Cheer Chen 2013 new Mandarin song 流浪者之歌 Liu lang zhe zhi ge Gypsy in Memory Wanderer’s Song, 陈绮贞 Chen qi zhen: lyrics, pinyin, English translation and annotation

陳綺貞 – 流浪者之歌 (Lyric Video) 11/20全球首發單曲

Chen qi zhen
Chen Chi Chen / Cheer Chen (June 6, 1975- ) is a popular yet low-profile talented Taiwanese singer-songwriter.

Liu lang zhe zhi ge
Gypsy in Memory
Wanderer’s Song

wo3 de5 jian1 bang3 bei1 ji4 yi4 de5 bao1 guo3
On the back of my shoulder carries the bundle of memory.

我的(my)肩膀( shoulder)背(carry)记忆(memory)的(connecting particle)包裹(bundle/package)

liu2 lang4 dao4 shu4 xia4, zhong1 yu2 jie3 tuo1
Drafted to under of the tree and finally got freed.


希望若是有 绝望若是有
xi1 wang4 ruo4 shi4 you3, jue2 wang4 ruo4 shi4 you3
Hope, if there is any; despair, if there is any,

希望(hope)若是(if)有(have) 绝望(despair)若是(if)有(have)

bu2 yao4 xiang4 feng1 chui1 guo4 lian2 hen2 ji1 du1 bu4 liu2
Don’t be like wind breezing by yet not even left a trace.

不要(don’t be)像(like)风(wind)吹(blow)过(past tense marker)连(even)痕迹(trace)都(all)不(not)留(left)

wo3 de5 shuang1 jiao3 tai4 chen2 zhong4 de5 jia1 suo3
My two legs are shackles that are too heavy.

我的(my)双(both)脚(leg)太(too)沉重(heavy)的(connecting particle)枷锁(shackles)

yue4 bu2 guo4 zeng2 jing1 fan4 de5 mei3 ge5 cuo4
Would not overcome every mistake which I committed before.

越不过(unable to overcome)曾经(once)犯(commit)的(connecting particle)每个(every one)错(mistake)

希望若是有 绝望若是有
xi1 wang4 ruo4 shi4 you3, jue2 wang4 ruo4 shi4 you3
Hope, if there is any; despair, if there is any.

希望(hope)若是(if)有(have) 绝望(despair)若是(if)有(have)

zen3 me5 hui5 huan4 bu4 hui2 zui4 chu1 de5 cheng2 nuo4
How come (I) could not call back the original promise?

怎么(how come)会(will)唤不回(not able to call back)最初(the original)的(connecting particle)承诺(promise)

撑住我 落叶离开后频频回头
cheng1 zhu4 wo3, luo4 ye4 li2 kai1 hou4 pin2 pin2 hui2 tou2
Hold me up; after the leaves all shed away I frequently look back.

撑住(hold up)我(me) 落(fall)叶(leaves)离开(depart)后(after)频频(frequently)回头(look back)

撑住我 止不住的坠落
cheng1 zhu4 wo3, zhi3 bu2 zhu4 de5 zhui4 luo4
Hold me up, the fall that can not be stoppable.

撑住(hold up)我(me) 止不住(unstoppable)的(connecting particle)坠落(fall)

撑住我 让我真正停留
cheng1 zhu4 wo3, rang4 wo3 zhen1 zheng4 ting2 liu2
Hold me up, let me truly stay.

撑住(hold up)我(me) 让(let)我(me)真正(truly)停留(stay)

拥抱你 做完一场美梦
yong3 bao4 ni3, zuo4 wan2 yi4 chang3 mei3 meng4
Hugged you; finished doing a beautiful dream.

拥抱(hug)你(you)做完(finished)一(one)场(measure word for dream)美(beautiful)梦(dream)

Music ..

wo3 de5 shuang1 jiao3 tai4 chen2 zhong4 de5 jia1 suo3
My two legs are shackles that are too heavy.

我的(my)双(both)脚(leg)太(too)沉重(heavy)的(connecting particle)枷锁(shackles)

yue4 bu2 guo4 zeng2 jing1 fan4 de5 mei3 ge5 cuo4
Would not overcome every mistake which I committed before.

越不过(unable to overcome)曾经(once)犯(commit)的(connecting particle)每个(every one)错(mistake)

希望若是有 绝望若是有
xi1 wang4 ruo4 shi4 you3, jue2 wang4 ruo4 shi4 you3
Hope, if there is any; despair, if there is any.

希望(hope)若是(if)有(have) 绝望(despair)若是(if)有(have)

zen3 me5 hui5 huan4 bu4 hui2 zui4 chu1 de5 cheng2 nuo4
How come (I) could not call back the original promise?

怎么(how come)会(will)唤不回(not able to call back)最初(the original)的(connecting particle)承诺(promise)

撑住我 落叶离开后频频回头
cheng1 zhu4 wo3, luo4 ye4 li2 kai1 hou4 pin2 pin2 hui2 tou2
Hold me up; after the leaves all shed away I frequently look back.

撑住(hold up)我(me) 落(fall)叶(leaves)离开(depart)后(after)频频(frequently)回头(look back)

撑住我 止不住的坠落
cheng1 zhu4 wo3, zhi3 bu2 zhu4 de5 zhui4 luo4
Hold me up, the fall that can not be stoppable.

撑住(hold up)我(me) 止不住(unstoppable)的(connecting particle)坠落(fall)

撑住我 让我真正停留
cheng1 zhu4 wo3, rang4 wo3 zhen1 zheng4 ting2 liu2
Hold me up, let me truly stay.

撑住(hold up)我(me) 让(let)我(me)真正(truly)停留(stay)

拥抱你 做完一场美梦
yong3 bao4 ni3, zuo4 wan2 yi4 chang3 mei3 meng4
Hugged you; finished doing a beautiful dream.

拥抱(hug)你(you)做完(finished)一(one)场(measure word for dream)美(beautiful)梦(dream)

撑住我 狂风暴雨我都不逃脱
cheng1 zhu4 wo3, kuang2 feng1 bao4 yu3 wo3 du1 bu4 tao2 tuo1
Hold me up, wild wind and violent rains, I don’t escape at all.

撑住(hold up)我(me)狂(crazy/wild)风(wind)暴(violent)雨(rains)我(I)都(all)不(not)逃脱(escape)

撑住我 为你挡下所有诅咒
cheng1 zhu4 wo3, wei4 ni3 dang3 xia4 suo3 you3 zu3 zhou4
Hold me up, for you I blocked all the curses.

撑住(hold up)我(me) 为(for)你(you)挡下(block)所有(all)诅咒(curse)

撑住我 眼泪不再流
cheng1 zhu4 wo3, yan3 lei4 bu2 zai4 liu2
Hold me up, tears don’t flow anymore.

撑住(hold up)我(me) 眼泪(tears)不(not)再(anymore)流(flow)

拥抱你 做完一场美梦
yong3 bao4 ni3 zuo4 wan2 yi4 chang3 mei3 meng4
Hugged you; finished doing a beautiful dream.

拥抱(hug)你(you_ 做完(finished)一(one)场(measure word for dream)美(beautiful)梦(dream)

Music ..

快乐若是有 伤心若是有
kuai4 le4 ruo4 shi4 you3, shang1 xin1 ruo4 shi4 you3
Happiness, if there is any; broken hearts, if there is any.

快乐(happiness)若是(if)有(have) 伤(wounded)心(heart)若是(if)有(have)

眼泪灌溉 不枉爱过
yan3 lei4 guan4 gai4 bu4 wang3 ai4 guo4
Tears irrigate; loved not in vain.

眼泪(tears)灌溉(irrigate) 不枉(not in vain) 爱(love)过(particle shows past experience)

Translated and annotated by Shu

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