embrace)

wǒ bú zuò huàirén hěn jiǔ le
I haven’t been a bad guy for a very long time.


yuánliàng wǒ bù néng dāng nǐ de yīkào
Forget me not able to be your reliance.

原谅(forgive)我(me)不能(not able to)当(to be)你的(your)依靠(reliance)

dōu guài nǐ búgòu hǎo
It is your fault that you are not good enough.


太温柔 太体贴 太过重要
tài wēnróu tài tǐtiē tàiguò zhòngyào
Too gentle, too considerate and too important.

太(too)温柔(gentle) 太(too)体贴(considerate) 太过(too)重要(important)

jiù ràng wǒ yígèrén yíhàn jiù hǎo
Just let me one person regret.

就(then)让(let)我(me)一(one)个(measure word)人(person)遗憾(regret)就(in that case)好(good)

wǒ búzài xūyào nǐ de wěn
I no longer need your kiss.

我(I)不再(not anymore)需要(need)你的(your)吻(kiss)

Music …

wǒ bú zuò huàirén hěn jiǔ le
I haven’t been a bad guy for a very long time.


yuánliàng wǒ hěnhěn de bǎ nǐ wàngdiào
Forget me fiercely forget about you.

原谅(forgive)我(me)狠狠地(ferociously)把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)你(you)忘掉(forget)

huíyì yǒu duō měihǎo
Memory is that beautiful.


都烧掉 都烧掉 对爱最好
dōu shāodiào dōu shāodiào duì ài zuì hǎo
All were burned, all were burned, and it is the best for love.

都(all)烧掉(burned) 都(all)烧掉(burned) 对(to)爱(love)最(the)好(best)

pà wǒ shěbude yòu bǎ nǐ yōngbào
I am afraid that I am not able to give you up and embrace you again.

怕(afraid)我(I)舍不得(not able to give up)又(again)把 (particle marking the following noun as a direct object) 你(you)拥抱(embrace)

wǒ bú zuò huàirén hěn jiǔ le
I haven’t been a bad guy for a very long time.


yuánliàng wǒ bù néng dāng nǐ de yīkào
Forget me that I can’t be your reliance.

原谅(forgive)我(me)不能(not able to)当(to be)你的(your)依靠(reliance)

dōu guài nǐ búgòu hǎo
It is your fault that you are not good enough.


太温柔 太体贴 太过重要
tài wēnróu tài tǐtiē tàiguò zhòngyào
Too gentle, too considerate and too important.

太(too)温柔(gentle) 太(too)体贴(considerate) 太过(too)重要(important)

jiù ràng wǒ yígèrén yíhàn jiù hǎo
Just let me one person regret.

就(then)让(let)我(me)一(one)个(measure word)人(person)遗憾(regret)就(in that case)好(good)

wǒ búzài xūyào nǐ de wěn

我(I)不再(not anymore)需要(need)你的(your)吻(kiss)

Translated by Shu

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