创造回忆 Chuangzao huiyi Create memories 2018 Meteor Garden OST:pinyin 拼音, lyrics 歌词 and English translation 英文翻译


Chuàngzào huíyì

Create memories

王鹤棣 & 官鸿 & 梁靖康 & 吴希泽

Wáng Hèdì (Dylan Wang) & Guān Hóng (Darren Chen) & Liáng Jìngkāng (Connor Leong) & Wú Xīzé (Caesar Wu)

2018 Meteor Garden TV drama series song
2018 电视剧 流星花园 插曲


Qiān nǐ de shǒu nìfēng ér xíng

Hold your hand and go against the wind



méi wǒ yǔnxǔ shéi gǎn dòng nǐ

Without my permission, who dares to move you



Nà quánsuō zài wàitào lǐ de hūxī

That coiling breathing in the jacket

那(that)蜷缩(coil)在(in)外套(jacket)里(within)的(connecting particle)呼吸(breathing)


tīng dé jiàn chéngnuò de kěndìng jù

Able to hear the affirmative sentence of promise

听得见(able to hear)承诺(promise)的(connecting particle)肯定(affirmative)句(sentence)


Wúfǎ guāncè nǐ de yèlǐ

The nights that were unable to observe you

无法(not able to)观测(to observe)你(you)的(connecting particle)夜(night)里(within)


yǒu láizì yǔzhòu de xùnxí

There were messages from the universe

有(have)来自(come from)宇宙(universe)的(connecting particle)讯息(message)

接收每道 深爱过的轨迹

Jiēshōu měi dào shēn àiguò de guǐjī

Received each deeply loved track

接收(receive)每(each)道 (track)深(deeply)爱(love)过(past tense particle)的(connecting particle)轨迹(track)


wǒmen zhī jiān jiù méiyǒu záyīn

There is no noise between us

我们(we)之(connecting particle)间(between)就(exactly/just )没有(no)杂音(noise)


Liúxīngyǔ zài yīcì chuàngzào huíyì

Meteor shower again creates memories



shìjiè yǒu nǐ wǒ jiù wúfǎ pànnì

I can’t be rebellious when the world has you


那再微弱的忧郁 都深深影响了我

nà zài wéiruò de yōuyù dōu shēn shēn yǐngxiǎngle wǒ

No matter how faint the melancholy is, it all could deeply affect me

那(that)再(no matter how)微弱(faint/weak)的(connecting particle)忧郁(melancholy) 都(all)深深(deeply)影响(affect)了(past tense particle)我(me)

勇气的范围 以你为中心

yǒngqì de fànwéi yǐ nǐ wéi zhōngxīn

The scope of courage is centered on you

勇气(courage)的(connecting particle)范围 (scope)以(use)你(you)为(as)中心(center)


liúxīngyǔ zài yīcì chuàngzào huíyì

Meteor shower again creates memories



ài yīgè rén nǎ xūyào dà dàolǐ

How could loving a person needs a big reason

爱(love)一(0ne)个(measure word)人(person)哪需(how)要(want)大(big)道理(reason)

只要和你在一起 我敢大胆定义

zhǐyào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ wǒ gǎn dàdǎn dìngyì

As long as being with you, I dare to boldly define it

只要(as long as)和(and)你(you)在一起(together) 我(I)敢(dare)大胆(boldly)定义(define)

幸福是什么 快乐又是什么

xìngfú shì shénme kuàilè yòu shì shénme

What is happiness; also what is happy

幸福(happiness)是(is)什么(what) 快乐(happy)又(also)是(is)什么(what)


dá’àn zài zhèlǐ

The answer is here


Music …..


Méiyǒu guòqù méiyǒu wèilái xīn li yǒu shuō bu chū de píngjìng

There is no past, no future



cǐkè shǒu lǐ zhǐ wò jǐn nǐ

At this moment, only clench your (hands) tightly


看着天空 正飞过的群星

kànzhe tiānkōng zhèng fēiguò de qúnxīng

Watching the flying constellations

看(see)着(v+ing)天空(sky) 正(v+ing)飞(fly)过(past tense particle)的(connecting particle)群(group)星(star)


xīn li yǒu shuō bu chū de píngjìng

In the heart, there is an indescribable peacefulness

心(heart)里(within)有(has)说不出(not able to express)的(connecting particle)平静(peacefulness)


Liúxīngyǔ zài yīcì chuàngzào huíyì

Meteor shower again creates memories



shìjiè yǒu nǐ wǒ jiù wúfǎ pànnì

I can’t be rebellious when the world has you


那再微弱的忧郁 都深深影响了我

nà zài wéiruò de yōuyù dōu shēn shēn yǐngxiǎngle wǒ

No matter how faint the melancholy is, it all could deeply affect me

那(that)再(no matter how)微弱(faint/weak)的(connecting particle)忧郁(melancholy) 都(all)深深(deeply)影响(affect)了(past tense particle)我(me)

勇气的范围 以你为中心

yǒngqì de fànwéi yǐ nǐ wéi zhōngxīn

The scope of courage is centered on you

勇气(courage)的(connecting particle)范围 (scope)以(use)你(you)为(as)中心(center)


liúxīngyǔ zài yīcì chuàngzào huíyì

Meteor shower again creates memories



ài yīgè rén nǎ xūyào dà dàolǐ

How could loving a person needs a big reason

爱(love)一(0ne)个(measure word)人(person)哪需(how)要(want)大(big)道理(reason)

只要和你在一起 我敢大胆定义

zhǐyào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ wǒ gǎn dàdǎn dìngyì

As long as being with you, I dare to boldly define it

只要(as long as)和(and)你(you)在一起(together) 我(I)敢(dare)大胆(boldly)定义(define)

幸福是什么 快乐又是什么

xìngfú shì shénme kuàilè yòu shì shénme

What is happiness; also what is happy

幸福(happiness)是(is)什么(what) 快乐(happy)又(also)是(is)什么(what)

用全世界 的灯火

Yòng quán shìjiè de dēnghuǒ

Use all the world’s lights

用(use)全(all)世界(world) 的(connecting particle)灯火(lights)


huàn yīgè yǒu nǐ de rìluò

To exchange a sunset that has you (in it)

换(exchange)一(one)个(measure word)有(has)你(you)的(connecting particle)日落(sunset)

我曾一意孤行 直到遇见了你

Wǒ céng yīyìgūxíng zhídào yùjiànle nǐ

I once insisted on my own way until I met you

我(I)曾(once)一意孤行(obstinately clinging to one’s course (idiom) 直到(until)遇见(meet)了(past tense particle)你(you)


wǒ cáixuézhe bù hé zìjǐ wèi dí

Then I learned not to be an enemy of myself

我(I)才(then)学(learn)着(v+ing)不(not)和(and)自己(self)为(to be)敌(enemy)


Liúxīngyǔ zài yīcì chuàngzào huíyì

Meteor shower again creates memories



shìjiè yǒu nǐ wǒ jiù wúfǎ pànnì

I can’t be rebellious when the world has you


那再微弱的忧郁 都深深影响了我

nà zài wéiruò de yōuyù dōu shēn shēn yǐngxiǎngle wǒ

No matter how faint the melancholy is, it all could deeply affect me

那(that)再(no matter how)微弱(faint/weak)的(connecting particle)忧郁(melancholy) 都(all)深深(deeply)影响(affect)了(past tense particle)我(me)

勇气的范围 以你为中心

yǒngqì de fànwéi yǐ nǐ wéi zhōngxīn

The scope of courage is centered on you

勇气(courage)的(connecting particle)范围 (scope)以(use)你(you)为(as)中心(center)


liúxīngyǔ zài yīcì chuàngzào huíyì

Meteor shower again creates memories



ài yīgè rén nǎ xūyào dà dàolǐ

How could loving a person needs a big reason

爱(love)一(0ne)个(measure word)人(person)哪需(how)要(want)大(big)道理(reason)

只要和你在一起 我敢大胆定义

zhǐyào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ wǒ gǎn dàdǎn dìngyì

As long as being with you, I dare to boldly define it

只要(as long as)和(and)你(you)在一起(together) 我(I)敢(dare)大胆(boldly)定义(define)

幸福是什么 快乐又是什么

xìngfú shì shénme kuàilè yòu shì shénme

What is happiness; also what is happy

幸福(happiness)是(is)什么(what) 快乐(happy)又(also)是(is)什么(what)


dá’àn zài zhèlǐ

The answer is here


Translated by Shu

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