蘇打綠 sodagreen -【喜歡寂寞】
Su Da Lu
Xi huan ji mo
Like loneliness
扬起了灰尘 回忆里一场梦
yáng qǐ le huī chén huí yì lǐ yī cháng mèng
lifting up dust, one dream in the memory …
扬(raise)起(up)了(past tense marker)灰尘(dust) 回忆(memory)里(within)一(one)场(measure word for dream)梦(dream)
nà zhào piàn lǐ de rén
That person in the photo
那(that)照片(picture/photo)里(within)的(connecting particle)人(person)
tóng kǒng céng zhù zhe wǒ
The pupils of his, once I lived (there).
瞳孔(pupil of eye)曾(once)住(live)著(particle/V+ing)我(me)
阖上了过往 梦境活成河流
hé shàng le guò wǎng mèng jìng huó chéng hé liú
Closed the past, the dreamland came back to life and became a stream.
阖上(close)了(past tense marker)过往(past) 梦(dream)境(scenery)活(to live)成(become)河流(rivers)
yǐ zī rùn le shēn páng
It has provided moisture to all around me.
已(already)滋润(to provide)了(past tense marker)身(body)旁(side)
zhēn shí zhōng de mài bó
The pulse within the reality.
真实(truth)中(within)的(connecting particle)脉搏(pulse)
shēng mìng lái dào chuāng qián
Life came to the front of the window.
生命(life)来(come)到(to)窗(window)前(in front of)
不吭一声 拎走了我们
bù kēng yī shēng līng zǒu le wǒ men
(It) did not utter a sound and lifted us away.
不(not)吭(utter)一(one)声(sound) 拎(lift)走(away)了(particle)我们(us)
谁为情所困 谁为爱牺牲
shéi wéi qíng suǒ kùn shéi wéi ài xī shēng
Who was stranded by feelings; who sacrificed himself/herself because of love?
谁(who)为(by-in the passive voice) )情(feeling)所(was + V +ed)困(to trap) 谁(who)为(by)爱(love)牺牲(to sacrifice oneself)
shéi bǐ shéi shēn kè
Whose feelings are deeper?
谁(who)比(compared with)谁(who)深刻(deep)
dāng shí fèn bù gù shēn shēn chū wǒ de shǒu
At that time, (I) stretched out my hand without heeding my own safety.
当时(at that time)奋不顾身(to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety /idiom)伸(stretch)出(out)我的(my)手(hand)
kàn jiàn le lún kuò jiù dāng zuò yǔ zhòu
(I) saw the contour and thought it as the universe.
看见(saw)了(past tense marker)轮廓(contour)就(then)当作(to see/regard something as)宇宙(universe)
tián měi de xí guàn biàn chéng shēng huó
Sweet habits became daily routines.
甜美(sweet)的(connecting particle)习惯(got used to)变成(became)生活(life)
cái liǎo jiě le shén me
Then I understood something.
才(then)了解(understand)了(past tense marker)什么(something/what)
rú jīn gù shì fā zhǎn chéng jiù yī gè wǒ
Now, the story has developed and accomplished one me (who I am).
如今(now)故事(story)发展(develop)成就(to accomplish)一(one)个(measure word)我(me)
xué huì le shēng huó néng xiǎng shòu jì mò
(I) learned to be able to enjoy loneliness in life.
学会(learned to)了(past tense marker)生活(life)能(able to)享受(enjoy)寂寞(loneliness)
jù liè de yǔ yán biàn chéng wēn róu
Intense languages became gentleness.
剧烈(intense)的(connecting particle)语言(language)变成(became)温柔(gentleness)
yòu dài lái le shén me
And yet what did this bring?
又(and yet)带来(bring)了(past tense marker)什么(what)
若是不曾走过 怎么懂
ruò shì bù céng zǒu guò zěn me dǒng
If I did not go through, how did I understand?
若是(if)不(not)曾(ever)走(walked)过 (particle shows past experience)怎么(how to)懂(understand)
Music ..
翻飞了往事 有时灼伤眼眸
fān fēi le wǎng shì yǒu shí zhuó shāng yǎn móu
Leafing through the past, sometimes it burned and wounded my eyes.
翻(flip over)飞(fly)了(past tense marker)往事(past) 有时(sometimes)灼(to burn)伤(to wound)眼眸(eyes)
nà shāng rén de tái cí
That hurting scrip
那(that)伤(wound)人(person)的(connecting particle)台词(scrip)
xiàn zài tīng lái qīng sōng
Now it is not that heavy to listen to.
现在(now)听来(to sound)轻松(to take things less seriously /light)
平息了心思 有时一笑而过
píng xī le xīn sī yǒu shí yī xiào ér guò
After calming down my thoughts, sometimes I was able to laugh it off.
平息(calm down)了(particle)心思(thoughts) 有时(sometimes)一笑而过(laugh things off)
wǒ cǐ kè de yàng zi
The state I am in now.
我(I)此刻(this moment)的(connecting particle)样子(appearance)
jiàn fēng réng rán shì fēng
Seeing wind is still wind.
shēng mìng chuī guò miàn qián
Life was blown away in front of me.
生命(life)吹过(blew)面前(in front of)
bù kēng yī shēng
Did not utter one sound.
huà chéng le zhǎng wén
It paddled, etched and turned into the lines of the palm.
划(paddle)成(become)了(past tense marker)掌(palm of the hand)纹(line)
挥霍了缘分 看透了景色
huī huò le yuán fèn kàn tòu le jǐng sè
I have squandered the predestined affinity and seen through the scenery.
挥霍(to squander)了(past tense marker)缘分 ( predestined affinity or relationship)看(see)透(through)了(particle)景色(scenery)
wǒ dǒng de shēn kè
I understand (what is) deep / I understand how to deepen.
dāng shí fèn bù gù shēn shēn chū wǒ de shǒu
At that time, (I) stretched out my hand without heeding my own safety.
当时(at that time)奋不顾身(to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety /idiom)伸(stretch)出(out)我的(my)手(hand)
kàn jiàn le lún kuò jiù dāng zuò yǔ zhòu
(I) saw the contour and thought it as the universe.
看见(saw)了(past tense marker)轮廓(contour)就(then)当作(to see/regard something as)宇宙(universe)
tián měi de xí guàn biàn chéng shēng huó
Sweet habits became daily routines.
甜美(sweet)的(connecting particle)习惯(got used to)变成(became)生活(life)
cái liǎo jiě le shén me
Then I understood something.
才(then)了解(understand)了(past tense marker)什么(something/what)
rú jīn gù shì fā zhǎn chéng jiù yī gè wǒ
Now, the story has developed and accomplished one me (who I am).
如今(now)故事(story)发展(develop)成就(to accomplish)一(one)个(measure word)我(me)
xué huì le shēng huó néng xiǎng shòu jì mò
(I) learned to be able to enjoy loneliness in life.
学会(learned to)了(past tense marker)生活(life)能(able to)享受(enjoy)寂寞(loneliness)
jù liè de yǔ yán biàn chéng wēn róu
Intense languages became gentleness.
剧烈(intense)的(connecting particle)语言(language)变成(became)温柔(gentleness)
yòu dài lái le shén me
And yet what did this bring?
又(and yet)带来(bring)了(past tense marker)什么(what)
若是不曾走过 怎么懂
ruò shì bù céng zǒu guò zěn me dǒng
If I did not go through, how did I understand?
若是(if)不(not)曾(ever)走(walked)过 (particle shows past experience)怎么(how to)懂(understand)
dāng shí fèn bù gù shēn shēn chū wǒ de shǒu
At that time, (I) stretched out my hand without heeding my own safety.
当时(at that time)奋不顾身(to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety /idiom)伸(stretch)出(out)我的(my)手(hand)
kàn jiàn le lún kuò jiù dāng zuò yǔ zhòu
(I) saw the contour and thought it as the universe.
看见(saw)了(past tense marker)轮廓(contour)就(then)当作(to see/regard something as)宇宙(universe)
tián měi de xí guàn biàn chéng shēng huó
Sweet habits became daily routines.
甜美(sweet)的(connecting particle)习惯(got used to)变成(became)生活(life)
cái liǎo jiě le shén me
Then I understood something.
才(then)了解(understand)了(past tense marker)什么(something/what)
rú jīn gù shì fā zhǎn chéng jiù yī gè wǒ
Now, the story has developed and accomplished one me (who I am).
如今(now)故事(story)发展(develop)成就(to accomplish)一(one)个(measure word)我(me)
xué huì le shēng huó néng xiǎng shòu jì mò
(I) learned to be able to enjoy loneliness in life.
学会(learned to)了(past tense marker)生活(life)能(able to)享受(enjoy)寂寞(loneliness)
jù liè de yǔ yán biàn chéng wēn róu
Intense languages became gentleness.
剧烈(intense)的(connecting particle)语言(language)变成(became)温柔(gentleness)
yòu dài lái le shén me
And yet what did this bring?
又(and yet)带来(bring)了(past tense marker)什么(what)
若是不曾走过 怎么懂
ruò shì bù céng zǒu guò zěn me dǒng
If I did not go through, how did I understand?
若是(if)不(not)曾(ever)走(walked)过 (particle shows past experience)怎么(how to)懂(understand)
Translated by Shu
2 Responses to A song worth listening to 苏打绿 Sodagreen Su Da Lu 喜欢寂寞 Xi huan ji mo Like loneliness: lyrics, pinyin, English translation