Complete version of 2014 Chinese TV drama 步步驚情 Bu bu Jing qing theme song, 五月天 Wu Yue Tian Mayday 步步 Bu bu Every step / Step by step: lyrics, pinyin, English translation, annotation and a very cute video mommy panda step by step drags baby panda back

Mayday五月天[步步Step by Step]MV官方高音質HD版-電視劇

Mayday五月天[步步Step by Step]完整版音檔Lyrics Video


I am glad to see the full song of 步步, so I updated the post. Hope you will enjoy the whole segments of this beautiful song.

A 2014 Chinese 電視劇《步步驚情》主題曲 ( The drama is also named 《步步驚心2》 Bù bu jīng xīn 2 the sequel of Step by step frightened / Scarlet heart.)
Theme song of TV drama Bùbù Jīng qíng Step by step panic situation / feelings

Wǔyuè tiān
Mayday (Taiwanese band)

Bù bù
Every step / Step by step

空無一人的大街 闖入無人婚紗店 為你披上雪白誓言
kōng wú yì rén de dà jiē  chuǎng rù wú rén hūnshā diàn  wèi nǐ pī shàng xuěbái shìyán
The big street without a single soul in sight, (I) charged into the unmanned wedding dress store (and) draped the snow white oath for you.

空無一人 (idiom, without a single soul in sight) 的 (connecting particle) 大(big) 街(street) 闖入 (intrude or charge into) 無 (without) 人 (person or people) 婚紗 (wedding dress) 店 (store or shop) 為 (for) 你 (you) 披上 (drape on) 雪 (snow) 白 (white) 誓言 (oath)

世界已灰飛煙滅 而愛矗立高樓間 你是真的或是我的幻覺
shìjiè yǐ huī fēi yān miè ér ài chùlì gāo lóu jiān nǐ shì zhēn de huòshì wǒ de huàn jué
The world has already scattered ashes and dispersed smoke; however love stands tall between the high storied buildings. Are you real or it is my hallucination?

世界 (the world) 已 (already) 灰飛煙滅 (lit. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke (idiom) / fig. to be annihilated / to vanish in a puff of smoke) 而 (conjunction, however) 愛 (love) 矗立 (to tower / standing tall and upright (of large building )高 (high) 樓 (building) 間 (in between), 你 (you) 是 (are) 真的 (real)或是 (or) 我的 (my) 幻覺 (hallucination /illusion)

時光遺忘的背面 獨坐殘破的台階 哪個亂世沒有離別
shíguāng yíwàng de bèimiàn  dú zuò cánpò de tái jiē nǎ ge luàn shì méi yǒu líbié
At the back of the forgotten time, alone (I) sit on broken stairs. Which chaotic world doesn’t have partings?

時光 (time / era / period of time ) 遺忘 (to become forgotten) 的 (connecting particle) 背面 (the back) 獨 (alone) 坐 (sit) 殘破 (broken) 的 (connecting particle) 台階 (stairs) 哪 (which) 個 (common measure word) 亂世 (chaotic world) 沒有 (doesn’t have) 離別 (parting)

天空和我的中間 只剩傾盆的思念
tiānkōng hé wǒ de zhōng jiān zhǐ shèng qīngpén de sīniàn
Between the sky and me, only downpouring longings (for you) left.

天空 (sky) 和 (and) 我 (I) 的 (connecting particle) 中間 (middle) 只 (only) 剩 (left) 傾盆 (downpour) 的 (connecting particle) 思念 (missing or longing)

如果相識 不能相戀 是不是還不如擦肩
rúguǒ xiāngshì bù néng xiāng liàn shì bú shì hái bù rú cā jiān
If (we) got to know each other, (however) are not able to love each other. Is it or isn’t it to be better off just be shoulder brushing strangers?

如果(if) 相識 (get to know each other) 不能 (can’t) 相戀(love each other) 是 (is) 不是 (isn’t) 還不如 (to be better off) 擦 (brush)肩(shoulders)

在失去你的風景裡面 你卻佔據了每一條街
zài shīqù nǐ de fēngjǐng lǐ miàn  nǐ què zhàn jù le měi yī tiáo jiē
Within the scenery of losing you, yet you occupy every single street.

在 (in) 失去 (lost) 你 (you) 的 (connecting particle)風景 (scenery)裡面 (inside) 你(you)卻(however, yet) 佔據 (occupy)了 (particle shows action occurred)每 (every)一 (one)條 (measure word for street) 街 (street)

一步步曾經 一步步想念 在腳下蔓延
yí bùbù zēngjīng yí bùbù xiǎngniàn  zài jiǎoxià mànyán
The step by step of once before, the step by step of missing spreads and extends under my feet.

一 (one) 步 (step) 步 (step) 曾經 (once, previously) 一 (one) 步 (step) 步 (step) 想念 (missing) 在 (under) 腳 (feet) 下(below) 蔓延 (extend / spread)

在充滿你的回憶裡面 我獨自流浪海角天邊
zài chōngmǎn nǐ de huíyì lǐmiàn  wǒ dúzì liúlàng hǎijiǎo tiān biàn
Within the memories that are full of you, I alone drift about in the edge of sea and the border of sky.

在 (in) 充滿 (full of) 你 (you) 的 (connecting particle) 回憶 (memories) 裡面 (inside) 我 (I) 獨自 (alone) 流浪 (to drift about / to wander) 海 (sea) 角 (edge) 天 (sky) 邊 (border / margin)

一步步走過 當時心願
yí bùbù zǒu guò dāngshí xīnyuàn
One step by step I walk through my wishes of that time.

一 (one) 步 (step) 步 (step) 走 (walk) 過 (experienced action marker) 當時 (at that time) 心願 (wish)

格林威治大鐘前 歸零超載的傷悲 背著我和我的諾言

gélínwēizhì dà zhōng qián guīlíng chāo zài de shāngbēi bēi zhe wǒ hé wǒ de nuòyán
In front of Greenwich Clock, returning-to-zero’s overloading sadness, it carries me and my promise.

格林威治(Greenwich)大(big)鐘(clock)前(front) 歸(return)零(zero)超載(overload)的(connecting particle)傷悲(sadness) 背(carry)著(particle to show action occurring)我(I)和(and)我的(my)諾言(promise)

一起計畫的路線 對照孤單的旅店 一聲晚安 卻又喚醒 淚腺

yìqǐ jìhuà de lùxiàn duìzhào gūdān de lǚdiàn yì shēng wǎnān quèyòu huànxǐng lèixiàn
The route we planned together in contrast to the lonely inn, one sound of goodnight, yet to wake up (my) tear glands.

一起(together)計畫(plan)的(particle)路線(route) 對照(contrast)孤單(loneliness)的(particle)旅店(inn) 一(one)聲(sound)晚安(good night) 卻(yet,still)又(again)喚醒(wake up) 淚(tear)腺(gland)

時代廣場的跨年 頤和花季的藍天 數著願望在你指尖

shídài guǎngchǎng de kuà nián yíhé huājì de lántiān shǔ zhe yuànwàng zài nǐ zhǐjiān
The new year’s eves at Time Square and the blue days of Summer Palace’s flower seasons, (I) counted the wishes at your finger tips.

時代(time)廣場(square)的(connecting particle)跨(step across)年(year) 頤和(Summer Palace)花(flower)季(season)的(connecting particle)藍(blue)天(day) 數(count)著(particle shows action is occurring)願望(wish)在(at)你(your)指(finger)尖(tip)

當時有多少心願 就有多少的殘缺

dāngshí yǒu duōshǎo xīnyuàn jiù yǒu duōshǎo de cánquē
How many wishes of heart of that time, then (now) has how many shatters.

當時(at that time)有(have)多少(how many)心願(wish) 就(then)有(have)多少(how many)的(connecting)缺殘(shatters)

如果後悔 不能後退 是不是就只能往前

rúguǒ hòuhuǐ bù néng hòutuì shì bú shì jiù zhǐnéng wǎng qián
If regret, but can’t retreat, is or is not that (I) only can move forward?

如果(if)後悔(regret) 不能(can’t)後退(go back) 是不是(is or isn’t)就(just)只(only能(able to)往(move)前(forward)

在失去你的風景裡面 你卻佔據了每一條街
zài shīqù nǐ de fēngjǐng lǐ miàn  nǐ què zhàn jù le měi yī tiáo jiē
Within the scenery of losing you, yet you occupy every single street.

在 (in) 失去 (lost) 你 (you) 的 (connecting particle)風景 (scenery)裡面 (inside) 你(you)卻(however, yet) 佔據 (occupy)了 (particle shows action occurred)每 (every)一 (one)條 (measure word for street) 街 (street)

一步步曾經 一步步想念 在腳下蔓延
yí bùbù zēngjīng yí bùbù xiǎngniàn  zài jiǎoxià mànyán
The step by step of once before, the step by step of missing spreads and extends under my feet.

一 (one) 步 (step) 步 (step) 曾經 (once, previously) 一 (one) 步 (step) 步 (step) 想念 (missing) 在 (under) 腳 (feet) 下(below) 蔓延 (extend / spread)

在充滿你的回憶裡面 我獨自流浪海角天邊
zài chōngmǎn nǐ de huíyì lǐmiàn  wǒ dúzì liúlàng hǎijiǎo tiān biàn
Within the memories that are full of you, I alone drift about in the edge of sea and the border of sky.

在 (in) 充滿 (full of) 你 (you) 的 (connecting particle) 回憶 (memories) 裡面 (inside) 我 (I) 獨自 (alone) 流浪 (to drift about / to wander) 海 (sea) 角 (edge) 天 (sky) 邊 (border / margin)

一步步走過 當時心願
yí bùbù zǒu guò dāngshí xīnyuàn
One step by step I walk through my wishes of that time.

一 (one) 步 (step) 步 (step) 走 (walk) 過 (experienced action marker) 當時 (at that time) 心願 (wish)

生如浮萍般卑微 愛卻蒼穹般壯烈

shēng rú fúpíng bān bēiwēi aì què cāngqióng bān zhuàngliè
(Your) life was petty and low like duckweed, yet (your) love was heroic like the blue dome of heaven.

生(life)如(is like)浮萍(duckweed)般(sort)卑微(petty and low) 愛(love)卻(yet)蒼穹(the blue dome of heaven)般(kind of)壯烈(heroic/brave)


wǒ yào wèi nǐ páshàng zuì xiǎn shānyuè
I want to climb up the steepest lofty mountains for you.

我(I)要(want)為(for)你(you)爬(climb)上(up)最(the most)險(steepest)山(mountain)嶽(lofty mountain)


zǒu guò zuì qíqū juànliàn
Walk through the most rugged missing.

走(walk)過(through)最(the most)崎嶇(rugged)眷戀(missing)


yí bù yibù chuānyuè
One step, one step go through ..


在失去你的风景里面 你却占据了整个世界
zài shīqù nǐ de fēngjǐng lǐmiàn nǐ què zhànjù le zhěng ge shìjiè

在 (in) 失去 (lost) 你 (you) 的 (connecting particle)風景 (scenery)裡面 (inside) 你(you)卻(however, yet) 佔據 (occupy)了 (particle shows action occurred)整(whole)个(measure word)世界(world)

每一張相片 每一個房間 每一滴眼淚

měi yī zhāng xiàngpiàn měi yī ge fángjiān měi yì dī yǎnlèi
Every photo, every room and every tear.

每(every)一(one)張(measure word for picture)相片(picture) 每(every)一(one)個(measre word)房間(room) 每(every)一(one)滴(drop)眼淚(tears)

在充滿你的回憶裡面 我獨自一人和眼淚周旋

zài chōngmǎng nǐ de huíyì lǐmiàn wǒ dúzì yì rén hé yǎnlèi zhōuxuán
Within the memories that full of you, I alone, one person, deal with tears.

在(in)充滿(full of)你(you)的(connecting particle)回憶(memories)裡面(within/inside) 我(I)獨自(alone)一(one)人(person)和(and)眼淚(tears)周旋(deal with sth)

一步步走向 孤單的明天

yí bùbù zǒuxiàng gūdān de míngtiān
One step after one step, (I) walk toward lonely tomorrows.

一(one)步步(step after step)走(walk)向(toward) 孤單(lonely)的(connecting particle)明天(tomorrow)

也許在來生的某個明天 我們能再寫新的情節
yěxǔ zài láishēng de mǒu ge míngtiān  wǒmén néng zài xiě xīn de qíng jié
Perhaps in a certain tomorrow of next life, we will be able to write again new plots (of us).

也許 (perhaps) 在 (at / in) 來生 (next life) 的 (connecting particle) 某 (a certain) 個 (common measure word) 明天 (tomorrow) 我們 (we) 能 (be able to) 再 (again) 寫 (write) 新 (new) 的 (connecting particle) 情節 (plots)

一步步完成 當時心願
yí bùbù wánchéng dāngshí xīnyuàn
One step by step I walk through my wishes of that time.

一 (one) 步 (step) 步 (step) 完成(complete) 當時 (at that time) 心願 (wish)

一步步完成 最美殘缺
yí bùbù wánchéng zuì měi cánquē
One step by step fulfill the most beautiful badly shattered.

一 (one) 步 (step) 步 (step) 完成 (complete) 最 (the most) 美 (beautiful) 殘缺 (badly damaged/shatters)

Annotated and translated by Shu

Quotes about steps:

“But you can build a future out of anything. A scrap, a flicker. The desire to go forward, slowly, one foot at a time. You can build an airy city out of ruins.”
― Lauren Oliver

“i think of all the thousands of billions of steps and missteps and chances and coincidences that have brought me here. Brought you here, and it feels like the biggest miracle in the world.”
― Lauren Oliver

“One’s options in this world are as vast as the horizon, which is technically a circle and thus infinitely broad. Yet we must choose each step we take with utmost caution, for the footprints we leave behind are as important as the path we will follow. They’re part of the same journey — our story.”
― Lori R. Lopez

“There are too many steps in this castle, and it seems to me they add a few every night, just to vex me”
― George R.R. Martin

These quotes come from:

Panda mommy step by step drag baby panda back
圓圓的育兒之道 Giant Panda Yuan Yuan Took Yuan Zai Baby Back

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9 Responses to Complete version of 2014 Chinese TV drama 步步驚情 Bu bu Jing qing theme song, 五月天 Wu Yue Tian Mayday 步步 Bu bu Every step / Step by step: lyrics, pinyin, English translation, annotation and a very cute video mommy panda step by step drags baby panda back

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