胡夏 Hu Xia 2015 new Mandarin Chinese song 替我照顾她 Ti wo zhao gu ta Take care of her for me: lyrics, pinyin, English translation

胡夏 HuXia《替我照顧她》 Official MV HD

Hú Xià

Tì wǒ zhàogu tā
Take care of her for me

wǒ zhīdào nǐ de zuǐjiǎo xiào qǐlai bìngbù kuàilè
I know that the way the corner of your mouth smiled, you did not look happy at all.

我(I)知道(know)你的(your)嘴(mouth)角(corner)笑(smile)起来(after a verb, indicating the beginning and continuation of an action or a state)并不(not at all / emphatically not)快乐(happy)

yě zhīdào nǐ shì yí gè fùzérèn de lànhǎorén
I also know that you are a responsible easygoing nice person.

也(also)知道(know)你(you)是(are)一(one)个(measure word)负责任(to take responsibility)的(connecting particle)滥好人(sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone )

dàn xīn shì ròu zuò de wǒ yòu zěnme shěde
However, my heart is made of flesh, how can I be willing to part with you?

但(however, but)心(heart)是(is)肉(flesh/meat)做的(made of)我(I)又9 (used for emphasis) anyway )怎么(how)舍得(to be willing to part with sth )

kàn nǐ kū dào dōu lèi le hái juéjiàng chēng zhāo
I saw you cried till extremely tired, yet you were still stubbornly holding yourself up.

看(see)你(you)哭(cry)到(to)都(all)累(tired)了(past tense marker)还 (still)倔强(stubbornly)撑(hold up)着(aspect particle indicating action in progress )

wǒ zhīdào wéixì yí duàn gǎnqíng shì bùróng yì de
I know it is not easy to maintain a relationship.

我(I)知道(know)维系(maintain)一(one)段(measure word for relationship)感情(feelings/relationship)是(is)不(not)容易的(easy)

yě zhīdào yuán fèn zǎojiù zhùdìng le nǐ de rénshēng
I also knew that predestined affinity long ago had destined your life.

也知道缘份早就注定了你的人生)早就(already at an earlier time )注定(destine)了(past tense marker)你的(your)人生(life)

zhèxiē nián zìfù le zhōngjiū huì míngbai de
These years I were excessively proud of myself, finally I will understand that

这些(these)年(year)自负(conceited)了(past tense marker)终究(finally)会(will)明白(understand)的(particle, used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)

xuéhuì fàngkāi le shǒu cái shì dǒng ài de rén
After learned to release hands then will be able to be the person who understands love.

学会(learned)放开(to let go)了(past tense marker)手(hand)才(then)是(is)懂(understand)爱(love)的(connecting particle)人(person)

jiù tì wǒ zhàogu tā
So, please take care of her for me.

就(then)替(to substitute for / to take the place of / to replace / for / on behalf of)我(I)照顾(take care of)她(she/her)

nǐ néng gěi tā wǒ gěi bùliǎo tā de chìbǎng
You are able to give her the wings which I am not able to give to her.

你(you)能(able)给(give)她(her)我(me)给不了(not able to give)她(her)的(connecting particle)翅膀(wings)

jīnhòu de xìngfú jiùshì shǔyú nǐmen liǎ
From now on, the happiness will just belong to you two.

今后(from now on)的(connecting particle)幸福(happiness)就是(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated) 属于(belong to)你们俩(you two)

bié qiānguà bié ràng lèi luòxià
Don’t worry about me, and don’t let tears drop.

别(don’t)牵挂(worry about)别(don’t)让(let)泪(tears)落(fall)下(down)

jiù tì wǒ ài zhāo tā
So, please take care of her for me.

就(then)替(to substitute for / to take the place of / to replace / for / on behalf of)我(I)照顾(take care of)她(she/her)

wǒ kěyǐ jiǎzhuāng zìjǐ qíshí hěn dàfāng
I can pretend that I, myself actually is very generous.

我(I)可以(able to)假装(pretend)自己(myself)其实(actually)很(very)大方(generous)

chéngquán zìjǐ zuì shēnài de rén
To help the one who I love the most to fulfill herself.

成全(to help sb accomplish his aim)自己(oneself)最(the most)深(deeply)爱(love)的(connecting particle)人(person)

bú hàipà zhǐshì shòu le yìdiǎn shāng
I am not afraid, I just got a bit wound.

不(not)害怕(fear)只(just)是(is)受(suffer)了(past tense marker)一(one)点(bit)伤(wound)

liú diǎn lèi cái huìzhǎng dà
Shedded some tears, then will be able to grow up.

流(flow)点(bits)泪(tears)才(then)会(will)长大(grow up)

Music ..

wǒ zhīdào wéixì yí duàn gǎnqíng shì bùróng yì de
I know it is not easy to maintain a relationship.

我(I)知道(know)维系(maintain)一(one)段(measure word for relationship)感情(feelings/relationship)是(is)不(not)容易的(easy)

yě zhīdào yuán fèn zǎojiù zhùdìng le nǐ de rénshēng
I also knew that predestined affinity long ago had destined your life.

也知道缘份早就注定了你的人生)早就(already at an earlier time )注定(destine)了(past tense marker)你的(your)人生(life)

zhèxiē nián zìfù le zhōngjiū huì míngbai de
These years I were excessively proud of myself, finally I will understand that

这些(these)年(year)自负(conceited)了(past tense marker)终究(finally)会(will)明白(understand)的(particle, used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)

xuéhuì fàngkāi le shǒu cái shì dǒng ài de rén
After learned to release hands then will be able to become the person who understands love.

学会(learned)放开(to let go)了(past tense marker)手(hand)才(then)是(is)懂(understand)爱(love)的(connecting particle)人(person)

jiù tì wǒ zhàogu tā
So, please take care of her for me.

就(then)替(to substitute for / to take the place of / to replace / for / on behalf of)我(I)照顾(take care of)她(she/her)

nǐ néng gěi tā wǒ gěi bùliǎo tā de chìbǎng
You are able to give her the wings which I am not able to give to her.

你(you)能(able)给(give)她(her)我(me)给不了(not able to give)她(her)的(connecting particle)翅膀(wings)

jīnhòu de xìngfú jiùshì shǔyú nǐmen liǎ
From now on, the happiness will only belong to you two.

今后(from now on)的(connecting particle)幸福(happiness)就是(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated) 属于(belong to)你们俩(you two)

bié qiānguà bié ràng lèi luòxià
Don’t worry about me, and don’t let tears drop.

别(don’t)牵挂(worry about)别(don’t)让(let)泪(tears)落(fall)下(down)

jiù tì wǒ ài zhāo tā
So, please take care of her for me.

就(then)替(to substitute for / to take the place of / to replace / for / on behalf of)我(I)照顾(take care of)她(she/her)

wǒ kěyǐ jiǎzhuāng zìjǐ qíshí hěn dàfāng
I can pretend that myself actually is very generous.

我(I)可以(able to)假装(pretend)自己(myself)其实(actually)很(very)大方(generous)

chéngquán zìjǐ zuì shēnài de rén
To help the one who myself loves the most to fulfill herself.

成全(to help sb accomplish his aim)自己(oneself)最(the most)深(deeply)爱(love)的(connecting particle)人(person)

bú hàipà zhǐshì shòu le yìdiǎn shāng
I am not afraid, I just got a bit wound.

不(not)害怕(fear)只(just)是(is)受(suffer)了(past tense marker)一(one)点(bit)伤(wound)

liú diǎn lèi cái huìzhǎng dà
Shedded some tears, then will be able to grow up.

流(flow)点(bits)泪(tears)才(then)会(will)长大(grow up)

nǐ de yǎnlèi liúgěi wǒ shōucáng
Your tears were set aside for me to collect.

你的(your)眼泪(tears)留给(to set aside)我(me)收藏(collect)

nàxiē xīnsuì bié báibái làngfèi
Don’t waste those heart breaking in vain.

那些(those)心碎(heart broken)别(don’t)白白(in vain)浪费(waste)

rén bù dōu shì biān ài biān xué qiú yí gè wúhuǐ
Don’t all the people are at the same time loving and learning, and trying to seek a never regret?

人(people)不都是(are all not)边(at the same time)爱(love)边(at the same time)学(learn)求(seek)一(one)个(measure word)无(not)悔(regret)

jiù tì wǒ zhàogu tā
So, please take care of her for me.

就(then)替(to substitute for / to take the place of / to replace / for / on behalf of)我(I)照顾(take care of)她(she/her)

nǐ néng gěi tā wǒ gěi bùliǎo tā de chìbǎng
You are able to give her the wings which I am not able to give to her.

你(you)能(able)给(give)她(her)我(me)给不了(not able to give)她(her)的(connecting particle)翅膀(wings)

jīnhòu de xìngfú jiùshì shǔyú nǐmen liǎ
From now on, the happiness will only belong to you two.

今后(from now on)的(connecting particle)幸福(happiness)就是(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated) 属于(belong to)你们俩(you two)

bié qiānguà bié ràng lèi luòxià
Don’t worry about me, and don’t let tears drop

别(don’t)牵挂(worry about)别(don’t)让(let)泪(tears)落(fall)下(down)

jiù tì wǒ ài zhāo tā
So, please take care of her for me.

就(then)替(to substitute for / to take the place of / to replace / for / on behalf of)我(I)照顾(take care of)她(she/her)

wǒ kěyǐ jiǎzhuāng zìjǐ qíshí hěn dàfāng
I can pretend that I actually is very generous.

我(I)可以(able to)假装(pretend)自己(myself)其实(actually)很(very)大方(generous)

chéngquán zìjǐ zuì shēnài de rén
To help the one who I love the most to fulfill herself.

成全(to help sb accomplish his aim)自己(oneself)最(the most)深(deeply)爱(love)的(connecting particle)人(person)

bú hàipà zhǐshì shòu le yìdiǎn shāng
I am not afraid, I just got a bit wound.

不(not)害怕(fear)只(just)是(is)受(suffer)了(past tense marker)一(one)点(bit)伤(wound)

liú diǎn lèi cái huìzhǎng dà
Shedding some tears, then will be able to grow up.

流(flow)点(bits)泪(tears)才(then)会(will)长大(grow up)

Translated by Shu

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