A-Mei 2014 new song 张惠妹 Zhang Hui-mei 三月 San Yue March: lyrics, pinyin, English translation

a MEI [三月MARCH] 官方official HD MV

A MEI [三月MARCH]官方歌詞版MV


Sān Yuè

sānyuè guòqu le hǎojǐ zhōu
March has gone away for quite a few weeks.

三月(march)过去(to pass by)了(past tense marker)好几(several / quite a few )周(week)

shìjiè kāishǐ yǒudiǎn rè
The world starts to feel a bit of hot.

世界(world)开始(start)有(have)点(a bit)热(hot)

cān bú tòu de nàzhǒng nánguò
That kind sadness that can’t be figured out

参不透(not able to figure out)的(connecting particle)那(that)种(kind)难过(sadness)

hūrán juéde méishénme
Suddenly (I) feel it doesn’t matter.

忽然(suddenly)觉得(feel)没什么(It doesn’t matter)

我的梦 好多
wǒ de mèng hǎoduō
My dreams, a lot

我的(my)梦(dream) 好多( quite a lot)

我很好 你呢
wǒ hěn hǎo nǐ ne
I am very well, and you?

我(I)很(very)好(good) 你呢(and you?)

liǎng fēnzhōng zhīhòu jiù yào tiānliàng le
After two minutes, the sky is going to brighten up.

两(two)分钟(minutes)之后(after)就(then)要(going to)天(sky)亮(brighten)了(sentence final particle)

jǐ fēnzhōng zhīhòu wǒ yě gāi wàng le
After a few minutes, I also should forget about it

几(a few)分钟(minutes)之后(after)我(I)也(also)该(should)忘(forget)了(particle)

xiǎngniàn ài méishénme yòng dāng sānyuè guòqu le
There is no use to miss love, when March has gone away.

想念(miss)爱(love)没什么(doesn’t matter)用(use)当(when)三月(March)过去(pass by)了(past tense marker)

时间会走 我不走
shíjiān huì zǒu wǒ bù zǒu
Time will go, but I won’t go.

时间(time)会(will)走(go) 我(I)不(not)走(go)

Humming ..

liǎng gèrén shuō fēnshǒu yǐhòu
After two people said breaking up.

两(two)个(measure word)人(people)说(say)分手(break up)以后(after)

shíjiān biànde mànmàn de
Time became slow.

时间(time)变(become)得(particle after a verb, before complement)慢慢(slow)的(particle)

hěn jiǔ hòu de yí gè wǔhòu
One afternoon long long time after

很(very)久(long)后(after)的(connecting particle)一(one)个(measure word)午后(afternoon)

zhōngyú kěyǐ hěn kuàilè
Finally able to be very happy.

终于(finally)可以(able to)很(very)快乐(happy)

我猜我 好了
wǒ cāi wǒ hǎo le
I guess, I become well.

我(I)猜(guess)我(I) 好(to become well)了(particle)

我可以 笑了
wǒ kěyǐ xiào le
I am able to laugh.

我(I)可以(able to) 笑(laugh)了(particle)

liǎng nián hòu de nǐ tīngshuō luòpò le
Two years later I heard that you are down and out.

两(two)年(year)后(after)的(connecting particle)你(you)听说(heard)落魄(down and out / in dire straits )了(particle)

jǐnián hòu de wǒ shìfǒu xìngfú le
Whether or not I get happiness after a few years

几(a few)年(year)后(after)的(connecting particle)我(I)是否(whether or not)幸福(happiness)了(particle)

kěnéng ài tíng zài fēng zhòngdì sānyuè guòqu le
Probably the March of love stopping in wind, has gone away.

可能(probably)爱(love)停(stop)在(in)风(wind)中(within)的(connecting particle)三月(March)过去(pass)了(particle)

别人都懂 我不懂
biéren dōu dǒng wǒ bù dǒng
Other people all understand, (but) I don’t understand

别(other)人(people)都(all)懂(understand) 我(I)不(not)懂(understand)

wǒmen yòngxīn jiāohuàn àiqíng ér jìmò
We used hearts to exchange love, yet became lonely.

我们(we)用(use)心(heart)交换(exchange)爱情(love)而((indicates causal relation)寂寞(lonely)

We were together experiencing hardship due to love.
wǒmen yìqǐ yīnwèi àiqíng xīnkǔ zhe

我们(we)一起(together)因为(because)爱情(love)辛苦(exhaust/to experience hardship)着(aspect particle indicating action in progress )

liǎng gèrén de nàshíhou suí sānyuè guòqu le
That time of two people, following March, has gone away.

两(two)个(measure word)人(people)的(connecting particle)那(that)时候(time)随(follow)三月(march)过去(pass)了(particle)

总有一个 会记得
zǒngyǒu yí gè huì jìde
Inevitably one person will remember it.

总有(inevitably there will be )一(one)个(measure word) 会(will)记得(remember)

Woo ….

Translated by Shu

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