草蜢 Cao meng Grasshopper 失恋阵线联盟 Shilian zhenxian lianmeng Broken heart alliance: lyrics, pinyin, English translation

草蜢 – 失戀陣線聯盟 / Club Broken Heart (by Grasshopper)

Cǎo měng

Shīliàn zhènxiàn liánméng
Broken heart alliance

歌词 lyrics

tā zǒng shì zhǐ liú xià diànhuà hàomǎ
She always only left (me her) phone number.


cóng bù kěn ràng wǒ sòng tā huí jiā
Never allows me to send her home.

从(never)不肯(not allow)让(let)我(me)送(send)她(her)回家(go home)

tīng shuō nǐ yě céngjīng ài shàngguò tā
I heard that you also once fell in love with her.

听说(heard)你(you)也(also)曾经(once)爱上过(fell in love with)她(her)

céngjīng yě tóngyàng wúfǎ zìbá
You, once the same, were not able to pull yourself out.

曾经(once)也(also)同样(the same)无法(no way to)自(self)拔(pull out)

nǐ shuō nǐ xué bù huì jiǎzhuāng xiāosǎ
You said that you were not able to learn how to pretend to be confident and be at ease.

你(you)说(say)你(you)学不会(not able to learn)假装(pretend)潇洒(be confident and at ease)

què jiào wǒ bié tài zǎo fàngqì tā
Yet you taught me not to give her up too early.

却(yet)教(teach)我(me)别(don’t)太早(too early)放弃(give up)她(her)

bǎ guòqù quán shuō chéng yīduàn shénhuà
You mentioned about the past like it is a legend.

把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object )过去(past)全(totally)说(talke)成(become)一(one)段(section)神话(legend)

ránhòu xiào bǐcǐ yīyàng de shǎ
Then, we laughed at each other, and thought we were the same silly.

然后(then)笑(laugh)彼此(each other)一样地(the same)傻(silly)

wǒmen zhème zàihū tā què bèi tā quánbù mǒshā
We care about her so much, yet our caring was totally obliterated by her.

我们(we)这么(this such)在乎(care)她(her)却(yet)被(v+ed)她(her)全部(totally)抹煞(erase)

yuè téng tā yuè shāngxīn yǒngyuǎn dé bù dào huídá
The more we cherish her, the more heart broken we become, and we never will get any answer.

越(the more)疼(cherish)她(her)越(the more)伤心(heart broken)永远(never)得不到(not able to get)回答(answer)

dàodǐ tā zěnme xiǎng yīnggāi jìxù cāicè ma
What exactly does she think, should we keep guessing?

到底(what on earth)她(she)怎么(how)想(think)应该(should)继续(continue)猜测(guess)吗(question particle)

háishì shuō hǎo quán wàngle ba
It might as well that we agree to totally forget about it.

还是(might as well)说好(agree)全(totally)忘了(forgot)吧(particle shows suggestion)

zhǎo yīgè chéngrèn shīliàn de fāngfǎ
To find a way to accept the breakup.

找(look for)一(one)个(measure word)承认(admit)失恋(breakup)的(connecting particle)方法(method)

ràng xīnqíng hǎohǎo de fàng gè jiǎ
Let (our) mood to have a good vacation.

让(let)心情(mood)好好地(well)放个假(have a vacation)

dāng nǐ wǒ bù xiǎoxīn yòu xiǎngqǐ tā
When you and I accidentally think of her again.

当(when)你(you)我(I)不小心(accidentally)又(again)想起(think of)她(her)

就在记忆里划一个 X
jiù zài jìyì lǐ huà yīgè X
Then, draw an X in the memory.

就(then)在(in)记忆(memory)里(within)划(draw)一(one)个(measure word) X (cross out)

Repeat as needed

Translated by Shu

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