Jay Chou 周杰伦Zhou Jielun不 能 说 的 秘 密 Bu neng shuo de mi mi A secret that can’t be told: Chinese lyrics, pinyin, English translation and Jay Chou biography and quotes, Secret By Jay Chou Full Movie

周杰倫 不能說的秘密 Jay Chou-Secret MV [完整清晰版]

Zhou Jie lun
Jay Chou

不 能 说 的 秘 密
Bù néng shuō de mì mì
The secret that can’t be told

不(not) 能(able) 说(say) 的(connecting particle) 秘 密(secret)

Theme song for the movie 不 能 说 的 秘 密 Bù néng shuō de mì mì “Secret”

冷 咖 啡 离 开 了 杯 垫
lěng kā fēi lí kāi le bēi diàn
Cold coffee left its coaster.

冷 (cold)咖 啡(coffee) 离 开 (left)了(particle) 杯(cup) 垫(cushion/mat)

我 忍 住 的 情 绪 在 很 后 面, 拼 命 想 挽 回 的 从 前
wǒ rěn zhù de qíng xù zài hěn hòu miàn, pīn mìng xiǎng wǎn huí de cóng qián
I restrained my emotions and at the end (I) desperately wanted to pull back the past.

我(I) 忍 住(restrain/hold back) 的(connecting particle) 情 绪(emotion) 在(at/in) 很(very) 后 (back)面(side)拼 命(desperately) 想(want to) 挽 回(bring back) 的(connecting particle) 从 前(past)

在 我 脸 上 依 旧 清 晰 可 见, 最 美 的 不 是 下 雨 天
zài wǒ liǎn shàng yī jiù qīng xī kě jiàn, zuì měi de -bu- shì xià yǔ tiān
On my face, still clearly visible, the most beautiful was not raining days.

在(on) 我(my) 脸 上(face) 依 旧(still) 清 晰 (clear)可(able) 见(see)最(the most) 美 (beautiful)的(connecting particle) 不(not) 是(is) 下(fall) 雨 (rain)天(day)

是 曾 与 你 躲 过 雨 的 屋 檐
shì zēng yú nǐ duǒ guò yǔ de wū yán
It was the eaves that you and I used to hide under from the rains

是(is) 曾(once/before) 与(with) 你(you) 躲(hide) 过(past tense marker) 雨(rains) 的(connecting particle) 屋(room/house) 檐(eaves)

回 忆 的 画 面
huí yì de huà miàn
The image of the memories

回 忆(memories/recall) 的(connecting particle) 画 面(pictures/image)

在 荡 著 秋 千 梦 开 始 不 甜
zài dàng zhù qiū qiān mèng kāi shǐ -bu- tián
At the time of swinging on the swing, the dream started to be not sweet.

在(at) 荡(to swing) 著(particle after verb) 秋 千(swing) 梦(dream) 开 始(start) 不 (not) 甜(sweet)

你 说 把 爱 渐 渐 放 下 会 走 更 远
nǐ shuō bǎ ài jiān jiān fàng xià huì zǒu gēng yuǎn
You said to gradually put down the love, would make it able to walk more faraway.

你 (you)说(say) 把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object) 爱(love) 渐 渐(gradually) 放(put) 下(down) 会(will) 走(go) 更(more) 远(faraway)

又 何 必 去 改 变 你 走 过 的 时 间
yòu hé bì qù gǎi biàn nǐ zǒu guò de shí jiān
Then, why have to change the time you have walked.
又(why) 何 必(have to) 去(to) 改 变(change) 你(you) 走(walk) 过(particle show past experience) 的(connecting particle) 时 间(time)

你 用 你 的 指 尖
nǐ yòng nǐ de zhǐ jiān
You used your tip of finger.

你(you) 用(use) 你的(your) 指(finger) 尖(tip)

阻止 我 说 再 见
To prevent me from saying goodbyes.
zǔ zhǐ wǒ shuō zài jiàn

阻止 (to prevent) 我 (me)说(say) 再 见(goodbye)

想 像 你 在 身 边 才 完 全 失 去 之 前
xiǎng xiàng nǐ zài shēn biān cái wán quán shī qù zhī qián
I imagined that before I completely lost you, you were just by my side.

想 像(imagine) 你(you) 在(by) 身(body) 边 (side)才(just) 完 全(totally/completely) 失 去(lose) 之 前(before)

你 说 把 爱 渐 渐 放 下 会 走 更 远
nǐ shuō bǎ ài jiān jiān fàng xià huì zǒu gēng yuǎn
You said to gradually put down the love, would make it able to walk more faraway.

你 (you)说(say) 把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object) 爱(love) 渐 渐(gradually) 放(put) 下(down) 会(will) 走(go) 更(more) 远(faraway)

或 许 命 运 的 签 只 让 我 们 遇 见
huò xǔ mìng yùn de qiān zhǐ ràng wǒ men yù jiàn
Perhaps, the inscribed bamboo stick only let us meet each other.

或 许(perhaps) 命 运(fate) 的 (connecting particle)签 (inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination)只(only) 让(let) 我 们(us) 遇 见(meet)

只 让 我 们 相 恋
zhǐ ràng wǒ men xiāng liàn
Only let us love each other.
只(just) 让(let) 我 们(us) 相(each other) 恋(love)

这 一 季 的 秋 天
zhè -yi- jì de qiū tiān
This one season’s autumn.

这 (this)一(one) 季 (season)的 (connecting particle)秋 天(autumn)

飘 落 后 才 发 现 这 幸 福 的 碎 片
piāo là hòu cái fā xiàn zhè xìng fú de suì piān
After drifting down then I discovered the pieces of happiness.

飘(float) 落(down) 后(after) 才(then) 发 现(discover) 这 (this)幸 福(happiness) 的 (connecting particle)碎(broken) 片(pieces)

要 我 怎 么 捡
yào wǒ zěn má jiǎn
How am I going to pick them up?

要 (going to (as future auxiliary) )我(me) 怎 么(how to) 捡(pick up)

Music …

冷 咖 啡 离 开 了 杯 垫
lěng kā fēi lí kāi le bēi diàn
Cold coffee left its coaster.

冷 (cold)咖 啡(coffee) 离 开 (left)了(particle) 杯(cup) 垫(cushion/mat)

我 忍 住 的 情 绪 在 很 后 面, 拼 命 想 挽 回 的 从 前
wǒ rěn zhù de qíng xù zài hěn hòu miàn, pīn mìng xiǎng wǎn huí de cóng qián
I restrained my emotions and at the end (I) desperately wanted to pull back the past.

我(I) 忍 住(restrain/hold back) 的(connecting particle) 情 绪(emotion) 在(at/in) 很(very) 后 (back)面(side)拼 命(desperately) 想(want to) 挽 回(bring back) 的(connecting particle) 从 前(past)

在 我 脸 上 依 旧 清 晰 可 见, 最 美 的 不 是 下 雨 天
zài wǒ liǎn shàng yī jiù qīng xī kě jiàn, zuì měi de -bu- shì xià yǔ tiān
On my face, still clearly visible, the most beautiful was not raining days.

在(on) 我(my) 脸 上(face) 依 旧(still) 清 晰 (clear)可(able) 见(see)最(the most) 美 (beautiful)的(connecting particle) 不(not) 是(is) 下(fall) 雨 (rain)天(day)

是 曾 与 你 躲 过 雨 的 屋 檐
shì zēng yú nǐ duǒ guò yǔ de wū yán
It was the eaves that you and I used to hide under from the rains

是(is) 曾(once/before) 与(with) 你(you) 躲(hide) 过(past tense marker) 雨(rains) 的(connecting particle) 屋(room/house) 檐(eaves)

回 忆 的 画 面
huí yì de huà miàn
The image of the memories

回 忆(memories/recall) 的(connecting particle) 画 面(pictures/image)

在 荡 著 秋 千 梦 开 始 不 甜
zài dàng zhù qiū qiān mèng kāi shǐ -bu- tián
At the time of swinging on the swing, the dream started to be not sweet.

在(at) 荡(to swing) 著(particle after verb) 秋 千(swing) 梦(dream) 开 始(start) 不 (not) 甜(sweet)

你 说 把 爱 渐 渐 放 下 会 走 更 远
nǐ shuō bǎ ài jiān jiān fàng xià huì zǒu gēng yuǎn
You said to gradually put down the love, would make it able to walk more faraway.

你 (you)说(say) 把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object) 爱(love) 渐 渐(gradually) 放(put) 下(down) 会(will) 走(go) 更(more) 远(faraway)

又 何 必 去 改 变 你 走 过 的 时 间
yòu hé bì qù gǎi biàn nǐ zǒu guò de shí jiān
Then, why have to change the time you have walked.
又(why) 何 必(have to) 去(to) 改 变(change) 你(you) 走(walk) 过(particle show past experience) 的(connecting particle) 时 间(time)

你 用 你 的 指 尖
nǐ yòng nǐ de zhǐ jiān
You used your tip of finger.

你(you) 用(use) 你的(your) 指(finger) 尖(tip)

阻止 我 说 再 见
To prevent me from saying goodbyes.
zǔ zhǐ wǒ shuō zài jiàn

阻止 (to prevent) 我 (me)说(say) 再 见(goodbye)

想 像 你 在 身 边 才 完 全 失 去 之 前
xiǎng xiàng nǐ zài shēn biān cái wán quán shī qù zhī qián
I imagined that before I completely lost you, you were just by my side.

想 像(imagine) 你(you) 在(by) 身(body) 边 (side)才(just) 完 全(totally/completely) 失 去(lose) 之 前(before)

你 说 把 爱 渐 渐 放 下 会 走 更 远
nǐ shuō bǎ ài jiān jiān fàng xià huì zǒu gēng yuǎn
You said to gradually put down the love, would make it able to walk more faraway.

你 (you)说(say) 把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object) 爱(love) 渐 渐(gradually) 放(put) 下(down) 会(will) 走(go) 更(more) 远(faraway)

或 许 命 运 的 签 只 让 我 们 遇 见
huò xǔ mìng yùn de qiān zhǐ ràng wǒ men yù jiàn
Perhaps, the inscribed bamboo stick only let us meet each other.

或 许(perhaps) 命 运(fate) 的 (connecting particle)签 (inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination)只(only) 让(let) 我 们(us) 遇 见(meet)

只 让 我 们 相 恋
zhǐ ràng wǒ men xiāng liàn
Only let us love each other.
只(just) 让(let) 我 们(us) 相(each other) 恋(love)

这 一 季 的 秋 天
zhè -yi- jì de qiū tiān
This one season’s autumn.

这 (this)一(one) 季 (season)的 (connecting particle)秋 天(autumn)

飘 落 后 才 发 现 这 幸 福 的 碎 片
piāo là hòu cái fā xiàn zhè xìng fú de suì piān
After drifting down then I discovered the pieces of happiness.

飘(float) 落(down) 后(after) 才(then) 发 现(discover) 这 (this)幸 福(happiness) 的 (connecting particle)碎(broken) 片(pieces)

要 我 怎 么 捡
yào wǒ zěn má jiǎn
How am I going to pick them up?

要 (going to (as future auxiliary) )我(me) 怎 么(how to) 捡(pick up)

Translated and annotated by Shu

Jay Chou, Zhou Jielun biography
周杰倫 (Simplified: 周杰伦; Pinyin: Zhōu Jiélún; English: Jay Chou) is a popular Taiwanese musician whose music focuses primarily on R&B, rap, and ballads. He was born January 18, 1979 in Taipei, Taiwan and raised in 林口 Linkou, Taiwan. He is known for his innovative combination of both Western and Chinese music styles in order to produce a fresh sound that is quite unlike what is produced in mainstream Chinese pop, and also unique lyrics which touch on various issues. His unique sound has gained enormous recognition throughout Asia, most notably Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Japan, as well as amongst the Chinese diaspora in the West. Apparently showing sensitivity to music even as a baby, his mother took him to piano lessons at the age of 4. During his childhood, he became fascinated with capturing sounds and songs with his tape recorder which he carried everywhere with him. In the third grade, he became interested in music theory and also started cello lessons. As an only child, he enjoyed being the family’s center of attention; he loved to play piano, impersonate TV actors, and perform magic tricks. His parents divorced when he was 14; as a result, he became reclusive and introverted. Although he had friends, he often preferred to be alone listening to music, contemplating and daydreaming. At Danjiang Senior High School, he majored in piano and minored in cello. He showed talent for improvisation, became fond of pop music and began to write songs. He graduated from high school with inadequate grades for university, so he prepared for military service, which is compulsory for all Taiwanese men at the age of 18. However, a sports injury triggered by unexplainable and severe back pain eventually led to the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis, a hereditary spine inflammation disease; as a result, he was exempted from conscription. Meanwhile, he found himself a job as a waiter. Without his knowing, his friend had entered both their names in a talent show called “Super New Talent King”. Chou played the piano accompaniment for his friend, whose singing was described as “lousy”. Although they did not win, the show’s host Jacky Wu – an influential character in Taiwan’s entertainment business – happened to glance at Chou’s music score and was impressed with the complexity. Wu hired him as a contract composer, paired him with the novice lyricist Vincent Fang. Over the next two years he wrote songs for Chinese pop artists, learned recording and sound mixing; his dedication was apparent as he even slept in the music studio. There were no plans to make him a singer because his mentor Wu thought he was too shy and not good-looking.
Continue the reading at:http://www.playityet.com/artists/jay-zhou-jie-lun/about

Jay Chou quotes:

“It really came as a surprise. I’m really happy and the award really means a lot to me. For a moment, I felt like my soul got separated from my body. And it was my spirit that went on stage to receive the award while my body was still in the seat.”

“Jet Li used kung fu to break into foreign markets, Hollywood. I hope my music can do the same thing.”

Secret By Jay Chou Full Movie

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