梁文音 Rachel Liang Wen Yin 每一次恋爱 Mei yi ci lian ai Every romance / love: lyrics, pinyin, English translation

梁文音[每一次戀愛]歌詞版 官方MV “媽咪的男朋友”片尾曲

Rachel Liang
Liáng wén yīn

Měi yī cì liàn ài
Every romance / love

Ending theme song of 2014 TV drama 妈咪的男朋友 Mā mi de nán péng yǒu Mommy’s boyfriend (English title: Tie the knot)


可能因为曾经爱太深 才会想太远想太多
kěnéng yīnwèi céngjīng ài tài shēn cái huì xiǎng tài yuǎn xiǎng tài duō
Probably it is because that once I loved too deeply, so that I think too far and think too much.

可能(probably)因为(because)曾经(once)爱(love)太(too)深(deeply) 才(then)会(will)想(think)太(too)远(far)想(think)太(too)多(much)

学会相爱要首先自爱 忘了 真爱也要忘我
xuéhuì xiāngài yào shǒuxiān zìài wàng le zhēnài yě yào wàngwǒ
I learned that to love each other, first we need to love oneself, yet forget that true love also has to forget oneself.

学会(learn to)相爱(love each other)要(have to)首先(first)自爱(love self) 忘(forget)了(past tense particle) 真(true)爱(love)也(also)要(have to)忘(forget)我(self)

只怕爱情的箴言听太多 用脑筋多于用情
zhǐpà àiqíng de zhēnyán yǐn tài duō yòng nǎojīn duōyú yòng qíng
I just afraid that after hearing too many mottoes of love, we tend to use our brains more than we use our feelings.

只(just)怕(fear)爱情(love)的(connecting particle)箴言(motto)听(hear)太(too)多(many) 用(use)脑筋(brain)多(more)于(than)用(use)情(feeling)

jīngyàn shì yàoshi ér bú shì jiāsuǒ
Experiences are keys rather than shackles.


每一次恋爱都好像没受伤过 像孩子天真地享受花火
měiyī cì liànài dōu hǎoxiàng méi shòushāng guò xiàng háizi tiānzhēn de xiǎngshòu huāhuǒ
(After) each romance (we) seem never got wounded, just like children innocently enjoyed flowers and fires (or 花火 firework).

每(each)一(one)次(time)恋爱(romance)都(all)好像(seem)没(not)受伤(wound)过(particle shows past experience) 像(like)孩子(child)天真(naive / innocent / artless )地(particle after adverb and before the verb)享受(enjoy)花(flower)火(fire)

想做什么就做 上次犯的错 对的人会欣赏你的错
xiǎng zuò shénme jiù zuò shàngcì fàn de cuò duì de rén huì xīnshǎng nǐ de cuò
Want to do what, then do what. The wrongness you made last time, right people will appreciate your mistakes.

想(want to)做(do)什么(what)就(then)做(do) 上次(last time)犯(commit)的(particle)错(wrongness/mistakes) 对(right)的(connecting particle)人(people)会(will)欣赏(admire/appreciate)你的(your)错(mistakes/ wrongness)

无限次恋爱都要像初恋执著 像大人认真能承担承诺
wúxiàn cì liànài dōu yào xiàng chūliàn zhí zhù xiàng dàren rènzhēn néng chéngdān chéngnuò
Unlimited loves all have to be like first love that dedicated, and to be like adults to be able to assume promises.

无限(infinite)次(time of action)恋爱(romance/love)都(all)要(have to)像(like)初(first)恋(love)执著(dedicated/persistent) 像(like)大人(adult)认真(serious)能(able to)承担(assume)承诺(promise)

洒脱不是退缩 不要将寄望变成寄托
sǎtuō bú shì tuìsuō bú yào jiāng jìwàng biànchéng jìtuō
To be free and at ease is not to cower. Don’t let the hope you placed become entrustment.

洒脱(free and at ease / unaffected )不是(not to )退缩(to shrink back / to cower ) 不要(not to)将(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)寄望(placed hope)变成(become)寄托(entrustment)

Music ..

别太快认定不是你的 就不值得投入太多
bié tài kuài rèndìng bú shì nǐ de jiù bùzhíde tóurù tài duō
Don’t believe firmly too soon that if it won’t be yours, then it won’t be worth to throw oneself into it too much.

别(don’t)太(too)快(soon)认定(to believe firmly)不是(not)你的(yours) 就(then)不(not)值得(worth)投入(to throw oneself into)太(too)多(much)

城府越深温柔越浅薄 失去对方 剩下自我
chéngfǔ yuè shēn wēnróu yuè qiǎnbó shīqù duìfāng shèngxià zìwǒ
The more sophisticated mind you have, the more shallow your gentleness will be. You will end up losing the other, and only have yourself.

城府(subtle / shrewd / sophisticated mind)越(the more)深(deep)温柔(gentleness)越(the more)浅薄(shallow) 失去(lose)对方(counterpart/ the other) 剩下(to remain / left over )自我(self)

kěshì ài yīnwèi wúcháng cái kěài
Yet, because of uncertainty, love is able to be lovely.


拥有一样的经过 不同的对象有不同结果
yōngyǒu yíyàng de jīngguò bùtóng de duìxiàng yǒu bùtóng jiēguǒ
To have the same experience, yet with different partner will end up having different outcome.

拥有(to own)一样(same)的(connecting particle)经过(experience) 不同的(different)对象(partner)有(have)不同(different)结果(result/outcome)

每一次恋爱都好像没受伤过 像孩子天真地享受花火
měiyī cì liànài dōu hǎoxiàng méi shòushāng guò xiàng háizi tiānzhēn de xiǎngshòu huāhuǒ
(After) each romance (we) seem never got wounded, just like children innocently enjoyed flowers and fires (or 花火 firework).

每(each)一(one)次(time)恋爱(romance)都(all)好像(seem)没(not)受伤(wound)过(particle shows past experience) 像(like)孩子(child)天真(naive / innocent / artless )地(particle after adverb and before the verb)享受(enjoy)花(flower)火(fire)

想做什么就做 上次犯的错 对的人会欣赏你的错
xiǎng zuò shénme jiù zuò shàngcì fàn de cuò duì de rén huì xīnshǎng nǐ de cuò
Want to do what, then do what. The wrongness you made last time, right people will appreciate your mistakes.

想(want to)做(do)什么(what)就(then)做(do) 上次(last time)犯(commit)的(particle)错(wrongness/mistakes) 对(right)的(connecting particle)人(people)会(will)欣赏(admire/appreciate)你的(your)错(mistakes/ wrongness)

无限次恋爱都要像初恋执著 像大人认真能承担承诺
wúxiàn cì liànài dōu yào xiàng chūliàn zhí zhù xiàng dàren rènzhēn néng chéngdān chéngnuò
Unlimited loves all have to be like first love that dedicated, and to be like adults to be able to assume promises.

无限(infinite)次(time of action)恋爱(romance/love)都(all)要(have to)像(like)初(first)恋(love)执著(dedicated/persistent) 像(like)大人(adult)认真(serious)能(able to)承担(assume)承诺(promise)

洒脱不是退缩 不要将寄望变成寄托
sǎtuō bú shì tuìsuō bú yào jiāng jìwàng biànchéng jìtuō
To be free and at ease is not to cower. Don’t let the hope you placed become entrustment.

洒脱(free and at ease / unaffected )不是(not to )退缩(to shrink back / to cower ) 不要(not to)将(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)寄望(placed hope)变成(become)寄托(entrustment)

Music ..

每一次恋爱都好像没受伤过 像孩子天真地享受花火
měiyī cì liànài dōu hǎoxiàng méi shòushāng guò xiàng háizi tiānzhēn de xiǎngshòu huāhuǒ
(After) each romance (we) seem never got wounded, just like children innocently enjoyed flowers and fires (or 花火 firework).

每(each)一(one)次(time)恋爱(romance)都(all)好像(seem)没(not)受伤(wound)过(particle shows past experience) 像(like)孩子(child)天真(naive / innocent / artless )地(particle after adverb and before the verb)享受(enjoy)花(flower)火(fire)

想做什么就做 上次犯的错 对的人会欣赏你的错
xiǎng zuò shénme jiù zuò shàngcì fàn de cuò duì de rén huì xīnshǎng nǐ de cuò
Want to do what, then do what. The wrongness you made last time, right people will appreciate your mistakes.

想(want to)做(do)什么(what)就(then)做(do) 上次(last time)犯(commit)的(particle)错(wrongness/mistakes) 对(right)的(connecting particle)人(people)会(will)欣赏(admire/appreciate)你的(your)错(mistakes/ wrongness)

无限次恋爱都要像初恋执著 像大人认真能承担承诺
wúxiàn cì liànài dōu yào xiàng chūliàn zhí zhù xiàng dàren rènzhēn néng chéngdān chéngnuò
Unlimited loves all have to be like first love that dedicated, and to be like adults to be able to assume promises.

无限(infinite)次(time of action)恋爱(romance/love)都(all)要(have to)像(like)初(first)恋(love)执著(dedicated/persistent) 像(like)大人(adult)认真(serious)能(able to)承担(assume)承诺(promise)

洒脱不是退缩 不要将寄望变成寄托
sǎtuō bú shì tuìsuō bú yào jiāng jìwàng biànchéng jìtuō
To be free and at ease is not to cower. Don’t let the hope you placed become entrustment.

洒脱(free and at ease / unaffected )不是(not to )退缩(to shrink back / to cower ) 不要(not to)将(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)寄望(placed hope)变成(become)寄托(entrustment)

小心不是多心 不要让心得变成心魔
xiǎoxīn bú shì duōxīn bú yào ràng xīndé biànchéng xīn mó
To be cautious is not to be suspicious. Don’t let what we have learned become the devil of our heart.

小心(cautiousness)不是(is not)多心(oversensitive / suspicious ) 不要(don’t)让(let)心得(what one has learned (through experience, reading etc) / knowledge / insight / understanding)变成(become)心魔(devil of heart)

Translated by Shu

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